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Reform the United Nations

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posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 11:17 AM
"U.S. officials have every right to question the way the United Nations is run. This nation has been its biggest contributor since its creation in 1945 and currently contributes 22 percent of the U.N.�s regular budget. In contrast, France contributes 6.4 percent, Britain 5.54 percent, China 1.53 percent and Russia 1.2 percent.

Total U.S. contributions to the U.N. system in 2001 totaled $3.5 billion, including $612 million to the U.N.�s regular budget, $712 million toward U.N. peacekeeping, and $2.2 billion in voluntary contributions. No other nation comes close. "

The main point of this guy's opinion column is that U.N. bureaucrats are ill at Bush'd proposal to close down the U.N. Information Center.

I am certainly for it, as I grow weary of the enormous waste and redundancy for which the American taxpayer pays the most, yet receives the least. We pay to have an International Bash the U.S. Club which is dedicated to a one world socialist government, to be paid for by the American citizen. Insane.

The rest of the article:

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 11:19 AM
Um... don't forget the massive NYC Police costs for security during UN sessions and the like.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 11:37 AM
Very good link Thomas Crowne.

But when I've read this : " With the latest polls showing that 60 percent of Americans believe the United Nations is doing a �poor job,� such efforts are likely to prove popular with the public. " I just thought it was political and had to be tied up to the next presidential election.

And this statement : " Democracies within the UNCHR should band together to act as a bulwark against dictatorships exercising influence. "

How many nation in the UN ? 160/170 ? And most of them are NOT democracies but dictaorship. So I wonder what Bush really want. And when I've read the end of the article, I just tought : " Let the UN die like the Nation League died "

Only Globalist and tyrants need the UN, especially a very effective UN
They're talking about these so-called Human Right, but when you read under the lines, these so-called UN Human Right Declaration is only a trick to enslave us all. Sorry for the spelling and the grammar

[Edited on 24-11-2003 by ultra_phoenix]

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 11:37 AM
I vote that the US pull out of the UN and let the "International House of Cards" fall right where it needs to.........right flat on its faces!

Tell them to get out of the US......take the UN building and make it into apartments, condos, or business shops.....basically whatever, get them out!

Take the land that they own in the US and pay them for it, but get them out.
The UN is out-modded, out-dated, contemptable, a farce, biased, hypocritical, and a cause that has no cause anymore....they are a joke within the international community!
They are a criminal organization thats usefulness has expired....good riddance! "Don't let the door hit your behind on the way out either! Cya, bye-bye, so long, etc.! And take them silly azz blue helmets with ya!" *waves*

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 01:06 PM
I agree! Those who spend the "most" money should obviously get the "most" in return. Thats how it works here in America...and if its good enough for us its good enough for the rest of the world.
Why have a social institution based on reason and international law that would try to look at all sides of an issue and legitimate with an ounce of fairness??? It justs gets in the way.
I believe that if the UN isn't going to do as its told by a "member" nation than the whole system is f**cked and needs to be replaced at once.
This is good policy in other areas of the world as well. Take California for example. Since they are one of the highest "financial" contributors to the federal tax-sluch pile, they should also be given unilateral ability to push their agenda onto the rest of the country. It just makes sense. And if say, Alabama, didn't want to impose those high gasoline taxes, high polution standards and pro-marijuana policies, California could have the right to "disband the union" or even pre-emtively strike the "bass-ackward r*dnecks" living in Alabama.
But what about the differences in cultures, you might ask??? What about respecting Alabama's soverign rights or even the southeast coalition of SC, GA, AL and FLA??? Well we all know their illiterate religious fanatics who want to turn the country into a judeo-christian the kind of have it comin...

Money, Money Money.....dont let it change ya!

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 02:42 PM
Is that the proportion the US is supposed to pay or how much it does pay.

Here is a link giving the spirilling debt the US has with the UN.

Is it any wonder that some in the US would like to withdraw from the UN when it could mean reneging on what they already owe?

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 02:47 PM
And while we're on this subject both Great Britain and France have a population aproximately one fifth of that of the USA.
Multiply the French and British figures by 5 and you will see that per capita both French and British citizens are paying more through their taxes than their US counterpart.


posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 02:51 PM
so every one is giving what they can i see that but i think if the u.n does not care about what we have to say maybe we should cutback on our generosity.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 02:52 PM
reform the united nations?
disband them.

the most testicleless org. in the world besides greenpeace and amnesty international.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 02:59 PM
Seekerof sums up my feeling beautifully

ultra_phoenix "Only Globalist and tyrants need the UN"
also nails the point were paying to undermine ourselves

ThX Guys

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 03:03 PM

And while we're on this subject both Great Britain and France have a population aproximately one fifth of that of the USA.
Multiply the French and British figures by 5 and you will see that per capita both French and British citizens are paying more through their taxes than their US counterpart.


So explain China and India....

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 03:03 PM
Well Tealc that is a different matter altogether from the point TC is trying to make.He is trying to say that Americans are paying more than anybody else.The truth is that they are not paying their way at all.

Your point is an interesting one but totally different.

You can't bully the UN into doing what you want so you feel that you should not pay or even withdraw.
The UN was instituted to avoid the major nuclear powers from coming into direct conflict.It has been successful in doing that for 50 years.If you feel that giving up that will make you safer then you really have no idea about the realities of the bottom line when it comes to international relations.Stepping over that brink still means the end of mankind despite US superiority in conventional weapons technology.

William made the point about the cost of hosting the UN in New York.This ignores the valuable diplomatic advantage the US has by hosting it.France,Britain,or Germany would be pleased to take over it is that much of an advantage and cause for national prestige to have the worlds leading diplomats on your doorstep.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 03:36 PM
I'm sorry but any organization that puts Syria in the chair position of a human rights committee needs a little reworking.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 03:50 PM
Oh, no John Bull1.....its far from what you postulate and then decree "Next!": "Is it any wonder that some in the US would like to withdraw from the UN when it could mean reneging on what they already owe?"
Never crossed my mind when I sayed: "Don't let the door hit your butt on the way out"....nope..nada....but this did:

"The United Nations: A Criminal Organization"

"Kofi Annandersen
Enron-style accounting at the U.N. Oil-for-Food Program."


"William Safire: Follow the money"

"Get US out! of the United Nations"

"The UN is Evil"

"The truth about the United Nations!"

Look up "Lucis Trust" in a 'search' engine and see what comes up.

This is but a few of the myriad links I could provide showing how corrupt and defunct the worthless UN is.....
Personally, again, I'd pay that "debt" and as soon as I put that check, personally in Kofi's sweaty hands, I would announce the withdrawl of the US from the UN, kick them out of their UN building in NY, etc., but be assured, the UN would be promptly on the next flight out of this country....
Good ole' UN:


[Edited on 24-11-2003 by Seekerof]

[Edited on 24-11-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 04:20 PM
....are also staunch Bush War proponents? All?
Go figure! Such a co---inky---dink!

How aboutr we stop subsidizing the 3rd largest weapons seller in the world( Israel) and pay the UN?

And yes Voice of Doom.....we should bomb Alabama! That or give'em to Vincente Fox as a booby prize or something!

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 04:23 PM
The US ideal compared to The Delian League?

It may be a topic for tomorrow.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
....are also staunch Bush War proponents? All?
Go figure! Such a co---inky---dink!

Heh, I know. It's sad. Gee, with that old UN out of the way, we'll be able to do anything we want.

As I said in my rant,
The UN should be made stronger if anything.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 04:54 PM
Yeah, good luck "recruiting" for that proposed "UN army".....
"Annan: U.N. Won't Go Back to Baghdad Until It's Safe"
Yeah...they need more "teeth" alright.

BTW...UN has teeth...the US military........


Corruption breeds matter if its US political parties are the UN.......
You want to know the NWO....look no further....coming soon to a neighborhood near you...the United Nations....


posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 05:02 PM
Mr. Linky....I mean Seekerof,

My point is that the US shouldn't be the UN's teeth. I don't think they'd have as much trouble recruiting for the UN army as you think. People will join anything for a paycheck and sense of purpose.

And if what I described was the NWO....I want the NWO.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 05:13 PM
It seems that when the US began taking action in Iraq,
without much UN support, which continues,

that was the beginning of re-'form'.

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