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oh common, are you serious

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posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by ajpsk8
I met this guy who showed me the site, he said he doesnt pay taxes, doesnt vote, doesnt take part n the liberties that this country offers so the government would screw him. this is disgusting.

Just a thought: liberties aren't "offers" that governments make, even if you're ready to get on your knees and praise them for being so kind as to allow them to us.

They're natural and inherent to every human being, and every human being is born with the free will to do whatever they want. Our original Constitution tried to portray this as much as reasonably possible while still outlining an organized system of government, but there's a reason that voting isn't mandatory, and I wouldn't judge someone that isn't paying their taxes when that tax money is just going towards numerous corruptions, not least of which being the continuing slaughter of some 100,000+ innocent people in the Mid-East.

Originally, wars were only to be fought in self-defense too. This is why the war of 1812 was so controversial at the time. Slaughtering innocent people in any case is infinitely more disgusting than any idea any person may entertain. Now we have an FOIA release of tremendous implications detailing an "Operation Northwoods" that doesn't even make it to the mainstream press, two completely idiotic "pre-emptive" wars that continue to starve, poison, and outright slaughter innocent families (even against the fact that most people disapprove of this situation in the US and have so for years now -- there's voting and our great people's democracy for you), in which the only important figures are our own soldier casualties, and you're saying it's disgusting not to vote and pay your taxes, or to think 9/11 wasn't carried out by "al Qaeda". And that's hardly scratching the surface of how messed up this country is today.

We deserve what's coming to us. 100%.

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by Lexion
No, I repeat NO 9/11 conspiracy theory, or war for oil theory, or Bush is a Reptilian theory is true. NONE.
Theory. Say it slowly...theory....get my point ?
Proof, PLEASE ???
I'm getting so sick of people throwing their TRUTH on this site, that noone seems to get the point behind reality.
Nothing, not one damn iota of proof is behind these wild, outlandish theories.

Do I have a problem with speculation ? Not at all. Theory on the other hand, is different. Need to have at least some reason behind it.
But, to claim said theory as FACT ??? I call BS. I do.

That is my 2 cent,

your 2 cents dont add up to a penny dude. war for oil is no policy regarding oil distribution rights not to mention the vague references of protecting american interests provides more than enough to substantiate that PART of the war in iraq was to secure a foothold in the middle east in order to secure oil field for our domestic consumption. furthermore, the link between big oil and american policy is impossible to ignore. As to you iota of proof...well if one were to only research the facts behind 9/11 like to statistical near impossibility of norad drills and real attacks on the same morning, the confirmed reports that certain people were warned not to go to work or fly on that day, the fact that trained pilots say it is impossible for terrorists to fly those planes with such precision especially after the flight training instructors of the terrorists say that their piloting skills were substandard even on a freakin cessna. not to mention to freefall speeds of the collapse. or how al qaeda and OBL was a former CIA asset etc etc...i could go on forever....just because your blind to the truth doesnt mean its not there. furthermore, absense of proof is not proof of absense. If you want to talk theory...well how about the THEORY that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD's. How afghanistan was quickly forgotten (left to the canadians) in pursuit of terrorists that Iraq had connections to which was only THEORY...dont be a sheep. stop posting your vehement disagreements regarding absence of proof without providing and substantiated claims or facts of your own. ive given plenty.

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by PrepareForTheWorst
I fear that there is nothing that we can do about it now though as these people are so engrained into this country...not to mention voting fraud, but that is a whole other bucket of apples!

You might be right, but don't give up the struggle, cause you could be wrong...

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by Lexion
No, I repeat NO 9/11 conspiracy theory, or war for oil theory, or Bush is a Reptilian theory is true. NONE.
Theory. Say it slowly...theory....get my point ?
Proof, PLEASE ???
I'm getting so sick of people throwing their TRUTH on this site, that noone seems to get the point behind reality.
Nothing, not one damn iota of proof is behind these wild, outlandish theories.

Do I have a problem with speculation ? Not at all. Theory on the other hand, is different. Need to have at least some reason behind it.
But, to claim said theory as FACT ??? I call BS. I do.

That is my 2 cent,

Well the official explanation is a conspiracy theory with no evidence to support it, einstein's relativity (held in the highest esteem by scientists) is a theory, evolution is a theory, heck even molecular science and the atom is a theory. I'm sorry but you have to go back and read up on these things before making such posts. Even facts are subject to interpretation and context, so it's not quite as simple as you claim. If you demand proof before believing, then why on earth do you believe the official theory which has NO facts to support it?

Originally posted by T Trubballshoota
I find the whole 911 "W" done it gig a laugh. You give the administration or whatever too much organisational ability imho. The complexities are to great. The scale of the science has not been repeated. You would really have to construct similar towers of similar ages and test out the scenarios.
No-one can say for sure what happened I reckon but after reading lots of "research" (well really loads of internet aquired photos with neat labels attached) I got bored. The fact as I see it is that there is almost as many variations of the theory as there are people believing it. I like the simple life. Some guys got lucky and fulfilled their dream and humbled the mighty US.

Isn't it a bit weird that you think the US government could not possibly have the organisational ability to pull of this attack, but two dozen extremist terrorist in caves do?
They certainly didn't just get lucky! Lucky once is plausible, but the total failure on every level of the government to stop the attack is not luck or chance. It's a strong indication that there were insiders helping make sure they would not get stopped, and I think we can all agree that arab terrorists have not infiltrated every level on the government in order to achieve this. The fact remains that they should not have been able to carry out the attack with the level of protection and monitoring available in the US...

Take the Pentagon for instance. It has automatic protection systems which would shoot down any plane geting near it. It has more than 50 cameras covering every possible angle. Yet the "plane" manages to get through and hit the building, and there is no surveilance video released that shows it, except the five frames which only show an explosion. What happened to all the tapes confiscated by the FBI within an hour of the explosion? If our theory is so outlandish, why don't they release the video that shows the plane? IMHO, because there was no plane...

[edit on 11-1-2007 by DrLeary]

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by ajpsk8
wow wow wow, what.

UFOs are anchient, go back to the egyptians, and there is a fine line between them and 9/11. when people say the leader of the country killed thousands of their OWN PEOPLE and compare him to hitler, its disgusting and cannot be true, just a way to arise hate for bush

second what tare you thinking. bush is going to slaughter 20,000 troops(its 30,000 by the way)? you have to understand this is a war my friend, not a holocaust. People die in a war. even if you think we shouldnt be there, we're engaged in a war. and if we pull out, our nation will, ultimately, fall. so remember, people die in a war. it is not bush killing people, it isw terrorists and insurgents in iraq. bush is not dirrectly or indirectly killing soldiers.

and if you dont know why we invaded afganistan or iraq, please go back to second grade. i really dont want to write it all down now but they were breeding grounds for terrorists. we still have to take care of iran and probly seria. but the two biggest are iran and N Korea.

what are your veiws on iran, just wondering.


[edit on 10-1-2007 by ajpsk8]

I just have one question for you- How old are you? and where were you educated? You cannot spell to save your life and from the sound of it, seems like you haven't done to much reading on the subject.

I'm not trying to insult you but you come across as very immature in your posts.

Oh, and for the record soldiers die in war-true, however the president and his admin. decide to go to war and they decide to send soldiers to war and to their deaths ultimately. So obviously he isn't directly killing people(let's not be ridiculous here), but he is the one deciding to put them in harms way is he not? and what's that resulting in? Their deaths. All very unfortunate really, I feel bad for your country.

Concerned neighbour,

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 11:52 AM
I find all this conspiracy stuff about 9/11 incredibly boring - it's over and the fallout is still going on but what the hell....
the real problem as I see it is that the US president is a warmongering, power mad, economic imperialist. What you guys in the US need to do is vote the a'hole out (unless he manages to rig another election). The problem is who would replace him.....
ever heard the saying that "anyone who's ambition is to be a politician should automatically be banned from being one"
we have similar problems here, with our leadership - immigration has gone mad crime is at an all time high, the NHS is falling apart - so our glorious leaders try to distract us with
the war on terror
global warming (why are we prepared to believe them on this when we don't believe anything else they say???)
and worst of all - taking months to pass a bill outlawing fox hunting!!! when there are so many more important things.
I say that we should get rid of the PC brigade, throw out the government, and start doing some worthwhile stuff with our tax money - yes indeedy folks, soon, revolution may be the only answer - especially if we just keep swapping one lot of tossers for another at every election.....

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
No, I repeat NO 9/11 conspiracy theory, or war for oil theory, or Bush is a Reptilian theory is true. NONE.
Theory. Say it slowly...theory....get my point ?
Proof, PLEASE ???
I'm getting so sick of people throwing their TRUTH on this site, that noone seems to get the point behind reality.
Nothing, not one damn iota of proof is behind these wild, outlandish theories.

Do I have a problem with speculation ? Not at all. Theory on the other hand, is different. Need to have at least some reason behind it.
But, to claim said theory as FACT ??? I call BS. I do.

That is my 2 cent,

Hurts doesn't it. Reality-that's a good one. So you're going to come home from your 9-5, watch your favorite sitcom, maybe read a little, eat genetically modified food, take an antidepressant, fart, and call it a night?

If I didn't have a heart I would have hooked people like you up to energy collecting devices a long time ago (just kidding).

Do you want to be a cow? Do you want to be spoon-fed the rest of your life with nonsense and garbage?

The proof you want is contained in the essence of your very own soul. Open your eyes, look around, and pick up the pieces of what you think is reality. Study it. As the maker of 9/11 Mysteries stated, after seeing the story for what it was he devoted an entire week to studying the subject.

This is beyond theory. Jump on the bandwagon now, or stay a cow. Do you want to say no, or yell moo?

p.s. Thanks DrLeary for your post but I doubt Lexion will understand that language. Hopefully he understands when I jump to his level somewhat.

[edit on 11-1-2007 by jaguarmike]

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 02:40 PM
Although I find the OP's statements somewhat incoherent and I do have my opinions on these issues, I'm going to leave most alone.

However, I will say this:

To not come to the aid of another human being in need is tragic. So many in this country are thoughtless and selfish when it comes to helping others. No matter the reasons, Iraq is being liberated and believe me the death toll is low in comparison to Saddam's senseless killing sprees.

You want to see casualties of war? Well, this one is at the bottom of the list! Go back and look up casualty statistics for the Korean War just for example. You will probably pee your pants.

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 03:27 PM
alright now please stop with the personal insults. i'm here for a debate not to be told i'm a dumb drug addict.

ok, the 9/11 THEORY, i get it i was just wondering how people come about thinking this. but moving away from that:

now, you say the war is now over, but who is killing our soldiers? is george bush running over there and shooting them, no. it is the insurgents that dont want us to stabalize iraq and the death squads running thru town.

and also, what do you think will happen if we pull out of iraq?
we are discussing IRAQ not my intelligence.

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 03:45 PM
Who is killing the US soldiers in Iraq?

Okay Fed guy, here is the answer. The Freedom Fighters are killing your troopers, because they want to chase, banish all the intruders out from their country. Isn't it simple? Just change the perspective. You would do the same, if the Chinese would arrive into the U.S., after they would get a fake report from the North Koreans for example, that you have Weapons of Mass Destruction (Theory set up. If that Alliance would exists and the U.S. would have no right to bear a nuclear or any sort of other weapons.). They would come to the U.S., occupy it and would found nothing, not a single WMD, but they would stay. What would you do, Fed guy? Sit back at home or in your D.C. office and start to learn Chinese? I don't think so. You would pick up the fight against the intruders. It's that simple.

[edit on 11-1-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by ajpsk8
now, you say the war is now over, but who is killing our soldiers? is george bush running over there and shooting them, no. it is the insurgents that dont want us to stabalize iraq and the death squads running thru town.

and also, what do you think will happen if we pull out of iraq?
we are discussing IRAQ not my intelligence.

Download the documentary about the death squads - you'll find it on PirateBay - and you might learn a thing or two. They are not insurgents as such, but special police trained and funded by the new US-backed government. They are pretty much all shiite, and go around killing upto 100 sunni every day "in retaliation of sunni bombings". These are government employees, not some militia og insurgents. If the US gave a rats ass about the security and wellbeing of civilians in Iraq, they would arrest those leaders that are doing this, instead of supporting them. The death squads are so well armed and equipped, and have such good connections in high up places, that the "ordinary" police will not even begin to investigate them. They are too affraid to do anything. The only ones in Iraq with the weapons and equipment to deal with this problem are the US troops, but they won't go near them either!

Replacing one evil corrupt government with another is not liberation or democracy...
If you pulled out now then nothing much will change really. They will keep on killing eachother I'm pretty sure. This does not represent a threat to US national security however. I'm thinking maybe a UN peace keeper force could be sent in to try and maintain the order, but then again they usually lack the mandate to do anything about it. Maybe they'll be seen as trying to help though, something the US troops surely aren't.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by ajpsk8
now, you say the war is now over, but who is killing our soldiers? is george bush running over there and shooting them, no. it is the insurgents that dont want us to stabalize iraq and the death squads running thru town.

The "insurgents" don't want you/us (the occupiers) in their country. Failure to comprehend this simple fact makes further discussions on the occupation irrelevant.

Originally posted by ajpsk8
and also, what do you think will happen if we pull out of iraq?
we are discussing IRAQ not my intelligence.

The current US and UK administrations have no intention of pulling out of Iraq. You don't build the world's largest embassy complex in the capital city if your intention is to leave.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 10:38 AM
"Freedom Fighters"? Now I've heard it all!

It's a matter of who you believe and if you are a Liberal America hater then you're going to believe the stories that support your view. Although the complete truth is not on the side of the Bush led contingent you can't rationally say that it is on the liberal side of things either. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Believing everything you read is bad enough but only believing the stories that support your side is denying the search for resolution.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think anyone tried to jailbreak Saddam or shoot him down from the noose a couple of weeks ago.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 11:35 AM
ok. I think you need to get your facts straight.I dont know where your getting your information from. But as a member of NY911truth i can tell you that no one is saying bush planted extra bombs in the WTC. We know that bombs were planted on the primary joints and thermate was used to help cut the steel. The resedue was tested by a physics professor to do so.
And we know the insurance policy was reworked by Mr silverstien to cover acts of terrorism. We know Marvin Bush was head of security at Securecom and the WTC and Dullas Airport(which was where these planes supposidlt took off from).
As far as our reasons for invading Iraq and Iran. Outside of our current situation there, lets not forget why we went in the 1st place. WMD's that werent there. Whatever reason we have for being stuck there now is all due the the lie of searching for WMD's that were never there.
Mr bush and his policies since 9-11 are destroying our country. The patriot act and the loss of Habeus Corpus. And the random bag searches in the NYC subway. Are all serious threats to YOUR civil liberties. It sounds like you would be the 1st one in line to make bush our new dictator and turn us into Nazi Germany.Dont forget that Mr Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush was caught trading steel with the enemy during WW2. So believe all that common enemy stuff if you want. Ill see you at the head of the line when theyre handing out swastikas.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:54 PM

well if one were to only research the facts behind 9/11 like to statistical near impossibility of norad drills and real attacks on the same morning,

If you had any idea of how many drills the US military runs, you would realize that your statement is flat out wrong. Near impossibility? Not eve close.

not to mention to freefall speeds of the collapse

Umm debunked on too many other sites for me to bother with.

well how about the THEORY that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD's

Theory? Let's see, we have found over 500 chemical weapons and tons of others whose destruction has NEVER been verified, although many Iraqis have testified they helped move a bunch of them to Syria.

How afghanistan was quickly forgotten (left to the canadians) in pursuit of terrorists that Iraq had connections to which was only THEORY

We left Afghanistan? That would be news to all of my buddies that are over there right now. Theorized connections to terrorists?

“President Saddam Hussein has recently told the head of the Palestinian political office, Faroq al-Kaddoumi, his decision to raise the sum granted to each family of the martyrs of the Palestinian uprising to $25,000 instead of $10,000,” Aziz, announced at a Baghdad meeting of Arab politicians and businessmen on March 11, 2002, Reuters reported the next day.

Between the time Saddam Hussein boosted his bonus payments to the families of Palestinian terrorists and the March 20, 2003 launch of Operation Iraqi Freedom, 28 homicide bombers injured 1,209 people and killed 223 more, including at least eight Americans. These bonus checks were handed out at ceremonies where banners proclaimed the friendship of the PLO’s Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein.

The man pictured below is Hisham al Hussein, the former second secretary at Iraq’s embassy in Manila. The Philippine government expelled him on February 13, 2003, just five weeks before the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Cell phone records indicate he had spoken with Abu Madja and Hamsiraji Sali, two leaders of Abu Sayyaf, al-Qaeda’s de facto franchise for the Philippines. The timing was particularly suspicious, as he had been in contact with the Abu Sayyaf terrorists just before and after they conducted an attack in Zamboanga City.

Enter Abdul Rahman Yasin, pictured below in a U.S. State Department "Wanted" poster. This Indiana-born, Iraqi-reared terrorist remains wanted by the FBI for his role in the February 26, 1993 World Trade Center attack. President Bill Clinton's Justice Department indicted Yasin for mixing the chemicals in the bomb that exploded in the parking garage beneath the Twin Towers, killing six and injuring 1,042 people in New York.

Soon after the smoke cleared, Yasin returned to Iraq. Coalition forces have discovered documents that show he enjoyed housing and a monthly government salary. Former ABC News correspondent Sheila MacVicar looked for Yasin, and here is what she reported on July 27, 1994: “Last week, [television program] Day One confirmed [Yasin] is in Baghdad…Just a few days ago, he was seen at [his father’s] house by ABC News. Neighbors told us Yasin comes and goes freely.”

This is Abu Musab al Zarqawi. After running an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan, he found his way to Baathist Baghdad, where he reportedly checked into Olympic Hospital, an elite facility run by the late Uday Hussein, son of the captured tyrant. Zarqawi is believed to have received medical treatment for a leg injury sustained while dodging American GIs who toppled the Taliban. He convalesced in Baghdad for some two months.

The Associated Press reports that Coalition forces shut down at least three terrorist training camps in Iraq. The most notorious of these was the base at Salman Pak, about 15 miles southeast of Baghdad. Before the war, numerous Iraqi defectors said the camp featured a passenger jet on which terrorists sharpened their air piracy skills. This satellite photo shows an urban assault training site, a three-car train for railway-attack instruction, and a commercial airliner sitting all by itself in the middle of the desert.

The man pictured below is Sabah Khodada, a former Iraqi army captain who once worked at Salman Pak. On October 14, 2001, Khodada granted an interview to PBS television program “Frontline,” stating, “This camp is specialized in exporting terrorism to the whole world.” He added: “Training includes hijacking and kidnapping of airplanes, trains, public buses, and planting explosives in cities ... how to prepare for suicidal operations.”

Then there is the interesting case of Ahmad Hikmat Shakir — an Iraqi VIP facilitator who worked at the international airport in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Citing "a foreign government service," page 340 of the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on pre-Iraq-War intelligence indicates that, "Shakir claimed he got this job through Ra'ad al-Mudaris, an Iraqi Embassy employee" in Malaysia. On January 5, 2000, Shakir greeted Khalid al Midhar and Nawaz al Hamzi at Kuala Lampur’s airport. He then escorted them to a local hotel where these September 11 hijackers met with 9/11 conspirators Ramzi bin al Shibh and Tawfiz al Atash.

Khalid al Midhar and Nawaz al Hamzi subsequently spent the morning of September 11, 2001 flying American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon, killing 184 people

Shakir, the Iraqi airport greeter, was arrested in Qatar on September 17, 2001.

Interestingly enough, as a May 27, 2004 Wall Street Journal editorial reported, Ahmed Hikmat Shakir's name appears on three different rosters of the late Uday Hussein's prestigious paramilitary group, the Saddam Fedayeen. A government source told the Journal that the papers identify Shakir as a lieutenant colonel in the Saddam Fedayeen

Below is a rare photograph of Ahmad Khalil Ibrahim Samir al-Ani. He was Consul and Second Secretary at Iraq's Czech embassy between March 1999 and April 22, 2001. He long has been suspected of meeting with September 11 ringleader Mohamed Atta, most likely on April 8, 2001 To be continued.....

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:27 PM

Or perhaps Al-Ani saw a former student from Hamburg named Mohamed Atta to discuss more practical matters. The Czech government sticks to their contention that they did observe this Iraqi diplomat meeting with Mohamed Atta just five months before 9-11. As Czech U.N. Ambassador Hynek Kmonicek explained in a letter to Philadelphia attorney James Beasley, Jr.: “In this moment we can confirm, that during the next stay of Mr. Muhammad Atta in the Czech Republic, there was the contact with the official of the Iraqi intelligence, Mr. Al Ani, Ahmed Khalin Ibrahim Samir, who was on 22nd April 2001 expelled from the Czech Republic on the basis of activities which were not compatible with the diplomatic status.”

Thus, there is abundant and undeniable evidence that Saddam Hussein provided money, diplomatic services, shelter, medical care, and training to terrorists of every stripe, including those complicit in the 1993 WTC bombing and — according to a Clinton-appointed federal judge — the September 11 attacks. The Iraqi dictator aided al-Qaeda and other global terrorists who murdered Americans, both at home and abroad

US Judge rules Iraq/Al Qaeda linked...

On to other posts on this thread....

We know that bombs were planted on the primary joints and thermate was used to help cut the steel. The resedue was tested by a physics professor to do so.

Yes, a lady's friend's buddy gave her a piece of wreckage supposedly from the WTC to give to the physics professor (NOT a chemical engineer, that would make too much sense) and he says he found evidence of thermite....the "chain of custody" here wouldnt survive a first year law student.

And we know the insurance policy was reworked by Mr silverstien to cover acts of terrorism

After the bombing in 1993, insurers paid 510 million in damages for the WTC. So, terrorism was part of WTC coverage LONG before 2001.

We know Marvin Bush was head of security at Securecom and the WTC and Dullas Airport(which was where these planes supposidlt took off from).

This is a horrible mistatement of the facts (as is most of the conspiracy theories). Marvin Bush left Securecom long before 9/11.

And he was a member of the board of directors...NOT the head of security.

Dont forget that Mr Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush was caught trading steel with the enemy during WW2

Once again, not true....

Though the Bush family's detractors are legion, one of the most prominent is John Loftus, a former federal prosecutor and past president of the Florida Holocaust Museum in Saint Petersburg. In 1994 Loftus coauthored a book with Mark Aarons entitled The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People. The book alleges various misdeeds by George W.'s father, George H.W., his grandfather, Prescott Bush, and his great-grandfather, George Herbert Walker. Since space is limited we'll focus on the accusations against Prescott Bush, which in my opinion are the most serious. The central charge against Prescott Bush has a basis in fact. In 1942, under the Trading With the Enemy Act, the U.S. government seized several companies in which he had an interest. Prescott at the time was an investment banker with Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), which had funneled U.S. capital into Germany during the 1920s and '30s. Among the seized companies was the Union Banking Corporation (UBC) of New York, which was controlled by German industrialist Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen had been an early financier of the Nazi party--in fact, in 1941 he published a book entitled I Paid Hitler. Ergo, Prescott helped finance the Nazis. An article by journalist Toby Rogers posted on Loftus's Web site makes an even more explosive charge. Another company in which Prescott and his associates had a stake was the Silesian-American Corporation (SAC), which owned several industrial concerns in Poland. The Auschwitz death camp was established in a district where SAC already had a steel plant. The plant allegedly used forced labor from Auschwitz during World War II. The article asserts that "a portion of the slave labor force in Poland was 'managed by Prescott Bush,' according to a Dutch intelligence agent." (See The slave labor charge is easy to dismiss. SAC plants in Poland were taken over by the German government after the Nazi invasion of 1939, and the Auschwitz prison camp wasn't established until 1940. No one can seriously claim that Prescott Bush managed camp inmates in any of those plants. Prescott's involvement with Nazi finance is more complicated. Though Thyssen had been an ardent backer of the Nazis in the early days, he broke with them in 1938 after the Kristallnacht pogrom against the Jews. He fled to Switzerland the following year, and Hitler confiscated his fortune and stripped him of his citizenship. In I Paid Hitler Thyssen confessed his role in financing the Nazis and denounced the Führer. Arrested in Vichy France, he spent the balance of the war as an Axis prisoner. Prescott Bush, for his part, owned a single share of stock (of 4,000) in UBC, the Thyssen bank. According to a 2001 Boston Globe piece, the New York Herald Tribune ran a story in July 1942 headlined "Hitler's Angel Has 3 Million in US Bank," in which Prescott and other BBH partners "explain[ed] to government regulators that their position [as directors of UBC] was merely an unpaid courtesy for a client."

Thank you Cecil Adams.....

In other words, Prescott never traded steel, he was an investment banker with a connection to a bank controlled by Fritz Thyssen, who was on the outs with the Nazis before World War II even started.

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
If you had any idea of how many drills the US military runs, you would realize that your statement is flat out wrong. Near impossibility? Not eve close.

I am still wondering why NORAD pulled planes to monitor a russian air force excercise. We have spaceborne and airborne platforms that can do that without pulling several planes away from thier normal patraol routes.

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
Yes, a lady's friend's buddy gave her a piece of wreckage supposedly from the WTC to give to the physics professor (NOT a chemical engineer, that would make too much sense) and he says he found evidence of thermite....the "chain of custody" here wouldnt survive a first year law student.

So your saying the demo and excavation crews are not correct when they stated about molten steel in the basements of several of the buildings ?

[edit on 15-1-2007 by ULTIMA1]

[edit on 15-1-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 05:54 PM

I'm saying, like many others, that you got sucked in to believing things that werent necessarily true.

I am still wondering why NORAD pulled planes to monitor a russian air force excercise. We have spaceborne and airborne platforms that can do that without pulling several planes away from thier normal patraol routes.

Im still wondering why people still believe this. In no way, shape, or form was ANY defense sector left short of aircraft that day. Requirements for continental air defense is TWO ready jets at each designated base. NOT jets in the air, but jets on alert (not necessarily armed with anything other than shells for the cannon).

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by ajpsk8
...its disgusting and cannot be true...

Why? Because you really want it to be false?

The sheer quantity of ignorance in this thread is daunting.

[edit on 1/15/2007 by Unit541]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

I'm saying, like many others, that you got sucked in to believing things that werent necessarily true.

I am still wondering why NORAD pulled planes to monitor a russian air force excercise. We have spaceborne and airborne platforms that can do that without pulling several planes away from thier normal patraol routes.

Im still wondering why people still believe this. In no way, shape, or form was ANY defense sector left short of aircraft that day. Requirements for continental air defense is TWO ready jets at each designated base. NOT jets in the air, but jets on alert (not necessarily armed with anything other than shells for the cannon).

So do you have proof that the demo and excavation crews were lieing ?

Yes i know what jets were on alert and in the air. But you might want to look at why NORAD needed to pull jets to monitor an excercise.

You had 2 sets of jets that went up that day, 1 sent up form NORAD and the other ordered up by the secret service to protect the white house.

[edit on 16-1-2007 by ULTIMA1]

[edit on 16-1-2007 by ULTIMA1]

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