Thomas Crowne, why is it when I give these brilliant and intelligent people here, EVIDENCE THAT PEOPLE WERE AROUND THAT WERE NOT DECENDANTS OF ADAM OR
You dismiss it by insulting me?
You just don't have the answers, for all those who didn't previously see my evidence, here it is....
Genesis 4:14
"You are driving me off the land and away from your presence. I will be a homeless wanderer on the earth, and anyone who finds me will kill me."
Now with someone with a more understanding brain please respond to that MAJOR fact in the bible.
That Adam and Eve were not the first, nor only humans, but merely the first in Eden. And then, only in that part.
Thomas Crowne is obviously too ignorant, and his brain can't handle the information I have presented. So all he can do is call me names.
But as you can clearly see, Cain is fearing others finding him, at a time when only about 15 people were living on earth, and 1 was his wife.
He could have walked in ONE direction and have never been seen again.
As for the city, NO you idiot Thomas Crowne, a city needs PEOPLE.
Not just a wall, I think you should think about your posts next time you decide to insult me.
Secondly, Cain some how magically finds people who can farm the land, to feed his city.
Because as we all know, Cain could not farm the land. So what did he eat while his sons and daughters were growing and he building his city?
Nay, Cain found others, and he and they built a city in his first born's name.
Thomas Crowne, I suggest you grow a brain, and see for yourself this evidence, that Adam and Eve were not the ONLY to parent humanity, there were
others populated all around the world.
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