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Originally posted by Bout Time
....are also staunch Bush War proponents? All?
Go figure! Such a co---inky---dink!
How aboutr we stop subsidizing the 3rd largest weapons seller in the world( Israel) and pay the UN?
And yes Voice of Doom.....we should bomb Alabama! That or give'em to Vincente Fox as a booby prize or something!
Originally posted by Voice_of Doom
I agree! Those who spend the "most" money should obviously get the "most" in return. Thats how it works here in America...and if its good enough for us its good enough for the rest of the world.
Why have a social institution based on reason and international law that would try to look at all sides of an issue and legitimate with an ounce of fairness??? It justs gets in the way.
I believe that if the UN isn't going to do as its told by a "member" nation than the whole system is f**cked and needs to be replaced at once.
This is good policy in other areas of the world as well. Take California for example. Since they are one of the highest "financial" contributors to the federal tax-sluch pile, they should also be given unilateral ability to push their agenda onto the rest of the country. It just makes sense. And if say, Alabama, didn't want to impose those high gasoline taxes, high polution standards and pro-marijuana policies, California could have the right to "disband the union" or even pre-emtively strike the "bass-ackward r*dnecks" living in Alabama.
But what about the differences in cultures, you might ask??? What about respecting Alabama's soverign rights or even the southeast coalition of SC, GA, AL and FLA??? Well we all know their illiterate religious fanatics who want to turn the country into a judeo-christian the kind of have it comin...
Money, Money Money.....dont let it change ya!
Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
And if you're gonna bomb anything, bomb California and the rest of the freak states. We here in Alabama still believe in the concept of states' rights and hope for its return, unlike the liberal freaks who want to keep such rights away and want to regulate everything for everybody.
Originally posted by THENEO
Frankly a civil war is not such a bad thing after all, it can clean up a lot of mess and get people back on track.
The main this is that the entire country is not destroyed as a result of it.
Originally posted by THENEO
Yeah and if we have a civil war then liberals are public enemy number one in my books.
They wanted the UN and now we have it and look what a scam it is.
It is their creation and its failure rests on their shoulders.
Originally posted by William
Um... don't forget the massive NYC Police costs for security during UN sessions and the like.
Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Originally posted by Voice_of Doom
I agree! Those who spend the "most" money should obviously get the "most" in return. Thats how it works here in America...and if its good enough for us its good enough for the rest of the world.
Why have a social institution based on reason and international law that would try to look at all sides of an issue and legitimate with an ounce of fairness??? It justs gets in the way.
I believe that if the UN isn't going to do as its told by a "member" nation than the whole system is f**cked and needs to be replaced at once.
This is good policy in other areas of the world as well. Take California for example. Since they are one of the highest "financial" contributors to the federal tax-sluch pile, they should also be given unilateral ability to push their agenda onto the rest of the country. It just makes sense. And if say, Alabama, didn't want to impose those high gasoline taxes, high polution standards and pro-marijuana policies, California could have the right to "disband the union" or even pre-emtively strike the "bass-ackward r*dnecks" living in Alabama.
But what about the differences in cultures, you might ask??? What about respecting Alabama's soverign rights or even the southeast coalition of SC, GA, AL and FLA??? Well we all know their illiterate religious fanatics who want to turn the country into a judeo-christian the kind of have it comin...
Money, Money Money.....dont let it change ya!
I'm sure you think you are quite the pundit, but I assure you, your ignorance is outdone only by your stupidity. Your analogy merely proves that.
As far as the U.N. telling anyone to do something, what, do you thin kit has already become the ultimate authority? By whose basis of morality? Syria's? Maybe your buddy's over in North Korea? Putin's?
Clue you in on something, the U.N. doesn't do what it was designed to do, all it does is try and be an instrument by which the non-producers take from the producers, and the tyrants try and justify themselves internationally. A body of law, you say? You are delusional. Their "law" is founded on thin air. That, I feel quite confident, means nothing to you and BT, to others it means alot.
And if you're gonna bomb anything, bomb California and the rest of the freak states. We here in Alabama still believe in the concept of states' rights and hope for its return, unlike the liberal freaks who want to keep such rights away and want to regulate everything for everybody.