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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 06:26 PM
Hey Devil...,

You have been go back and spend a few days reading all Sleeper's posts and the blog... hee hee....another convert. You have no choice....LOL


I too have wondered how the renegades got there tech. Is the myth about good and evil, the fallen angel thing have truth in it?

Are the renegades just the balancing out what happens on this plane?

I still do not understand the hierarchy. Pure love?

If our human perception/construct of a god, Et's doing their job to test us into love, then the real thing baffles me.

Is there a God, main source?,

Is this source just a huge playing field, empty slate, a void where we play out the "get to unconditional love" collective game?

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

Originally posted by zenfish

My two children were stigmatized as goody-two-shoes while growing up in suburban schools, in so called good neighborhoods, where many of their classmates were into drugs, drinking and smoking. Although they were shunned by their peers they managed to turn out just fine.

And they didn't miss a single thing of any real value. Unlike me trying to be the cool drug takin' drinkin' smokin' fool through those years.

----have I no shame---

That's the deal with integrity, isn't it? And I think it's a good one. I can't believe I missed the importance of it. I guess we learn by our mistakes.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
My two children were stigmatized as goody-two-shoes while growing up in suburban schools, in so called good neighborhoods, where many of their classmates were into drugs, drinking and smoking. Although they were shunned by their peers they managed to turn out just fine.

But if this is all about just being good and honest in everything we do - what would be the big problem with drugs? I mean legal ones - don't forget nicotine and alcohol are drugs, throw caffeine in the mix too, and maybe those "Red Bull" drinks while we're at it!

In fact, following the "good and honest" way of life, I'd say I could throw anything into my body as long as I didn't turn into a bad person, or become dishonest.

Note, I'm not disagreeing with you, just asking for clarification here - as you seem to indicate a negative view towards these things in your paragraph, and I notice another member has picked up on this and taken time to reflect upon his years in what seems to be a less memorable way than he maybe would have without reading it! I personally think its wrong to shun anybody, for any reason..

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by adjay

Originally posted by sleeper

I notice another member has picked up on this and taken time to reflect upon his years in what seems to be a less memorable way than he maybe would have without reading it! I personally think its wrong to shun anybody, for any reason..

Hi adjay,

My sentiments about the drugs and stuff was more along the lines of using them to be cool, or fit in, get laid, impress others, etc. rather than obeying the small voice of integrity and goodness. Which I feel would have produced a far more rewarding and genuinely satisfying life. For me, it was a rebellion against goodness because hey, true goodness was uncooth. If you can do these things in a good soul nurturing way, all the power to you, bud.

Even recently I've tried approaching pot in a sacred way and I still found it to be completely unnecessary. Kinda cool, but no big deal. I'd have to say I didn't like it. Plus, at one point I realized my deceased father was talking to me. More like yelling at me. But then, I'm no Terrence McKenna anymore. I am considering the ayahuasca experience. I feel that must be approached very sacredly though.


posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by dodgygeeza
Sleeper: the Bible has apparently predicted alot of things like the Chernobyl incident (which is pretty insignificant if you think about it) and other things such as a coming ww3 etc and antichrist. However it has been claimed that the are mathmatical codes within the text that could have never been made by a normal person, and only modern supercomputers have been able to realise that they even exist in the firstplace. Whats your comment on that?

Divining or predicting the future has always been a lucrative occupation. And some of those who do it are certainly clever with their slight of hand techniques. Most magicians never do real magic but the good ones always draw a crowd because they are good.

The future and what it will consist of is an individual thing, and those blindsided by future prospects are not attending to the present, which altimately will produce their future.

While we are distracted by what is in one of the magician’s hands the other hand is busy picking our pocket. Lose the present and you have no future

Ok, i'll rephrase - have you ever real alive dinosaurs that were alive millions of "earth" years ago?

No I haven’t but I have been told that there are plenty of planets right now that have dinosaurs and other interesting creatures located throughout the galaxy. But I’m not believing it until I see them with my own eyes----

[edit on 6-9-2007 by sleeper]

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by chinabean
mmm i've been meaning to ask you..what do you think about the latest acceleration of the latest iran propaganda, its been really annoying.

Hi china,

What the heck are we going to do without a little propaganda with our breakfast cereal each morning?

Each generation has their own “impending gloom and doom” ---check your history books.

Will this one be the “big one” the one that ends the world as we know it?---

Certainly will be for a very few, but the majority will live on to see the next end of the world scenario and the next and the next and the next----forever---wars are the only constant on planets like earth----for those who are sick and tired of wars---well, clean up your act and don’t come back here---

and also i've been like..feeling "lost" up there lately..I don't know whats going no feelings of much..just annoyed at a lot of things and idk

If most of us on earth weren’t lost what the heck are we doing down here in a war planet?---

The only way to find yourself is stop looking---and get busy helping those around you. When we focus too much on ourselves and our petty problems they end up looking much larger than they really are---so move your focus elsewhere---and then---some day---you might find that you are not lost at all.

hows sir milton doing hm?

Talk about being lost, Milton was that being----
---anyway, the other day driving through town he stopped for directions---he is an ugly cuss, especially in his pink dress, it was not a pretty picture and the attendant at the gas stations he talked with is now searching for the meaning of life here on ATS.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by GeeGee
What did they need our body fluids for?

They make hybrids and clones and other stuff for their own use, and or agenda

And since these ET's would be considered "evil", were they still more spiritually advanced than us? Were they able to perform telekinesis, telepathy, etc?

Yes yes and yes and more.

I was actually reading an article about crop circles yesterday. Is it true that some crop circles are to give humans hope of ET contact, and some were to warn renegade ET's if they did any harm to humans?

Some are simple and personal love notes to humans. Most are graffiti to let the world know---those somewhat awake anyway, that we are being watched.

Not so much warning to other ETs---the renegades know to stay away and are aware of the consequences if and when they get caught.

The article also said that beings from the Arcturus star system were most responsible for crop circles.

Yeah I heard of them two geezers, they hang out at English pubs drinking warm beer with their ropes and planks of termite infested wood, so that’s where they are from---cool

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by antar
Well I am back! What an amazing adventure. I will have to come join you some other time sleeper. I appreciate your fuzzy existence.

Hi antar,

I don’t mean to be fuzzy---

Nice wings btw---

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by muse801
I too have wondered how the renegades got there tech. Is the myth about good and evil, the fallen angel thing have truth in it?

Hi muse,

Entities to a certain level can and do fall and some of them fall hard and fast. But many of them retain some of their powers---for awhile---but not from sucking up human souls---

Are the renegades just the balancing out what happens on this plane?

The renegades are the scraps under the table; we mean to clean them up but as soon as you do there are more.

I still do not understand the hierarchy. Pure love?

How can we understand pure love down here?---few on this plane have any idea what real love is. If we did true integrity would be easy and not icky.

And as far as hierarchy we are somewhere in the dark basement looking for the light switch

The renegades are not in the hierarchy anymore

If our human perception/construct of a god, Et's doing their job to test us into love, then the real thing baffles me.

We get a taste of pure love on the other side---and it’s literally hell to leave it behind when we are sent away again. Until we begin to radiate our own love outward rather than inward we will never understand it.

Is there a God, main source?,

We humans with or human minds like exclusivity and like to believe we have our own personal god---it’s not that god is jealous, we have managed to turn that around, we are the jealous ones.

There are literally billions and billons of radiant beings each glowing with pure unadulterated love---and they each are pure joy to be around. But is there one big all encompassing power?----how many power plants do we have on this planet? Millions---Why don’t we have just one?

Is this source just a huge playing field, empty slate, a void where we play out the "get to unconditional love" collective game?

It’s a heck of a lot more than that---but few of us have a yardstick to measure with and we try to project what we see in this world into the next one----oranges and apples

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by zenfish
Unlike me trying to be the cool drug takin' drinkin' smokin' fool through those years.

I certainly don’t qualify to judge---

That's the deal with integrity, isn't it? And I think it's a good one. I can't believe I missed the importance of it. I guess we learn by our mistakes.

We don’t feel the guilt thing much while we are here but when we cross over it becomes excruciatingly obvious and our shame unbearable---and we willing with tails between our legs return to places like earth and try to do better---but we forget---and that’s the key to integrity---is it real or is it Memorex.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by adjay
But if this is all about just being good and honest in everything we do - what would be the big problem with drugs? I mean legal ones - don't forget nicotine and alcohol are drugs, throw caffeine in the mix too, and maybe those "Red Bull" drinks while we're at it!

I didn’t intend to come off as judgmental, I like my Dr. Pepper caffeine hit, and my glass of wine---have you seen the size of my glass of wine a few pages back?

In fact, following the "good and honest" way of life, I'd say I could throw anything into my body as long as I didn't turn into a bad person, or become dishonest.

A wise saying of old, “it’s not what we put into our mouths that foul us but what comes out of them”

And I agree---however, certain drugs and abuses of food and drink do hinder many a souls. And who here on earth can afford to be hindered?

Note, I'm not disagreeing with you, just asking for clarification here - as you seem to indicate a negative view towards these things in your paragraph, and I notice another member has picked up on this and taken time to reflect upon his years in what seems to be a less memorable way than he maybe would have without reading it! I personally think its wrong to shun anybody, for any reason..

I was one of the lucky parents that never had to tell my children who to hang out with they made those calls on their own---and as far as them shunning anyone they never did---but some of the other kids did shun them.

As they got older they were appreciated more---or should I say used---as designated drivers for their friends who did smoke and drink. I guess we all have a purpose in this life

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 02:40 PM
OK I have a slew of more science based questions...

-Why are we not allowed to leave the solar system? What would happen if we tried? ie - destroy our spacecraft, turn us back? Obviously, robotic spacecraft have already left our solar system - Pioneer and Voyager probes. So I assume sending robotic missions outside our solar system is OK to ETs, just not ourselves?

-Is SETI (using radio and laser telescopes) to contact ETs a waste of time? Could we at least contact another civilization that is around our same level of development? I would think ET contact would be much more easy to swallow for John Q. Public if it was only radio communication and not some mass landing.

-What are the strange Hexagonal formations on the poles of Saturn?

-Why are all the planets in the solar system heating up (not just global warming on Earth)? Is some sort of system-wide transformation taking place?

-Is anything going to happen to either us humans or the Earth when we pass thru the galactic plane soon? (some people have called it the "photon belt")

-Is cold fusion real? If it is will it ever be a viable technology?

-What exactly is gravity? Scientists still really have no clue what it is to this day. Is it a wave, a particle or something completely different? Is anti-gravity or a way to block gravity possible? If it is, are we very far off from developing technology to do so?

-What is dark matter and dark energy? Another thing scientists have no clue about.

-How many dimensions (if any more than this one) make up the multiverse?

-I have heard many reports saying ETs travel thru time quite easily as it is a byproduct of their ship propulsion. Is this true? You say time and time travel is irrelevant, please elaborate. Do any present day humans have time travel tech - Montauk, Black ops organizations, etc...? If so can they alter the time line that we are currently in?

-Is knowledge that you learn here on earth (I'm talking academic knowledge, not life-experience knowledge) stay with you after you die and leave this earth? (I want to make sure all my studying on certain subjects isn't in vein)

-Is teleportation posssible? Not talking atom or photons, but more Star Trek like? If so is that technology in our reach in the next few hundred years? Do ETs have the ability to teleport?

-You say ET's have and do fight wars with each other. Can you elaborate on this? What do they fight over? And if they are so evolved above us, why do they still fight wars? What technology do they use in wars? Big Star Wars type battles or something completely different?

-Do our governments currently use mind control technology over its citizens? If so is there anything the common Joe can do to stop it? Also what implications does this have over the soul and free will? (for both the controller and the controlee)

-Is there a galactic or planetary federation of sorts? If so how does a world or race get admitted?

-Do ET races share technology and information with each other? or is everyone in it for themselves?

-Should we even try to stop global warming or is it too little, too late to stop? If this is just some 'playpen' world for soul advancement, should we even care? Would the ETs even let us destroy this world?

-Would ET allow a world wide nuclear war or a giant disaster like a huge meteor strike to happen? If so, would we be able to stop a incoming asteroid?

-What is beyond the universe? Does it just float in a sea of nothingness or is there more? My brain just cannot grasp the concept or either infinity or limitedness. How did the Universe come in to being? This stuff hurts my head.

-We are already doing genetic engineering in humans. We will be able to create smarter, faster designed humans in the future, not to mention animal-human chimeras (if we don't already) What implications does this have for the soul? Would one of our genetic creations have a soul? Should we mess around with this stuff at all?

Thanks Sleeper!

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 07:23 PM
I read about 100 pages of this thread and have a few questions.

Do you think we will see the full "disclosure" in this lifetime?

My wife, she "sees" the otherside once in a while just before she falls asleep. Sometimes she could see the bedroom even with her eyes closed and fully consciouss. When she closes her eyes, just before she lost consciousness she could see a "crack" within the darkness. Through that crack is another world, sometimes she can see huge machines and robot like creatures working, they would notice her looking in and she would be scared and "stopped" her peering. Sometimes, she see 3D geometric shapes floating in a foreign landscape through that crack. And if she keeps looking, the crack will enlarge and slowly engulf her vision. She is a very very down to earth and honest woman, so when she tells me stories like that I know she really feels the reality of it beyond a silly dream. Is she an alien placed on this earth?

Who and what is GOD?

[edit on 6-9-2007 by chickeneater]

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 10:36 PM
Hello Sleeper,

Ive got word about you from John Lear.

Ive got a question, Is the year of 2012 really going to change the Earth?

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
... certain drugs and abuses of food and drink do hinder many a souls. And who here on earth can afford to be hindered?

Hello Sleeper.

Thanks for your comments.

Come on Sleeper, this is starting to sound like baby talk, goo goo ga ga, etc. How can you describe the undescribable with words? You can't. It's like baby talk, goo goo ga ga, etc.

When playing the 'know it all' Guru, the few things that you say which make sense are really of no consequence. And what everybody really wants to know, is beyond your ability to describe in words... am I right or wrong?

However, it is comendable that at least you do make an effort of sorts. But, I have to admit that some of it is really riduculous in a funny sort of way. I mean would any of us ever really expect to see a monkey stand up and deliver the "Gettysburg Address"? How could you possibly know and tell the answers to some of the most profound questions? Impossible, and somewhat ridiculous.

My advice to you is to refrain from being too 'philosophical', like trying to explain what God is, etc., and stick to telling us about your stories and experiences, like you said you were going to do in the beginning, remember?

Now I know you said that you were not going to add to your blog, but you could, and it probably would be best all the way around, if you did continue to tell us about some more of the experiences that you may actually have had, instead of playing the Guru role.

That is where I think you are best suited... and excel... telling your stories, and not being some kind of Guru trying to explain the profound mysteries of life, etc. Because when you do that it all sounds like goo goo ga ga, etc. to me.

Do us all a big favor, Sleeper, and tell us about the experiences you had, like you did in the blog. I can relate that. I'm sure that that is what most people would like to hear. And in the beginning of this thread that is what you said you were going to do (talk about integrity). Playing the 'know it all' Guru, answering the same old religious/philosophical questions that have been already asked and answered a thousand times is getting to be unbearable.

Thanks again.

PS: Oh, by the way, what happened to Jesus's sandals, the ones he losts before they crucified him? Also, what was the name of the person who wore them afterwards? And, don't lie, because I'll know if you are lying.

This is the kind of thing I am talking about. In the beginning, Sleeper, you said that you were going to tell us your stories about your experiences, then all of a sudden you transform yourself into some kind of 'know it all' Guru, who answers silly and dubious questions which have nothing to do with what this thread was originally supposed to be all about.

My suggestion to the Mods is if this has been deemed to have become a 'Sleeper the Guru' thread, then it should be moved to SkunkWorks.

No offense intended Sleeper. (And, I don't even know if we are still on speaking terms.) But, Sleeper, you should explain why you've change this thread. You say one thing and then you do something else. You promised more blogs and then reneged. Where is the integrity?

Why not admit that this thread has been, all along, just a scam to try and sell you books, if this is the case? Now Jim Marrs came on ATS and openly admited that it was all about selling the book he was working on. At least he is being honest about that. But the way you go about promoting your book seems sleazy, sneaky, and cheap in comparison. Getting free advertisement by posting on ATS, etc.? I suppose you are not rich enough to have 'real' intergity yet? After you fatten your bank account wilh the proceeds from your book sales, oh yeah... then you'll have enough integrity to go around, right? It doesn't really matter how many folks you play for fools on this thread, now does it?

Talking about integrity, like you do, all the time, shows just how hard it is sometimes. Would you keep your integrity if it meant leaving your kids to go hungry? Well, you got mouths to feed right Sleeper? Would you let your kids go hungry and without the necessities of life just so you could keep your integrity? Most parents would say that they'd be happy to go to hell in a wheelbarrow to give their kids what they need. So they rob, cheat, and steal, and kill... so their kids can have it all. Isn't that the conundrum? Or is it better to keep your integrity so you can 'advance spiritually' at the expense of letting your kids starve? Come on Sleeper, tell us about your integrity. We're all ears?

It is my experience that, like the wolf in sheep's clothing, its the ones who talk about integrity all the time, who are the ones who don't have any. They want you to have ''integrity' because it is in their best interest for other folks to be honest to them, when they themselves are the cheats, the wolves in sheep's clothing. We have a name for these kinds of people. We call them psychopaths.

[edit on 9/7/2007 by Rudolph_X]

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 06:56 AM
Sleeper, can you comment on the upcoming "events" later in this month or is nothing going to happen?


posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by RedSpar
OK I have a slew of more science based questions...

-Why are we not allowed to leave the solar system? What would happen if we tried? ie - destroy our spacecraft, turn us back? Obviously, robotic spacecraft have already left our solar system - Pioneer and Voyager probes. So I assume sending robotic missions outside our solar system is OK to ETs, just not ourselves?

Intergalactic travel happens all the time for those on higher levels above elementary. Earth is at or below elementary. We have to leave earth to be above elementary.

Nothing man made has left this solar system; this solar system is way larger than the confines of Pluto. The probes that have went past Pluto will drift in space like specks of dust and eventually fall back or drift in the outer regions of this solar system

-Is SETI (using radio and laser telescopes) to contact ETs a waste of time?

Yes it is a waste of time but it pays all the same

Could we at least contact another civilization that is around our same level of development? I would think ET contact would be much more easy to swallow for John Q. Public if it was only radio communication and not some mass landing.

That is not allowed, John Q has plenty to worry about on this planet.

-What are the strange Hexagonal formations on the poles of Saturn?

I will give my .o2 in a thread in skunkworks

-Why are all the planets in the solar system heating up (not just global warming on Earth)? Is some sort of system-wide transformation taking place?

The sun is all full of itself, perhaps it’s about to deliver something

-Is anything going to happen to either us humans or the Earth when we pass thru the galactic plane soon? (some people have called it the "photon belt")

We will get some new crop circles but that’s it.

-Is cold fusion real? If it is will it ever be a viable technology?

A variation of it will be some day

-What exactly is gravity? Scientists still really have no clue what it is to this day. Is it a wave, a particle or something completely different?

It’s neither wave nor particle---and if you knew would you tell it on ats?

Is anti-gravity or a way to block gravity possible? If it is, are we very far off from developing technology to do so?

Gravity is easily manipulated by ET craft all the time, and we already have that tech but not for public consumption just yet.

-What is dark matter and dark energy? Another thing scientists have no clue about.

There is no dark matter or dark energy

-How many dimensions (if any more than this one) make up the multiverse?

Slightly more than every snowflake that fell from the sky since time began.

-I have heard many reports saying ETs travel thru time quite easily as it is a byproduct of their ship propulsion. Is this true?

They travel via dimensions not through time.

You say time and time travel is irrelevant, please elaborate.

Time is a vibration linked to matter as we know it and we don’t know matter. You must understand matter to understand what time is.

Do any present day humans have time travel tech - Montauk, Black ops organizations, etc...? If so can they alter the time line that we are currently in?

Time travel is a misnomer---time comes in cubes and no human can access those cubes.

-Is knowledge that you learn here on earth (I'm talking academic knowledge, not life-experience knowledge) stay with you after you die and leave this earth? (I want to make sure all my studying on certain subjects isn't in vein)

Everything you learn while on earth applies to what you will do on earth and for the most part remains here. Look back a hundred years---any useful stuff there that would apply now? Even what we learn today becomes obsolete in a few months, years.

-Is teleportation posssible? Not talking atom or photons, but more Star Trek like? If so is that technology in our reach in the next few hundred years? Do ETs have the ability to teleport?

People are taken up into ships on a regular basis---whole or only their souls. That’s the only teleportation I’m aware of.

-You say ET's have and do fight wars with each other. Can you elaborate on this? What do they fight over?

At the upper levels they don’t fight at all---at the midrange they squabble over details---but it can get nasty below those two very large areas.

And if they are so evolved above us, why do they still fight wars? What technology do they use in wars? Big Star Wars type battles or something completely different?

The battles between good and evil are isolated to solar systems such as ours and fought by ETs and black ops on both sides of the line. The complexities of why when and how are too numerous to mention and understand

But there are higher up planets that do indulge in Star Wars type fantasies with cool toys and ships.

-Do our governments currently use mind control technology over its citizens? If so is there anything the common Joe can do to stop it? Also what implications does this have over the soul and free will? (for both the controller and the controlee)

Mostly via propaganda---which works very well and doesn’t violate the free will clause.

-Is there a galactic or planetary federation of sorts? If so how does a world or race get admitted?

Lots of them, and we are under the jurisdiction of one.

-Do ET races share technology and information with each other? or is everyone in it for themselves?

There are breakaway factions---renegades that are out of the main loop, and they often need beg, borrow and steal whatever they can get.

-Should we even try to stop global warming or is it too little, too late to stop? If this is just some 'playpen' world for soul advancement, should we even care? Would the ETs even let us destroy this world?

Nothing is in human hands other than where we go from here.

-Would ET allow a world wide nuclear war or a giant disaster like a huge meteor strike to happen? If so, would we be able to stop a incoming asteroid?

This planet will sustain as much or as little as they allow---worldwide damage is out of the question.

-What is beyond the universe? Does it just float in a sea of nothingness or is there more? My brain just cannot grasp the concept or either infinity or limitedness. How did the Universe come in to being? This stuff hurts my head.

This universe is forever---but there are many forevers

-We are already doing genetic engineering in humans. We will be able to create smarter, faster designed humans in the future, not to mention animal-human chimeras (if we don't already) What implications does this have for the soul? Would one of our genetic creations have a soul?

A human clone would have a new soul put into it as if it were a newborn baby

Should we mess around with this stuff at all?

Why not? Everything we can possibly do has already been done somewhere else; we will never break new ground concerning things that have already been done in other places in this galaxy.

That idea might be depressing for some---but no one has to believe it. We are primarily here to change ourselves for the better---and have fun doing things we enjoy doing---and for those ambitions souls they can reach into the cosmic gravy and pull out a new invention---new for earth that is.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 12:42 PM
Hello Sleeper.

Thanks for your comments.

In your last post you said,

"The sun is all full of itself, perhaps it’s about to deliver something?"

They say that there will be a near extinction event, some sort of 'solar flare', which is expected to exterminate 4.5 billion inabitants of earth, by 2012. That the governments are well aware of it, and that they've prepared underground bunkers to insure 'continuity of government', and to save themselves and a 'select' portion of the population. They say that the government does not have the resources to 'save' everyone, so most folks will be left on the surface of the planet to fend for themselves during the 'near extinction event' and in the time afterwards.

The funny thing about what they are saying is that this event will only happen on a particular time-line. They claim that many parallel time-lines exist which are close and similar to our own, as well as others that are far different and extremely divergent from the time-line where we experience this current existence.

Some others say that 'people' from a few of our future time-lines have sought to come back in time, so to speak, and change events so that future outcomes will also be changed. In other words, they seek to change the past in order to change their future, and want to do this by stopping the 'near extinction event' from happening.

However, other 'people' from a different future time-liine are doing the exact opposite, and are trying to make sure that this 'near extinciton event' does indeed happen.

It seems that 'people' from our own future time-lines are involved in chaniging events to suit themselves and future time-lines that may manifest in our future.

Now much of this 'near extinction event' has to do with our Sun. I know you have another thread where you discuss matters relating to changes our Sun is undergoing, and about some sort of spectacular 'event' which you seem to indicate will happen soon.

What can you tell us about these hypothetical divergent future time-lines? Are certain groups from our different future time-lines involved in activities to tamper with our Sun? What could be causing the perturbations going on that might cause our Sun to behave in such a seemingly disasterous way that could cause the 'near extinction event' on Earth?

Some have postulated that there is a binary twin, a 'dark' star, or brown dwarf, as it is called, that has an elliptical orbit that takes around 3600 years, which has already entered into our solar system, and is swiftly approaching the inner planets and sun as it makes its pass through our solar system. They say this passing will cause a 'pole shift' on Earth as well as major problems with our Sun. Some have called this massive object Planet_X, the mysterious Nibiru, the legendary planet of the Annunaki Reptillians. And, legends have it that the passing and all the troubles caused by its passing will occur around the year 2012. They also say such events caused by this so called Planet_X have been recorded in Earth's history during major catastrophies from previous passings.

I know that you have already claimed that there is nothing to it. But, you do say that the Sun is somehow undergoing radical changes. These changes could be devastating to the Earth and its population. Should folks be preparing themselves for the final countdown, so to speak? In either case, it should all be played out before the end of the next presidential term here in the USA. Not much time left, less than 5 years, according to what many are saying.

Sleeper, I can understand why you choose to remain silent about this, and continue to be involved with the coverup. No problem. We have other sources.

Thanks again.

[edit on 9/7/2007 by Rudolph_X]

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 05:11 PM
Hello sleeper!! WE have much to talk about my friend!!

This thread I can say with your blog, was a diamond in the ruff!!

Its what I have been looking for! And have many questions for you..

I do not feel comfortable talking here in public.. psst. check your U2

Thank you for a brillant! Eye opening experiance!!

And for anyone that doesnt belive becasue of no solid proof..

Its how we are programed, its the way it works here... We are very lucky to have sleeper here with us!! I am honored!

In the past I am to quick to let my programming call the shots.. Not here. its starting to open up now, and after reading I can say it changed my life!
It explained so many feelings I have had personally..

Tho my exp. is far less, and the memories are still gone.. I only have 1, and the androids you spoke of.. I know one! And I have been and seen the rings. Yet I just thought it was a powerful dream..

I remember the time, being out, and there was this force, that when I went to fly threw the air, it was like I hit a wall and couldnt go any further..

Like you I was thethered to my guide, and the only way I remember it, is my back hitting a ceiling.. And wondering why I cant go any further..
I dont remember clear details just yet.. I have hopes with talking it will come back to me!

I belive sleeper 100%.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by chickeneater
Do you think we will see the full "disclosure" in this lifetime?

No full disclosure---believe it or not most don’t want it

My wife, she "sees" the otherside once in a while just before she falls asleep. Sometimes she could see the bedroom even with her eyes closed and fully consciouss. When she closes her eyes, just before she lost consciousness she could see a "crack" within the darkness. Through that crack is another world, sometimes she can see huge machines and robot like creatures working, they would notice her looking in and she would be scared and "stopped" her peering. Sometimes, she see 3D geometric shapes floating in a foreign landscape through that crack. And if she keeps looking, the crack will enlarge and slowly engulf her vision. She is a very very down to earth and honest woman, so when she tells me stories like that I know she really feels the reality of it beyond a silly dream. Is she an alien placed on this earth?

She is not an alien but sounds like she has a gift of sorts.

Who and what is GOD?

God is multidimensional and is a projection of expectations.

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