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Superbug "MRSA" Now Transmitted Sexually

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posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by TheBorg
What exactly is meant by that?

I meant that most disease is quite often brought about by conditions external to the person. Environment and surroundings affect health more than anything, I believe. I'm not knocking the scientific method, just the ethical integrity of the medical megaphone which tells us what to fear. The outside world affects the immune system more often than the STD fear-monger tells the truth, is what I was trying to say.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

...most disease is quite often brought about by conditions external to the person. Environment and surroundings affect health more than anything, I believe. I'm not knocking the scientific method, just the ethical integrity of the medical megaphone which tells us what to fear. The outside world affects the immune system more often than the STD fear-monger tells the truth, is what I was trying to say.

I agree that "most disease is quite often brought about by conditions external to the person."

And am incensed by current policies that focus on "personal responsibility" - while ignoring outright the destructive changes to our macro and micro environments visited upon us by industry.

The policies saying health is a 'personal responsibility' and 'it's all genetic' result from manipulated data and junk science. Real and responsible science supports your - and my - position.

...Responsible scientists recognize that human industrial activities create diseases like CA-MRSA.


posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by soficrow
The policies saying health is a 'personal responsibility' and 'it's all genetic' result from manipulated data and junk science. Real and responsible science supports your - and my - position.

...Responsible scientists recognize that human industrial activities create diseases like CA-MRSA.

Yes, you are describing what I meant. The world around us makes us sick, and reinforcing that mentally makes it a double-knot. The mind can heal the body, this I believe quite strongly.

I mean, what are we to do about the future, with these winds that are blowing? Is it so strange to expect a world where human intimacy is not potentially dangerous? I think there are organized groups of people who want to destroy sexuality, end the physical act of human intimacy, and have us all get "decanted" as in Brave New World (but without the orgies). To mention STDs without mentioning the prudish impetus in America to promote such laughable solutions as abstinence and ignorance, is to have only part of the picture.

But anyway, this thread is about MRSA which I didn't know much about it until this thread. It doesn't sound incurable so at least there's no hugely profitable drug-cocktail that BigPharma can push here like with HIV.

As always, thanks for your work, soficrow.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

But anyway, this thread is about MRSA which I didn't know much about it until this thread. It doesn't sound incurable so at least there's no hugely profitable drug-cocktail that BigPharma can push here like with HIV.

MRSA is "methycillin resistant" - meaning there are few antibiotics that can treat it effectively.

Like staph (MRSA), many diseases are developing antibiotic "resistance" - and becoming incurable. Many strains now are developing resistance on exposure to 'new' antibiotics.

Point being, we are creating incurable strains and new incurable diseases.


posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 04:37 PM
methicillin is the antibiotic of choice for treating staph aureus, however MRSA is the methicillin resistant strain. When methicillin no longer works, the next drug of choice is vancomycin which usually works swell but it is a dangerous drug all by itself and can cause permanent deafness even if it cures you of mrsa. there are now VRSA strains of staph (vancomycin resistant staph aureus) for which there is no next "drug of choice". They just keep pouring in the vanco until you're deaf before you die anyway. I have personally seen a MRSA infected wound cured in 10 days with colloidal silver. the docs had given up (insurance ran out) and sent the boy home with normal saline solution (!) to clean the wound and put 4x4 gauze over it. mom knew that they were basically sending her son home to die of massive infection and began to research. she discovered colloidal silver and gave it a try. within 30 MINUTES the tissue began to get pink (healthy sign) and in 10 days the wound was healed. the social worker who was helping her find financial support is a friend of mine and told me about it. i've been using, making and giving away colloidal silver ever since (several years now). CS robs the little bugs of the enzyme needed to utilize O2. unless they can figure out a new way to utilize O2, colloidal silver will be effective for a long time.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by soficrow
On another thread about another subject, whitewave made these comments:

It is a well known fact that in the history of diseases, no sexually transmitted disease has ever been eradicated. Any treatment that depends on personal self-will/discipline/compliance doesn't stand a chance of effecting a cure.


...the aids virus has an affinity for the tubercle bacilli (tuberculosis) and attaches to it easily, making aids an effectively airborn disease.

At present, ca-MRSA is not recognized as airborne. But viruses DO hitchhike on airborne bacteria.

And they mutate, and hybridize.

What might happen if CA-MRSA hooks up with the flu?

Time for a new theory of disease, and a new medical paradigm, methinks.


If that happens I stay inside, only go shopping at 3 am and wait for gas prices to free fall due to fewer drivers on the road...

But this is all too suspect. In this situation I don't know whether to think it is traditionalist leaning elements in government(force abstinence till marriage) or leftist pro-homosexual elements behind this(or let the problem go on). Either way someone in D.C should be fired over this.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by korathin

this is all too suspect. In this situation I don't know whether to think it is traditionalist leaning elements in government(force abstinence till marriage) or leftist pro-homosexual elements behind this(or let the problem go on). Either way someone in D.C should be fired over this.

Actually, it's all about the money. ...Most new diseases (and new mutations) result from pumping low-dose antibiotics into feed animals all their lives while they're packed together like sardines in a can - even human antibiotics. The growing conditions are like a giant petri-dish - guaranteed to create antibiotic resistance, force new mutations and breed new diseases.

...But it's not politic to go after the food production industry, so they say it's not "economically feasible" to regulate antibiotic use in animals - and leave the oversight up to industry.

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