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Ancient technology

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posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 09:12 PM
They have proof of how intelligent the dinosaurs became...the Tronoculsaurus had a brain the size of a chimpanzee...and its cerebral cortex was as large as well...

...As for the sudden climate change...that was the ice age...and another one is comming soon, sped up by our global warming.

Veiw my post THE NEW ICE AGE or whatever I'm too lazy to look it up.

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posted on Nov, 11 2002 @ 04:51 AM
So how is it that the ice age came on so suddenly yet left gradually? You've also posted something about a change of only 8 degrees and how this wouldn't affect us, yet it caused our ancesters to have NO choice but to adapt?

The origins of civilization keep getting pushed furthur and furthur back. Sometimes, we find things that logicly shouldn't be associated with a more older civilization and are forced to rethink what we thought was true.

2 million years is a loooong time. To not do anything for the last 99% of that time and make a quantum leap in technology recently isn't logical. the last 8,000 years do NOT show a gradual increase in knowledge from the 1,992,000 years before that.

posted on Nov, 11 2002 @ 04:52 AM
There was no need to develop agriculture, considered to be a very important thing that led to civilization. Yet we did. Why? And what do all these myth's say? They say they were taught to be civilized.

posted on Nov, 11 2002 @ 04:57 AM
What about the 8 degrees????

Well does the ice age come so suddenly you might ask?

Simple my good man.

The Gulf Stream takes much needed warm water to the frozen north...which keeps the ice sheets of the north, back at a "reasonable" latitude.

But as TOO much fresh water is released into the gulf stream, like any convection current, it is "shut off". This immediate end of warmth to the north is quickly responded by it is now much colder in the north, what little moisture in the north is precipitated out.

If it snows during summer, that means there will be new snow, and fresh ice, for the comming winter, meaning by the time the next summer approaches...the whole north has been frozen over, and of course, snow reflects sunlight, and ice has A LOT of heat energy, so this perpetuates the comming ice age...if the temperature does not increase...the glaciers begin to build up and "creep" south ward.

This problem is already being shown by such instances as that Rapid and very unexpected blizzard in germany earlier this year that trapped soooo many cars.

There is a lot of moister, waiting to become snow and ice, all it needs is the temperature to drop.

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posted on Nov, 11 2002 @ 05:03 AM
In your own word's....

No offense, but there's some things you need to consider here -- the first of which is that during an ice age, the overall temperature of the planet cools by only 8 degrees or so. /Newsweek.htm

Now, I'm living here in sunny Texas and a drop in our yearly temperatures by 8 degrees would be a nuiscance but it's hardly going to destroy our technology or anything else. Canada's agricultural areas would be hard hit and many other areas would probably have to change their crops to allow for a shorter growing season. Rainfall patterns would change, but we'd just move in irrigation systems as needed.

If the weather for the whole year was 7 degrees cooler next year (and the year after that and so on and so forth), could YOUR hometown survive? Mine sure could. Heck, I bet Netchook might not even notice the difference!

If WE could survive an ice age then what the hell FORCED our ancsestors to adapt to what? If we can survive such a mundane thing as this, the they sure as hell could.

posted on Nov, 11 2002 @ 05:11 AM
Actually I do believe they are referring to an average yes...but remember, an average has's not minus seven degrees our winters here were seven degrees cooler every winter...I'd be frozen in my house right now...because it is only 37 or so degrees here all the rain that fell has evaporated...but just 1000 feet up in the mountains they got over 5 feet of snow.

It's been raining here for about 3 days strait...decided to stop today though live in the flat lands
and farther south...too moderate weather down there...never changes.

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posted on Nov, 11 2002 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by JamesG
I'm sorry... I still just can't swollow that a slow development of 2 million years led to a leap in civiliztion roughly 8,000 years ago that still yet slowly developed untill it made a giant leap in technology in just the past 80 years alone... There is absolutley no logic to it.
This means for the past 1,999,920 years, we've been sitting with our thumbs up our butts... Where do you see the logic in that? It just makes no sense whatsoever...

Here's the logic: Way back then, overpopulation was not a world problem...When a tribe got too big for the local population, some bands broke off & went to find new hunting grounds.

Under those conditions, they probably thought that food was bountiful & the primitive tools they *did* have made it ridiculously easy to get. If modern day hunter-gathrer societies are any indication, they probably only "worked" 4-5 hours each day & spent the rest of the time in rituals or creative loafing.

Under such conditions, don't you think that it's possible that they might have actually *discouraged* progress?

Still, changes never stop in nature & those primitives found that their brains were getting larger & their bodies becoming more "refined" in structure...

...Hence, progress resumed as more modern forms of man evolved & began thinking of more ways to make their lives even easier.

As FM stated, the Ice Age changed the climate...Floods became common...As the weather warmed, hot winds blighted the lands. They were *forced* to invent new ways of getting food.

Originally posted by JamesG
In your own word's....
No offense, but there's some things you need to consider here -- the first of which is that during an ice age, the overall temperature of the planet cools by only 8 degrees or so.

You're comparing your *local* average temperatures with overall *global* average temperatures...That's an entirely different animal there...

Originally posted by JamesG Rainfall patterns would change, but we'd just move in irrigation systems as needed.

You're missing the fact that the only irrigation systems they *had* during the beginnings of civilization was *rivers & streams*...Hardly portable enough to "move in". Even then, they were only able to dig irrigation *ditches*...Again, a very labor-intensive way to irrigate was all they had.

Originally posted by JamesG
There was no need to develop agriculture, considered to be a very important thing that led to civilization. Yet we did. Why? And what do all these myth's say? They say they were taught to be civilized.

When the change in climate brought famine to the land, those primitives couldn't rely upon "gathering" as part of their food supply any more. Also, as the land became blighted, so too did the hunters' prey begin to die out. The hardiest plants (wheat, barely...The "grass-plants) to survive were the ones that they figured out how to cultivate & grow. Needing to rely now upon agriculture, new ways to catch fish & lay traps for game (by spinning natural fibers into cording), they realized that they were now "stuck" to a general location in order to continue providing food...This led to the creation of permanent (more or less) *buildings* for people to live in.

The rest, as they say, is history...

In case you're wondering, the foregoing history lesson was brought to you by the generations of archeologists who dug up & examined the remains left over from those earliest times...

[Edited on 11-11-2002 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Nov, 11 2002 @ 03:38 PM
This wasn't my statement...

Rainfall patterns would change, but we'd just move in irrigation systems as needed.

I believe that was FM's...

Still, there was no NEED, to reinvent ourselves. Just as all the other animals moved, or migrated to warmer climates, so could we have. There has to be a better reason than an ice age FORCING us to develope intelligence that led to all this. back then, we were stupid apes, animals just like the rest. But the chimp didn't adapt, the gorilla didn't adapt, nor any other primate adapted the same way we 'adapted'. They moved.

posted on Nov, 12 2002 @ 12:43 AM
when is the science and history as related from the summarian going to be common knowlege? when we stop washing our brains? The truth will out for those that want to hear. you see, we even know the name of the king whose face was carved on a mountain by the largest city on mars. how about the protoplanet "tiamat" and gods planet "nibiru" battling to make the "hammered out bracelet" astoroid belt and a lopsided earth. the information goes on forever, like time.we have to hide from ourselfs just to forget.
E.A the god "his home is water, aquarius, the entwined serpents the lauch tower of bable, one world language,firtle creasand plant origins, flying ships in the vedas and the bible, the sorce of the cross and the origin of the bible,ect...
interesting that we really dont care.maybe the manipulation is too much for us to swallow as a lifeform.may we evolve to infuence and be influenced by a natural progession. Peace

posted on Nov, 12 2002 @ 03:07 AM
Actually djjungleboy....I've studied "Cydonia" very well and while I actually believe that the 5-sided pyramid is true (although those mars civilization nuts twist that pyramid into some stupid geometric thing that it isn't, so that it points to the face and some other peice of crap) there is no face on mars.

And actually it would benifit those mars civilization nuts a great deal if they'd accept that fact, because then they can begin hammering that the 5 sided pyramid as it really is...

If you look at the "face" on mars, it is clearly a plataeu and some mounds.....Much like the mountain near my house.

If you were to look out my'd see a lady liying on her back, with breasts...and here hands folded over her stomach I SWEAR TO YOU

She even has a mouth and everything, it is quite freaky at how ACCURATE it is.

But it doesn't mean she was carved by man.

And actually if I could upload stuff I'd upload (hmm I'd need a scanner too
) well I'd upload my mappings of the 5 sided's actually amazingly geometrical but those bafoon face lovers have it all twisted around.

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posted on Nov, 27 2002 @ 02:38 PM
Did'nt you hear, from Z. Sitchen that the last flood, of Noah fame, ended the "last" ice age with the "south storm" that ended the caliyuga (time period used in the vadas) most recently associated with "adapta" the "mixed man".

[Edited on 14-12-2002 by djjungleboy]

posted on Nov, 27 2002 @ 02:43 PM
the ice age ended with the southstorm created by nibiru's passing 13,000 years ago.

posted on Nov, 27 2002 @ 06:29 PM
The Niburu story is a load of Crock. The Ice age was begun because panama cut off circulation of warm waters of the Pacific through that area, which makes the north consequently more dependant on the "Gulf stream".

When freshwater permiates salt water and diludes it, it interrupts convection currents (The Gulf Stream) that is why global warming is actually going to cause another ice age or a really bad "super storm".

The past Ice Age was natural, and unavoidable and will someday happen again. It receeded because warm waters from the southern reaches eventually prevailed. But quite the many millions of years ago, the earth almost became an ice planet. Its fate literally hung in the balance.

Now we will create an unatural ice age because we are warming the earth which will cause the ice caps to melt, which will cut off the Gulf Stream, meaning the north atlantic will get no more warm water, thus freezing the northern hemisphere as in the past.

In 1995 Meteorologists and Climatologists petitioned the UN to do something about this and they agreed but it has not been well enforced.

As for Niburu, they'd have found it by now, it is supposed to have a 3,600 year orbit, which means at the very latest it could only have passed about 1600 BC, which is close to but not quite the time around Moses. It is off by about 300 years and we all know it didn't pass in 1700s nor 1600s.

So that means it has to be coming soon, scientists would have found it by now, I mean hell, they found pluto, and that was like finding a needle floating in the andromeda galaxy.

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posted on Dec, 11 2002 @ 01:39 PM
your information about the earth almost sounds firm and believable. not to lessen you opinion, but it is exactly that. slightly out of place on this particular cyberspace. I hope I never sound that much like an appologist for some mad conspiricy coverup that keeps people like me sceptical of all information about history, people and the earth in general.
so you are an expert on how nibiru is a pipe dream. nice of you to enlighten me. I feel so much more fufgilled. can you school me some more proffessor, secret sco.?
man, the facts are simple. no cyber world pesence, with no hard body or soul can really speak of a "crock" without swimming with the bull. I will have to read your seven or 8 books on the matter in order to compare them to zach. sittchens work, and the I can join you in the worldwide blindness to our actual history and talk the bull that tries to belittle good scolarly work with idiodic and personal oppinions about issues of global import.
Im sure you are no idiot or spy, so why not ad somthing possitive to the disscussion. peace JB

[Edited on 14-12-2002 by djjungleboy]

posted on Dec, 11 2002 @ 02:47 PM
Dude, I can hardly understand any sentence you're writing. I'm not criticising you. But watch your grammar next time before you post again.

posted on Dec, 11 2002 @ 03:46 PM
Djungle, hate to tell you this, but many of Stitchin's ardent supporters have abandoned him as it has become quite obvious that there's no rogue body entering the solar system or even close to it (if we had a "brown dwarf" sun entering, we'd know about it because the thing would start eating our solar system. It's that huge and the gravitational vortex is that strong.

If it was a planet? Heck, we'd have seen it by now. Pick up a telescope and start looking for any planet-sized anomalies in the sky. With such a short time, you should have been able to see it with the naked eye by now.

It's nonsense.

As to the links... I've studied rock art (and photographed it) and I'm not ready to buy into the alphabet aspect. On the "10 commandments" rock, that has all the looks of a modern fake. The scratches are too straight (go to the nearest boulder you can find, and with a sharp rock, try to carve your name in letters 1" high, making the lines very straight. I'll bet you can't. Now try it with a screwdriver and hammer. Much easier to duplicate.)

posted on Dec, 12 2002 @ 07:27 PM
ok. I'm too stupid...

posted on Dec, 14 2002 @ 11:30 AM
Come on djungle boy you're not stupid, just mislead. Its alright, take a couple of prozac and it'll be alright.


posted on Dec, 14 2002 @ 01:00 PM
One or two of the links lead to sites detailing the many places that have things that point to there being a nuclear war in several places in the world, for example: India, North America, and the Middle East. There are some suggestons that the destructions of Sodom and Gomorrah was due to the detonation of an atomic bomb in these cities. there are also several other examples such as the vitrification of ancient buildings across the world, and the deserts that have been turned to green glass similar in formation to that of the sand that was nuked in the bomb tests in the USA and elsewhere. The ruins of the city of Mohenjo-Daro resemble the ruins those of hiroshima. And the mahabarata (hindu religous epic) contains many refrences to a weapon that is very much like an atomic bomb. Some of the effects of this weapon are: hair and fingernail loss, poisoning of food, defertilization of fields, and a flash like a thousand suns.
Sound familiar? There is other speculation that death valley and parts of the sahara were desertified by nuclear warfare. The aztecs and incas attributed their habitation of south america to the idea that north america was a land of death where a weapon from the sky came and brought death. These are just a few signs that civilizations have had nuclear capability long before that of our time.


posted on Dec, 14 2002 @ 03:29 PM
prozac is part of the enron earth model(methinks-brats & britches) In this model a generation is brought up on team sports and ridilin, and made ready for ww111. most likely every mass murder with a rifle was on one or the other. immunity(for the corp) is guarantied in the latest legislation. I dont know. whats important here. information or spelling. kind of depressing...

[Edited on 14-12-2002 by djjungleboy]

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