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"PlanetX" not a hoax, just the interpretation.

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posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 08:28 PM
Your point being?

Answer me this:

how do you prove it exists when the controllers control the following:

the church, the universities, the scientists (for the most part), the observatories, NASA, the military, the air traffic controllers, the astronomers (most of), the...

you get what I am saying right?

the sad truth is that we 'the people' will only see this thing once it is literally up the ying-yang!

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 04:02 AM
TheNeo proof isn't necessary. That's the whole point of this topic. You are just as right as I am, we shouldn't even be arguiing against eachother

This topic is about planetX being a hoax or not. They have classified it as being a "Known hoax" based upon the idea that it is a real planet. However if it turns out to be a spacecraft or an second star, then where would those arguments be which makes it look like it's a hoax? Because it could be a spacecraft or an second star it doesn't have to be a hoax. That's the whole point of this topic, not giving proof that it is a spacecraft or that it is a second star, just to show that it could be a spacecraft and a second star, and therefore it doesn't have to be a hoax.

Wether or not you are right with your second star or I am right with my spacecraft doesn't matter in this topic, they both just confirm that it isn't a "Known hoax".

So the arguing wether or not it is a second star or not is offtopic kinda
You have allready attributed to this topic with you second possibility of PlanetX
And look at my openingspost I use the spacecraft as an example, but I keep that example so people don't get confused

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 04:06 AM
TheNeo you believe that PlanetX could be a second star that's allright

But look at the following
"Known hoaxes" list

If you also want it to disappear from that list because you have the feeling that it doesn't necessarely have to be a hoax, then this topic is the one in which to make that clear

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 02:33 PM
Uhm... I still need some replies perhaps... I don't know. The above is probably enough to let it be deleted from the known hoax list, but if people could say they agree then it would be nice

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 04:50 AM
Doesn't anybody wants PlanetX from the "Known hoaxes" list?
except for Mig12 and me... ?

Well at least I guess I have enough to get it of the "Known hoaxes" list, but if anybody agrees or also wants it of the list then just say so in this topic...?

TheNeo you also believed that it could be a second star, then you would also like to get it from the list right?

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 07:52 AM
ofcource i want it removed from the known hoaxes list, but there is not much a couple of people can do when "experts" has done all they can to put it there in the first place. i'd love to prove the "experts" wrong though.

edit : just to make my point clear, "planetX might not be a planet at all.
as i have said before, it might be a spacecraft, a brown dwarf(failed star) or some other body wich influenses our solarsystem with gravitational distortion of some kind or another. the orbits of some comets and orbiting asteroid hints that there is something out the influensing the gravitational properties of the outer planet and the asteroids and other small bodies in the kuiper-belt.
is my point any better now or does anyone need to get feeded in with a tea-spoon?

[Edited on 30-11-2003 by darkspace]

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 09:17 AM
You have made your point clear

[Edited on 30-11-2003 by LeenBekkemaa]

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 07:46 AM
The Sumerians described Nibiru as having moons... therefore it could not be a ship (I don't think).

Maybe it is a darkstar and these moons are actually small planets with beings on them?

just thoughts, thats all...

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 08:00 AM
BadAstronomy also deals with PlanetX being a brown dwarf star, a failed star as you call it. It can not be an enormous spaceship or a brown dwarf, because we don't measure any unknown source of gravity in the orbits of the planets. I think it should stay on the hoaxes list.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 08:06 AM
I think the real proof or at least it is very compelling, is the Symarians themselves and there knowledge of the solar system. And the depictions of things in there art work. Carved stone Rockets ships, knowing there was a pluto thousands of years ago? the only thing they seem to be wrong or at least sceintificly unproven is Planet X. The argument of why Pangea spilt up ( to fill in the whole that was made from a collision is kinda interesting to. Definilty give you something to keep you up a few nights =)

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 09:01 AM
they need a xprize like way to find out if it is really there.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 09:09 AM
I agree with leenbekkema it could be a ship. why..?
because if it would be a planet like you all say it would disrupt the balanse of our part of space because of gravitational fields and planets get disaligned and the earth would not be here or stay on its place.
so planets or stars ( which are suns ) or not in the picture which leaves only big comets which are habited or space ships left. this ship doesn't have to really big as a planet because if close to earth it would be big seen from earth. just like the moon looks bigger when its low across the horizon when it comes up or goes down same is being seen as the sun sets. its just where the ship is. the atmosphere will do the rest.
What if the ship is round like a big bowling ball just like the ships of the borg in the scfi startrek.
people of that time would believe it is a planet.

by the way there was a 10 th planet it just being destroyed and is now the kuiper belt. between mars and jupiter if i am right of its position.

[Edited on 1-3-2004 by MarkLuitzen]

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 09:10 AM
Sitchin's Sumerian Astronomy Refuted and Sitchin's Twelfth Planet. I don't feel like repeating those articles here, just read them yourself if you want to view the case from both the believer and skeptic sides.

The general idea about the Kuiper Belt that it never was a planet. The accretion of dust into a planet never happened because of the gravity of Jupiter. If Jupiter wasn't there, a planet probably would have formed.

Source (emphasis added)

The asteroid belt represents a relic of the accretion process. A planet tried to form in that location but the gravitational influence of the large mass planet Jupiter was sufficient to accelerate the material there to high velocity. High velocity collisions between chunks of rocks cause them to be shattered and indeed, over the history of the solar system, the sizes of the largest asteroids are decreasing. The asteroid belt is not the remains of a planet that was blown up by the Death Star.

[Edited on 1-3-2004 by amantine]

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 09:14 AM
look at my last post here a space craft doesn have to be as big as a planet....

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 09:22 AM
OK, so the ship isn't as large as a planet. That would make the story really unlikely. I admit that solves a lot of the astronomical problems of PlanetX, but it also changes the theory in such a way that it no longer is compatible with the PlanetX theories of Sitchin or Lieder. You should call your theory Planet Spaceship (of een leuke naam uit Friesland) or something and make it a completely different theory than PlanetX. PlanetX still stays a confirmed hoax and your unproven, but not disproven theory is not on that list anymore.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 09:25 AM
Sitchin claims that the picture shows Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. But the Sumerians didn't have telescopes, and therefore could only have known of them if aliens told them about their existence. But if aliens told them about those planets, why not about the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, or Saturn's rings? The seal doesn't show any of these features

part from text

between mars and jupiter was a planet was destroyed somehow and now we got a field with astroids and other rocks and stones. for as the rings around jupiter and so on. they are dust from the part of the destroyed planet. rocks collided and smashed until there was dust and some of the parts became moons to of jupiter. rest became the rings of the outer planets griped in the grav field of those planets.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 09:31 AM
Worse, his interpretation of the picture is wrong. The Sumerians have an unambiguous symbol for the Sun: a circle with four triangles around it like rays, and squiggly lines between the triangles. That is emphatically not the symbol in the seal. The symbol used is that of a bright star, but not the Sun. So even Sitchin's basic premise is wrong. Michael Heiser, a Sumerian scholar

next part from same text posted earlier.

it is our sun the aliens as we say now have knowledge about nuclear science they gave our sun the image of a sun but it is also a image of a nuclear fusion just like we now use the same for it . a partical with particals around it . just like the symbol on the flag of the nuclear watch dog of the un.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 09:38 AM
You've got to love that alien accuracy.

Source (emphasis added)

You have to really study these pictures to see what a laugh this is. First of all, Mercury comes after Venus (assuming it's the smaller one) or is shown in the position of being a moon of Venus. Next Mercury is only a third the diameter of Venus or Earth, but it's shown a lot bigger (about three-fourths their size). Next, the Moon should be a dot on this scale, but it's shown pretty good size. Looking at the picture (rather than his drawing) Mars looks exactly the same size as Earth. Jupiter and Saturn are in reality three times the size of Uranus and Neptune, but drawn less than twice as big. Pluto is shown about the same size as the Earth, even though it's only a tiny bit bigger than the Moon (about a seventh the size of the Earth).

Lots of other details are missing: no rings around Saturn, no bands around Jupiter, Charon (half the size of Pluto, they're really a double planet) missing, and so on. It's particularly hard to understand why the earth's Moon is included in the list, but no other moons are. After all, many are large bodies in their own right. Ganymede, for example, is larger than Mercury.

So, if you're willing to overlook all these little details it's pretty accurate, except for one extra planet and one out of place! ... This is quite a stretch.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 11:15 AM
Oke I see this topic has started again so I am going to read it in a sec.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 11:46 AM

OK, so the ship isn't as large as a planet. That would make the story really unlikely. I admit that solves a lot of the astronomical problems of PlanetX, but it also changes the theory in such a way that it no longer is compatible with the PlanetX theories of Sitchin or Lieder. You should call your theory Planet Spaceship (of een leuke naam uit Friesland) or something and make it a completely different theory than PlanetX. PlanetX still stays a confirmed hoax and your unproven, but not disproven theory is not on that list anymore.

It does solve indeed all the astronomical problems. Not only thinking about the gravitation, but also about the straight line in which planetX comes into our solar system. Also the habitation of those aliens would be possible.

And no it isn�t really compatible with the theory of Sitchin, if you look at the texts of (which I have given somewhere earlier) then you can also see that the fight between the planets (which according to Sitchin made the asteroid belt) was a war between the Gods.

(Waarom niet een Groningse naam, is ook leuk).

Then your part about the alien accuracy. Looking at the fact Venus is bigger shown then normal has probably to do with the mayor significance of Venus. And perhaps those aliens were accurate only mankind still wasn�t. When saying that the idea of the Gods being aliens could be true then you have to admit we have hundreds of thousands of pages with basic information. Except there is also technology described only the basic is a lot of basic ideas how mankind looked at the Gods and what happened back then. That wasn�t because the aliens weren�t accurate but because mankind couldn�t understand everything. So when looking with that in mind then where do all those ideas concerning the �very weird pictured solarsystem� go to?

With your argument which says that it is a bad picture about the solarsystem there hasn�t been any idea about the importance of the different planets for those civilisations. And that extra planet could be a spacecraft, and according to the Sumerians it came from far out of the solar system.

For the ones which are going to say PlanetX should have been here in 2003

And what a coincidence
Egyptians and Mayans also 2012

If PlanetX would be bull# then it would be really coincidental that according to all those three civilisations the Gods come back in 2012.

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