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"PlanetX" not a hoax, just the interpretation.

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posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 12:24 PM

For example let�s say the following

I have even made it very clear that it is a assumption in the openingspost and nobody reads it,

I am out of here, thanks a lot you guys

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 09:24 PM
So, basically, just because you can't prove anything wiht the "legendary texts" , which may or may not be entirely fiction, you choose to leave this topic all together?

Hmm, interesting.

[Edited on 27-11-2003 by mig12]

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 11:30 PM
I get what you are saying dude.
I am not prepared to believe everything Sitchen says but I am open to the idea of a large stellar body (planet or stare or ship) coming into the inner orbit of the planets. I have read the arguments of "Bad" And all I see is just what you said very little concerning the idea of "planet x" and alot of personal attacks on Sitchen and that Zetatalk lady. In fact most of the basis for the oposistion on BA.con is Zetatalk. I dont beleive the Zetatalk garbage and nither does Sitchen. He never claimed Planet x would be passing by this year as the Zetagoofs did!
I do not believe "planet x" is a planet I think no life could be sustained there or evolve there so how could it be a homeworld? I do however think it could exist and it would explain alot of the history of early man. A large moonsized spaceship could fill the bill.
Someone asked why havent we seen this spaceship if its so big? Well you cant see Uranus or Neptune with the naked eye! Most home telescopes cant see them either! So we are left to rely like most things on our so called scientist. These people are just that people they have an opinion and it is hard to get them to stray from it! So just because someone with letters after their name says it aint true dosent mean it isnt!

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 03:26 AM
Mig12: there is no nead for prove, just another interpretion so it doesn't have to be a hoax. This topic wasn't set up to make PlanetX seem like reality, but set up to show that PlanetX doesn't have to be a hoax Why don't you read the whole topic because I have mady myself very clear about that one, even in my openingspost. The reason why I left this topic was because you don't read about what the topic is about and then come with those argumens which don't apply to this topic.

An example in normal talk:
If you see a ghost and there are 2 different kind of ghosts (Planet and spaceship), and they search for that ghost which they think you saw (planet) and they don't find that ghost they say it was a hoax. What however if you saw the other ghost (spaceship) then they didn't search for that one, and they just say it wasn't true because you didn't see the other one. It's just interpretation

Is it now clear to you after 2 pages what this topic is about and that I left because people as you just don't read what the topic is about???

but why should it be the size of the moon? What if it covered the moon like the moon covers the sun and therefore people give it such large proportions. They also say those aliens were almighty.... next to this look at what the Gods did in Egypt... that were some pretty geological events... while that weren't real planets... but the Annunaki of which the Sumerians speak...

[Edited on 28-11-2003 by LeenBekkemaa]

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 03:31 AM
Mig12 do you now understand that prove about it really being a spacecraft isn't necessary, because it could be a spacecraft and that is enough to delete it as being a so-called "known hoax". (That is based uppon it being a real planet, so no prove against it not existing, therefore not necessarely a known hoax).

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 09:41 AM
But we have no evidence of other intelligent species n the universe. Even though they might be out there, we have to say that they aren't, beacuse they haven't contacted us.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 10:00 AM
mig12 that doesn't matter the describtions of the Sumerians could be aliens and spacecrafts, and therefore it doesn't have to be a hoax, that is what this topic is about. Not about the prove that it was an alien and spacecraft but that it could be and because it could be (and is more probable then a real planet) it doesn't necessarely have to be a hoax.

That is the point of this topic and I think you also agree, because the evidence isn't necessary. Evidence is necessary to say it is a known hoax, and with another interpretation the arguments that makes it looks like it is a hoax become invalid.

Are we going offtopic with proof:
All religions are most probably based upon the arival of aliens thousands of years ago. Or do you still think it was a coincidence, that the pyramids, buildings, describtions of the Gods, technologies, machines etc. were written in hundreds of thousands of pages over the whole world to explain "thunder" etc.?

I could U2U about this to you, for example the fact that allt he Gods claim to come from the Sirius system (also the God of Christ and Allah).

This however hasn't anything to do with the topic, because prove that it is true isn't necessary, the fact is that it could be and therefore it doesn't have to be a known hoax. The arguments concerning it to be a real planet become invalid and therefore also the reason for thinking it is a hoax.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 10:46 AM
It could be, but we have no idea if these people just made this stuff up for their own enjoyment. Yea, off the known hoaxes list, I say.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by mig12
It could be, but we have no idea if these people just made this stuff up for their own enjoyment. Yea, off the known hoaxes list, I say.

Thanks Mig12

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 10:49 AM
Yea, I think I finally understood what you were saying.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 11:24 AM
a HOAx is a HOAX is a HOAX

just a regression into semantics is not cause

to cancel/ re name/ the HOAX,

or in this instance, the 'PlanetX Hoax'

when it is discovered that PlanetX
is not a material/physical planet,
but a Hyper-Dimensional Force--->

what will it be called??

then there will be the purists that insist...
Its Not a Planet!!!

(I actually have a hard time believing that 6000ya...
the summerians knew of planets...back then was not
the land, as far as the eye can see- - FLAT?
the sciences did not say the earth was a sphere in
space, following the laws of angular momentum, etc)

i suspect the cuniform tablets & clay 'tubes' which were
interpeted....are done so in contemporary ideaforms

after chillin out some, anyone still in this thread/meme might want to go to the WWW.EDGARCAYCE.ORG site & find several older/long lived theories on the astroid belt, our moon as a captured satellite from the 12th planet collision.
the planet mars as once a moon of that Niburu? ( also a water planet)
venus was once a comet, from the ort cloud

but dont stop there, keep on searching....
Nemesis Star
Wandering Black Hole
Super-Hyper-Nova (magnetic stars)
ANY of Which, could be basis for a PlanetX, misconcieved Hoax

a cross-over might be warrented here...
in the " Rome plans inter-faith Shrine, Fatima" thread
I posit that planned Shrine is really a
Welcoming Center, for the Aliens/angels? of PlanetX ??

that the Vatican planned this historical landing under a religious theme, to avoid fear & aggressions by earth generals & politicians & governments

Theres' that Planet X----again, is it Hoax or not-Hoax??


posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 11:32 AM

As far as current archaeological knowledge can reveal, the first true civilization arose in Mesopotamian Sumer, located in present-day Iraq, at least 6,000 years ago. Sumerian culture exploded onto the scene virtually overnight, the cradle of human civilization.

ancient Greeks, who came more than 3,000 years after the Sumerians. It is historical fact that the Greeks not only understood that the Earth was a sphere, but had calculated its size to amazing accuracy. The Greek, Hipparchus, knew of the heliocentric (sun-centered) astro- nomical system. Hipparchus was also aware of the phenomenon known as precession of the equinoxes, a cyclical wobble of Earth's axis that takes 2,160 years to complete. To under- stand this phenomenon one would assume that Hipparchus had to draw upon astronomical data at least that old. Two hun- dred years before Hipparchus, Eudoxes of Cnidus designed a celestial sphere representing the constellations and attri- buted their zodiacal designations to "men of yore."

Perhaps those civilisations did know a lot more then you can believe they did.

after chillin out some, anyone still in this thread/meme might want to go to the WWW.EDGARCAYCE.ORG site & find several older/long lived theories on the astroid belt, our moon as a captured satellite from the 12th planet collision.
the planet mars as once a moon of that Niburu? ( also a water planet)
venus was once a comet, from the ort cloud

Congratulations you are almost the last one which doesn�t understand what this topic is about. Goodluck with arguing against a real planet while everybody else seems to realise what is meant.

A hoax is a hoax you are right about that one, and if it isn�t a hoax it isn�t a hoax.
Bye bye

Ps. really congratulations to you men

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 11:36 AM

Theres' that Planet X----again, is it Hoax or not-Hoax??

It isn't necessarely a hoax, thank you

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 11:46 AM

Nemesis Star
Wandering Black Hole
Super-Hyper-Nova (magnetic stars)
ANY of Which, could be basis for a PlanetX, misconcieved Hoax

If you know the Sumerian mythology you would know that the Annanuki came from there... so a black hole and a star wouldn't be the best sollution...

But it doesn't matter in your world it might

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 11:54 AM

sorry but I disagree with you.

Planet X is the dark star, which is on the move.

there are other planets beyond Pluto, I am told there are 3 others, way out.

they have a normal orbit much like the existing planets.

what no-one has answered sufficiently is why so called planet X being a planet farther out than Pluto would have an eliptic orbit with our sun against the orbits of the other planets that are known?

no logic supports this.

the dark star on the other hand being inferior to the sun or sol or whatever you wish to call it, primarily orbits our sun.

the orbit is large and elliptical and thus of a relatively great time period.

the period is believed to be approximately 3600 years.

that would make its last passage about 1600 years BC.

long ago enough to not be remember or to be documented very well, but recent enough for their to be some evidence of this event.

has this evidence been suppressed?

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 12:15 PM

what no-one has answered sufficiently is why so called planet X being a planet farther out than Pluto would have an eliptic orbit with our sun against the orbits of the other planets that are known?

I have already answered the elliptical orbit as being a spaceship. Spaceships tend to go in a straight line...

On the other hand your darkstar... the Sumerians say the Annanuki (Gods) came from there and it is called "the planet of the crossing". Beings don't live on a sun.... the name itself already says "planet"...

Are we going to look at the fact that the Dogontribe also said "tenth moon" to the spacecraft...

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 12:19 PM
Next to this it doesn't even matter
both of our interpretations are just proof that it doesn't have to be a hoax, so we don't even have to arue about it, arguing about it is kinda offtopic

It just says again that it doesn't have to be a hoax

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa

what no-one has answered sufficiently is why so called planet X being a planet farther out than Pluto would have an eliptic orbit with our sun against the orbits of the other planets that are known?

I have already answered the elliptical orbit as being a spaceship. Spaceships tend to go in a straight line...

On the other hand your darkstar... the Sumerians say the Annanuki (Gods) came from there and it is called "the planet of the crossing". Beings don't live on a sun.... the name itself already says "planet"...

Are we going to look at the fact that the Dogontribe also said "tenth moon" to the spacecraft...

There are numerous satellites in our solar system that are in fact little more than space ships. True.

There are bases on the moon and mars, true.

There are major space ships orbitting the sun, true.

There is planets outside of Pluto, true. Even astronomers believe this as they cannot explain the observed orbit of Pluto as known.

But the Dark Star is a dead star, is there life on it?

I don't know nor do I care.

Also, there was other planets in our solar system in the past that were destroyed. This is where the Annanuki came from. The remnants of that explosion are our oort cloud today. The moon, our moon is a former piece of earth that resulted from a major collision many many years ago. Nasa knows this, why do you think they went there?

Why do you think NASA exists?

To colonize space or to further science?


It exists to test whether ancient history and occultic knowledge is in fact true using modern science eg. the infintile human's need for PROOF.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa

As far as current archaeological knowledge can reveal, the first true civilization arose in Mesopotamian Sumer, located in present-day Iraq, at least 6,000 years ago. Sumerian culture exploded onto the scene virtually overnight, the cradle of human civilization.

ancient Greeks, who came more than 3,000 years after the Sumerians. It is historical fact that the Greeks not only understood that the Earth was a sphere, but had calculated its size to amazing accuracy. The Greek, Hipparchus, knew of the heliocentric (sun-centered) astro- nomical system. Hipparchus was also aware of the phenomenon known as precession of the equinoxes, a cyclical wobble of Earth's axis that takes 2,160 years to complete. To under- stand this phenomenon one would assume that Hipparchus had to draw upon astronomical data at least that old. Two hun- dred years before Hipparchus, Eudoxes of Cnidus designed a celestial sphere representing the constellations and attri- buted their zodiacal designations to "men of yore."

Perhaps those civilisations did know a lot more then you can believe they did.

after chillin out some, anyone still in this thread/meme might want to go to the WWW.EDGARCAYCE.ORG site & find several older/long lived theories on the astroid belt, our moon as a captured satellite from the 12th planet collision.
the planet mars as once a moon of that Niburu? ( also a water planet)
venus was once a comet, from the ort cloud

Congratulations you are almost the last one which doesn�t understand what this topic is about. Goodluck with arguing against a real planet while everybody else seems to realise what is meant.

A hoax is a hoax you are right about that one, and if it isn�t a hoax it isn�t a hoax.
Bye bye

Ps. really congratulations to you men


I thought your benchmark was the Sumerian civilization,
not the Greeks...Yes, the Greeks also 1st mentioned 'Atoms'..but the Sumerians & Aakadians were history by then...only their mystical aspects remained...see the Chaldeans & Babylonians which carried on the occult mysticism of Sumeria

the planetX, niburu? eventually became mystery Babylon, Mt Olympus, Roman al
people need a solid, mental construct, like all thim god abodes of yore, or heaven, nirvana, paradise, etc...TODAY

retrace my strep here: if you don't already have this site in your resource files, then inspect it & do whatever.

there is a good research on that PRECESSION cycle opposed to mr sitchens....(misstatement ??of a 2160yr duration of complete cycle)that time period is rather duration of ONE zodiacal house, times 12 houses=~26,000years **& hence the North Star being Polaris in this era**

Now, there could be an arguement on the Heliocentric view also, (incidently 3000 y.after the Sumerians) & sitchens infering the Greeks only aped what the Sumerians already taught mankind...
Then the reference that the Greek Eudoxes presented the sphere of the heavens...does not deny that his sphere was thought to rotate around earth...
a misconception that all the stars/heavens existed in a 2 dimensional plane- that surrounded the earth like a sphere

The impression i get is that like the Greeks, who must have recorded precessional movements for 2160 years/ or had historical records provided by Sumerians... the Mayans like wise must have recorded or had data on their Great Cycles from which to calculate, and then extrapolate the next end-of-cycle in 2012?

BUT either of these Complete Cycles is greater than 25,920 years of zodiac cycle...even up to 150 my for the Great (Galactic) Wheel Cycle that the Maya know about...

SO, if i call PlanetX [a Hoax]...or call PlanetX a MYTH...or have PlanetX a spiritual/metaphysical/esoteric world...
the PlanetX name, gives the whole ball of wax, an identity (not a description/analysis/judgement/sentence..)
Then, any newcomer, walk-in, post-doctorate or whatever--will instantly know what is meant.

I'm glad the Rishi s & Vedic s don't have this here Niburu cosmology....OR DO THEY?? but told more eloquently, as the Sumer/aakadian/hittite/babylonian/chaldean/turk/syrian/mess-o-pot-amian...hashish region..was a drug oriented civilizations., on your journey

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 06:51 PM
We are not arguing whether or not there is life on this plant, just if it can even possibly exist or can be disproven as a hoax.

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