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Superbug "MRSA" Now Transmitted Sexually

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posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 08:06 PM
It causes pus-filled boil-like sores, bleeding lung abscesses and flesh-eating disease, and it's called community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (ca-MRSA). MRSA used to be only acquired in hospitals. Recently, it escaped into the community and is spreading around the world. Transmission was thought to occur with skin-to-skin contact, without abrasion, and with indirect contact with contaminated objects like towels, sheets, and sports equipment. Now, "Clinical Infectious Diseases" investigators from New York report that "Community-associated MRSA can be regarded as a sexually transmitted disease."
Evidence has emerged of heterosexual transmission of community-acquired MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. In the February 1st edition of Clinical Infectious Diseases investigators from New York provide detailed information on three heterosexual couples where there was evidence of sexual transmission of MRSA and also provide details of a prospective, community-based study involving individuals who had been diagnosed with community-acquired MRSA that found that the pubic region was the site of infection in 3% of cases.

“Community-associated MRSA can be regarded as a sexually transmitted disease”, write the investigators.

“Our study suggests that colonization of the genital area and heterosexual activity among adult members of an infected household may lead to recurrent infection within the household and may turn individual households into major potential reservoirs of infection in the rest of the community.”

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Community-acquired MRSA epidemics are reported in sports team members, military recruits, and children using daycare centres.

This is the first report of heterosexual ca-MRSA transmission, and involves three separate cases.

Clearly, our world is experiencing a period of rapidly accelerating microbial mutation. Equally clear, we are entering the "Plague Time."

Related News Links:

Related Discussion Threads:
Superbug Epidemic in US - Now Threatening Canada
Beyond Bird Flu: The Perfect Microbial Storm
US Military Funds Geneticist Searching for DNA "So Dangerous It Does Not Exist"

posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 09:01 PM
On another thread about another subject, whitewave made these comments:

It is a well known fact that in the history of diseases, no sexually transmitted disease has ever been eradicated. Any treatment that depends on personal self-will/discipline/compliance doesn't stand a chance of effecting a cure.


...the aids virus has an affinity for the tubercle bacilli (tuberculosis) and attaches to it easily, making aids an effectively airborn disease.

At present, ca-MRSA is not recognized as airborne. But viruses DO hitchhike on airborne bacteria.

And they mutate, and hybridize.

What might happen if CA-MRSA hooks up with the flu?

Time for a new theory of disease, and a new medical paradigm, methinks.


posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 11:27 PM
great just great, as if the regular strain of MRSA didn't cause me enough headache now it's caMRSA. Nothing like purulent drainage to make you go YUCK!

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by CelticMist
great just great, as if the regular strain of MRSA didn't cause me enough headache now it's caMRSA. Nothing like purulent drainage to make you go YUCK!

But unfortunately, that's not all there is to this stuff.

CA-MRSA is not just antibiotic resistant - almost every strain produces Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL)1, which causes flesh-eating disease. Seems the "flesh-eating" effect can occur in internal soft tissue, as well as skeletal muscle.

The following article provides one of the most accurate and up-to-date descriptions of epidemic CA-MRSA. It originally was published in February 2006, and was updated January 7, 2007 by Dr. John G. Bartlett of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

The potential for CA-MRSA to mix with pandemic flu is identified as a "concern."

CBN Report: Bad Bug II

Community acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) has become an epidemic problem of serious concern in the U.S. and much of the world.

Community-acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus is largely synonymous with the CDC’s term "USA 300," which refers to a family of related strains of S. aureus that were originally derived from ST8, a methicillin-sensitive strain. The epidemic strain of CA-MRSA in the U.S. is clonal. It produces the Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL)1 and has the type IV SCC mec element2 that confers methicillin-resistance. indicate a blurring of the distinction between the USA 300 strains as "community-acquired" and USA 100/200 as "nosocomial" or "health-care associated."

...infectious diseases experts are beginning to voice concern that CA-MRSA may become an even larger problem if and when pandemic influenza materializes.


Physician's Weekly, June, 2006: Is a CA-MRSA Outbreak Among Us?

In 2004, an outbreak of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) was observed in Chicago and Los Angeles. The March 31, 2006 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report provides important details on the CA-MRSA cases in both areas. In Chicago, 11 cases of CA-MRSA were reported between May and December 2004. Nasal cultures revealed positive results in one physician and one nurse...

CA-MRSA likely is airborne, given the nasal infections in health care workers, and outpatients.

Many other medical reports are out-of-date, saying direct physical contact is required for infection; they focus on 'personal hygiene,' and link infection exclusively with a lack of cleanliness. This is not accurate.

CA-MRSA infection can be acquired from contact with contaminated surfaces and materials - as well as sexually, and probably, via inhalation.

Also, if CA-MRSA mixes with human flu, it may create a pandemic flu strain - if a pandemic flu strain emerges before that happens, then CA-MRSA might hitchhike on that virus instead.

Note: We are entering the peak season for flu. The majority of human bird flu cases occurred between January and June last year.


[edit on 7-1-2007 by soficrow]

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 12:51 PM
All kidding aside, this is one scary scenario. I work in a SNF and MRSA causes a lot extra work and concern for us nurses. Now this new strain will definitely be a threat that could throw multiple wrenches into the mechanism. Soft tissue being eaten away on the inside, jeeze, what a way to go. Thanks for the info Soficrow and I'll be sure to pass it along to all my collegues. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 04:02 PM
Bear with me on this one, please, but...

All of the diseases I have been researching over the past few years involve "tissue remodeling" of connective tissue - including chronic disease, heart disease, stroke, cancer, bird flu and CA-MRSA.

Last week I hypothesized (without posting) that each of these diseases represents a kind of cancer, and each mutation and hybrid makes the cancer more infectious and virulent.

Soft Tissue, Connective Tissue & Bone Cancers

"Sarcoma" is a term used to describe a whole family of cancers that arise in the body's connective tissues, which include fat, muscle, blood vessels, deep skin tissues, nerves, bones and cartilage.

A sarcoma is a cancer that grows in the soft tissues of the body, such as in muscle or fat. This kind of cancer can grow in the soft tissue of any part of the body. It is unusual and occurs equally in men and women.

Point being - most emerging epidemics look like progressively virulent forms of cancer, targeting connective tissue.


posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 04:24 PM
I, too, am a nurse and hospitals are the front lines of disease warfare.

For the past 2 years I have protected myself with a few helpful hints from internet research. 1) mini-mate ozone generators. You can wear them around your neck (about 3"x2"x1") so they're unobstrusive, not offensive to patients like regular face masks are (which are ineffective anyway). They kill about 99.9 % of all airborn germs coming into your 18" of personal breathing space. Batteries last for about a 12 hour shift and are rechargeable. I wear it to the mall, public places, as well as to work.

2) A blend of essential oils called "thieves oil" strategically placed on pulse points and soles of feet, back of neck. It smells good, too. You can order thieves oil online or just order all the components (like I did) and make your own blend (cheaper). I ordered the diffusers for all my kids and several of my friends. They're about the size of a fat ink pen and can be carried in your shirt pocket. Fill them with the oil and let them diffuse.

I did refuse the smallpox vaccine that was being offered to healthcare personnel even though I was taking care of a smallpox patient. No one else wanted to take care of them. I didn't catch a thing. Did refuse the ebola patient, though, and immediately left the hospital before accepting report. Apparently no one knew what ebola was and that patient had been all over the hospital before I came in and insisted they call the CDC and at least put the poor guy in an isolation room, for gods sake!

There's things out there that don't wash off with Babo and I don't intend to bring any of them home to my family. 26 years-so far, so good but if they're going to start coloring outside the lines and manufacturing diseases for which no cure can be expected and make them airborn to boot....It may be time to start a home based business from my computer.

good find, soficrow.

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 04:29 PM
Oh, btw, Vancomycin is the drug of choice for methicillin resistant staph aureus but when I was in Virginia Beach 6 YEARS AGO, we already had VRSA (vancomycin resistant staph aureus)! Antibiotics were a miracle cure when they first came out. The little bugs just hadn't had to deal with anything like it before. Now, they're adapting, antibiotics wipe out our natural immune system and we're left open to "superbugs". Colloidal silver is still the main staple in my medical kit as is 35 % h202 (food/pharmacy grade quality).

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 04:31 PM
Interesting...a friend of mine has and has been transmitting CAMRSA. Stys, underarm sores, leg sores...her hubby had a huge sore in his nose and his belly was covered. One of the kid, with a lower immune system caught it as well. She is registered with the CDC and has been told there should be no trouble with it being passed around.

Three others in her coop have now contracted it.

She's not having sex with anyone. not even her hubby. LMAO.

The problem with her household and those that contracted it in her area, is HAND WASHING or lack there of. nothing like spreading those "other" bodily fluids huh? Spittle, phlegm, snotty tissues laying around...rubbing the nose and touching's a hearty disease and all it needs is a good host.

The CAMRSA is now quite common in Vancouver. St Pauls Hospital has a real on going problem with it as they treat a great many homeless people...and hygiene is difficult for most homeless people...sharing of items is also extremely common. More so I'd say than sex. It doesn't surprise me at all that CAMRSA is now on the list of STDs. In fact I'm surprised it took them so long to add the classification.

In short a person with a healthy immune system, good hygiene and practices safe sex is less susceptible.

My friend had been ill for quite some time when she contracted it. Her hubby is a diabetic and is obese. Her son is prone to infection as he has a low immunity to nearly every bacteria and virus going. her neighbors - one is over 50 and failing in health. One is unhygienic period. The other is an alcoholic and is obese.

One of her youngest babes has recently developed "cysts" on her eyes.

The problem with the CDC registration is that they don't require a cross reference with other people in the household in the event that the illness spreads to immediate family. It's voluntary disclosure. The babe has had the stys and has had NO swab for MRSA.

BTW a swab is the #1 detection method. In the nose is where this nasty likes to begin.

I have been over there...often. I wash my hands endlessly anyway and my immune system is MRSA. Short of having sex with anyone in her house (highly unlikely) the transference of the illness I feel is hampered by my excessive hand washing. Oh yes i wash all utensils and cups BEFORE I use them as me crazy but this is a nasty bug.

She was on a cocktail of antibiotics for nearly 3 weeks total. Stopped for two weeks to give her body a rest. Had a follow up swab and was required to take an additional 2 weeks of antibiotics. It's still circulating though and she constantly gets sores and stys.

I'd like to know what the CDC is planning to do when they don;t get the help from the infected that they ask?

I can nag her to go to the doc, nag her to wash her hands and shower daily, throw away her tissues and try to be more conscious of spreading germs...but all in's the individual infected that has a responsibility to do the right things.

Now if the CDC required all persons in a household with a member infected, to be registered as well...I think she'd change her tune a bit and be more responsible. As then it could be linked back to her as the communal source.

As far as the CDC cares she's a mere statistic and that seems to be it. there's been no follow up on her or any family member...even though they ALL were required to be registered upon diagnosis...there's nothing to link the members together it seems. Privacy rights huh?

As far as I know, there's been no attempt by the hospitals to cross reference either. Each appears as an individual case. Erroneous and shameful.

Anyway, it is scary regardless of HOW it's passed's stubborn and if it likes it's host (s) it can linger for a long time even with treatment.

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 04:49 PM
Sometimes you just have to think outside the box and give the little beggars something new and unexpected to deal with. My kids came home from school one time with head lice. No problem. I washed all the bedding, used Kwell, nit-picked for hours and voille-they still had lice. I went to the doctor to get Nix (a prescription at that time), rewashed the bedding, linens, shampooed the carpet, shaved the dog and nit-picked for days. These were mutant lice from hell that refused to go away. At the time Loreal hair coloring was in the process of being ordered to change their formula because it was determined to be toxic. I ran out and got some toxic formula in each of the kids natural hair color and dyed their hair. Worked like a charm. Germs are, after all, just "wee beasties" and they can be killed. We just have to be smarter than the average microbe.
Lice, of course, aren't germs, but I think the general principal still holds.

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 06:27 PM
Thanks all. Great stuff.

whitewave - Can you tell us what's in thieves oil? ...I'm guessing tea trww oil, sage, maybe oregano - but?...?

Originally posted by justgeneric

In short a person with a healthy immune system, good hygiene and practices safe sex is less susceptible.

Sorry justgeneric - CA-MRSA - like other emerging epidemic diseases - hits healthy people with strong immune systems. Seems to favor them in fact.

CA-MRSA is emerging as a cause of skin and soft-tissue infections and mainly causes disease in otherwise young healthy persons without any risk factors.


Doctors fear epidemic of superbug that hits the healthy

"It's very clear we are in the middle of an MRSA epidemic now," said Daum (a professor of pediatrics at Chicago's Children's Hospital).

These children weren't weakened by other diseases, they were healthy.

"The overprescription of antibiotics, and the use of antibiotics in animal feed, and use of antibiotics in all the cleaning products have created an environment whereby the weaker bacteria are dying off, leaving the stronger bacteria to be even stronger," (public health consultant Everly) said.


Historically, infection with strains of MRSA was acquired in hospitals and long-term health care facilities. In contrast, CA-MRSA infection is becoming more prevalent in a number of healthy populations without prior contact with health care institutions. This epidemic is yet another example of how old pathogens can emerge with greater virulence and spread broadly.

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 07:09 PM
Thieves oil is a blend of essential oils: clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, rosemary. The cinnamon bark alone was shown to reduce staph aureus by 44 % in 10 minutes of exposure to the diffused oil.

Check out

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 07:22 PM
I studied this kind of stuff for years and made predictions about coming health concerns (which have all come true) long before it was cool to be a paranoid, fringe-society conspiracy nut. (glad to see i finally made it into vogue)
It can depress the hell outa ya or scare ya into making bad decisions. Best to learn all you can while looking for weaknesses in the system. I found that G_D tends to watch out for His own. I used to be concerned that infrared sensors could detect you even if you were hiding but then i found that mylar blankets deflect IR. Hehehehe. Simple and cheap. Airborn illnesses can be zapped while still in the air before reaching your nose/lungs. Check out the mini mate site.
Take heart all. I don't think the genocidal elite want to be rulers of a smoldering ash heap.

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by whitewave

Take heart all. I don't think the genocidal elite want to be rulers of a smoldering ash heap.

No. They don't.

...Even the worst case pandemic scenario leaves most people alive.

True, microbes mutate and evolve - but so do we. And we develop "immunities." In fact, it looks like these emerging diseases tend to affect young healthy people the worst - and older people the least - because older people already have some immunity.

So yeah, there's hope. Even without a hightech solution.

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 09:40 PM
That is terrifying news soficrow. One that only bodes more of the same, I'm afraid. And we're caught in a double bind with drug companies who have less ethical compulsion and less responsibility to the public than profit.

Bacterial life forms are successful because they share genetic information, so when one bacteria becomes resistant, the resistance quickly spreads. It doesn't help that 90% of the antibiotics used in North America are used in the cattle industry.

Still we hear them blame the increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria on mothers dispensing the medicine incorrectly. Cattle and the overuse of antibiotics in that arena presents far more opportunity for a wider range of bacteria to become resistant.

The drug companies have known for quite some time that resistant strains of bacteria were developing at alarming rates. Still only one drug company - Pfizer - is developing a new antibiotic.

Antibiotics are not cost effective. Drug companies like to develop drugs that treat chronic diseases and create a dependency on the drug, like the slew of serotonin uptake drugs and anti-depressants.

Or sleep aids, asthma inhalers, drugs that require prolonged use and guarantee a continued profit margin. Antibiotics are generally, or once were, a one round treatment.

Antibiotics require extensive and expensive research and the profit margin is smaller because of their success rate. Probably at this point with such a massive global market available, they feel it's not worth the research costs and the death rates are acceptable.

With the Hippocratic oath missing from drug research and development and the use of antibiotics in cattle completely ignored the problem is sure to get worse.

Not to mention the climatic changes which will impact microbial life in dramatic and unexpected ways. Also there is the possibility of ancient microbes being released from the melting ice shelves.

Good time to be a shut in. Makes me think twice about applying for that MRI tech course. I find the ozone pen remarkably similar to the nosegays the doctors wore during the medieval plague years. Funny how things come back around like that.

[edit on 7-1-2007 by clearwater]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 01:13 AM
Give me some garlic, and I'll be just fine. Garlic will kill anything, including that microbe I'm sure. I'd like to test it out in a laboratory environemnt before trying it on people in general though, just to be sure that it works.


posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 01:42 AM
Amen to garlic! I'll take my my stinky breath over death any day.

These emerging diseases actually kind of get me pissed off. I feel as if these diseases are just being created on purpose. "Oops, we had it contained, but it escaped." How many more oopss will there be? "We had the African honeybee captive too, but oops, it got out too. Call us butterfingers. Hee hee."


posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 10:12 AM
Thanks for your contributions everyone.

Clearwater - you mentioned Pfizer. Here's a Pfizer tidbit from bioweapons history:

Pfizer's Chemical/Biological Weapons Report

In this 1964 report, the company (then called Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc.) discusses its first year of research under its contract to create incapacitating agents, which produce tremors, dysphoria, confusion, muscle fatigue, pain, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing or swallowing, hypersensitive skin, dangerously low blood pressure, and/or - most intriguingly - retrograde amnesia. Despite the absence of the word biological from the report's title, Pfizer also discusses its work with microbes in addition to chemicals.

Chemical and microbes,, huh? ...And microbes that disseminate chemicals, no doubt? And travel the world via standard infectious routes.

...The symptoms are interesting too...

"tremors, dysphoria, confusion, muscle fatigue, pain, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing or swallowing, hypersensitive skin, dangerously low blood pressure, and/or - most intriguingly - retrograde amnesia."

Welcome to the 2007 Chronic Disease Seminar.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 10:57 AM
Lord have mercy call me what ever you want but I am ignorant to this new type of disease.

But looking back 5 years ago I remember going to see a doctor at a very fancy women facility call the Veranda that even have spa facilities.

The women working there look like their smiles where plastered in their faces.

Well I went to see a doctor for a particular women problem
he was French.

One week later I developed an area in the left side of my pelvis that started to burn and itch, the next day it was all blistered like chicken pox and then the entire lymphatic nodes on my left side of the groing area got swollen and painful, I developed fever.

I never went to that place again and I told anybody that ask about that medical facility what happen to me.

I ran to my primary doctor, she was the one that refer me to that place I joke telling her that with all the fancy facility this is first time I got something from any medical facility I ever being.

She thought it was shingles but wasn't sure, I took Zyrtec for it and a fungal topical creams, withing a month it was gone.

I never knew what it was but it was scary.

My neighbors daughter yesterday was outside and I noticed a big raw sore in her arm the side of a quarter and it looked like what I got a few years ago.

She said she got it after having her blood pressure taken and the doctor told her that it was a reaction to latex gloves, but this is the first time that she go it and she had contact to latex gloves before.

Funny but is a lot of stuff coming out from medical facilities that you dismiss as just rashes and others things.

But I have become very aware now of what is going on around me in hospitals and doctors offices.

I have seen too many skin problems around.
and people blame it on rashes or allergic reactions.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 03:34 PM
so, in orther words, everytime someone catches this super resilent MRSA s/he will be blamed for reckless intercourse
might as well be an astronaut on a long space trip, it's of course the runs™, no doubt.

to clarify: i've seen and heard of drunks whose nerves were degenerating from booze abuse yet their livers were in stellar condition. of course, revising their dogma is outside the scope of established and such petty things as proof are of course discarded immediately... needless to say, if you suffer from liver condition, you're a boozer, no amount ot talk and effort will convince them otherwise. couple that with a universal fixation on seks and you've got a problem at your hands.

PS: on a side note, if you contracted AIDS via mosquito, would anyone believe it or claim you were *just* sleeping around and doing IV drugs?

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