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Insane UFO over Russia - Turns Into a Spiral?

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posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 04:05 AM
As I recall the images of this "purple beam" were taken by a bystander who didn't notice the "beam" until after the images were developed.

I don't recall the term, it was something like super or mega lightning, and it was said to have been attracted to the vapour trail left by the shuttle it obviously caught the shuttle very quickly, the result being it's demise.

I would have to say that I'm a litle suspicious about the swirl footage that initiated this thread, the camera handles the lighting of the swirl a little too well.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by Koka]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:01 AM
A nuke going to be dropped on what exactly? And how are they sopposed to drop that nuke?

Also that lightning looking streak image IS NOT copywrighted. I have seen it on numerous documentaries including one on the Discovery channel.

EDIT: How could an 'Alien weapon beam', or whatever it was, MISS the space shuttle. Rofl. That's pretty pethetic. I'm sure Humans could do better.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by PisTonZOR
1. A nuke going to be dropped on what exactly?
2. And how are they sopposed to drop that nuke?

3 Also that lightning looking streak image IS NOT copywrighted. I have seen it on numerous documentaries including one on the Discovery channel.

4. EDIT: How could an 'Alien weapon beam', or whatever it was, MISS the space shuttle. Rofl. That's pretty pethetic. I'm sure Humans could do better.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by PisTonZOR]

1. Iraq

2. Launch it

3. this is from the site the photo was taken from..."Peter Goldie, the individual who took the image of the square lightning strike which hit Columbia wishes that I no longer share this image with the readers of this site until we can come to a licensing agreement. This is understandable. Since his licensing agency does not respond to requests for permission to use... Here it is. NASA is just trying to supress the truth."

4. Who ever said they missed, the shuttle was destroyed. look into the subject of kinetic weapons, there targets are not destroyed on contact.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:33 AM

1. A nuke going to be dropped on what exactly?

1. Iraq

Have you got a link, something to go on.?

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 09:43 AM
Drop a nuke on Iraq from a space shuttle? No, I'm not buying it. We have Stealth B-2 bombers for this sort of military activity. So, if an alien weapon destroyed the space shuttle on re-entry, this would seem to imply that the nuke had not been dropped yet. The shuttle has no bomb bays or any sort of opening underneath it to allow something to be dropped. Releasing a bomb or weapon while traveling at 12,500 MPH doesn't seem likely either.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by Rotoplooker]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Rotoplooker
Drop a nuke on Iraq from a space shuttle? No, I'm not buying it. We have Stealth B-2 bombers for this sort of military activity. So, if an alien weapon destroyed the space shuttle on re-entry, this would seem to imply that the nuke had not been dropped yet. The shuttle has no bomb bays or any sort of opening underneath it to allow something to be dropped. Releasing a bomb or weapon while traveling at 12,500 MPH doesn't seem likely either.
[edit on 7-2-2007 by Rotoplooker]

If it was "Launced" from the shuttle, perhaps people wouldn't know where it came from, If it was dropped from a B-2, people would know exactly where it came from. Just a thought, i could be wrong.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 02:36 PM
its a rocket the final seperation stage the main capsule loses guidance and spins out of control.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 02:40 PM
This was already posted on ATS awhile back I don't have the thread but it is here because I remember seeing it.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Frozenthought

Originally posted by Diplomat
Wow, so the Aliens shot down the Columbia shuttle because there was a nuke on board that was going to be dropped? That is one of the best one's I've heard yet...

Wouldn't surprise me a bit

It's ludicrous on its face. The Shuttle is not a weapon delivery system. If you want to deliver a nuke warhead anywhere on Earth there are far more reliable and easier ways to do it.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
looks just like the rocket launches I see comming out of Pt Magu missile/naval base all the time. Part of the rocket slips out above the atmosphere on it's normal course. This can be seen when the contrail stops suddenly and the light is only from the rocket and not the illuminated air from the light of the rocket. The spiralling thing is the bottom half of the rocket which boosts it into space ejecting succesfuly and tumbling back down to earth where it will most likely burn up glowing even brighter.

If the launch happened a few hours earlier then the same rocket would have left prism like vapor trails that look like wierd sherbert colored clouds, arora borialis like glowing high in the night sky as they caught the last of the setting sun.

They do look pretty cool though. Last time I witnessed one my neighbors watching at the same time on the balcony over exclaimed that they thought it was a UFO, another less intelligent neighbor thought it was lightning, even though lightning doesn't take it's time jolting up into the air, or leave irridecent trails behind them.

I agree, I have seen rocket launches myself and this looks exactly like it except it seems that the booster stage seemed to spiral from the cameras perspective. Perhaps the separation happened too early and the atmosphere made it spiral this way. All you are seeing is vapor trail.
EDIT: After a closer review it looks like the main stage went out of control

[edit on 7-2-2007 by Lecter]

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 03:08 PM
few questions!!

why are thay launching rockits in the city and across the sky instead of directly up? wouldnt this would be a health hazard to the city incase once goes haywire!!! wots the location anybody know ?
and im sure if this was the case thay would be able to identify it?

another piont why is the rockit burner is not visible on the way up? its pitch black is it going up sideways? the booster flames would easy light up the cloud/trail and that trail is nothing like ive seen, its more of a spot light than smoke with clear lines in it is there no wind or air i sure stays nicely inline?
its nothing like that at all^? or the others on that page, so if it is a rockit i realy cant see or understand how,
the spiral at the end of the footage would suggest its breaking up or lost a rudder on the way up or something, i realy dont get it somethings just dont add up to me but then again im not rockit scientist

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 03:14 PM
Interesting video.... I dont even know what to say. lol. The main question I had was asked by the poster above me, if it is a rocket, why in the city and why not straight up? If it was launched somewhere within the city, how'd they launch it at that angle (IDK much about that stuff anyway, so lol)? And if that was main stage going haywire, wouldnt that be the exact reason why you wouldn't launch in or near a city? Very pretty, the Spiral reminds me of a conch, and the golden ratio. Cute. IDK what it is, if its terrestrial, well, someone done f-d up. lol If its ET, well....hell, thats interesting LOL

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 03:36 PM
I'm waiting for the one guy to come in here and tell us all it is a reptilian scout ship shedding it's anti-gravity claoking device. Duh.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 04:28 PM
The image link you posted seems to be erm missing the image? although in almost certain those pictures have been posted on ATS a while ago, i remember because the link worked for about an hour then the pics where removed but by then some people had them already and they where spectacular.

Brilliantly insane video BTW

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 04:59 PM
The video was shot in Tomsk- I've got Tomsk on G-earth right now. Any idea where the launch site could be?

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Jshock
The video was shot in Tomsk- I've got Tomsk on G-earth right now. Any idea where the launch site could be?

well if theres no launch pad near buy i guess the rockit theory is pritty much blow out of the warter? can you post up a snapshot of g-earth pic.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 05:27 PM
OMG!!!!!! i totally have seen this before. it is a reptilian scout ship shedding it's anti-gravity cloaking device. They always do this before they make the jump to my house to violently rape me whilst watching who's the boss reruns.

Seriously, cool vid

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 07:59 PM
OK, put a screen grab of Tomsk up on Photobucket:
Only really interesting thing I could see were a couple of circular lakes (you can see one SW of center, outside the city). Old meteorite impact craters would be my guess.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Koka

Not UFO This is a secret stratosphere plane being tested in the US.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 09:30 AM
It's a rocket. Do a search, it's been discussed at length. There are also many many videos of people recording these things as rocket launches. What you're seeing isn't a "wormhole", it's a different stage of the rocket; the spiral is caused by a loss of control in that stage.

Do a search. There is a lot of really cool videos out there of these launches.

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