posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 12:00 PM
I live a few miles from Disneyland and know lots of people who work there.
Any of the "suit" jobs (characters) are the most hated and deplored at the park, and the Dizzy folks are thinking about getting rid of them
altogether (except for the little tyke areas).
The reason is that the public has gone bonkers and all manner of civility is evaporating. Teens are out of control, parents don't control or
discipline their kids - even the little ones, and the most outlandish, digusting behavior is not only tolerated but often encouraged as "personal
The result is what you see in the video - it's obvious the teen is screwing with Tigger's suit, perhaps pinching him or grabbing his arse - all for
the sake of a 'funny video' - maybe something they can get on to AFV or YouTube for a little fame.
It's an epidemic, really, and my sources say that the bad behavior is getting worse almost daily. Kids, especially the 10-to-tweeny crowd, seem to
delight in trying to trip the characters, yank on their ears, noses, and tails, trying to make them fall or do something 'they'll regret' for the
It's no longer sufficient to simply get a snapshot standing next to Mickey - you need something more "memorable". The Cahracters go through
extensive training on how to deflect as much of this daily, continuous abuse as possible while trying to maintain a pleasant demeanor - a near
impossible task. "Suit" jobs are rarely longer than 1 hour duration, after which each character goes through a 'debriefing' and 'cool-down'
period. The combat training, debriefing, and cool-down regroup was unheard of and unnecessary a decade ago.
Shame on society in general and Mr. Dad in particular (and sons) for allowing values to be lost and trying to capitalize on atrocious behavior.
Tigger should be the one doing the suing here - which of course, won't happen.
I wonder if these idiot degenerates would treat these folks as badly if they weren't wearing a mask. There is a human being under those character
suits. Get a grip on reality - it's not just a foam suit your abusing...
Tigger should invite the Dad and his sons out to the parking lot and ask the punk if he'd like to try that arse pinching stunt again.
Tigger rules. Punks are spineless. The dad needs to get a life. Hey Judge: Rule against the Dad and throw the whole thing out as frivolous. Have
the kid sweep floors or something to pay for attorneys fees...
'nuff said...