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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:09 PM

Our knowledge---and that’s how most of us gage intellect, is but a tool that helps us do or achieve whatever it is we want from this life.
reply to post by sleeper

H Sleeper,
My job is diagnosing why things don't work or how they work sometimes and that's kind of where I see a lot of deficits in human abilities. Many people can recall a lot of facts but can't get from A to B in the thinking department. To me an intelligent individual could look at a machine, process or phenomaenen and compute how it works by combinations of thought processes. Perhaps a natural intuition could be involved also.
But a lot of what limits our improvement personally and limits our technical advancement is lack of ability in the thinking department. It keeps us where we are, limits us. It's like if God really wanted us to go to the stars he would have given us more intellect to do it with. As it is we spend a whole lot of time accomplishing very little! What's your take?

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
I’ve been watching some of the top presidential wanabees and I’m thinking definitely “recombinated”

Hello Sleeper.

Thanks for your comments.

I don't watch any 'political programs' or 'war mongering' fantasy specials on TV, etc., as I prefer the vastly more important and realistic programs like watching a baseball game or a golf tournament. And things like reading the local newspaper so you know what is going on in your own hometown, etc.

For folks interested in politics, my advice to voters is to vote for the candidate with the worst teeth. One of our greatest presidents, George Washington, didn't even have any teeth when he was made president. Think about it.

Thanks again.

[edit on 9/15/2007 by Rudolph_X]

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by sleeper

Originally posted by adica1
Thank you for your responses...Im sure you tire of answering the same questions over and over....your info on what happens on earth is so much more exciting than the reality presented to us mere mortals...makes they day more interesting...and where can I hire a humanoid souless worker to do some of the dirty work around my house like weedeating and changing the cat box...

Androids love that kind of work I’ll see what I can do---

If Milton visits arizona please le me know I would love to meet with him....I know some good mexican restuarants...

After I let him go to Vegas to visit with John he came back wearing a dress, so I don’t encourage his gallivanting around the country when he comes to visit me. But he loves Mexican food!

Is the earth heating up right now part of the stage....with a greater purpose down the road for man kind or is the sun just in a mood?

The sun is definitely in a mood---from all the hormones that were added to it in the past few months. ----Oh yes they do thinker with the sun.

There is a purpose for every situation they put us through---for those up for the challenge, and for those who aren't.

Also please elborate sometime on the real life vampires...sounds like fun and Holloween is approaching!

I can’t give away those details for awhile but they don’t live in caves---they live in cities and they don’t look anything like Dracula---and I’m not talking about the human wanabees---some of them can fly and do fly at night.

Im sure its scary stuff but your readers should know that we chance death at any or out of our just throw vampires in there as another possbility....sleep tight!

People enjoy being afraid of things that are not real, not so sure about the real stuff---

Ok.....I just bought a new air conditioner to combat that suns bad mood....its only going to get hoter.

Bummer about Milton wearing dresses out in public....I would love a visit from him but I live around a lot of mormons and my nieghboors would think someting was up if we were seen together.

I know you said the "real vampires" dont look like the poser vampires but do the look human at all? Would I see one at WalMart? Have you ever been to wal mart after 11PM? They all look like vampires there?

I know the ETs designed us but can you ask Milton why all the back hair? I have blamed it on my italian grandfather, but maybe it has a higher purpose?

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Level X
Hi Sleeper,

thanks for the wonderful site!

Reading this tread people have asked questions from souls, technology to the concept of Santa Claus.

But I was wondering Sir, ---- ARE WE ASKING YOU THE RIGHT QUESTIONS??

Hi X,

Are you?

In otherwords, we the post-er children have a limited mental and physical knowledge of what goodies or badies the universe might contain.

Don’t you read the papers?---
----anyway good and evil are confined to dimensions such as the one we are in while on this planet.----something extraordinary exist above “good and evil” .So how would you propose I put that into mere words?

We first must breach the barrier that keeps us from understanding the value of integrity---those able to jump through that hoop will glean a sliver of that strange soft stuff that the gods lay their head on.

Thus our questions could be so "human 101", that we may be missing the "Gloden opportunity" to let you loose on real facts. Facts, that if you were left alone on the podium 'uninterupted' would shed more light than we could ever conger up.

If you can’t get past 101, you will not understand the stuff above it---we are not in human colleges where many can get a degree without doing the work.

Sir, I want to know beyond the earthy restraints... I would love for you to share your "ET facts 909" the un-dumbed-down version. Fiction excluded... fairy tales excluded. A version that might include pictures from you - drawn, photo's, or otherwise. Give us examples of the sheen on ET vehicles, types, architecture on other planets, what they eat, what's fake and why - etc.

I don’t wish to belittle but there are prerequisites for a reason---no one goes from simple math straight into calculus, well some maybe but not most.

Even a real tour inside of a “UFO” would not convince “most” people---they would chalk it up as a dizzy spell, or indigestion from last night’s pizza.

The new one on the block, “all UFOs are man made”.----
-----will wonders ever cease!

Are we digging on your right brain, when the gold is on the left? -- A great minds deceptively magical, slight of skull - so to speak.

Perhaps, but the left brain is a tad tricky to get too.

You say we are not ready, I'm sure the ET's that crashed in Roswell and countless locations around the world weren't ready either. But, It's in the books - someone knows something - today.

Correct they were not ready, and were made to be unwilling participants in a game they themselves often played without proper authorization---which was making contact with humans. In their end they got their wish

They (those in the know) are using stupidity against us right now and we don't have a clue - Note: Pertetual formula keeps humanity in the dark ages.

A testament to the power of illusions that make up human concepts, religious and secular----how easily the mind is fooled by trickery and yet reality the real stuff in life---like integrity, is often scoffed at.

I=MC2 or Ignorance = Mind Control Squared

The sad fact is that the mind always chooses the illusion it wants to live under----there is no exterior mind control---that’s a scapegoat used by those who don’t want to pay the piper when its’ all said and done.

And... if I by chance I comandeered a piece of that wreckage -- Am I obligated to come forth it?? or should I hide it.

You wouldn’t be allowed to do either.

What would you do sir?

I would hang it over my fireplace mantel

1. Are you answering questions for the sake of answering questions, or should we let you open your Padora's Box?

Because a few “think” themselves ready is it right to subject others who are not ready or even aware, to the potential horrors they may perceive from the opening of a Pandora’s Box?

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by plumranch
H Sleeper,
My job is diagnosing why things don't work or how they work sometimes and that's kind of where I see a lot of deficits in human abilities. Many people can recall a lot of facts but can't get from A to B in the thinking department. To me an intelligent individual could look at a machine, process or phenomaenen and compute how it works by combinations of thought processes. Perhaps a natural intuition could be involved also.
But a lot of what limits our improvement personally and limits our technical advancement is lack of ability in the thinking department. It keeps us where we are, limits us. It's like if God really wanted us to go to the stars he would have given us more intellect to do it with.

Hi ranch,

The way to the stars is a done deal, the bridge has been constructed. We can’t reinvent that wheel even if we wanted to and that’s not our purpose in this life

We are temporarily guests of a star, our sun, but all the stars were created for our pleasure like in the Garden of Eden. And like in the Garden of Eden, we can look but not taste of all the delights in it just yet.

As it is we spend a whole lot of time accomplishing very little! What's your take?

We are at a point where we in fact can build Rome in a few days, but a souls is a whole different matter.

Out tinker toys help keep us busy but they don’t fill the deep hole inside the soul if we don’t understand the basics----and why are the basics so difficult to understand?

Religions and philosophers have attempted to fill in those holes for us---some have succeeded with their own versions of illusions.

We watch a building going up, we understand the concept, perseverance, people power and material, and things happen.

But on personal levels things are not so black and white---no clear cause and affect, regardless of how much effort we think we have applied---nothing seems to happen

We demand and expect a tangible return on our spiritual good deed investment---gotcha

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 10:09 AM
The problem with enlightening the masses of the truth of the existence of ETs is human egocentricism. It's a vicious weakness in man who often fall prey to it since time immememorial.

Not everyone is ready to handle the truth especially in our time of religious madness that keeps people enslaved by it's false doctrines that have nothing whatsoever in proximity to the actual truth.

The human mind as many knows is very complex organ, it's more so for those that have a hard time controlling their thoughts and emotions for whatever reason. Yet how can anyone blame the truth but their own ignorance and in perpetual darkness, whatever thoughts that crosses their minds, it's never satisfactory or adequate as little knowledge and wisdom will beget a very poor decision.

So, what holds people back from being enlightened of the truth is but their own self. The tendency to make haste judgements in light of irrational impulses in attempting to make sense of it all within the limited confines of their own capacity to understand.

Egoism is one among many causes of man's decline
People can be irrationally selfish without knowing it, they can be selfish even if they are a very generous philanthropists who give away millions of dollars.
It's the people that cannot give themselves and embrace love for another due to either being overly defensive or that they are too self protective.

The human knows not what true love is nor to know how to love enough that they open their minds to the possibility that we are not alone in this universe.
What's that got to do with love as people may scratch their heads over but one gets to sense that this self created impulse and inner force called love springs more genuine if out of one's own volition, one has decide to love by being loving no matter what they are engaged in (within love and reason).

What is a pandora's box but the one that was never opened due to fear and irrationality where it concerns love.

People fear to love and be loved

So with so much fear and anxiety about everything including love, how can anyone transcend the barriers to achieve the primary pre-requsite needed to be able to cope with the enormity of the truth that the ETs are really us and that the ET's out there are really our own.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Rudolph_X
For folks interested in politics, my advice to voters is to vote for the candidate with the worst teeth. One of our greatest presidents, George Washington, didn't even have any teeth when he was made president. Think about it.

Hi Rudy,

The best candidate for president would use John F. Kennedy’s line, “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”

Problem is few of us would vote for any fool that suggested such nonsense---

We tend to vote for the person that promises us something tangible in return for our vote. We are the "what's in it for me" generation.---

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 10:43 AM
That's true sleeper and it's very unfortunate how amidst the enormous material progress humanity has made, our minds and hearts have become so impoverished that we see only whats right in front of our noses.

Offer any man or a women on the streets $1000 to degrade themselves and most likely they will take up the offer.

So how can many of us be fit to vote if our hearts and minds are so impoverished that often not we elect the same old s**t and where the political arena is full of opportunist, criminals, exploiteurs, egomaniacs, psychopaths, power hungry freaks and so on, we the voters are also to blame for letting the most important institution go to the dogs. Whoever we vote for we are forced to choose the lowest common denominator out of the crop of individuals that are really the same freaks from the comedy club.

Yep it the sign of our times indeed.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by adica1
Ok.....I just bought a new air conditioner to combat that suns bad mood....its only going to get hoter.


Bummer about Milton wearing dresses out in public....I would love a visit from him but I live around a lot of mormons and my nieghboors would think someting was up if we were seen together.

I thought it couldn’t get any crazier, his silly dress and all, but now with his tinfoil hat he looks funnier than a clown on a bad hair day. I think John is the only one that wouldn’t be embarrassed to be seen with him. That’s not a negative refection on John btw.

I know you said the "real vampires" dont look like the poser vampires but do the look human at all? Would I see one at WalMart? Have you ever been to wal mart after 11PM? They all look like vampires there?

They do look human, and they do lurk were human zombies tend to roam.

I know the ETs designed us but can you ask Milton why all the back hair? I have blamed it on my italian grandfather, but maybe it has a higher purpose?

Besides all the obvious reasons for hair on our bodies some bodies retain remnants of heritage that no longer serve a rhyme or reason other than to irritate. Higher purpose? Why not---

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by newinitiation
That's true sleeper and it's very unfortunate how amidst the enormous material progress humanity has made, our minds and hearts have become so impoverished that we see only whats right in front of our noses.

Hi initiation,

Thanks for you input and insight!

While many of us live impoverished lives and some hold others accountable for it----justified or not---our minds need not be in such poverty, nor our integrity.

Offer any man or a women on the streets $1000 to degrade themselves and most likely they will take up the offer.

Milton wants to know if that offer applies to extraterrestrials like him?---

I hope you can forgive me---and Milton---who has no shame---

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 12:10 PM

I know you said the "real vampires" dont look like the poser vampires but do the look human at all? Would I see one at WalMart? Have you ever been to wal mart after 11PM? They all look like vampires there?

They do look human, and they do lurk were human zombies tend to roam.

Hey now!!
Some of us wander walmart at night because we work until 1130 or even midnight lol And why would a vampire go to walmart?

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

Because a few “think” themselves ready is it right to subject others who are not ready or even aware, to the potential horrors they may perceive from the opening of a Pandora’s Box?

However, pandora's box is already unleashed for the masses.

Let me take a step back and explain a bit where Im coming from and to what I reference.

It appears there is a concern (on your end) not to share more than what the mass people are ready to hear. This does sound noble, but is it necessary? The reason being is that people who are not ready will view what you say as fantasy, and lets face it...hollywood has quite a bit of shock and horror out there, doubt you could top the list.

And again, if what you say is true, the point is those that will need to know will 'believe' those that wont...well they will do what they do with everything that is outside of the box...and call it fantasy.




posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
Hi Rudy,

The best candidate for president would use John F. Kennedy’s line, “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”

Hello Sleeper.

Thanks for your comments.

"What can you do for your country?"

The problem is that most folks don't really know (or won't admit) what's best to do for 'their country'. If they knew, there would probably be some sort of 'revolution' where all the politicians would be thrown out of office, and replaced with folks who have integrity.

In fact, I'd bet that if there were some kind of natural disaster, like a massive earthquake or some other such event, like a meteor hitting the Capital, etc., where all the politicians in Washington D.C. were 'exterminated' (like the stinking cockroaches that they are), most folks in America would say, "Thank God!"

Now that is a bold statement, but unfortunately it is true. Over 75% would be happy to see them go, according to recent polls.

Americans no longer trust the corrupted politicians running our governments, and rightly so. Small 'personal interest' lobby groups have taken control of our government away from the American people, and most of these lobby groups aren't even American (and are actually foreign invaders or sorts). Would any real patriotic American allow this attrocity to stand?

If folks, like you say, asked, "What can I do for my country... etc.?" I'd say, "Throw the filthy scum-bags out of office." Get the incumbents out and replace them with decent folks that have true integrity.

Americans have to declare WAR against all forms of corruption in government. Now is the time for all folks of good will and of good faith to come to the aid of their country! Together, let us defeat this insidiously corrupt enemy, the enemy of truth, justice, and the American way, and restore, for ourselves and posterity, the American dream, of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the way it was meant to be, with honest government worthy of our great nation.

God Bless America.

Thanks again.

[edit on 9/16/2007 by Rudolph_X]


posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Chiiru
And why would a vampire go to walmart?

To buy tomato sauce and pretend its human blood...but unfortunately Tomato sauce wont bind them to this dimension...

On a serious note....

Sleeper I was thinking, what if we master the ego,envy and integrity stuff let say by the time we are 30, do the ET make us die or something?
Or to be more precise, how long in this dimension do we have to prove that we have mastered the ego.envy and integrity stuff, because lets face it I dont think some months of "good behaviour" will erase milenia of bad attitude and bad habits...
Any info on that?

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 07:40 PM
reply to Sleeperpost by sleeper

Hi Sleeper

I have read much of what you posted and find it very interesting. If true this is a major breakthru to the other side. In fact it would make this forum an advantage to be here and learn.
Btw I even had a uncle called Milton and he survived as a kid being run over by a bus. His mother wrapped him with newspaper which held him together until they got to a hospital and saved his life.

On another note, I had some questions if you don't mind answering.

1) I am very facinated with Galaxies and would like to ask: What are the traits that make all the stars common to a galaxy yet they would not be in another galaxy. Another words why is the Milkyway the Milkyway?, why is the Andromeda the Andromeda? etc.

2)Would you say a black hole is pure energy? And that is why we can't see it or sense what it is with the equipment that we have?

3) Does the black hole produce the energy for all of its stars? And is this energy what we call electricity and magnetism on Earth?

4)For every blade of grass on Earth is there an angel saying grow,grow,grow?

5)From what you posted it seems like you are saying that Jesus Christ was not an actual person on Earth. Please correct me if I am wrong. Yet Edgar Cayce stated he was reincarnated several times and even had brothers and sisters. Can you pease elaborate on this?

6)Have you ever heard of the planet Khoom?

7) Have you ever heard of Ohalu Council?

8) Do you know the number of your auric lattice structure?

9) What was the first race to inhabitate the Earth?

10) Can you talk about anything unique about the Dolphins?

11) Does the butterfly other than what we see monitor and adjust anything?

12) Where are the Arkashic Records located?

13) Are you familiar with Archetypes? Would you say that is the language of Hyperspace?

I hope this isn't too much to ask.


posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Chiiru
Hey now!!
Some of us wander walmart at night because we work until 1130 or even midnight lol And why would a vampire go to walmart?

I don’t think you need worry about vampires, vampires know who the zombies are and only follow them around like vultures circling---few if any people see these things.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by dAlen
However, pandora's box is already unleashed for the masses.

The lid of that box remains tightly sealed, and has not been opened yet.

A few alleged crashed ships and dead alien bodies that few people have seen means nothing but speculation for the masses. Pandora’s Box is not open

Let me take a step back and explain a bit where Im coming from and to what I reference.

It appears there is a concern (on your end) not to share more than what the mass people are ready to hear. This does sound noble, but is it necessary? The reason being is that people who are not ready will view what you say as fantasy, and lets face it...hollywood has quite a bit of shock and horror out there, doubt you could top the list.

Hollywood horror is kid’s stuff, and many can’t get enough of those kind of movies because they know they are fiction. I’m certain most people don’t crap themselves at the movie theaters watching horror movies. But most do when confronted with extraterrestrial beings---and the ETs don’t even have a chainsaw---their presence alone does it

And again, if what you say is true, the point is those that will need to know will 'believe' those that wont...well they will do what they do with everything that is outside of the box...and call it fantasy.

I offered many reasons on this thread why full disclosure is not forthcoming---at least not the way most people think or expect. For one, not everyone deserves to know---knowledge is a privilege and not a right.

Those who continue demanding to know do sometimes get their demands met---but if they are not ready or are undeserving there are consequences

A hint to viewing privileged stuff is in the movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark” ---Indiana Jones. Certainly a fictional movie, but they made some good points about viewing sacred knowledge at the end of the movie.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by kix
Sleeper I was thinking, what if we master the ego,envy and integrity stuff let say by the time we are 30, do the ET make us die or something?

Many people come to earth for a short time, mostly to tie up a few loose ends like that, if they succeed they move on.

For the rest there may be other reasons they are kept here even if they managed to get right with integrity. Remaining with children and spouses or other people who may need them down the line takes priority

Or to be more precise, how long in this dimension do we have to prove that we have mastered the ego.envy and integrity stuff, because lets face it I dont think some months of "good behaviour" will erase milenia of bad attitude and bad habits...

So true that’s why there are many stages in other lives that will be mastered before all the venom is squeezed out.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Silvernote
1) I am very facinated with Galaxies and would like to ask: What are the traits that make all the stars common to a galaxy yet they would not be in another galaxy. Another words why is the Milkyway the Milkyway?, why is the Andromeda the Andromeda? etc.

Hi Silvernote,

Why are snowflakes unique? Out of the endless billions of galaxies not one is the same---or so they say---

2)Would you say a black hole is pure energy? And that is why we can't see it or sense what it is with the equipment that we have?

A black hole is an extraordinary machine sucking up dead stars and at the same time spiting out new stars. It certainly manipulates energy and matter---one and the same, in ways human understanding cannot begin to grasp, because it defies the human concepts of logic and the laws of physics.

3) Does the black hole produce the energy for all of its stars? And is this energy what we call electricity and magnetism on Earth?

Energy at the star level is a constant with no beginning or ending, it changes shape and form and can be ripped apart but it will always regroup and become whole again. A black hole manipulates and facilitates energy but it doesn’t create energy.

Matter is energy, energy is electricity, electricity is magnetism, magnetism is matter---it’s all one and the same but on different levels.

4)For every blade of grass on Earth is there an angel saying grow,grow,grow?

Angels have better things to do, each cell in a blade of grass has a schematic a diagram that tells it what to do, like a computer telling a robot what to do.

5)From what you posted it seems like you are saying that Jesus Christ was not an actual person on Earth. Please correct me if I am wrong. Yet Edgar Cayce stated he was reincarnated several times and even had brothers and sisters. Can you pease elaborate on this?

Edgar Cayce was simply wrong about that.

6)Have you ever heard of the planet Khoom?


7) Have you ever heard of Ohalu Council?


8) Do you know the number of your auric lattice structure?

My what?

9) What was the first race to inhabitate the Earth?

They were here before the dinosaurs, I could say Adam and that would be as valid as any other name---btw Eve came a long time after Adam.

10) Can you talk about anything unique about the Dolphins?

They are horny suckers and are lucky that fire and brimstone hasn’t rained down on them like in Sodom and Gomorra---

11) Does the butterfly other than what we see monitor and adjust anything?

Butterflies are fascinating and delightful and often adjust the moods of those who take notice of them.

12) Where are the Arkashic Records located?

Off planet

13) Are you familiar with Archetypes? Would you say that is the language of Hyperspace?

The language before the Tower of Babble----the universal language, yes there is such a thing.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 01:10 AM
Us humans on earth are all compromised especially so by the effect of genetic manipulation done on us eons ago that we are afflicted with, which we must overcome before we can be true human beings ready to be accepted by the universal community of diverse civilizations.

Our barbaric nature and the effect of the so called 'original sin' (genetic manipulations) coupled with our ignorance of the truth of 'Creation, truth, true spirtuality have led us to this degenerate state of affair here on earth.

People are so entrenched and are so use to the way things are that they only have an inkling sense that something is amiss without knowing the specific reasons why their inner emptiness never subsides.

Like a cork floating in the ocean, buffeted here and there by the waves and tide, many of us live each day fullfilling worthless goals that never satisfies the deeper genuine meaning of life which often leads many to ask themselves 'gees, what was all that s**t about'

Friends come and go, work is stressful, the grind of daily work and living is monotonous and repetitious as music once enjoyed played a thousand times non-stop till one's ears are dropped and amidst it all, what was it in the end 'all this s**t about'.

Accolade, fame, prestige, wealth, alot of tight pussies, power, control and some ego boosting aside, all these non-values are never lasting just as the value of a ferrai bought 10 years ago is not the same as the current model.

Steeped in our own egotism, we go on living thinking that our charity to the poor, if ever given, meant something we unashmedly feel proud of, yet unbeknownst to many, there is such thing as 'false humanitarianism'.

The cruel judgement we have brought upon ourselves are the barriers we have erected within our hearts and minds that keep us from being our genuine selves to others.
Duplicity is the name of the game where colourful multi-layered mask is worn according to the circumstances and social pressure.

Say hello to any person in a big city and a curt cold shoulder is all that will return in response.
Many don't know who they truly are.
They are just what the society and others expect them to be and yet you hear the common words spoken as if it's self evident 'hey I am just being myself'......................'really? who are you?

Answers will slowly come to us all who seek the truth of existence and what true spirituality of the natural order is

Until then, we have to wade through alot of mud to just get to the other side of the fence and it doesn't stop there...........

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