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humans- a murderous species?

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posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 06:51 AM
Now that i'm in my early 30s, I find myself naturally developing a thought system regarding certain things, by no effort of my own. Regarding man and his impact on the earth, I have come to believe that humans are a murderous species.

People are laughing, smiling, playful, killers. Their behaviour and habits are detrimental to every living species on earth, yet we turn a blind eye mostly to our destructive actions, but denial is not justification.

Of all the species on the planet, the humans are the one that cannot/will not live in a manner that a) does not cause harm to other living beings b) is not self sustaining nor harmonious with the environment. All other living things live in a self sustaining way that brings no unnecessary harm to the planet nor other creatures. People cannot say the same.

We reproduce rampantly, increasing the need for housing, in turn requiring more forrestland to be turned into housing developments, killing millions of creatures who call the forrest home. Then the creatures wander into human occupied areas looking for food, and they are villified and killed- way to go... And unchecked human reproduction is not stopping- just look at the way the media glorifies sex, take a look on myspace at the millions of women with their breasts nearly hanging out, inviting males basically to mate with them...

Our lifestyle leads to holes in the ozone which of course protects earth from destructive cosmic rays. Couple this with global warming which is causing rising sea levels and is throwing the earths geophysical cycle off balance, which will lead to mass extinction of creatures - and again we have a winner. Of course, hardly anyone cares, and no one is willing to make any changes in lifestyle....

Humans are a warlike race, which is obvious, violence is inherent in them. Of all species, all only kill for food, territory, or protection, except people- when's the last time you saw a dog kill another dog for its sneakers?

It seems to me that there are only two options: only people live on earth, with no other living beings, or all other living things get to live, with no humans. All beings have just as much right to live here as we do, what gives humans the right to destroy all other living things? Which would be the fairer option? I am apt to think that if a choice had to be made, it would be all other living things that would have more a right to live than people, as they live in a harmonious, self sustaining way.

All this, and humans think they are the highest form of life, the most intelligent and evolved, and the most noble?

I tend to think we are the least noble, as the only species that cannot live in such a way that neither causes mass destruction to the planet, and all other life forms....

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 06:58 AM
Would voluntary euthanization centers make you happy? Considering how much you hate yourself, would you be the first in line to make the world a better place?? Afterall .... if we are as bad as you say, then YOU are part of the problem as well.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 07:05 AM
you say what you want- I'll just stand by my post, and the post stands for itself, as it is afterall irrefutable.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 08:34 AM
Agree with you, Ice-Man.

Any thinking individual has to arrive at the same conclusions as you.

Humans are a plague, a pox on the planet.

There is no evidence that mankind is evolving. In fact, it often seems the reverse is true.

Given the choice, I'd vastly prefer this planet to become the sole province of the animals.

Yes, euthanasia centres are a brilliant idea (to the poster who suggested this).

As Stuart Wilde has said: Not everything walking around on two legs is human. And even if they were, so what? Humans are continually destructive.

You really have to wonder what sort of 'god' created the situation we find here on earth.

Would it have been so hard to create creatures that didn't need to satisfy their physical needs continually and so often at the expense of other creatures? Huh? Would it?

Then we have precognition and its indisputable evidence of predetermination. Everything, right down to the smallest detail, has been decided upon by someone/something else. You're forced to this unpalatable conclusion when you've had an accurate precognitive dream or vision, despite its often mundanity.

So we're like a football team that goes out to play a game, when in actuality, the result of that game has already been decided beforehand.

Who'd want to play a game and sacrifice and suffer and expend all that energy and effort if they were informed beforehand that every move, every pass AND the result had already been decided upon?

Well, that's the story of our lives.

We do NOT make decisions. We do NOT determine the paths of our lives.

Instead, we're pawns in a game being played by something/someone else.

Most of us are miserable in life and most of us cause misery to others.

We've desecrated the planet and caused unspeakable horrors and inflicted every form of misery and suffering upon each other and upon animals who basically have no defences against our rapaciousness.

We humans are terrifying. We even look terrifying. If we came to this planet and saw these creatures with holes in the front of their heads and larger holes filled with a meaty tongue and fangs and watched those same creatures killing each other and eating animals and raping babies and setting bombs to fry and shatter other humans -- if we watched humans dispensing poisons to other humans in the guise of 'good medicine' and watched humans adding poisons to water, food and air ------------ then we would scream in horror and depart Earth in shocked disbelief.

Earth is Hell and humans make it so.

The world will be a better place without humans ---- ALL humans, including the current architects of misery and suffering; Putin, Bush, Cheyney, Blair, Howard et all.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by Dock6
Yes, euthanasia centres are a brilliant idea (to the poster who suggested this).

Thank you. I wasn't kidding around. I was dead serious. (pardon the pun).

If humanity is so bad then why not have voluntary euthanasia centers? If people are serious about how bad humans are then I'm sure that they will be first in line volunteering, right??

Of course, a strict watch would have to be placed upon who goes in because 'voluntary' recruits could really be people being forced in ...

But overall ... why not have voluntary euthanasia centers?

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 09:11 AM
" If humanity is so bad then why not have voluntary euthanasia centers? If people are serious about how bad humans are then I'm sure that they will be first in line volunteering, right?? "

Not necessarily right.

Those capable of appreciating the true horror that is humankind have at least given the situation some thought.

They have risen above the desperate 'survival' mode and faced the situation.

They are honest enough to tear off the pollyanna wallpaper covering the hideous gaps between humankind as a concept compared to the ghastly reality.

By comparison, those whose guts are clutched with fear and anger (thinly disguised as 'sarcasm') at the mere *suggestion* humankind is a plague that needs to be conclusively dealt with, are still in denial and survival-at-all-costs mode.

They are *least* able to honestly face the reality. They are precisely the ones who *would* eat babies in order to stay alive.

So, seems to me that those who are cognisant of and concerned by the horrifying truth about humankind ...... should be the ones to effect the elimination of this human plague. And should be the last to kiss this place goodbye.

After all, if we leave the voluntary exodus from the planet to the 'fight to survive' crew, it will remain teh same old same old, lol.


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 12:09 PM
Views like these make me want to scream Reality Check! I go out to the shops and I come back, if I fall over someone will help me up, if I see someone in danger, I will help.

Do you believe all people rape babies?? Are we really living in a warlike culture? I live in the UK, a small island jam packed with people, we all seem to get on fine.

To be honest, if I was to imagine us humans as murderous warlike beasts then something like that film Escape from New York will pop into my mind - is that the type of community you live in? Leaving your home is a survival issue? You may not come back as you left?

So who are causing the wars, polluting our minds and enviorment? Who is raping the babies and murdering people and animals? Is it everyday Joe Blogg? Is it me? You? Your neighbours, friends and family?

Oh and you are so wrong about the innocence of animals, yes they do kill for pleasure, yes they are cruel. A gorrilla with post natal depression will more likely kill her offspring to 'get over it' than seek help!

Truely, lets not forget the millions people who do kindness everyday, why tar everyone with the same psychotic brush?


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 12:30 PM
Reality check yourself, are you sure you live in the UK Dae?

And thats just a tiny amount of stuff that actually makes it to the news. The reality is we are the only species on the planet who kill each other and everything around us for no particular reason.

You are right not everyone is the cause, not everyone kills for no reason but the majority of the population are deliberately or unknowingly harming everything around them and most cant be bothered to do anything about it.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 12:35 PM
This all sounds like an AA meeting. Its like the 12 steps to over come your problems and addictions. So, let’s treat this topic like it is an addiction and take the 5 steps to conquer it.
The first step is admitting and knowing we have a problem.
We know our problem. Everyone above me has stated it. Humans are destructive/unkind/killers. We know this based on a lot of evidence i.e. pollution, global warming, extermination of animals, obliteration of our own species and mass reproduction.
Step 2
Finding out why we fell into the behaviors we have now and what lead us to them.
Humans are killers WE say. We kill for food, for land, for rights, for freedom. Well, how did we fall into that behavior? I think it is called being an animal and having animalistic behavior. This is where our instincts come from are the instincts to kill for food so we can survive, to fight for territory so you can sustain life and to fight to be lead of the pack…survival of the fittest.
Step 3
The third step is finding a solution to the problem.
Man kind has suggested many solutions for all the problems of our destructive behavior. Like, making disposable and bio-degradable plates and cups, using more efficient cars, preserving wild life habitats and creating euthanasia, Being more peaceful and not having wars and last, contraceptives and precautions to prevent reproduction.
Step 4
the fourth step is finding a way to make our solutions a reality and taking the necessary steps to achieve them.
In order to help out with pollution, you can start buying air efficient cars and paper plates. Let’s help out the animals and stop building houses on “their” land. Well, that is to say, if you are willing to live in a house with 3 other families to save at least a miles radius of wild life land. Being peaceful with other nations and countries, well we can achieve this by taking away peoples right to believe what they choose to believe. Reproduction, well If could all have one generation just keep it in their pants, I’m sure we could down play most of the problems we have now.
Step 5
Looking at your solutions to see if they are feasible and are conquerable.
Ok how silly do those seem in actually making them happen? Sure, we can all buy air efficient cars, but can everyone afford them, no. Paper plates are cheap and easy to clean up after right? Well are you willing to throw a high scale party with paper plates and paper Dixie cups? No, our ego will get in the way and we will use our Crystal plates and Antiqued silverware. Lets take away your beliefs and ideas, basically take away your individualism, so that the world can be peaceful; droned almost so we all can get along. Putting women on a contraceptive and having men get vasectomies….not only have we stopped mass reproduction, but the saving of wild life homes and pollution.
Now look yourselves, how many of us can really say we contribute or have done any of them? Can you say that you do/have/done at least one of them to prevent any of these horrid things WE are doing to ourselves/planet/animals?
It’s hard to accomplish anything in life when we look at the glass half empty. There really is no reasonable solution to making our planet a better place, or making our race of killers’ non killers and destroyers. One good solution to one problem, leads to two more minor problems to another problem.
We can sit here and demoralize ourselves in text and in writing and in debates, but until anyone gets out there and actually does it. These are all simply just ideas. Taking you back to step one and inevitably repeating and we start all over again. I’m not saying we are amazing creature. We aren’t, or we would be brilliant and have amazing life spans and wouldn’t debate why we are killers. We can enhance our knowledge on how we destroy ourselves by demolishing everything else, but until someone actually thinks of a solution that helps EVERY problem we have. We will still spin downward.
Thats my 2 cents.


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Edn
Reality check yourself, are you sure you live in the UK Dae?

So, my reality check is to read newspapers? Weird. I asked the original poster and others in the same belief to go look outside, take a real look at the life and community you live in, are you really in so much murderous danger? Are YOU killing and raping? Know many people that do?


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 12:55 PM
It was only last month when someone was stabbed in my town and there are muggings, gang wars and racial attack etc in Glasgow all the time, you don't hear about it though it never makes the paper, luckily most people adapt and survive and learn to avoid the bad areas or do exactly what the criminal says because theres only 2 part time police to protect 15,000 citizens.

And don't go saying it never happens where you live because unless you live in a remote town with a population of less than a thousand it does happen and will happen.


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Edn
It was only last month when someone was stabbed in my town and there are muggings, gang wars and racial attack etc in Glasgow all the time[snip]

And how many times in that last month has someone saved someones life? Hmm? Or all the other good things? How many times has someone made someone laugh? Created art? Worked for charity? Come on!

Where I live? A couple of kids tortured and killed another kid a few years back, so no, I dont live in paradise. But I certianly dont believe that humans are nothing more than murdering slabs of biology either.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Dock6
those who are cognisant of and concerned by the horrifying truth about humankind should be the ones to effect the elimination of this human plague. And should be the last to kiss this place goodbye.

So ... What we have here is

- human kind is evil and murderous.
- the enlightened ones that see this should go out and kill off all humanity

Sorry, but at this you just lost me. If you want to set up voluntary centers where people who think like you can go euthanize themselves as an example to others ... fine. But for people who think like you to go and kill off everyone - the good and the bad - while you stay alive????? Nope.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 02:05 PM
The human race is doing itself in anyway.

We are reducing our natural immunity and increasing the survivability of disease by the overuse of antibiotics and medication.

We are destroying our environment.

We have all but eliminated natural selection in the human race, those with traits that would not survive are reproducing the most.

We are totally dependant upon technology. What happens if the power stops working and the trucks do not run to deliver food? Who has the survival abilities anymore?

We are creating technology that will do the thinking for us, what happens when that differentiates from our wants?

Evolution of a species depends on the need to adapt to environmental changes, we have eliminated the need for that adaptibility do to a thin and ageing layer of technology, we are not evolving, and as previously posted, devolving.

We are still fighting wars, and killing eachother based on superstitions that have been written and re-written over thousands of years to suit the needs of other greedy leaders.

We have become a product to feed the financial needs of corporations and big business. Pretty soon we'll all have RFID codes to identify our shopping habits, direct marketing, and allow these businesses to properly suck money and life from us. Work->consume->repeat.

And you know what? I'm a pretty optimistic kinda guy!

Have a good new year!!


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Dae
But I certianly dont believe that humans are nothing more than murdering slabs of biology either.
Either do I but thats not my point and this thread isn't about the good things humans do. What I'm saying is out of all the species on the planet were the only ones who do such things. You cant outweigh the good things with bad, you cant say 'oh yes we do kill each other for no reason but look at all the good things we do' as if it some how compensates for it.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Ice_Man

Of all the species on the planet, the humans are the one that cannot/will not live in a manner that a) does not cause harm to other living beings b) is not self sustaining nor harmonious with the environment. All other living things live in a self sustaining way that brings no unnecessary harm to the planet nor other creatures. People cannot say the same.

This is quite possibly the most ill informed statement I've read all day.

Something like 99.999 percent of ALL species that have ever inhabited this planet no longer exist. Now that's alot of "sustainability-challenged" species.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 02:38 PM
No we cannot compensate what we do, do wrong for what we do right in life, but we aren't the only species that are killing off each other and killing the planet.
We may be sophisticated and realize that we are ruining our planet, but you have to remember that every other animal does what we are doing….and why because we are animals. It is an instinct. How do you think a lion becomes head of a pack? By fighting and killing another male. Look at that there; they killed one of their own. Why are we not calling them killers and slaughterers? They kill for their food too. They kill antelopes so that they don't starve....wait....why aren't we calling them killers again?
By them just existing they are taking up a part of this world they are polluting it, taking over an area that belongs to some other animal...driving other animals out of their homes so that they can have a home.
Why do we honestly not call a meeting for all these lions and tell them that they need to shape up their act and start behaving rationally because they are killing for no reason and they are taking over other animal’s homes. We don’t; because, they are animals right? hmmmm I do believe we are too.
This thread is a no win situation. Every one on who has posted has amazing points and thoughts. It just comes down to a simple fact that we do what we do because of instinct. Whether it’s right or wrong its how we are genetically made up….this life is survival of the fittest. And if you feel so bad about being who you are…then go out in the wilderness and live like a lion does, so that you don’t have to feel so poorly about being who you are. And then you can truly use the excuse that you are just an animal…so you can get away with it. We do what we do to survive….who said that was wrong or right? We are not ones to judge that.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 03:12 PM
I am sorry, But what about the beauty. It seems like this entire thread is very Negative. Death clinics??? "Kill Me I am not happy with my life, everything is going downhill, and I am destroying my planet, PLEASE KILL ME NOW." NO I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT HUMANS ARE A MURDEROUS RACE! What about Maya Angelou, What about Dr.King, what about ME. I am not murderous, I am human. Granted I do get angry, I do not get out in a fit of rage, and shoot someone in the face for a pair of shoes. There is much beauty on this earth. And killing yourself because you think that Your life is soo horrible, and you are destroying the ozone, is a coward like move and whoever decides to kill themself because they are destroying their environment is an PATHETIC DISGUSTING SPINELESS FOOL. why kill yourself when you can combat all of the negative shiot in the world, and better your surroundings.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 03:41 PM
No, no one said that we should kill of our species so that we can have a happy go lucky planet. We do need to make the best of what we have and what we do. Though no one can come up with a plan of action that solves ALL the worldly problems we "humans" create. (we are not God, or God like in anyway) So, until someone does, or takes critical action in doing so...we are all in the same boat, weather you are donating money to the wild life preservations, or you spend all your money on drugs...we live on the same planet and will all have the same consequences


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 03:52 PM
this is how you see it...

Originally posted by Ice_Man
We reproduce rampantly, increasing the need for housing, in turn requiring more forrestland to be turned into housing developments, killing millions of creatures who call the forrest home. Then the creatures wander into human occupied areas looking for food, and they are villified and killed- way to go...

i say its, busting my butt to provide food and shelter for my wife and child.

do you have a better way?

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