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Tommy Franks: Martial Law Will Replace Constitution After Next Terror Attack

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posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 11:09 AM

If that happens, Franks said, ?... the Western world, the free world, loses what it cherishes most, and that is freedom and liberty we've seen for a couple of hundred years in this grand experiment that we call democracy.?

this is by far the most frightening thing I've heard a person in power say about our freedoms. just you wait and see's over.

'?It means the potential of a weapon of mass destruction and a terrorist, massive, casualty-producing event somewhere in the Western world ? it may be in the United States of America ? that causes our population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass, casualty-producing event. Which in fact, then begins to unravel the fabric of our Constitution. Two steps, very, very important.?

that's some scary # folks. Even Franks is admitting that's what would happen. Hey, Advisor, MidnightDstroyer...what have we been telling people eh?

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 02:29 PM
If that happens bullets in an M-16 from one of his soldiers will replace his ass.

No Employee, politician, civilian or terrotist is above the contitution of United STates.

Tommy Franks aint #. 4 Star Generals can be replaced. Just ask General McArther.

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 05:08 PM
I think this is a very interesting post and am looking forward to seeing people's responses.
Hard one to call. For the US to go into Martial Law, it'd have to be one hell of a terrorist wmd attack.

Let's hope we never have to find out, eh?

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 05:21 PM
Maybe he's been reading up on John Titor. Did he say martial law will be in place by 2004? As the next big attack will be this Christmas it all seems to fit.

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 06:11 PM
it's gunna happen.....we have already seen a very small glimpse of it with the patriots act I & II. it is sort of funny how the freeist (is that a real word) country in the world would, at the drop of a hat, become the most authoritarian state in the world. i think it is because, we, as americans, are so fragmented in our opinions about our own countrys' policies and motives. the american public is very complacent with the life style we much so, we think that our individual opinions make us some kind of expert on the situation. "we should just talk to the terrorists.." and who excactly is that?
..terroist are not really part of any one country..a certain country may financialy help certain terroist orgs BUT, if the terroists HAD to get together..the would start blowning themselves up trying to get the the other terrorist to do what they want them to do. terrorist do not attack strength, they attack weakeness. that is so because thay are so weak themselves. All these 'peace mongers' might as well have signs saying..'go alquida'..'save sadum' they are say the what the terroeists are doing is ok....
so...i could see what t.franks is saying happening...there are too may 'people' in the us who are willing to give up thier freedom for the slim opportunity to TRY TO BE SAFE...what ever that means..
the american public is americas worst enemy...i have stated before on dif threads that i think america needs to have a 'enmemy power' invade.....i wonder what would happen then...well i sorta know...all the leftist, peacemongering doves would come out with thier hands bound, by their own hands of course, and say lets us talk..and then....BANG!!!! they would be it such a bad idea????

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 03:57 AM
Thats why Franks no longer is serving overseas.
He is walking the line .

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 04:16 AM
my guess is it's going to be a chemical/biological attack with a low second communicability rate. so that way they can control how many people die.

I know about the John Titor thing, but to hell with him, my grandpa always said we should burn DC and move the capital to the middle of the plains (Omaha anyone?)

EPLURIBUSUNUM: and what line would that be? that he's saying things like this? come on, enough with all the cryptic talk, just spill what you've got.

[Edited on 22-11-2003 by Grommer]

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 09:51 PM
Noone has noticed the MI5 insignia I have on my signature. Hmmm..thought that would raise questions.
Pyramid with the all seeing eye on top.
It is everywhere.

Remember..the War on Terrorism is a war against those who are against the New World Order and our plan.
When the masses finally realize they have been duped for centuries, world civil wars will spring up but we will be ready..we are already ready.
And everyone on this site is subject to the yellow list.
Enjoy your freedom we have given you,
for it will easily be taken away.
if you choose to be against us and not with us.

New World Order is on the fast track. Every day we get closer to the goal.

posted on Nov, 23 2003 @ 07:17 AM
yellow list? that good or bad?

posted on Nov, 23 2003 @ 07:44 AM
NWO takes over after next terror attack.


anyone declairs marshal law,im grabing my shotgun and just start huntin me some NWO cronies.

BUt seriously, I doubt it will happen. Bushs ratings will plumit. But IF it does, it defenetly wont last more than a week

WHats the point of declaring marshal law here??

What did we do??

If anything, they will need the help of covilians. They helped in the rescues of 911. They just ran into the buildings and risked their own life.

Durring the HUGE blackout, civilians gave rides to people they dont know. (and not one person was reported missing) They stood in the middle of a intersection acting as a trafic light, in 95 degree heat, for more than 12 hours!

and unlike the blackout of the 60's (i think) there was no looting (excerpt a small neighborhood in upstate new york)

I doubt marshal law will happen.

posted on Nov, 23 2003 @ 01:38 PM
Of course no one is going to question a thing like that on your sig, this is a conspiracy site.

And if it was a takeover using martial law, then ratings for bush wouldnt really matter.

posted on Nov, 23 2003 @ 01:42 PM
o great, just what we need, out own gov going agents us.. grr

now what the h*ll are they going to do with all the camps there making?

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 08:05 PM
Gentlemen if Martial law is declared in the US it will last about 3 min. Because all hell will break loose! The US Army has only 12 active divisions which can not hope to occupy and control the entire US. As for the local police forces I MYSELF outgun my local police force so they want account for much! Add to the armed resistors the unarmed riotors and the government will have its hands full. This is what we have a second amendment for folks and armed populace is the best defense against tyranny!

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by GRENADIER
Gentlemen if Martial law is declared in the US it will last about 3 min. Because all hell will break loose! The US Army has only 12 active divisions which can not hope to occupy and control the entire US. As for the local police forces I MYSELF outgun my local police force so they want account for much! Add to the armed resistors the unarmed riotors and the government will have its hands full. This is what we have a second amendment for folks and armed populace is the best defense against tyranny!

We may "have" a second ammendment, but its slowly dissapearing every day. And as for outgunning, having 50 guns is useless, because you only have two hands. I honestly dont think martial law would be as bad as most think, mainly due to the easily controlled cities, where people dont give a # as long as they get their cable, gas for the SUV, and their bi-weekly paycheck.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 11:31 PM
If I got Military on my street telling me what I can do, what I can't do, and when I can/can't do it. I'm going postal on their ass. NO ONE will tell me when I can worship, goto the store etc.....I just wish it wouldn't go that far before WE THE PEOPLE do somthing about it

I personally think that everyone is un-aware of what is actually going on, and before they know it their in a police state. If people would start doing somting (including myself) even if it's as little as (well you name it) it would at least let not mine, but thier gov know that we ARE aware, and spreading the word and we WON'T take this #.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 11:32 PM
Has Martial Law ever replaced the Constitution ever in U.S. history?

Sorry I am not familiar with U.S. History.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 12:00 AM
'Has Martial Law ever replaced the Constitution ever in U.S. history?'

To the best of my knowledge. No. If this is to be believed President Lincoln enacted Marshall Law the first time and never retracted it.

Ratings wont mean a thing to anyone, the Military will be in charge of EVERYTHING you do. The 'rebels' if you will, will be the first ones rounded off and sent to the FEMA camps. I think it will only be in major cities, LA, NY, etc. There's just not enough forces to watch every tiny little city. That is unless of course they dont bring in foreign troops from NATO, or some other US hating division. If that happens then you're really screwed.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by surfup
Has Martial Law ever replaced the Constitution ever in U.S. history?

Sorry I am not familiar with U.S. History.

Well if you actually know the def of Martial Law "The suspension of normal civil law and its replacement by strict military control. Often declared during times of civil unrest.", then I would say YES. I think it happend in Flordia during the trade bull#. They took away the rights for a speedy trial, freedom of speech etc.....

In my def I don't think it has happend on a large scale through-out the US, adn that's what I think Martial Law is, but it has to start somwhere right? I think it's a "working progress" (if you will) Kind of like the frog if you put him in boiling water he will just jump out, but if you put him in cool water, and slowly bring it to a boil he will let himself boil to DEATH.

[Edited on 25-11-2003 by glan]

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by surfup
Has Martial Law ever replaced the Constitution ever in U.S. history?

Sorry I am not familiar with U.S. History.

Not on a national level. Don't worry we will be the first to see a full scale one soon. Real soon if Bushes poll numbers keep falling. Reagan did some nice revamps so fema can take control and horde people into camps if needed just look at his executive orders.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 12:22 AM
Perhaps the issues in Florida were just practice??? Little practice here, a little practice there and no one will know what's really going on. I'd rather be sent to prison than be sent to one of those FEMA concentration camps.

So my question would then be to you all, what do we do to fight it once it get's in place? We wont be able to do much, and as far as our Second Amendment goes, that'll be one of the first things to go once Marshall Law is declared. They'll be rounding up the trouble makers, and the gun owners.

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