Don't be too quick to dismiss the value of a "mind block". It sounds like you had good enough cause to create one.
Perhaps a better alternative, instead of opening the door to all comers, is to build up your "strength" until you transcend the block.
There are many ways to do this, and no hallucinogenic drugs are required to do so. Yes, they can "open your mind", but beware, because that door
swings both ways.
If you are truly committed to overcoming that which holds you back, I have some suggestions:
1) Quiet your environment. If you have a TV, store it. Avoid mass media in general (too many messages bombarding you), and don't believe
everything you read on the Internet. Take responsibility for your thoughts, and don't let others make your decisions for you. Subliminal messages
found in advertising are poison to this objective. Anything that "nags" at you must be addressed and resolved. Chill and cut yourself some major
slack. Be very careful not to get on your own case for having a "mental block". It's perfectly okay, and should reassure you that your defenses are
strong. It is GOOD that you are who you are!
2) Free yourself from routine. One poster said "get out of the house more often??". That's actually good advice. However, avoid noisy places
or places that make you feel uncomfortable for any reason. If you have access to quiet, outdoor environments you feel safe in, they are tonic for the
soul. Think about the world around you, and the universe in general. It is liberating. Lead your thoughts outside yourself and your routines.
3) Lay the "voices in your head" to rest. This is not psychosis, everyone has a sense of nagging, perhaps a self-dialog that is not very
positive, an inner cynic. Address these inner "voices" directly, and see what the problem is. They usually have a gripe. See if you can resolve the
"problem" in a positive way. When you do, your mind will be free of distracting self-criticism.
4) Practice dissociating yourself from the familiar. Become a "stranger in a strange land" and "step outside your normal self". Some of my
favorite exercises:
a) In town, try to not be able to read signs, rather, think of them as being in a "foreign language". Look with new eyes on what you would normally
translate, and appreciate them for what they actually are,
without interpretation. When you see them and cannot understand them as "words",
you have succeeded.
b) Outdoors, drink in the landscape and become part of it. Think about what you are seeing in terms of the distant past or distant future. Long before
you arrived, and long after you will be gone, the land will be here. Try to see things from that point of view. When you see the world functioning
without your presence, you have succeeded.
5) BE PATIENT. These things take time. Learn to appreciate the passage of time in and of itself. Don't worry about the past or future, focus
on what is happening now. Commonly called "Zen", this represents a further refinement of the concept of "quieting your mind". Don't obsess on
goals, rather, come to appreciate the seeking. It is a joyous quest. Be receptive to what is actually happening right now, and try not to fit it in
with what you already know or expect to see. Don't let your desires deceive you. When you can accept what is really happening, right now, without
judgment or analysis, you have succeeded. Doing this opens your mind to the possibility of truth. You will be amazed at what you have been
6) Do not fear. You are in control. Remember that what you are doing is expanding what can be thought of as the boundaries of your "self",
but that you are still intact, whole, and in control of who you are. Your decisions will always be yours to make. Only by your conscious surrender can
that be changed.
Never surrender unconditionally to the will of others. Rather, remember that you can always take your ball and go home, no
matter what. Don't fall for psychic "con games" or head trips seeking to manipulate you. They have no power over you that you do not freely grant
them. You have more power than you can possibly imagine, a tremendous strength that protects you from day to day in your "normal" life. No one
except yourself can overcome that kind of power. Never forget that.
7) Explore your own mind. Examine your life, your thoughts, dreams, beliefs. Painful memories? Confront them, resolve them. Get to know
yourself and be good friends with yourself. Love yourself, you are worth loving. Before you can safely venture "out there", you must be strong in
yourself, confident of who you are. This is something only you can do. Your ego is a
good thing. Love and cherish it, as it is your base and
foundation in the universe. It is the gift of self that no one can take from you. Rejoice in who you are, and be glad. You are truly wonderful and
your course is your own to set, never forget that.
Do these things, and then you will be ready to explore. You already know that in exploring, you will encounter
others. Never forget that
authority over your actions and thoughts is yours and yours alone.
No one can take that from you, but it can be given.
Never give yourself
It has been mentioned in this thread that a "guide" or "mentor" are good ideas for such endeavors. This is indeed very true. However, the advice
still applies: never let another rule you. Seek others for advice, but never for permission. Don't fall prey to a Svengali. You are autonomous, as
God made you. Never surrender your will, it is your most valuable possession.
A reminder about drugs: yes, they do work to various degrees, but nothing is free. You are better off approaching consciousness with a clear mind. I
have tried both paths. I prefer and recommend clarity. A preoccupation with drugs will bring you only sorrow. They are not needed, just a shortcut
that can become a longer and more torturous road than simple meditation would reveal to you.
The key to enlightenment does not lie in your body, but in your soul.
You have already sought advice. That's a good thing. Continue to do so, and remember: your greatest gift, your greatest blessing, is yourself. Never
squander who you are.
Proceed slowly, remember you can stop anytime, be true to yourself and enjoy the journey.