posted on Nov, 17 2002 @ 12:30 PM
First, JamesG, good points, but tone it down.
Second. Haven't I said before how Witchcraft, Druidism, Buddist, and other religons are older than Christianity? How come Christianity is the real
religon when only been around for 2000 years? While some, like Witchcraft and Druidism have been around for 30-35 thousand years.
Was your god sleeping for 30,000 years then fell out of bed and woke up? Also, the old religons don't have a book. Druids don't, Witchcraft
don't. And guess what they believe in. Peace, love, and kindness. How come they didn't need a book to promote that? And guess what, no
slaughters, no military actions, no wars starting from them. Christians have a book, Jews have a book, Mauslim have a book, and they all have
participated in wars and slaughters against others.
Christians with the Inquisition, all the Witch Trials, the intentional passing of blankets with small pox to Indian tribes that wouldn't convert, the
slaughter of the Scottish, the Irish,(St.Patrick, I know, a st wouldn't, but he brought the Catholic army in and slaughtered the "heathens") and
so many. Also, while shared with the Mauslim, the four crusades. All ordered by a pope.
Then, the Jews, before Christians took over Rome, slaughtered the Christians.
Then Mauslim, well, they still at it. Unlike the jews and Christians, they haven't stopped killing and slaughtering in the name of their god.
They all had books, all new religons compared to the oldest, and they all have millions if not billions of deaths on their hands.
I left out bubonic plague, while still would have killed, but with no cats due to Christians killing them, it was worse. Don't believe me? China
had it first and longer, about 1-2 million. They weren't a Christian(catholic) dominated region, and had cats that kept the rats down. But in
Europe, dominated by the Catholic church, killed of the predators of rats for being satanic and such, lose over one THIRD of the population. So about
30-40 million. Now subtract 4 million due to fact some would have died anyways, so 26-36 million.
Want a conspiracy? Catholics. They have an all powerful invisible supreme being, yet he always needs money. Or faith healing.