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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 05:24 PM
Hi sleeper,

How do ET's get around on their planets?

In Star Wars, you see flying vehicles traveling on invisible highways and the like. Is it anything like that?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:04 PM
Hey Sleeper,

As Dorothy said talking to a dog: " I guess we're not in Kansas"...well, cousin, we are here experiencing this earth reality--illusion?.

Is the human entity totally different from the other entities out there?

Are these different entities connected only because we play off each other?

Did some of our "almost no mistake Ets" make a mistake on us earthlings?

Are they trying to fix it/us?

If there are opposing ET sides (the definition of human existance) which side do we choose to go for, or do we just play the cog in the ant farm machine--for now?

Ya, know, when you finally let go and take the integrity ride seriously, the above questions just arise out of know where.

The conditioned suffering experience based sub-conscious behavior still has me wondering--it's so negative...Why?

Thanks Sleeperman

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by b309302
While I do believe in UFO's, I do not believe this. So ET developed the car, nd the plane? Ummmm... There is a long documented history of human ingunity that proves it wasn't "invented", it was the next step in the evolution of the machine. Cars and planes didn't just appear. Actually neither did any of our technology. All of our technology has traceable roots. No one went "poof" heres a integrated circuit. It has a traceable history and evolution. ET didn't invent it...sorry.

Everything we have now existed thousands of years ago somewhere in this solar system and certainly on millions of planets in this galaxy----the things we will invent tomorrow and a hundred years from now already exist---somewhere.

Out progression of invention is nothing more than a child learning their ABCs for the first time---and perhaps some of them think they are the first to do so.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
Everything we have now existed thousands of years ago somewhere in this solar system and certainly on millions of planets in this galaxy----the things we will invent tomorrow and a hundred years from now already exist---somewhere.

No doubt about that one. Though, I'd personally expand that to include the universe as well.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by GeeGee
Hi sleeper,

How do ET's get around on their planets?

In Star Wars, you see flying vehicles traveling on invisible highways and the like. Is it anything like that?

Hi Gee,

Like I described in the blog, plus every conceivable method is used on various planets and star systems. But entities like Milton can use whatever public transportation is available or simply use their dimension jumping capabilities

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by muse801
Hey Sleeper,

As Dorothy said talking to a dog: " I guess we're not in Kansas"...well, cousin, we are here experiencing this earth reality--illusion?.

Hi muse,

I live near Kansas, only a few miles away---they tried to build “The land of Oz” theme park a few years ago and the developers where nearly tarred and feathered and run out of town. And I was looking forward to that park being built because my children loved the Wizard of Oz and so do I---

Is the human entity totally different from the other entities out there?

The human model is prevalent in the universe

Are these different entities connected only because we play off each other?

We have nothing to do with the “why” of the multitude of entities that exist all around us. Earth is simply one of billions of similar planets in the sea of one galaxy filled with every kind of sea creature unimaginable.

Did some of our "almost no mistake Ets" make a mistake on us earthlings?

Don’t we wish, then we could blame them for our goofy lives---
---well, we can blame them but it will not fly.

Are they trying to fix it/us?

Nope, it wasn’t them that spilt the milk

If there are opposing ET sides (the definition of human existance) which side do we choose to go for, or do we just play the cog in the ant farm machine--for now?

Some of us would like to believe that all we need is a good honest leader and then everything will be peachy king.

Good leaders will make our comfort zone more comfortable but not much else. When each of us get up from the table in this slop house of a restaurant called earth, complaining about the crappy service and lousy food will not lessen the bill. We will get presented with the bill---due and payable in full---else we go back in the kitchen and wash the dishes---no getting pass the bouncer

The conditioned suffering experience based sub-conscious behavior still has me wondering--it's so negative...Why?
Thanks Sleeperman

That’s what we are here to find out

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
Some of us would like to believe that all we need is a good honest leader and then everything will be peachy king.

Good leaders will make our comfort zone more comfortable but not much else. When each of us get up from the table in this slop house of a restaurant called earth, complaining about the crappy service and lousy food will not lessen the bill. We will get presented with the bill---due and payable in full---else we go back in the kitchen and wash the dishes---no getting pass the bouncer

Hello Sleeper.

Thanks for the comments.

Personally, I would prefer to have good honest leaders in our governments, instead of the degenerates that are running things now. I'm sure most other decent folks would too.

The lessons folks need to learn in this life come mostly through hardship and suffering, and there is plenty of that to go around. And despite how good we do in this life, progression to higher levels of existence is extremely arduous and very very slow indeed. We should relish our existence whatever level it is on, so stop and smell the roses when they bloom.

Certainly every good deed might shorten our stay in the reincarnational wheel of life, as those who believe in reincarnation say. But you should realize that many folks are used to suffering in the service of others and are more than happy to endure whatever this world throws at us, in the very firm knowledge that our efforts are worth whatever misery we must endure.

Personally, I feel that folks shouldn't be in such a big hurry to escape from the harsh school of hard knocks. Remember, most folks who graduate from boot camp or college, etc., looking back, often remember those times as the best years of their lives. I often look back on what seemed at the time as a bad break, and have a good laugh having come past it. A bright future existence is all the sweeter when one can look back at the hideous past experiences that brings one out of the darkness and into the light.

Thanks again.

PS: To escape from suffering is not as important as learning your lessons well. So, one should be more concerned with the experiences which bring those lessons to fruition, much more so than simply escaping from any real or imagionary suffering.

[edit on 9/19/2007 by Rudolph_X]

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:58 AM
Indeed Rudolph at what point does the line get crossed between needless suffering and learning a valuable yet harsh lesson? Does the line ever get crossed?

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous Avatar
Indeed Rudolph at what point does the line get crossed between needless suffering and learning a valuable yet harsh lesson? Does the line ever get crossed?

Hello Anonymous Avatar.

Some say, "Suffering like everything else in this world is an illusion."

Perhaps it is more 'imagination' than suffering that causes the problem?

For example: If you painted a two foot wide strip from one side of the street to the other, it would be easy for you to cross the street while walking within the bounds of the two foot wide strip.

However, if you had a two foot wide strip or plank of wood extended from one roof top to another across the street, crossing from such a great height from one side of the street to the other would certainly cause you some great sense of despair. Why? Imagination. You imagine that you might fall and get splattered on the ground below. Specifically, it is imagination that creates the fear, combined with the false belief that your fears are real. It is the fear of suffering caused by false reasoning that is far worse than any suffering itself.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." -FDR

(I know that doesn't answer your question. Maybe Sleeper can answer it for you.)

Thanks again.

PS: But don't get me wrong. Even if suffering is just an illusion, it still hurts real bad, and believe me sometimes it gets even worse than one can bear. The pain... the horror of it... Most folk on Earth can't even really imaginge just how bad it can get. Right Sleeper? Hey, Sleeper, have you ever been tortured by an Alien? Now I'd bet that's a real pain in the...

[edit on 9/19/2007 by Rudolph_X]

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 03:07 AM
Hey Sleeper,

Ive been listening in to an interview of John Learby George Noori on coast to coast, found here for those of you interested -

Parts 1 -12, even thou part 6 is missing, the bit when John starts talking about the guy who hacked into the NASA computers, funny

Anyway, to the point of my post here, John mentions towards the end and Im sure many have read it too, that the Cold War was manufactured between Russia and USA to divert the public attention away from UFO's / aliens because it was gaining popularity in the 50's and the Roswell incident Im sure didnt help this out either.

That, and it was an excuse to spend heaps of 'weaponary' (read covert alien activity).

So my query to you Sleeper is this, if it worked so well last century, what are the chances this B.S "War on Terror" is just another 'cold war' of today manufactured to take the public attention away from alien/UFO phenomena and a reason to spend vast amounts on their covert "space programs" ?

Secondly, I was wondering why you dont go public on a televesion show or radio anonymously as"Sleeper" and tell more of the public out there of your experience and obtained knowledge?

Thirdly, what happened to the ATS member you mentioned earlier that was met by Milton thou didnt want to mention anything of it here? Do you have an update on that?

Why doesnt Milton contact more people from here to justify our beleifs and more importantly, why doesnt he appear somewhere really public and prominent?

Like at the Vatican when the pope is addressing the public, or within the UN General Assembly, or even right in the middle of the Chinese Olympic Games Ceremony, just to wake the rest of the world up?

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 03:11 AM
Ok comming clean on ETs I believe there is a high probablility that I am in some chair or jar on some alien ship or planet, and all these things we call life are their little experiments.

Sometimes I hope these typings reach you others in your little jars but I have to be honest I am only reading responces inputed by my captors to test my reactions.

As this post is meant to do, it is only from them to test you.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Rudolph_X
Personally, I would prefer to have good honest leaders in our governments, instead of the degenerates that are running things now. I'm sure most other decent folks would too.

Hi Rudolph,

Problem is we all have different opinions on who is a good and honest leader, or what makes such a leader.

Republican or Democrat, socialist, communist, or some other third party candidate

We usually make our selection based on what they promise to do for us “personally” and screw everything else.

Therefore those who wish to “rule” over us schmooze us with promises to wipe every nose, soothe every hurt and to protect us from all those other malicious frauds running for office---

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
Hey Sleeper,

Ive been listening in to an interview of John Learby George Noori on coast to coast, found here for those of you interested -

Parts 1 -12, even thou part 6 is missing, the bit when John starts talking about the guy who hacked into the NASA computers, funny

Anyway, to the point of my post here, John mentions towards the end and Im sure many have read it too, that the Cold War was manufactured between Russia and USA to divert the public attention away from UFO's / aliens because it was gaining popularity in the 50's and the Roswell incident Im sure didnt help this out either.

That, and it was an excuse to spend heaps of 'weaponary' (read covert alien activity).

Hi Melbourne,

The Cold war was real, the enemy was real, and life on earth would have changed dramatically for humans, concerning living standards and conditions had it went the other way.

We humans never really know what is going on and are told things that make sense to us in political jargon.

Most major wars are in fact fought by extraterrestrials via humans and countries.

So my query to you Sleeper is this, if it worked so well last century, what are the chances this B.S "War on Terror" is just another 'cold war' of today manufactured to take the public attention away from alien/UFO phenomena and a reason to spend vast amounts on their covert "space programs" ?

This is a real war against forces and principalities not of earth but certainly the bulk of humanity will be the beneficiaries or the victims depending on the outcome.

Secondly, I was wondering why you dont go public on a televesion show or radio anonymously as"Sleeper" and tell more of the public out there of your experience and obtained knowledge?

I’m barely tolerated on ATS----

Thirdly, what happened to the ATS member you mentioned earlier that was met by Milton thou didnt want to mention anything of it here? Do you have an update on that?

That’s for the member/s to disclose should they wish

Why doesnt Milton contact more people from here to justify our beleifs and more importantly, why doesnt he appear somewhere really public and prominent?

Like at the Vatican when the pope is addressing the public, or within the UN General Assembly, or even right in the middle of the Chinese Olympic Games Ceremony, just to wake the rest of the world up?

If Milton or any high up entity came out and presented themselves to the world—they would at that moment rule the world any way they wished.

The disruption would be catastrophic----world economies would collapse as people stopped working and going about their normal activities.

Life as we know it would end abruptly---few would survive the initial shock---few would survive the aftermath of 6.5 billion people derailed.

But the worst part for those unlucky humans who survived, they will witness a power struggle that would quickly erupte between the competing ETs that would get very nasty---while that played out humans would be thrown into the dark ages once more until some order was restored again perhaps centuries down the line.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

Thirdly, what happened to the ATS member you mentioned earlier that was met by Milton thou didnt want to mention anything of it here? Do you have an update on that?

That’s for the member/s to disclose should they wish

There was one member that was pretty active in both of these threads. One day all ATS activity from them stopped. I always had a gut feeling this was why. It would be great to hear from them but I don’t think we will.
Sleeper, can you share with us why contact was made or is that classified?

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 03:32 PM
Hello again, Sleeper! I've got another question for you.

You've mentioned several times, if I remember correctly, that some people are simply here on Earth as a vacation of sorts. This makes me ask: What is so special about earth that people would decide to spend their off time here? When you have off time, are you always allowed to choose where you go? Because if it were my choice, I would try to get somewhere that is... a little more habitable to everyone. There are certainly beautiful spots on this planet, but the situation we're in right now isn't exactly the best, and it's certainly never been a utopia. I guess comfort is in the eye of the beholder, but as it is right now, I, as an earthling who knows there are other greater civilizations out there, would want to spend my time elsewhere.

I suppose it's all about personal perspective, though. If I met someone from the "Planet X" on their way up while I was going down, they may give me the same review that I give of earth.

Anyways, thank-you for answering all my questions thus far, and I will continue to read this thread carefully, and inquisitively.

[edit on 19-9-2007 by OnionCloud]

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:51 PM
Hello Sleeper,

I'm still reading all of your posts. I'm glad you're still going. That's impressive -

I'm curious about how much outward influence ET had during early civilization (as we know it). I was reading a book on myths and legends. Early history of India has some interesting characters - blue skinned with magical properties. Were some of the ET's playing the part of gods or were they imbuing some mortals with special skills? Perhaps both, yes? Then what has changed the way ET interacts, collectively, from early history to the modern worldview?

Also, I've noticed the common answer from most sources for an ET public appearance has been mass chaos. I disagree with you on this one. I think public awareness has reached a point to where it is ready - at least very close to ready. More so than in years past. It seems fear is mostly doing the talking when it comes to this subject.

Thanks for your insight.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:56 PM
Hey Sleeper,

I love and re-read your responses to all of us--they pull out every emotion for me..from fear to playfulness.

Being a kick ass director type, this is a good thing...LOL

I know our on-line human communication language is inadequate at this point in explaining the imensity of the whole big picture.

That said, I am still picking up that hierarchical, almost usery feeling that entities are fighting over the direction of our earth evolution???

You have indicated to be careful with any subconscious work, and that most, if not all of our awareness is ET driven (minus our own individual learning to be done here--or not).

You have hinted that if we (earthlings) get "it" (love rather than hate/envy) we just might maybe get to do the next step. You are clear that "it" is a sort of pure, knowing, allowing, understanding, compassion, etc. on this plane and can be painful road to hoe for some.

This step toward this unconditional love for all people/places/things and most important--ourselves--is our earth job right now. Each of us has a different experience path, ie. from vacation to sheer hell--

AND, AND AND....we are only talking about one dimension out of many simultaneiously happening on earth...not to mention the Milkie way bars and Universal life insurances....Sheesh....

Just try and explain this thread to anyone and watch how quick there eyes glaze over and there minds run overtime trampling through you with current science, mathematics, astronomy, theology theories, all of which are as accurate as the current T.V. reality shows--insane--LOL!

Okay, so Sleeper, Lear, fellow ATS folks, our franchise on Pink attire and fashion Tin Foil habidashery has begun....LOL!

Sleeper, you use the word unimaginable----yep!


posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 07:57 PM
You've commented that 9-11 and the current "war on terrorism" actually involves outside entities. Do they manipulate directly or indirectly with people involved? Do the top ranked power brokers that are human know of this manipulation? Are they willing playing on both sides of this power struggle? It's scary to to think there is more at stake than most realize....

The other thing was that I saw a video that was very similar to many of the things you have to say. All put forward in a low tech and interesting way. I think you'll appreciate the perspective.

We're all a bunch of Monkeys

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by hiii_98
"Sleepers Abduction Story "

reads like a novel.... well actually LITERALLY like a novel. I hope he gets a book signing or movie deal from this excellent narrative example of science fiction. This doesnt read like someone expressing an experience, it reads like an author promoting his fantasy book. I took creative writing classes in college and wrote several similiar narratives myself (back then) with a similar script like style. This blog has convinced me that their is no reality behind anything Sleeper has claimed, however, my opinion/criticism aside, I would buy this book or a sequal to it, as i just spent 2 hours reading it, and loved it.

alittle inspiration from here perhaps?......

[edit on 13-1-2007 by hiii_98]


I read Sleeper's blog and I was HIGHLY entertained. But that is exactly it, I was ENTERTAINED. It is hardly an actual account of a real experience, but a story. It isn't really that hard to come to that conclusion. So many people on this board search for something to believe in so hard, they take whatever scraps they are thrown to digest.
This is simply a story. A well written screenplay of something produced from Sleeper's mind. Not a real account of Extraterrestrial encounter. I am not trying to discredit or slander Sleeper in any way, I absolutely enjoyed the blog, honestly. But from the random accounts of ET 'humor', the countless rediculous sex-scenes, the way the main character just "knew" the Gynecologist took the sample from his wife. and the unbelievable ease of the main character's reaction to actually being abducted, it is quite clear of Sleeper's intentions of promoting this work.

Well done, Sleeper. You should seriously consider becoming an author or something dealing with screenplay.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by tommyknockers
There was one member that was pretty active in both of these threads. One day all ATS activity from them stopped. I always had a gut feeling this was why. It would be great to hear from them but I don’t think we will.
Sleeper, can you share with us why contact was made or is that classified?

Contact is made often, the question is why some get to remember bits and pieces and others get zilch. I’ve tried to answer that in this thread, but for those who remember nothing no answer will suffice

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