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Tommy Franks: Martial Law Will Replace Constitution After Next Terror Attack

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posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 02:02 AM
Bush is only here so that democrats can institute "compromises" which will basically be kangaroo courts.

They are tanking the US economy to create parity for US, EU, PRC, and Russia. Federal aid will become important to many people. Then there will be a farce hearing, something like traffic court before they fine you or cut your benefits for anything they don't want you doing, causing your family to starve.

Of course we're not there yet anyway. They can't push us over the edge just yet because we've still got the guns. I expect a ban on semi automatic hand guns and probably some limitation of 7.62 weapons or ammo They will limit 7.62 weapons to 5 round non-detachable magazines, which California is already well on its way to accomplishing. They may also issue inferior cartrige requirements which ensure that commercially available rounds will not penetrate kevlar at 100 yards.
The ban on truck movement in cities hasn't quite fallen into place yet, but stand by for that.

Mark my words though... the democrats are the new world order. The Republicans are here to make sure that everyone votes democrat.

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by kogigaiden
the military brainwashes soldier, just like the media brainwashes the masses. very few people actually think freely anymore. where i live people might as well already be in a state of martial law. i live in a really nice neigborhood, but have yet to hold a conversation with any one of my neigbors. people are very isolated these days, the government is conditioning them for martial law. john titors words wisdom or facts seem to becoming more true everyday. alex jones documentary becomes more clear everyday. if a police state were to occure i doubt we would be capable of defending the NWO they have vast military resources it would be next to imposible to stop them. mabye i will go live in the forest if worse comes to worse, they shouldnt have any interest in the forest. o shoot i forgot there are no forest where i live damn it!

I'm afraid you are 100% correct!!

We let others to rule our lifes! To be independant, from society chains, you can only belong to two stages. Or you have millions to spare, and start to literally spend your money, building a resort away from the larger cities (and a possible 2000 meter depth bunker),

you give up having anything, and start to live in the woods, or Mountains, calling again the Help of Nature, to accept You, living like an ermit, and trying to not forgetting in what Humanity has become.


posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 06:16 AM
I'm Freakin' ova here!!!



[edit on 13-8-2004 by Tesla]

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by kogigaiden
people are very isolated these days, the government is conditioning them for martial law. john titors words wisdom or facts seem to becoming more true everyday. alex jones documentary becomes more clear everyday. if a police state were to occure i doubt we would be capable of defending the NWO they have vast military resources it would be next to imposible to stop them. mabye i will go live in the forest if worse comes to worse, they shouldnt have any interest in the forest. o shoot i forgot there are no forest where i live damn it!

You know, I've put some thought into this, and I don't think they'd let any real volume of people escape their grasp into the wilderness. They'd just send "park rangers" to scout around for "squatters" and if you wouldn't go peacefully you'd go for a small army of sheriffs and national guardsmen.

The answer is to reset society, like in escape from LA. Basically you'd have to destroy so much infrastructure, or so many people (or both) that the NWO simply couldn't function.

For the most part, this is impossible. The most realistic way I can think of would be for a resistance group to develop a genetic weapon, and a gene-therapy immunization, then to immunize a small town somewhere, the entire project being carried out under some sinister NWO excuse. Then, you kill off most of the world, except for your one little town which escapes unscathed. You send out parties to burn a few key sites (the largest cities which pose the greatest danger of a reorganized government). You scavenge all you can as far as books and educational material are concerned, and a few necessary advantages to ensure your survival, but for the most part you are starting fresh at the tribal level.
I realize this is impossible, but as far as I can imagine it's the most realistic scenario for defeating the NWO- short of God coming down and smiting them at Meggido till their blood runs to the height of a horse's bridle.

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 07:58 AM
If Martial law is put in place, America is no more. The country will be doomed for sure. It will fall apart. We will be fighting in the streets everyday. That will be our new world.

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 12:27 PM
Other countries revolt against their government-

We just sit back and let it all take place-- the American way?

What can we do to protect ourselves? What can we do to stop this?
And dont tell me buy a gun and stay indoor either.

OK what do we do NOW?

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 11:04 AM
we are not looking at who would be to blame for this and that is the terrorists. of course martial law would be put into place if WMD was let loose on our great country. and u also have to thank those of us who would take advantage of such attack.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by tandino
Over the past 6 months i've strongly felt like something has been going to happen. Almost been expecting the NWO to come into power following a worldwide event of some sort, can't quite pinpoint exactly what I can feel but i'm definately not "comfortable" at the moment.
I think there was a thread on the old message board a while back about people waiting for something, feeling a bit off etc.

Has anyone else felt similarly to this? Reading the John Titor remark earlier kinda shocked me, I remember reading a lot about what he'd said and described, though never remembered any of what he'd said about the NWO.

Hope someone will back me up anyway!

You're not alone, I've felt something big on the horizion for quite a few years now, and the feeling ain't goin away.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
You really think If Bush has some evil plan to take over the US Kerry is going to come save you. They were both in Skull & Bones they both have the same Agenda. If its a evil take over then Kerry will help further that goal just the same as Bush would.

If you really want to stop what you see as a evil plot Vote Bush out yes but dont vote another Skull man in his place.

BRAVO!!!! Someone finally pointed out the obvious! Despite the dog & pony show these two chuckleheads put on for the media & the American public, they're on the same team! They're both working toward the establishment of the NWO!!! They may be fighting to see who gets to be the public face of the whole shebang, but when the dust settles, it's gonna be a case of "meet the new boss, same as the old boss". The US is still gonna be the capital of the NWO.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 10:24 PM
??? He needs links, like NOW. But that would be terrible... I wish that never will happen here

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
You really think If Bush has some evil plan to take over the US Kerry is going to come save you. They were both in Skull & Bones they both have the same Agenda. If its a evil take over then Kerry will help further that goal just the same as Bush would.

If you really want to stop what you see as a evil plot Vote Bush out yes but dont vote another Skull man in his place.

Thank you and finally welcome to the future everyone ain't it great! This NWO thing and Tommy Franks statement gave those that need it the lead time to do something about it. As far as Bush and Kerry being any different, hehe yeah and the federal reserve is a federal agency right. Read the real history, realize the battle is coming, and if you don't have the stomach get out of the way.

The second ammendment died with the outlaw of machine guns without a special license, it was intended for civilians to be able to buy a current military issue infrantry weapon in order to form civilian militias (now considered terrorist groups) and to keep the feds in line.

Now here is the good news I have friends in the military and there are entire units that will leave their posts with every weapon and supply they can if that happens. Throw in the fact that one in two cops admit that if the gov goes too far they will take off their uniform BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO DIE. Yes the average American is still fat and happy and doesn't realize that CNN is Pravda in the 70's, and yes I know by writing this I have condemned myself to a watch list probably. But hey I was probably already there so screw it. basically though you combine the elements of military and cops that will change sides and the fact that there are groups of people with paramilitary skillsets who practice for the day when it is necessary, and pray that it never comes, then factor in the amazing amount of area a numerically superior force has to cover it is not only winnable but easilly.

And if you did not see this coming the day someone put up a no firearms sign in your workplace or when those 3 planes hit, well gee guys what exactly were you thinking happened? Within minutes of the 3rd plane hitting they had al qaeida pegged as the perps, but wait didn't we (the CIA) basically build Al qaeida to screw with the russians during the cold war?

Smoke mirrors and fancy language (and sorry no raise this year again)

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 07:28 PM
If the law even does happen.

Extreme precautions must be taken, What applies normally will not be the same.

Obey on the outside and fight in the inside, Recruit all the townfolks and start a milita. Even if you think you can attack one of the military officers patrolling on a street YOU WILL BE SHOT.

Milita is the safest thing you can ever have during time like this. And gangs lol They don't stand a chance.

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 08:08 PM
So, if I am reading this thread correctly, John Titor says that a wmd attack will happen sometime in December? Hell, I believe it is going to happen eventually with Usama getting permission from the clerics to use such a device. But what would they have to gain from such an attack if it means their own destruction?

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Mephorium
So, if I am reading this thread correctly, John Titor says that a wmd attack will happen sometime in December? Hell, I believe it is going to happen eventually with Usama getting permission from the clerics to use such a device. But what would they have to gain from such an attack if it means their own destruction?

their own? Who's them

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 10:33 PM
Please, excuse my ambiguousness. They was meant to refer to Usama Bin Ladin and Al Queda.

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 10:40 PM
Yet, how can themselves bring destruction to their own by attacking the US. Osama does not represent a country or any true declared governmental system. They won't lose their economy because they don't have one. Osama claims to be doing this religiously, so unless the US decides to kill all the muslims there is no destruction to them except their own death, then again They are prepared to die for they are waging their own holy jihad.

In reality, they lose nothing for they have gave up their life already.

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 11:02 PM
Indeed, they (Al Queda) could continue their war for another fifty years if they wanted to. But if they used a WMD in the United States, it would all be over. Martial Law would be declared, the President and 96 members of the Executive Branch would be evacuated to some secluded area, and he would have total control over everything without having to answer to Congress for six or seven months.

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 11:15 PM

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 11:30 PM
Thanks, for another fine wake up call. As I said before, our future is being written by very powerful men. If they want an attack to happen, it will happen. Have you read this:

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 11:35 PM
We are all brothers here

No problem, Spread the info
Truth is contagious

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