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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 05:38 PM

If they have the experiences then they are the proof.

How so? thats a first.

Let Sleeper talk and the people that don't want to or just do not believe not become involved in the thread. Many here have asked for this why can't we have some respect.

You know, i have been a member for a while now, and have pretty much stayed out of those threads, and hey those threads have been around a long time, so its not like Ive just noticed, alot of members here have mentioned something along these lines too, at some stage.

All I'm saying is post it in skunk works, but like another member said, you feel you wont get as much attention if you post in there, which is probably true.

Ive posted in there a few times, its a good topic, its still conspiracy.

[edit on 12-1-2007 by Denied]

[edit on 12-1-2007 by Denied]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by observe50
If they have the experiences then they are the proof.

How many years (more like decades) do we have to tell you. All the ones that think they are so brave and think they are ready for contact all I can say is HA! I doubt it.

Hi 50,

They will be known by their fear; a few words are worth a thousand pictures---hence how many pictures have been debunked---every single one of them---but words and experiences are not so easily discredited ---lol:

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 05:49 PM

a few words are worth a thousand pictures

A picture is worth a thousand words, you got the thousand words, but no picture.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
Isn’t this a great country, we are free to share our ideas, theories, and personal experiences.

Which country would that be? This happens to be
(sorry i coudn't resist considering all the drama here lately)

Actually, sleeper, you're exactly right.

This site IS a place you can do all of that and more as long as you abide by the TAC, which I have to say you've done an EXCELLENT job of over the years sleeper...

Unfortunately (depending on which side of the "discovery/disclosure" argument you're on) it seems like an epidemic of social grace disorder has infected many in the "field" of Ufology. I've never seen such a collection of rude, snide, bitter, whining wannabes in my life.

There seems to be a new surge in people trying to ride on your coattails again as well.
Do me a favor will ya? Teach them how to be civil and simply handle their business without all the drama and whining.

Now to the matter at hand, when does the "Coming Clean" bit start? I see two pages of talking about it but, unless I am missing it, I don't see any revelations here.

In the interest of site organization and fairness to the Membership the "meat and potatoes" needs to hit the table here soon or this thread is going to go chit chat since all I see happening here is people chatting about coming clean.

I truly hope you do carry on sleeper and if anyone gives you guff that violates the TAC you know how to u2u me.


[edit on 1-12-2007 by Springer]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 05:57 PM

I've never seen such a collection of rude, snide, bitter, whining wannabes in my life.

I wasn't rude, snide, i don't think I'm the only one that feels this way.
Just think it needs a little back up with something.

[edit on 12-1-2007 by Denied]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:00 PM

The inferences made are that there are entities called "aliens". The truth is that We are all Us.

Further, there is a statement claiming the Wright Brothers to Be extra-terrestrials.

Elaboration please.


posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:17 PM
If we posted in there then this section would become worthless because it is we that make this area interesting.

I think it is an insult to be told to go to the skunk works the title alone is smelly.

I will stay in this location until Springer or one of the others throw me out because I believe one day you will get wake up and we can have an adult conversation about this.

I am starting to believe that many just come here looking for an argument to relieve there stress and cause problems.

You have no idea what you are dealing with here and my best advice would be appreciate that you aren't involved yet, for one day your day just might come.

Actually as I think about it ..... it might be interesting to see you trying to share what happened to you and all the people here mocking you.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Denied

I've never seen such a collection of rude, snide, bitter, whining wannabes in my life.

I wasn't rude, snide, i don't think I'm the only one that feels this way.
Just think it needs a little back up with something.

[edit on 12-1-2007 by Denied]

While I can't imagine why you thought I was talking about you let me clarify that I was NOT.


posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:19 PM

If we posted in there then this section would become worthless because it is we that make this area interesting.

Who is "we"?

Its about all of us, somehow you dont like what i say?

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:23 PM

While I can't imagine why you thought I was talking about you let me clarify that I was NOT.

Cool...Coz im getting slack, for wanting more than "beliefs"
Skunk works is for imaginative ideas no? so why is sleeper and co persisting in posting in serious UFO discussion?

With nothing to show....

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by observe50
If we posted in there then this section would become worthless because it is we that make this area interesting.

Really? That's odd. I could've sworn I was MUCH MORE interested in the awesome research done by our astute members into the bizarre occurrences and situations this strange genre has produced over the years.

Skunkworks is where wild and not so wild theories that have no "back up" belong.

"Personal experiences" with no back up may start going there too. We are reviewing that situation currently. When we decide what we're going to do there will be an announcement in the BB&Q forum.


posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:32 PM

Mahatma Gandhi
First, they ignore. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.

Well, this is quite my feeling at the moment.
Sleeper, please keep on, actually, the more they fight you, the stronger you will be.

I also seen the talks/attempts to compartmentalise the UFO subject. Notice the word i used, not innocent. Divide to conquer.

When it comes to ETs you just know you can't allways come cry asking for proofs. The day we will have that undeniable proof, it will be all over the medias, that s why reasonable people don't come here for that damn proof.
It's also a place to discuss experiences and theories.

I can quite see how the split you want would look like : a scientific section where everything will be dismissed for lack of proof or heavy technoblabla, and another for theories where everything will be laughed at, called lunatic/delusionnal.

People complain about the havoc in these threads, like the one that's been taking place for 3 pages, but my opinion is that skeptics get more warnings/bans than the people coming forward presenting stuff, hence that talk to split the UFO section for the "morality service" to have an easier job.

Last polls keep on showing an evergrowing number of believers, the UFO section of this forum is of great value to a lot of people. Some might be desperate to reverse the trends but hey...

Let people tell what they want to,
Let the mods do whatever they feel necessary,
Let me chose on my own what to read, consider, believe or not.
If something doesn't please you, then who the hell are you to try and silence people.
I have a right to read what sleeper or others have to say, and then i'll make my mind about it alone.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:49 PM
My problem with this is that everyone always demands proof, and there are tons of pictures and videos that anyone can find out there. They could be hoaxes, but I seriously doubt that the countless thousands of pics and videos are all debunkable or photoshopped. There are also a great deal of UFO/alien stories from people in high positions that would appear to be credible whitnesses. Yet everyone demands proof. What would it take to prove 100%, with out a doubt, that UFOs are real? It's not a reasonable request to demand that a handfull of people sharing these stories provide proof for the skeptics out there. Do you think they have an alien ship in the basement that they could toss on a flat bed truck and drive around, just to prove their story? Imagine if they did....they'd still get the same reaction: disbelief. I'm not saying that this theory/story or whatever you want to call it is false or true. I just want to point out that proof in this case is next to impossible for the posters of these stories, so stop demanding it. Just read the thread and take from it what you will, while being mature and civilized about it.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:57 PM
I agree with Reality Hurts to a certain degree.

But it is much easier for those that are aware of these things to talk freely about their experiences/ideas than someone with little mass on the subject.

There are normally varying degrees of misinformation even from those you might deem credible, and with that said I do not mean to imply the one you deem as credible knows they are spreading misinformation.

My take on ET is that any problem we encounter here, they also encounter to a certain degree. We are all spirits in bodies, not the other way around. And for most, none of real solutions that will work to bring change for the negative condition most beings are in.

To touch back on the previous statements, those that aren't aware need to sort out between evey story and figure out what they agree with.

As for the decent skeptics, keep searching what fits into your reality.

For the idiot skeptics... ignore them. You will know when you encounter one- don't let them get to you. Probed has an entire thread where is saying he is totally at effect to all these nasty individuals- this shouldn't be the case. The ET might have visited him, but ET doesn't even have solutions for nasty people (other than send them here... lol jk... not really).

Earth the "forgotten" prison planet... it's a mishmosh of trash, criminals, awesome people, and etc. We all have different ideas, all have different timeframes (some don't know when they are), different realities... there is bound to be a conflict. On top of that, do you know how many ET races there are/have been? If we are all decendents by spirit, in that we've lived countless lives in other bodies, do you know how much of a collective memory we've accumulated with no real solution (there is a solution now--> Link Signature) to sort it out once we are born?

The world is massive, and is a beautiful place. So are the stars, and other worlds. Don't EVER feel it's for nothing or boring or stupid. Life is in you, if it's ever been in you before, it can be there again. Think of the best time you've ever experienced... someone right now is experiencing that same emotion. Remember this.

The more you grow, the more you learn, the more you will figure out- and I wish you good luck.

p.s. Sleeper someone stated above you are going through a hard time? I don't believe that
But again, you know my take how to not be effected by the nasties!

[edit on 12-1-2007 by jaguarmike]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:04 PM
If We can all learn to stop with the name calling We can come together again as the family of Humanity and of consciousness. We all have Our perfect problems and We all have Our miss understandings, learning to accept this and working together will Be Us in a state of connected awareness. If We begin reacting off of pure emotion and lack the ability of disecting content, then We will rapidly spiral into character based hatred and judgement. We cannot afford to sacrifice patience for upheaval, this is exactly what will occur, this is what is occuring. To remain patient and calm at all times, in all instances, and learn to hear one another out with a careful overview of information followed by honest questioning of that information would help tremendously. Degrading discussions and peoples to name calling is mental and self abuse of this website and Humanity. There is no merit in this behaviour either by staff or members. What we focus on will multiply, so let Us all keep this in mind while typing. Take time to care fully look over thoughts and words and Be proud of achievements without abusing "status", Because the content of OUR achievements are shared.

Being patient, calm, and receptive to the differences of perception will allow a togetherness to thrive. This promotes an un-stress-full environment of and for balanced growth.

Though freedom of opinion constitutes a privilage to Be demeaning and condescending, it may Be less allowing to the opportunity of and for desirable replies, results, and/or progress. The nature of this behavior is much less conducive to conscious evolution than that of a "positive" and "supportive" attitude

[edit on 12-1-2007 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:11 PM
That's great advice. ATS should be a place of growth and guidance, not of suppression and violence.

We've got a far way to go- I believe a new policy should be put into ATS that troll behavior extends to suppression.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:18 PM
Why don't we just ban people that have a different opinion, higher intellegence and stricter criteria than the 3 infamous contactees that have contributed 200 pages with not one verifiable fact. Oh wait, what happened to Thucydides?

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:23 PM
Sleeper, I don't want to be intrusive or anything, but from reading your posts in previous threads your experience and correlating this with my own study, what you've experienced is not an illusion and I know you understand that, since I am new to the boards (

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:23 PM

I am interested in reading what you have to say. I would appreciate it if you would share what you have knowledge of for I do trust and have faith in you.

I am wrong, I assumed that this forum was for people who had experiences dealing with UFO's and Alien's but it seems Springer pointed out our "word" is not good enough.

I edited my post to take out my own nasty smart remarks that were not called for.

[edit on 12-1-2007 by observe50]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Springer
Now to the matter at hand, when does the "Coming Clean" bit start? I see two pages of talking about it but, unless I am missing it, I don't see any revelations here.

Hi Springer,

I plan to share bits of my story in the blog, which I am working on but have been replying to this thread and u2us.

But again I’m sharing my experiences and nothing more, until or unless the figments of my imagination---ET---tell me otherwise---

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