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humans- a murderous species?

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posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 05:16 PM
I'd say male patriarical society is inherently murderous. When men think philosophically they tend to completely disregard the nature of women, as if it's the same as their own. I think having testosterone laden men in power is the reason why we have endless war.

humanity is not just men.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by k3il
I'd say male patriarical society is inherently murderous. When men think philosophically they tend to completely disregard the nature of women, as if it's the same as their own. I think having testosterone laden men in power is the reason why we have endless war.

humanity is not just men.

Its not about men or women. We can't point fingers at one or the other. We've got women over there fighting in the war. I'm very much so a feminist, and would love to agree with you, but that is not the question of why we are creating a downward spiral for the human race. It’s about people in general, not one person over another person. If we blame men for having too much testosterone then they can blame us for being able to have babies and populating the when you point fingers at someone...remember there are three other fingers pointing back at you. So we can't say its all men that are causing the distruction of the world.

[edit on 1/2/2007 by MissAshleyDear]

[edit on 1/2/2007 by MissAshleyDear]

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Edn
It was only last month when someone was stabbed in my town and there are muggings, gang wars and racial attack etc in Glasgow all the time, you don't hear about it though it never makes the paper, luckily most people adapt and survive and learn to avoid the bad areas or do exactly what the criminal says because theres only 2 part time police to protect 15,000 citizens.

And don't go saying it never happens where you live because unless you live in a remote town with a population of less than a thousand it does happen and will happen.

2part time police? that i doubt for that many number of citizens
Here where i Bountiful about 40,000 people theres 38 Fulltime police and 6 part time..Westbountiful has 3000 pop and theres 8 cops....hmmm either way...the human instinct is to be a preditor....but we must evolve over those basic instincts and become better than we are..thats what we are doing now...most general people want to be better than they are..and strive to be better...thus getting rid of those really basic instincts

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 06:24 PM

How do you think a lion becomes head of a pack? By fighting and killing another male. Look at that there; they killed one of their own. Why are we not calling them killers and slaughterers? They kill for their food too. They kill antelopes so that they don't starve....wait....why aren't we calling them killers again? By them just existing they are taking up a part of this world they are polluting it, taking over an area that belongs to some other animal...driving other animals out of their homes so that they can have a home. Why do we honestly not call a meeting for all these lions and tell them that they need to shape up their act and start behaving rationally because they are killing for no reason and they are taking over other animal’s homes. We don’t; because, they are animals right? hmmmm I do believe we are too.

You actually compare territorial brawls of lions to the human imposed mass scale destruction of species? I assume when you're not posting on this board you're working as a stand up comic.

Firstly, when male lions fight for territorial/mating rights, rarely are they killed, most usually it's just fighting thats involved.

Indeed, lions do kill for their food-but they do so in a self sustaining way, taking only what they need for food, and in quantities that allow the prey species to easily maintain it's numbers (read-balance). Something that kills for food isnt a murderer....Whereas something that kills for needless, sick, useless reasons is, but that's a purely human phenomena....

Lions after killing only what they need for food, dont say to their buddies "hey, now that we've eaten, let's burn down the whole seregeti plain, just for good measure" In other words, lions may kill (for food, in a balanced way) but they dont pose a mass scale threat to every single life form on the planet, basically they live within their boundaries and affect only a few species which are a part of their life schema- can the same be said for humans? I rather think not, so you study up a bit before hitting back with statements such as these....

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 06:39 PM
I have to agree with your post. However I would like to point out one thing summarised by a quote from Men in Black

The person is smart; people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals

The human is a calm, rational being which does not generally even contemplate death.
However, humans somehow become stricken with a lust for chaos, disorder and, ultimately, bloodshed.

It is our nature, and unfrotunately it will also be our doom. I heard on TV a scientist (don't remember who) said something along the lines of "If humans don't find a way to move off the Earth and onto other planets we will become extinct."

And he's right.

Until we have the capability of actually (and this will sound very wrong and evil) seperating each group within society and allowing them a place all of their own to live, confilct will arise among us.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 06:50 PM
if everyone would think like you do iceman then i would agree with what you think but since it's not the case well... let's just say, PHEW.

you are a paradox my friend, you want things to be better but you're one of the reasons why some things are bad.

whatever has gone wrong in your life and whatever you perceive of this planet please try to view the positive sides of your experience here breathing and obtaining consciousness of your existence, i wouldn't want it any other way.

peace and love.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 06:55 PM
also keep in mind that it is the economic system that causes all these problems not the humans that are stuck in the mess created by others who messed up.

So maybe you should rename your thread to,

The economic system - a murderous result of idealogy

[edit on 2-1-2007 by selfless]

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 07:04 PM

whatever has gone wrong in your life and whatever you perceive of this planet please try to view the positive sides of your experience here breathing and obtaining consciousness of your existence, i wouldn't want it any other way.

Your concern is most appreciated, but I can assure you that i'm reasonably well adjusted, healthy, young, and generally sound. My way of seeing things, results from a long period of learning to shift my thinking from the anthrocentric

also keep in mind that it is the economic system that causes all these problems not the humans that are stuck in the mess created by others who messed up. So maybe you should rename your thread to, The economic system - a murderous result of idealogy

I see no reason to rename this thread, as the economic system is a human creation...

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Ice_Man

I see no reason to rename this thread, as the economic system is a human creation...

Ah yes it is a human creation but... most of us do not like the system but are stuck with it...

of course i try my best not to contribute anything to the system but it's impossible to completely not be involved in the system, it will always catch up with you and when that happens you can only ignore it mentaly which i do all the time.

Bassicaly we are slaves of the system right now and well the system is failing badly so it's coming down very soon, let's just hope that peace and love replaces it.


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 07:39 PM
We are the most destructive virus on earth. You can either embrace it, or kill yourself. I have embraced my human nature, and I think we need to find other planets to infect and dominate. We need to spread across the galaxy, teraforming if needed, and try to reproduce and spread as much as possible.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 08:33 PM

you are joking right?....

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 08:35 PM
we are too premative!

how do you you think people will look back on the year 2007 in 4000?, the same way we look back on 1AD now?

infact i can't see humans ever getting to 4000:-

100 years ago ww1,
70 year ago ww2
15 years ago cold war
2007 'war on terror' - massive nuclear arms build up (ww3 just around the corner)?

long live the cockroaches in my eyes, let some new creatures evolve and rule the earth

i recommend people to watch 'money business' on discovery,

1) take pleasure in another beings death - just look at the saddam video (looking at comments on varous message boards), WE the 'supposly' sane ones, sound like we are going wank over another man being hanged

2) assualts/rapes/stealing/murders on the streets.
3) go around in packs,
4) pick on the smallest one,
5) obessed on terriorty
6) bullys,
7) everyone wanting to be the alfa male.

we are animals man, you only have to look at george bushes grin when he talks about terrorists, now he is a man who gets-off big time about killing and this person is a leader by profession, sums us up

[edit on 2-1-2007 by st3ve_o]

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 08:41 PM
Are humans muderous species? I think we are. This isn't any baseless opinion though. Throughout our history on this planet we have killed each other not just for survival, but for sport. Humans enjoy and desire sport, it is in our very nature to compete and overcome at any cost. We do not like to lose. It is also in our nature to have identity. You can define this identity as race, religion, nation, team, gang, clan, etc. What motivates both of these is fear, fear of loss. When you combine our need for identity and our desire to compete you create a very dangerous creature. From the lone serial killers and murdeous tyrants humans compete in a game of life and death. Power and control are the goals of this game. To the human mind this is no different when it is done in real life or virtually through television or video games.

This lust for competition and identity goes back before civilization. It also goes beyond just humans in terms of victims. The human doens't even have to be the one doing the actual killing. Observers identify and link themselves in their minds to the actual killers. This satiates the lust just as other virtual methods do. The lust also applies to almost any age. Most humans ignore how destructive and violent their children are. Cognitive dissonance sets in when children act out violently or destructively. Most adults are blind to our very nature especially in the young.

I think it can be controlled and channeled, this drive for dominance and identity. It is always there though, lurking within us just waiting for the right circumstances when it will manifest. The biggest problem is that most humans dont know or want to discipline themselves. They glorify this lust for dominance and identity.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 02:15 AM
link i said before all we have to do is evolve into something new and shed our "natural instinct" but there are some questionable ideas,

Here we talk about living longer, learning spirtualism/meditation of ones self, nanotechnology, and cybernetics.... could this be the solution to overcoming natural instincts?
Hmm another thought might be is we are not natural to this planet? Maybe Engineered? Just some thoughts...tell me what yah think

[edit on 1/3/2007 by ConfederacyOfUnity]

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 03:52 AM

I think humans started out a peaceful animal. Lived in harmony with the rest of the animal kingdom and with the earth. Something happened, a great calamity? Maybe pole shift, maybe an alien (genetic) intervention?

This pushed humans to a survival state of mind that gave birth to the ego. This in turn created greed, competition, hate, violence and murder. To name a few counter-productive actions that we do.

Did you know that humans are the only species on earth that kill with malicious intent!? Including revenge.

That is to say that we kill for other reasons than solely insuring our survival.

Think about that!

[edit on 3-1-2007 by QuasiShaman]

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by ConfederacyOfUnity

Hmm another thought might be is we are not natural to this planet? Maybe Engineered? Just some thoughts...tell me what yah think

[edit on 1/3/2007 by ConfederacyOfUnity]

it is our idealogy that is not natural not our selves... when you break out of it you can see clearly and you can see peacefully, everything makes a lot more sense and you are no longer a angry person.

start to look at the way they condition people from birth and the result of it before thinking it's the fault of our nature because it's not.

and people stop talking like everyone on the planet are the way you describe because we are not all like that, it's only in your head.

sure there are some of us that are angry but let me tell you if this place was a utopia there wouldn't be any room for anger and destruction.

like i said on another thread a while ago,

blame the cage not the animals in the zoo.

peace and love everyone :0

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by QuasiShaman

This pushed humans to a survival state of mind that gave birth to the ego. This in turn created greed, competition, hate, violence and murder. To name a few counter-productive actions that we do.

[edit on 3-1-2007 by QuasiShaman]

that is created by the invented concept of money, the people who invented money had their third eye open and were able to see the scheme of existence and decided to do wrong insted of good and so they invented the collective consciousness ritual of money, it's a form of magic really because it alterted our reality and it's the only thing that was not meant to happen in our reality, it was not part of the plan so the people who did this are really screwed behond what you can experience in this reality.

so yes blame the concept of money, look at the third eye on the dollar bill and see why it's there, it is a symbol of ritual magic, the method in which they used to create the money it self the opening of the third eye but these people were rooted evil not just controled by evil, it's the ultimate evil to be conscious of your true actions and use it for altering reality for the worst. not like a brain washed puppet who is only conditioned and have no consciousness of anything else.

the paradox is money but like all ritual magic the effect does not last forever and so the results of the ''spell'' breaking down are the disasters you see daily, it's like the collective crying out for a change and it's coming to one.
global warming, wars, greed everything bad is all related to the ''concept'' of money.

every single person on this planet do not support this system in their subconsciousness, and most of us say it consciously too. how many times have you heard someone complain that they are a slave because of the system, the people who works like a slave for 8 hours a day for a misserable salary but do it anyways because they say they have no choice.

Well the thoughts of the people are creating a negative energy, people that wants to break out of this cage, people that knows there are ways to live in peace and not destroy natural resources for it.... yes people know this inside them selves, i can feel it all around me.

peace and love.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 07:24 AM
I love how everyone jumps to point out all the negative aspects of the human race. Yes, we do kill our own and do stupid, selfish things. But that is only a representation of a small fraction of the earth's population.

I noticed nobody mentioned that humans are the only species capable of love. Sure, animals will take care of their young and are protective of them, but that is instinct, not out of love.

For the person that says our society is degenerating instead of progressing, I say this:

1. Crimes and violence worldwide wasn't so readily made known to the public as it is today. It appears we are getting worse because now we are more aware of what is going on.

2. Technology and advancements doctors and scientists have been working on are bringing people back from the edge of death and revitalizing them. A murderous, uncaring race wouldn't even bother.

3. If you don't like it on earth, I think a New Heaven's Gate is forming. lol

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 07:28 AM
What a depressing and obvious post. Everyone knows we aren't that great but what do you want to do about it? sit here and moan?? My life isn't miserable, i have a alot of friends and family who i care about and they care for me. Sorry just a ridiculous topic to post about.

[edit on 3-1-2007 by Peruvianmonk]


posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by ConfederacyOfUnity

Originally posted by Edn
It was only last month when someone was stabbed in my town and there are muggings, gang wars and racial attack etc in Glasgow all the time, you don't hear about it though it never makes the paper, luckily most people adapt and survive and learn to avoid the bad areas or do exactly what the criminal says because theres only 2 part time police to protect 15,000 citizens.

And don't go saying it never happens where you live because unless you live in a remote town with a population of less than a thousand it does happen and will happen.

2part time police? that i doubt for that many number of citizens
Here where i Bountiful about 40,000 people theres 38 Fulltime police and 6 part time..Westbountiful has 3000 pop and theres 8 cops....hmmm either way...the human instinct is to be a preditor....but we must evolve over those basic instincts and become better than we are..thats what we are doing now...most general people want to be better than they are..and strive to be better...thus getting rid of those really basic instincts

I can tell you right now that its no lie. the population of the town is somewhere around 15,000 and since the town was built we have never had more than two part time 9-5 mon-fri cops its only in the last 5 years that they got a bike they don't even have a car. When there not around we have to rely on the police from the next town who are well, lets just say unreliable.

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