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posted by xpert11
Don you are making the mistake of clumping all the wars you mentioned into one group. Hamid Karzai has a mandate from the Afghan people and the Government of Afghanistan has done very well considering the tribal divisions in that country. The security situation in Afghanistan now limits what political progress the government of that country.
The government of Iraq has proven to be weak and ineffective
The US lost the Vietnam war because the US military had no idea how to fight a counter insurgency war.
The social changes that occurred during era also saw the disgusting treatment of those who served in Vietnam. The North Vietnam's were also so called liberates of the people and many of the opponents of the seem to side with them much like some people defend the insurgents in Iraq.
Originally posted by donwhite
The post Taliban election in Afghan was staged by the United States more for American domestic consumption than for anything it would accomplish in Afghan. We - Bush43 and Condo - viewed it as a win-win undertaking. For sure it would keep the good and trusting folks back home in line and if it actually worked in Afghan,
“Disgusting treatment?” I say, urban legend. Our overly-numerous pro-war types love to recite the one or two true incidents and manufacture all the others on an “as needed” basis. Hype the war! Blame it’s loss on Jane Fonda or First Amendment protesters. Shucks, when you have to choose between the First and a good war, the First is always Last!
Yes, I supported Ho Chi Minh then and I support Ho Chi Minh now. One of a dozen or so true patriots of the 20th century.
posted by xpert11
All I was saying is that Iraq's leaders are ineffective. The fact that the approach you support failed to prevent 9-11 is enough for me to oppose it.
Service men being spat on after they got back from Vietnam , wacky ideas about troops being baby killers and WW2 veterans not regarding there Vietnam counterparts as real veterans none of those things are urban legends.
This is the mentality that I will never understand providing a group of people use propaganda to claim that they are liberators some people will support them no matter what kind of brutal acts they perform . . If I supported such people I couldn't sleep at night. Don this is also my opinion in general and not just directed at you.
posted by Justin Oldham
As a historian, I'm going to be interested to see how the Republicans wash the stink of Iraq off their image. Now then. On to other things. Have you folks seen the results of the Iowa straw poll? What says you all about that?
The straw poll was held on the campus of Iowa State University and is viewed as a test of organizational strength in Iowa. In almost every case, the candidates paid the $35 per person fee charged to vote in the straw poll. It's a major fundraiser for the state Republican Party
posted by xpert11
Iraq's leaders are ineffective because they are unable to overcome the deep ethnic differences no amount over money can solve such a problem. Also you have to be mindful that elements of the local security forces can be unreliable.
My Dad was spat on when he returned from Vietnam so the poor treatment of returned servicemen was very real. I was against Gulf War two but I cant change what has happened nor can I change the fact that US forces are spread out to thinly which means that victory isn’t possible in any of the two major theaters. You see here is the thing if weren't any suicide bombers , mass murders and so on there would be no need for the presence of coalition forces in Iraq. I think that there is cultural mind set that leads to the likes of suicide bombers and other brutal acts.
As for Iowa straw poll a lot can happen in six months and not all the candidates took part and I will highlight the poll main purpose below. This is just a case members of the national team helping out at the local sausage sizzle. I wouldn't put to much stock in the poll results.
Originally posted by donwhite
2) If you and I know that victory isn’t possible, then I must assume our Maximum Leader knows that. So how many more men and women must DIE in Iraq before we ACT on what we know?
3) Well, I think you’ve got it backwards. If there were no Coalition Forces in Iraq, there would be no need for suicide bombers and mass murderers. We have armored Humvees, Apache gun ships, and high tech mine sweepers. They use the weapons they have as we use the weapons we have.
When the guerillas have popular support - as in Vietnam - uniformed armed forces cannot overwhelm them.
posted by Justin Oldham
Sad to say that we are at risk of becoming the very thing we are alleged to be fighting. On a side note, not only do I recall my father being poorly treated in a few cases after his return from Vietnam, but I sustained a rather serious school yard pummeling in 1978 as a result of such hostile attitude. I didn't win, but you should have seen the other guys. Plural. There were nine of them, and I know for a fact that two lost teeth and three more had a lot to explain to their mothers about all the blood on their shirts. Ha. Never start it, always finish it.
Here's the thing about the Iowa straw poll. It is looked upon as a test of the candidates organization, and his/her ability to raise support. In years past, it was allowed to bus in supporters from far and wide. This time, the rules were changed so that Iowans only could vote in this straw poll. Good political strategists will tell you to look at who participates and why. Romney brought in more people by bus than his competition. He also spent more for that event than his competition. True or not, the MSM will say that he bought this win.
posted by Justin Oldham
I understand hat the Iowa straw poll has been going on for quite some time. I have tended to view it as a publicity stunt more than an actual barometer of grass roots sentiment. I was actually glad to see that participation was limited to Iowans this time around. It's nice to see that the bus companies can make a few bucks, but in my opinion Romney bought his win through the spending of lots more than his opponents. I was however, glad to see the Huckabee showing.
That 1978 incident took place in Seattle, Washington. The exchange as limited to words, but it lasted for awhile and it caused quite a scene in the parking lot of the Tacoma mall. I, for my part, was engaged in battle while attending a junior high school off post. My father was singled out by his tormentors for Vietnam. My juvenile judges acted against me out of anti-military sentiment, and loose knowledge of what had happened in town. Once again, my report card read, "does not play well with others."
posted by Justin Oldham
The RNC meets in late September, and that's when I expect to see Brownback and others bow out so that the GOP field can 'solidify.' I sense a disturbance in the force. The hand of Newt has moved yet again. The GOP field will narrow to just four after September. I'm sensing a change in tactics that will be radical, and yet oh-so logical when it happens.
The implications of a four man race as we go in to the primaries would be significant. We might even see a real house cleaning in October that could result in just TWO Republicans seeking the Presidency. Why? They could more effectively use their national war chest. Please recall that the GOP is light on funds this time, so they need to be more than a bit frugal and a lot more efficient.
Originally posted by Justin Oldham
There's nothing wrong at all in talking about those sub topics.
The RNC meets in late September, and that's when I expect to see Brownback and others bow out so that the GOP field can 'solidify.' I sense a disturbance in the force. The hand of Newt has moved yet again.
Originally posted by donwhite
Very good points J/O and insightful, too. I suppose if we dropped to 4, they would be Giuliani, Romney, Fred Thompson and .. And .. And Help me please, with #4.