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757/767 remote control flight...terrorists didnt do it

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posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 05:22 PM
NO!! There is NO evidence at all that any ' keys ' were in fact used. All the fairy tale soothsayers in the government will say is that in all four cases the highjackers ' gained entry ' to all four cockpits before even one pilot could key a mike. That is ludicrous and unlikley and odds on not a good idea. There is NO WAY that the average person could get thru a cockpit door and overcome two determined pilots before even one could key the mike. No way. Sorry. And for it to happen four times in a row, perfectly? C'mon now. The odds are geting astronomical now.

There has never been any investigation of the actual cockpit ' invasions ' and subsequent takeovers so naturally the government can avoid any scrutiny. I mean, after all, they GOT IN , RIGHT ? Thats the logic for the NIST not modeling the Towers after the point of collapse: We all saw them come down so why worry about HOW it happened..right? Thats ignorance personified and not the way to truth. The fact is that all of the planes were taken INSTANTLY, and the ONLY way to reconcile this with the rest of the known facts is by remote control. If you know of any others let me know, but do not bother including the Official Lie in the group as we all know that that is the most blatant and insulting story ever told.

Without the internet and modern technology and cameras, we never would have been able to piece this together: Just think, we are just now proving conclusively that Kennedy was assassinated, although we always knew it to be so. But now we can call a liar a liar and out a lie fast, so the Bush cabal just ignores all of it, of course. America is being held hostage by a rouge cabal that murders for profit. The technology to take planes has been there all along: How many of you really read that material? The ones who cannot come up with any better counter analysis of my thoughts than the one posted above that I am responding to illustrates better then I ever could how barren is the case to be made for the official story.

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by AMTMAN
Having been in the cockpits of both the 757 and 767 once you open that door you can be on top of the captains and FO's seat in about two seconds.

But how long would it take you to get through the door?

With a key, about as fast as it takes to unlock any door. Without one awift kick by a grown man could open the door easily. Remember cockpit doors, except El Al of course, were nothing more than a fancy privacy curtains. Very light wieght contruction.

[edit on 23-11-2007 by AMTMAN]

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
There is NO WAY that the average person could get thru a cockpit door and overcome two determined pilots before even one could key the mike. No way. Sorry. And for it to happen four times in a row, perfectly? C'mon now. The odds are geting astronomical now.

Well this tells me you really don't know waht your talking about. As I have already stated those doors prior to 9-11 were flimsy at best. Not much of a deterent to someone bent on his own destruction.

"The hijackers attacked at 9:28. While traveling 35,000 feet above eastern Ohio, United 93 suddenly dropped 700 feet. Eleven seconds into the descent, the FAA's air traffic control center in Cleveland received the first of two radio transmissions from the aircraft. During the first broadcast, the captain or first officer could be heard declaring "Mayday" amid the sounds of a physical struggle in the cockpit. The second radio transmission, 35 seconds later, indicated that the fight was continuing. The captain or first officer could be heard shouting:" Hey get out of here-get out of here-get out of here."

So much for your theroy that four flights did not make radio transmissions during the takeovers.

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by AMTMAN

I have told eyewitness 86 that flight 93 transmitted 2 separate radio calls on several different occasions and he continues to ignore it.

So eyewitness 86, how about those two radio transmissions from flight 93?

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 06:37 PM
Theren is NO proof ever given that the transmission, if real at all, was from any plane involved. It could well have been broadcast by the perps as ' proof ' of a highjacking. Why only ONE IF you are right? Why do we not have FOUR partial recordings of cockpit takeovers? Those highjackers must be awfully swift if they can move that fast and overwhelm and remove eight pilots from a cramped space before they could key the mike.

Even if you did have ONE example, what about the other three? The fact that there is not a majority of the planes with any calls says it all. I believe that the transcript yopu refer to was provided to them by the govenment, and God knows we can trust them to tell the truth about 9-11..right? Please. How could you be satisfied with only ONE alleged call?

WHY also were there no other planes showing any signs of a drop in altitude or swaying at all? Hmmm? just ONE plane drops a litte among all four? That says it all also. It says that the planes were taken remotely, even IF the ' highjackers ' were on board and attempted to take the planes..They could not have flown them either as they were already taken over...otherwise SURELY the other three planes would have shown SOME signs of a struggle or some kind of radio transmission.

To believe other wise is silly.

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86

Ask Sandy Dahl if it was her husband's voice heard on the recordings. She has heard all of them.

I've given you more than one example of pilots not keying the microphone instantly when a hijacking occurs. What makes the September 11 pilots any different?

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870
Not that I recall. Mary Schiavo from the NTSB mentioned it as a possibility during the 9/11 commission hearings.

There have been instances of where unruly passengers forced the cockpit door open on other commercial aircraft.

So the hijackers probably had to force the door, which should have given the pilots time to make a call or signal

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

Not necessarily. Some of the hijackers took reconnaissance flights in the weeks running up to the attacks. That would have given them the opportunity to witness flight attendants going in and out of the cockpit.

I haven't read any reports of the hijackers having to kick the doors down either. I think one of the flight attendants said that they forced their way in, but didn't specify how they done it.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 03:51 AM
It's not exactly a secret that large jets can be remotely controlled.

I once saw a very good video of it done in the 90s I think. Here is the only info I could dig up for now: NASA : Controlled Impact Demonstration.

In 1984 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) teamed-up in a unique flight experiment called the Controlled Impact Demonstration (CID), to test the impact of a Boeing 720 aircraft using standard fuel with an additive designed to suppress fire.
On the morning of December 1, 1984, a remotely controlled Boeing 720 transport took off from Edwards Air Force Base (Edwards, California), made a left-hand departure and climbed to an altitude of 2300 feet.
During the 14 flights, there were 16 hours and 22 minutes of remotely piloted vehicle control, including 10 remotely piloted takeoffs, 69 remotely piloted vehicle controlled approaches, and 13 remotely piloted vehicle landings on abort runway.

So ya... this was in 1984. I'm pretty sure they can do the same and better today.

Riddle me this

Why didn't any of the planes transmit their hijack code ? All these trained pilots and no one sent out the signal ? OR PERHAPS they were taken over electronically and it didn't matter what button they pressed.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by discomfit
Why didn't any of the planes transmit their hijack code ? All these trained pilots and

That issue is being debated in other threads.

And yes the British have a remote control system in 1 of their Tornado fighters that if needed to they can take over control of a hijacked aircraft.

[edit on 24-11-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 10:26 AM
Here is what it all boils down to: Either you believe that the ' highjackers ' were super fast, super efficient and super lucky that day with all factors working perfectly for them....OR you believe that the planes were taken remotely. The remote taking answers ALL of the ' anomalies ' about the event. The other way assumes and assumes and supposes and wishes..but no way that the odds can be that far out and still be reliable.

For the official lie to be true, the following would have to happen, FOUR times and with 100% precision and success:

In all FOUR cases the flight crews either broke the rules and left the cockpit doors open and the cockpits exposed....OR the highjackers were able to kick down the doors so fast and then move so fast to remove the pilots that it was virtually all FOUR cases.

Then, again in all four cases, the highjackers had the physical ability to either kill or intimidate EIGHT pilots into giving up the event which most pilots say they would never do. The cockpits would have to be taken INSTANTLY for this to occur even once..but FOUR times!!??

Then, the highjackers had to haul the heavy bodies of the pilots out of the cockpits ( assuming that the highjackers didn't bluff their way into control by making threats thru a closed door..) and stow them aft somewhere. There are NO reports of pilot bodies being seen..and the phony call from Barbara Olson that said that there was a pilot in the back..waiting for ionstructions!! What a laugh!! Imagine some pilot allowing himself to be herded into the back of his plane to sit there and try and answer to the passengers WHY he gave up the plane to highjackers at way.

Then, after all that, they had to occupy the control seats and fly the aircraft to their destinations...all without any training in heavy jets, and without any way to navigate to their destinations. Oh, and of course they knew to turn off the transponders INSTANTLY as soon as they did all the rest..right? It staggers the sound mind to realize what some people will swallow. How could anyone believe all that? The simple and direct answer is REMOTE answers ALL of the problems.

I will NEVER believe that highjackers took those jets that day..there is no way. It HAD to be remote or we might as well imagine some other far out and crazy scenario as being as likley as the plain and common sense truth: The planes were taken remotely, and no other answer fits the bill.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86

We've been over this before on a different thread, but I'll try again.

In all FOUR cases the flight crews either broke the rules and left the cockpit doors open and the cockpits exposed....OR the highjackers were able to kick down the doors so fast and then move so fast to remove the pilots that it was virtually all FOUR cases.

Why do you believe that there were only two choices? Why do you continuously ignore the fact that there were keys to the cockpit door on board the aircraft in the passenger cabin?

To avoid the risk of issuing tens of thousands to flight attendants, major airlines, in accordance with the FAA/NTSB recommendation, put cockpit keys for the flight attendants in the first class compartment in containers near cockpit doors. As a "back-up", also in accordance with another FAA/ NTSB recommendation, they gave flight attendants pre- arranged knocking codes to summon the pilots to open the door.

NTSB link to the incident that recommends access to a cockpit key. Pages 7 and 8.

United flight attendants,
unlike those at American, did not carry cockpit keys. Instead, such keys were stowed in the cabin--on Flight 175,
in the overhead bin above seats 1A and 1B in first class. See Don Dillman briefing (Nov. 18, 2003); Bob Jordan
page 454 of the 9/11 Commission Report

Will you acknowledge the fact that there were cockpit door keys on the aircraft?

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870
Will you acknowledge the fact that there were cockpit door keys on the aircraft?

If you will acknowledge there is no evidence of the hijackers getting acess to the keys.

[edit on 24-11-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 05:42 PM
I'm sure this software feature is only activated when auto pilot is on. You have to remember these guys were trained and one of the early things you will learn is where and how to cut off auto pilot. I believe at one time they were trying to be all automated and ran into some software problems which caused some crashes so pilots everywhere demanded it be a feature that can be turned on and off. That is even after the software bugs were worked out.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by ULTIMA1
If you will acknowledge there is no evidence of the hijackers getting acess to the keys.

I admit that there is no evidence of the hijackers using keys. Also, I admit that there is no evidence of the hijackers kicking the doors in.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870
I admit that there is no evidence of the hijackers using keys. Also, I admit that there is no evidence of the hijackers kicking the doors in.

Well i guess they walked through the door.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

How come you havent admitted there were keys on the planes, ULTIMA1? You said you would, here:

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by Boone 870
Will you acknowledge the fact that there were cockpit door keys on the aircraft?

If you will acknowledge there is no evidence of the hijackers getting acess to the keys.

Boone 870 acknowledged there is no evidence of the hijackers getting access to the keys.

Will you uphold your side now?

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by Disclosed

Will you uphold your side now?

Why, do you have evidence that they had access to the keys?

[edit on 25-11-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by ULTIMA1
Why, do you have evidence that they had access to the keys?

I've posted links that prove they had access to the keys. There were keys on the airplanes. Do you agree?

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Boone 870

originally posted by ULTIMA1
Why, do you have evidence that they had access to the keys?

I've posted links that prove they had access to the keys. There were keys on the airplanes. Do you agree?

But didn't you just post this statement above.

I admit that there is no evidence of the hijackers using keys. Also, I admit that there is no evidence of the hijackers kicking the doors in.

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