I found this interesting to say the least because it is the democrats who are not hoping on board with the fairtax proposal.
"Wealthy Democrats don't pay their Fair Share of Tax.
Is our current system of taxation a Fair Tax on American Families? Democrats would have you believe that they want to tax the rich more and protect
the Middle Class. Not True ! Democrats like the current system because their wealthy friends like the system, their wealthy Lobbyists help create the
system over 40 plus years of Democratic control of the House.
Democrats impune the attempts of Republicans to simplify the tax code, lower tax rates and close loopholes. Democrats scream on one hand about the
wealthy but they don't pay their fair share of tax at all. Tehresa Heinz Kerry and her Husband( John Kerry) paid a net 12% on their tax returns
shared during the last Presidential race.
Millions in investment income and wages and they pay only 12%. On investment income they paid ZERO toward supporting Social Security and Medicare.
Why? There is no payroll tax on investment income.
Democrats like to respond that they will pay when they pay the estate tax and that is why we should keep the estate tax. But wealthy Democrats who say
that( like Senators Kerry and Kennedy) use other loopholes to avoid that as well.
Al Ose, Regional Director for Americans for Fair Taxation, wrote a recent letter pointing out the Hypocrisy of the left.
Letter to the Editor.
You have my permission to publish this letter.
The enemies of the FairTax are the ultra-wealthy, those whose jobs depend on the current tax system, the National Retail Federation (NRF), and the
One of the taxes eliminated by the FairTax is the estate tax. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates' father, Sen. Ted Kennedy, and George Soros have all
requested that we keep the estate tax. If you look at their publicized financial records you will find that their money is protected from the IRS
through trusts or foundations. For example Sen. Kennedy has $500 million in trusts based in Jamaica, Cayman Islands, and the bulk of it in Fiji. The
Kennedy oil company operating in five states, once called Kenn Oil, is now named The Arctic Oil Royalty Trust. George Soros "holds the bulk of his
billions in tax-free overseas accounts."
The ultra-wealthy pay lobbyists six-figure incomes to offer campaign contributions to legislators. The legislators in return make changes to our
tax code that benefits the wealthy. The legislators use the contributions to get re-elected. If a legislator is against tax reform you should be able
to figure out why.
The NRF doesn't want to collect the FairTax although they already collect a sales tax in 45 states and the District of Columbia. The FairTax
would require only 16 million retailers to collect and remit the FairTax. Our current system makes them and every other business and individual to
maintain records and report to the IRS. That is over 200 million reports to the IRS as opposed to just 16 million retailers reporting to their states
with the FairTax.
Of those who become educated about the FairTax, 85 percent approve.
Privacy is one of the major benefits of the FairTax. The government and your accountant would no longer know more about you than your children do.
Visit www.fairtax.org.
Best regards, Al Ose
Regional Director WI, IA (volunteer)
Americans for Fair Taxation
Newsmax magazine, November 2005.
Do As I Say (Not As I Do) : Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy by Peter Schweizer
The Fair Tax eliminates the Estate tax, AMT, Capital Gains tax, investment income tax and all payroll and income taxes. The Fair Tax replaces that
with a new revenue neutral tax system that has a simple National Sales Tax for all new products and services plus a very important Prebate system to
make the whole package progressive as well.
Under the Fair Tax the Ultra Wealthy will pay their fair share. When the wealthy buy big houses and new cars, fancy landscaping, in-ground pools and
spas, and Yachts, they will pay the Fair Tax. Unlike the estate tax or the capital gains or investment income tax, the Fair Tax has a portion which
goes to Social Security and Medicare. Now the Wealthy will pay a fairer share of supporting Social Security and Medicare. The rest of us will take
home 100% of our paychecks and have more spendable income under the Fair Tax. The Fair Tax expands the tax base, provides a monthly prebate check and
gives American Families more control over all they earn.
If the Democrats are truly the protectors of the poor and of Social Security why do they continue to support the most regressive tax on the working
poor and middle class. The Payroll tax for Social Security is only paid on wage income up to $90,000. Most Senators and wealthy Democrats like the
Kennedys, Kerrys, Soros family and Hollywood celebrities stop supporting these crucial programs after $90,000.
It is time to change the tax system to the Fair Tax; This is Tax Reform that truly untaxes the poor and removes the most regressive tax from the
Middle Class and makes the Wealthy pay a fairer share without the loopholes that their tax attorneys use to take money offshore, put in tax free
trusts or use fancy writeoffs to pay a smaller percentage than working families do."