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oh common, are you serious

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posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 04:28 PM
Hi i'm here for various parts of the community, mainly the UFOs, but heres what this post is about:

i think it is REDICULOUS people beleive that bush is behind 9/11. i was watching this video that says he put explosives in the WTC so the explosion would be bigger. even if he was behind it to get oil (he had nothing to do with it), why would he put explosives in to make it blow up MORE. and theres this link saying "Charge Bush With Crimes Against Humanity!" how insane. how would you go about that? do you know what would happen if we pulled out? and please listen to me because heres what will happen; the "shi-ite death squads (of al-queda) will consider this a GREAT victory against the americans, it will AGAIN become a breeding ground for terrorists, collect nuclear weapons support from iran and we will not have one foothold in the middle east. they will raise there oil prices as high as they want and we'll eventually have a nuclear war, destroying both countries. we simply cannot leave iraq. now it is true that we thought that this will be a simple war but it turned out to be much more.

dont get me wrong, i do beleive that we need to tell the iraqis "get up or we're out"

and my last message, if you hate bush, think he's out to kill us, think the CIA is counterfiting money... then that is just disgusting. I met this guy who showed me the site, he said he doesnt pay taxes, doesnt vote, doesnt take part n the liberties that this country offers so the government would screw him. this is disgusting. IT IS A PRIVLAGE TO VOTE IN THIS COUNTRY. if you dont vote, why not move to china or some dictatorship where kids are thrown in ovens. you dont have the rights there that you eglect here. IT is completely disrespectful to not vote. there are people that would shoot their children to vote and you just say... nahh i'm not gonna vote because i dont like bush. disgusting. if you dont like the CIA which protects us from terrorists, the gov., the presidnt, dont vote, THEN GET OUT OF AMERICA.

i'm open to any opinions or rebuttals you have against me.


posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by ajpsk8
Hi i'm here for various parts of the community, mainly the UFOs, but heres what this post is about:

i think it is REDICULOUS people beleive that bush is behind 9/11.

PFFFT! So it's OK to think UFOs are real but 911 conspiracies are not?

and my last message, if you hate bush, think he's out to kill us, think the CIA is counterfiting money... then that is just disgusting.

Bush is out to kill a lot of people - for starters he's invaded 2 middle east countries that were not a legitimate threat, killed a lot of civilian arabs and sacrificied a lot of US military blood in the name on money.

Due to send 20,000 more to slaughter too if what I heard on the news tonight is correct.

The CIA was and is up to all kinds or dirty tricks. 100% correct - that is disgusting. It's disgusting what they get up to.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:06 PM
wow wow wow, what.

UFOs are anchient, go back to the egyptians, and there is a fine line between them and 9/11. when people say the leader of the country killed thousands of their OWN PEOPLE and compare him to hitler, its disgusting and cannot be true, just a way to arise hate for bush

second what tare you thinking. bush is going to slaughter 20,000 troops(its 30,000 by the way)? you have to understand this is a war my friend, not a holocaust. People die in a war. even if you think we shouldnt be there, we're engaged in a war. and if we pull out, our nation will, ultimately, fall. so remember, people die in a war. it is not bush killing people, it isw terrorists and insurgents in iraq. bush is not dirrectly or indirectly killing soldiers.

and if you dont know why we invaded afganistan or iraq, please go back to second grade. i really dont want to write it all down now but they were breeding grounds for terrorists. we still have to take care of iran and probly seria. but the two biggest are iran and N Korea.

what are your veiws on iran, just wondering.


[edit on 10-1-2007 by ajpsk8]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by ajpsk8
wow wow wow, what.

UFOs are anchient, go back to the egyptians, and there is a fine line between them and 9/11. when people say the leader of the country killed thousands of their OWN PEOPLE and compare him to hitler, its disgusting and cannot be true, just a way to arise hate for bush

I was just pointing out that you believe in UFOs which some people say there is a lot of evidence for but many people also think are just make believe. Same thing with 911 - plenty of people for and against the conspiracy theories

second what tare you thinking. bush is going to slaughter 20,000 troops(its 30,000 by the way)? you have to understand this is a war my friend, not a holocaust. People die in a war. even if you think we shouldnt be there, we're engaged in a war. and if we pull out, our nation will, ultimately, fall. so remember, people die in a war. it is not bush killing people, it isw terrorists and insurgents in iraq. bush is not dirrectly or indirectly killing soldiers.

Yeah it is a war, but Bush gave the go ahead. Lots of blood is and will be spilled, and that blood is on his hands

and if you dont know why we invaded afganistan or iraq, please go back to second grade. i really dont want to write it all down now but they were breeding grounds for terrorists.

The official line is that Afghanistan was invaded because the Taliban refused to hand over Bin Laden. Bush wanted to arrest him for 911. Since then Bush has stated that he is not really bothered about catching Bin Laden. Iraq was invaded because of the (almost certainly non-existent) threat of WMD.

we still have to take care of iran and probly seria. but the two biggest are iran and N Korea.

Well, that just depends on your point of view

what are your veiws on iran, just wondering.

The US is the biggest and most powerful superpower on the world stage. The perceived threats against you are manufactured. The only threat is not from individual countries but from terrorism, and throwing military weight around the globe and flexing muscles is more likely to increase hostility against you, not make you safer. Not unless you wipe out every country not on your side.

[edit on 10/1/2007 by alienanderson]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:28 PM
well as you said that he gave the go ahead for the war. now lets go back to the checks and balances. now if the president wants to go to war, he can go at it for 30 days or hes out. the only way the war can go on for more than 30 days is if the senate approves of the war.

if blood is on his hands, wouldnt it be on the senate as well?

i'm starting to get some of your points, but i'm pro bush and i dont understand why you call him a murderer.

oh and what is your opinion on the guy who doesnt vote ect.?

[edit on 10-1-2007 by ajpsk8]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by ajpsk8
i think it is REDICULOUS people beleive that bush is behind 9/11. i was watching this video that says he put explosives in the WTC so the explosion would be bigger. even if he was behind it to get oil (he had nothing to do with it), why would he put explosives in to make it blow up MORE. and theres this link saying "Charge Bush With Crimes Against Humanity!" how insane. how would you go about that?

What is your actual logical reasoning for saying that it can't be true? How do you know Bush had nothing to do with it? Who said he placed explosives to "make it blow up more"? The controlled demolition theory is based on observed facts, and it matches those much better than the official theory. I was about to post a real flame here, as your post struck me as the typical mubojumbo spewing of claims that are not, and can not, be backed up by any kind of logical reasoning, but I'm holding back in the hope that you can argue your case convincingly to me. Simply stating "This can not be true" does not make a thing any more or less true unless you can actually back up your statement with some kind of facts or source.

Why is it so insane to impeach Bush, when we have good reason to believe hes lying to us. Clinton lost the white house because he lied about having sex with miss Lewinzky, something that has NO effect on policymaking or national security or anything else. I bet all the presidents get blowjobs in the oval office
But my point is, he was removed from office because somebody decided to make a case out of this ridicilous little thing, so what should we do with Bush & Cheney who have basically brought war and terror to the whole world with their blatant lies?

I think you need to think long and hard about what makes Bush such a great guy...

Oh and your about precious war... You shouldn't be there in the first place! There were no nukes or other WMD! You were lied to. Now the war which they said would be over in a matter of weeks has dragged on for more than three years and has killed more americans than 9/11. So where is the gain here? Who stands to profit? Has Iraq been liberated? Don't make me laugh...they were a lot better off before the US invaded. Now they have been bombed back to the stone age and are being massacred by militias funded by the new US-backed government. Don't kid yourself that you are doing them a favour!

PS. Taliban in Afghanistan actually offered to turn over Bin Laden if the US could produce any evidence agains him, something they could not (and still can't), so they invaded instead. Don't you think it's a bit dodgy that the "evidence" for these terrorists are not good enough to bring to a court of law, but they are good enough to go to war with?

[edit on 10-1-2007 by DrLeary]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:36 PM
just wondering, are you an athiest

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by ajpsk8
just wondering, are you an athiest

Who are you asking and what has that got to do with anything? Please don't tell me you believe God is on your side as well?
Do you know what the nazi SS troops had on their belt buckles? "Got Mitt Uns" or "God With Us"

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:45 PM
Okay. Here is my short theory what happened shortly before 911, at 911 and after 911 to our present days. A little timeline. There is a logic in, that the Bush Administration have made 911, after they've got some outer pressure. It's in chronological order, without dates.

- Israel is surrounded by multiple hostile enemies, whose want to banish them out from the Middle East. No one is helping them. The Israeli Corporations are loosing their power in the US and in the EU.
- The US Air Force grounding all of their aircrafts at the morning of 911.
- Attacks against the World Trade Center, Jews are Happy (5 dancing Jews case)
- A Zionist get all the insurance money for WTC and WTC7. Not to mention, that WTC7 have hold all the papers about a company, which was charged that time. But Bush and some Zionist also was involved in that company. The owner of WTC have changed the insurance policy shortly before the attacks. Almost all the Jews also forgot to go to work that day.
- After 911 the FBI is arresting the 5 dancing Israelis, whose spied on the U.S. Without any trial, they get a ticket and fly back to Israel without consequences.
- Israel is giving fake reports about Weapons of Mass Destruction to US and Canada. The reporter who have known about the reasons have been murdered in front of his house in London, shortly before the war have started.
- The U.S., the U.K. and their allies are attacking Iraq, where they're finding no trace of Weapons of Mass Destruction. But the war continues without any real reason and everyone is deploying more troops to fight against a Ghost.
- Israeli Spy-ring have found in the U.S., whose are taping everyone's phone all over the U.S. Excellent for blackmailing and intelligence gathering (Only the FOX News have made that report. It's on Youtube.). This spy-ring has been founded before 911, but since that time, nothing happened with them.
- The European Union is getting stronger, after they're supporting the War Against Terror. Many new poor countries' economy is collapsing because of the war. They need to sell Government properties to Mega Corporations. They're also entering into the union to get aid from the EU. After they've sold most of their Government property, they're are getting under the influence mostly of Israeli Corporations and they're also loosing their sovereignty over their land.
- The Bush Administration is continuing their War on Terror to ruin the economy of the U.S. With this, they will need to sell Airports, Hospitals, Schools, etc... to foreign elements, mostly to Israeli Corporations again.
- Bush want to form the North American Union, merging the trading of Canada and Mexico. With this, the country is going to loose it's sovereignty.
- Israelis are declaring war against Christmas (Sea-Tec, the forbidden Christmas in the U.K., the Menoras in Hungary, etc, etc...)
- No Christian Cross in the White House (Christmas 2006). I've heard the same from the U.K.
- New Year, 2007 - While five years ago, the EU is contained only 12 countries, on this day, the 25th member entering into the EU, because they needed to (Reason: Mostly economical collapse.)
- Present day. The war continues. Only Israel and it's corporation have won almost anything on this war, while their soldiers are never, or rarely was in Iraq, but preaching about the War on Terror. Bush is just a puppet, who have been blackmailed and he is doing what they're saying to him.

Since 911 and the London Explosions, there were not a single terror attack against the world. Unnamed, untitled, faceless videos are appearing someday, when the people of the supporting countries have enough about the war. The Al-Queda and the others are just ghost, powerless groups. Just to compare them with the ETA, what the ETA wanted to blow up in Spain, they've destroyed their target. Why? Because they're organized. What they want to achieve, they're achieving.

The result of the war... thousands of dead Christians and Muslims. Almost zero Jews.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:54 PM
nevermind, i was going to ask, if you were athiest, an anarchist, but i have not the time to get into that because i must be going out of town.

but in the end it all boils down to this:

you have to remember this is a war and people die in a war. some soldiers went into the army thinking they would not go into war and get free college, but, iraq war starts, people die, people say that bush directly killed their sons and daughters. now, the increase in soldiers is not a slaughter, it is a stratagy. it is the commander in cheif's theory, which i can relate back to the age of imperialism when we opened trade to japan by arriving with heavy weaponry and pretty much forcing them to sign our treaty opening trade. If we go in with mass power it says to them, you know what, you insurgents have no power and you better do what we say.

this increase is a last stand for bush, if this doesnt work, then we're done and will have to leave. please pray to god or whatever you worship that it does not happen. because remember what will happen when we pull out (see my first post) if it does work,l we claim victory.

anyways i want to thank you guys for debating with you i had a great time and i'll be back here in a few days


posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:56 PM

I know that in the US citizens are given the right to vote.

Would I be incorrect to state that the US constitution allows one to exercise a choice whether or not they wish to vote ? Can someone set me straight on this please ?

If it is a matter of choice and citizens are not legally required to vote then I do not see this as disrespectful. They may simply not like the policies of both sides at that particular election. They may choose to vote next time.
That is using the power of choice in the "land of the free" (well what used to be the 'land of the free")

In Australia, we are all given the right to vote and by law must cast a vote. We are fined if we do not. I find that disrespectful.

[edit on 10-1-2007 by resistancia]

[edit on 10-1-2007 by resistancia]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:57 PM
People die. Yes. For why? Profit, nothing more. See my upper explanation.

Oh. I've forgot to add. Between the beginning of the war and Present Day. Mostly Israeli Corporations got all the contracts to rebuild Iraq.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:01 PM
Seems to me that this is definitely in the wrong forum. You're looking to pick a fight, plain and simple. If you were in rants, I would find this understandable, but for someone without a shred of evidence who wants to talk about UFOs, I find this to be ridiculous.

And I'm sorry to the moderators, I would respond to the "topic" and not go after the "person", but this is so blatently a fight trying to be picked, as the incoherent ramblings have yet to form a purpose, other than "I am pro-Bush and you are a nutjob commie if you disagree."

So, maybe it should skip BTS altogether, and fall over to Majic's domain.

Good luck majic!

As someone else's line reads, Don't Feed the Trolls.

[edit on 1/10/07 by niteboy82]

[edit on 1/10/07 by niteboy82]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:05 PM
While there is a lot more evidence for UFO/ET visitation to earth, you cannot seriously think that the conspiracy theories surrounding September 11, 2001 are more ridiculous than the conspiracy of beings from other planets coming here being covered up.

With the outright lies of the WMD issue with Iraq, Bush and his administration have made it clear they have no regard for the lives of the people of the USA or those of Iraq. That much is out in the open.

Why would it be so hard to believe that this careless treatment of human life the Bush administration exhibits in foreign policy would not also be reflected in what they do in the homeland? If they're willing to waste life somewhere else for some goal then they could just as easily waste it here.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:11 PM
I've already told this to Bob, the other one, who have opened a similar topic. You're the second or the third on this day, who is taking up similar question and opening similar topics. And as I see, you're also a Newbie here.

So, there are two possibilities:

1 - You're some sort of Fed Agent, sitting in his nice office back at D.C. and doing what the Boss says. In this case I need to tell you that you can't convince the people here about the Government, their acts, who is good, who is bad, or Israel is great, or the Bush Admin have no connection to 911, etc, etc... People's eyes are opening. They have enough about all the fabricated lies.

2- If you're just simple ordinary guy... well. Open your eyes and let's face the truth. Try to accept the unacceptable, because nothing and no one is what they first appear to be. It's better if you get to use to it.

But if #1 true, I believe we will never going to learn it, go to your boss and tell him, that you've faced with resistance and mention this in his White House, AIPAC or other report.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by ajpsk8
now, the increase in soldiers is not a slaughter, it is a stratagy. it is the commander in cheif's theory, which i can relate back to the age of imperialism when we opened trade to japan by arriving with heavy weaponry and pretty much forcing them to sign our treaty opening trade. If we go in with mass power it says to them, you know what, you insurgents have no power and you better do what we say.

So it seems you are familiar with the US typical style of military hostile takeover for economic gain. How is this not relevant to the Iraq war? I think those who have lost sons and daughters in Iraq are pissed off because the war is not really about making things better over there, it's about securing the oil. If it weren't then surely we should see some improvement by now, yeah? How many million dollars have you thrown at this? They don't want you there, the troops don't want to be there, and most of americans no longer want the war. It's turned very nasty indeed.

And victory has already been claimed by the way. Don't you remember Bush on the airplanecarrier going "Iraq is free" and "the end of major military action". What he should have said is "We have now secures all the oil fields, and are no longer interested in freeing or securing anything else."

And your world nuclear war scenario is really not going to happen. First of all they don't have any nukes. North Korea has something, but they don't have anything that can be delivered by missile anywhere. The testing they did was just a show off. These bombs are too big to fit in a missile, so if they want to nuke someone they're gona have to nuke themselves. It's funny because all the countries that might actually be able to drop a nuke on you guys are left alone. No one is invading Pakistan or India or North Korea for that matter.

It's like Bill Hicks said; it's like the comboy in the movied Shane, throwing the pistol at the sheep hearders feet and saying 'Pick up the gun!' then as soon as he does, he get's shot and the combow goes 'you all saw him...he had a gun!' If they ever find anything remotely WMD down there, it will say 'Made in the US' on the bottom.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:15 PM
no, no no dont get me wrong.

i start our by stating my opinion and then we work it down to one thing. if you notice i'm agreeing with a lot of things people say. and i really do not like it when you take my quote and exaggerate it. its called a debate, i'm out here to debate, not to pick a fight.

Would I be incorrect to state that the US constitution allows one to exercise a choice whether or not they wish to vote ? Can someone set me straight on this please ?

dont get me wrong, it people dont like the cantidates, then you dont have to vote, but its people who dont like the government and dont beleive in it who dont vote simply because they dont want to and will never vote who i have a problem with. we are in a world where people in other countries would be willing to be tourtured to death after they cast a vote simply to cast a vote and some people say "nahh i dont like the government so i'm not gonna vote" i'm just saying its a privlege to vote and morally, not constitutionally, but morally, it is right to vote.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by ajpsk8
dont get me wrong, it people dont like the cantidates, then you dont have to vote, but its people who dont like the government and dont beleive in it who dont vote simply because they dont want to and will never vote who i have a problem with. we are in a world where people in other countries would be willing to be tourtured to death after they cast a vote simply to cast a vote and some people say "nahh i dont like the government so i'm not gonna vote" i'm just saying its a privlege to vote and morally, not constitutionally, but morally, it is right to vote.

Download and watch Hacking Democracy, and then tell me you still believe there's a point in voting. If the computer decides who the winner is, then who can argue? And since there are no phycial votes to be counted there's no way of proving either way. I completely understand why people don't vote. They've lost faith in the system.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:23 PM
Morally??? Well. If you need to choose from Death and Death, what would you choose? A third one. It's similar like vote. Bad and Bad. The wise option is to not go to vote.

Okay. Are you really some sort of Fed? Because they're those ones, whose are usually saying this, what you've said. And usually Agents writing on this way. Don't get me wrong, but I don't like if someone is trying to spy on us.
No offense, but your behavior is really fit to an agent. Similar behavior and writing style, what Bob2000 is using. Both of you taking up the same question, just on a different way, both of you forget to capitalize the first letters of your sentences and both of you miss the " ' " from the words, like Don't, Can't, It's, etc, etc... Same as Bob2000. Tsk-tsk-tsk.

[edit on 10-1-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:27 PM
There is a distinct possibility that UFO's could be linked to 911. In fact, if you check some videos online you will notice that a UFO's were spotted and recorded before, during and after the event. I'm just spitballing here but something for you to consider.

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