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I have contacts with officer involved w/ roswell

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posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 02:00 AM
The Government is HOPING that if enough time goes by, all the witnesses to the Roswell crash(es) will be dead!
After all, those crashes were about 1947- 48.

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 07:56 AM

One of my Uncles is an Engineer, and told me once that he met 2 engineers who worked at Area 51, and told him that it was just one huge waste dump

No, you wouldn't need the world's largest airstrip, covert Janet flights, super high clearance, micro-sensors, and threat of death to trespassers, for a waste dump. Area 51 is still extremely active (and recently made bigger, with more buildings, etc. see the thread on this), and is still doing what it always did...serve as a test site for the most advanced aircraft currently being tested by government contractors.

As for Roswell, there are numerous excellent threads on this. But, as to the questions...

You explained he saw photos.

1. What was the source of these photos? Is it credible?
2. Did the photos serve as part of a file? What was the context leading up to why he was shown, or was able to see the photos?
3. Does he know of any events that happened on that day? Did he see crates going to Wright Field?
4. Can he substantiate other claims, such as the request to the Roswell coroner for some child size body bags?
5. Did he ever see pieces of the wreckage?
6. Did he ever speak with others who had more of a first hand experience on that day?
7. Was he ever threatened about this?
8. Does he know anything of the rumored Truman visit?
9. Were the members of the base briefed on any of this?
10. Where are these photos now?

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 01:55 PM

you are so correct.


thanks for saying what I should have.

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 11:24 PM

1. What was the source of these photos? Is it credible?

The answer to that is the pentagon

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 11:50 PM
Please do not let the naysayers and Government disinformation agents stop you from pursuing this important endeavor. It is vital for the information to come to light. Those who wish to hide their heads in the sand and pretend it is still the 19 century and those who wish to sell us out to the aliens will stop at nothing to keep this story from being told in it's entirety. Video tape the interview if possible, but definitely audio tape it. Do both so that you have a back up in case something goes wrong. Do not tire the old man out by trying to do a marathon interview session, but do it in several sessions. Ask the same questions in several sessions and see if the same answers surface each time. Write out your questions in advance to be sure they are not leading to the witness. Let him tell the story, do not ask him if he saw little grey guys with bald heads and big eyes, but let him tell you. Good luck on your project. I hope to read it here someday.

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