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Ancient technology

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posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 09:47 AM
These links show a 'seemingly' advanced 'worldwide' culture dating back to atleast 8,000 years ago. The first two links show a one worldwide language. A system of writting called old-nagev or old hebrew. This writting has been found on 6 continents so far. All translations also show a worldwide belief in god... The rest show some of the technology the ancients found. While some links may not show advanced technology, they still were interesting to know about....

Do you think if we left a computer or a cd/dvd or our houses or books or even a plastic soda bottle could really all stand the test of time and be dug up after 30,000 years from now? You guy's show way to much pride in our current civilization. I'm willing to bet my life that if there were a major war that threw us back to the stone age, 30,000 years from now archeologists would know LESS about us than we have discovered about our ancient ancestors...

Considering the FACT that we achieved so much more in the past 80 years alone compared to the last 5,000-8,000 years we currentley believe civilization has been around, do you think that in say 250,000-1,000,000 years ANY of our technology would still exist in it's present form?

Considering that man has been around at a minimum of 2,000,000 years, this gives man 1,999,750-1,000,000 years ago, a 250,000-1,000,000 year head start technologicly while leaving at a minimum of 1,000,000 years for it's technology to 'disintegrate'....

I can gaurentee you that definatley, 1,000,000 years from now, none of what you see around you will still exist in it's present form or even be recognizable as it being what it is (including plastic)....

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 10:25 AM
I'd also like to point out that we have tried to build smaller versions of the pyramids using the sam sized blocks they used and have found out that even with todays technology it is damn near difficult to reproduce.

What of the Mayan and incan cities? Have you ever seen pictures of those, or descriptions of there architecture?

The (mayan?) crystal skull, another technological feat of the past that is difficult to reproduce today without the aid of lasers...

Many other things also exist that are difficult to reproduce with today's technology. Yet we are led to believe that the ancients did it with wood, rock, and copper tools...

Why do we not want to believe in an ancient advanced civilization before ours? It would mean that if another civilization of similar or more advanced technology than us has been wiped out, then the same could and will happen to us, not to mention that it seriously hurts all our pride as being the best people in the entire history of mankind. We seem to be a race that is deeply rooted to the feelings of pride, nothing can rival us or our technology. Lot's of people even still believe we are the ONLY intelligence or even life in the entire universe.... That is pride...

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 03:40 PM

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 03:53 PM
JamesG we've built smaller versions of the pyramid using LOGS and ramps.....just fine...sometimes technology is like using an RPG to hunt rabbits.

Besides you give too much credit to our ancestors....our civilization is perpetuating itself BECAUSE we start off so early with the knowledge so hard worked for by our predicessors....I mean...we sit here and spout drivel of moon travel and black holes and the beginnings and ends of the universe....while it took life times if not more to SOLVE all that...

...Imagine how our ancestors felt in this big world without the benifit of foreknowledge such as them it was BIG and MAGICAL and they had no control over it. It took millions of years before man evolved a society that could harness the powers of science, and consequently it now took only a few thousand to probe the depths of the cosmos.

But I still like to think maybe we WERE created by aliens and all that Annunaki stuff in "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs is true...and we are just a big cargo cult...that'd be a bit fun.

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posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by JamesG
I'd also like to point out that we have tried to build smaller versions of the pyramids using the sam sized blocks they used and have found out that even with todays technology it is damn near difficult to reproduce.

Yes, it *is* difficult...Mostly because no one wants to expend the same level of resources & workforce that it took to build the original pyramids. Egypt had the resources of the *entire country & its current empire* to expend on the task...Modern times have imposed a neccesary *lower limit* on expendature for that purpose.

In other words, we *can* duplicate the Pyramids today...But we don't want to put the same level of *available resources* into the project because we have no real *reason or purpose* to do so.

Some people fail to see, or even actively encourage, the concept that they must've been more technologically advanced than us to build those pyramids; The real truth is that they simply called upon more of their existing resources to do so.

In other words, when speaking about "ancient advanced technology", people tend to mistakenly lump the building of the Pyramids into that category. I just don't think that the Pyramids make a good example for being included in this particular topic. Other, more appropriate, examples exist...Such as the "ancient clockwork" that was dug up.

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 04:08 PM
Stone, wood, copper...

Go round up 20,000 primitve men and get them to build a pyramid in 20 years using the above tools...

Hell, use the same tools an a fairly good sized boulder and make a small model egyptain house or whatever you'd like to make...

If those tools were sooo good as to make the sphinx, pryamid, stonehege, or any megalithic structure, then why are we wasting so much time and money researchine and building new tools? Why reinvent the wheel when the wheel we have works so good?

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 04:14 PM
All those myths that tell of the same story in different ways mean something...

You have to much pride and belief that we are the best there ever was...

3-4,000 years of gradual increase led us to not that much of a change until up to 80 years ago... Since then it's been a MAJOR leap in technology. What we have now DOES NOT show the end product of a gradual increase, it shows a sharp technological curve that is entirley out of place to a gradual increase...

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 04:18 PM
JamesG the "Bigger" pyramids would require an incredible amount of Sand to build, based on the fact that that is HOW they were build.


I'm sorry but the big misconception as that pyramids are all around the world....NO!!!! THEY ARE NOT!

The pyramids built in the Americas were built by piling rubble on rubble and making a nice fit....then capping it all off with some brick...peices of CRAP!

They couldn't even last 300 years because already MASSIVE efforts at restoring those pyramids are underway, because they are LITERALLY falling to peices.

In egypt, those pyramids have not been touched once by restoration, and have suvived for 4,000 years!!!!

As for reinventing the wheel??? Stone/wood/copper may be able to build pyramids and stonehenges...but not towers of steel and lage buildings....all these must be BUILT of steel which is much harder to prop up.

Our towers today rise hundreds of feet higher than even did the pyramids...and we build them in a matter of years...not decades...that requires a different tool than copper axes and wood logs.

But it doesnt mean sometime before the ice-age there was some more advanced society, I just don't think it was human if there ever was one....maybe we worked for them (as translated from summer texts..."we worked for our gods") but not actually made the tech ourselves.

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posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 04:35 PM
China currently holds the world's largest pyramid.

The myans and incans...look them up, look at there work... Just as good as the pyramids if you ask me...

A pyramid is still a pyramid despite how it was constructed and they still exist in different parts of the world, indicating a central idea behind pyramid structures.

The world's oldest city was found in the america's, already containing pyramids at the time egypt was making there's...

The egyptain pyramids were not built from sand, 1 or 2 tone blocks...They are not 4,000 year old sand castles...unless they were made from that magic sand in the science thread....

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 04:41 PM
LoL all the meso-american pyramids are falling apart, the only GOOD works they have is that fortress in the Incan empire the one with the huge well fitting stone blocks.

LoL I didn't mean the pyramids were built FROM sand, but built WITH sand....they used sand to maneuver and place those huge stones.

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posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 04:48 PM
Have you had a chance to look at the link?

Eventually Caral would spawn 17 other pyramid complexes scattered across the 35-square-mile area of the Supe Valley. But based on Caral's size and scope, Shady believes that it is indeed the mother city of the Incan civilization.

these pyramids still stand and are much older than egypts....and there from the america's... Someone got the idea for pyramids from somewhere....

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 05:14 PM
LoL Imhotep is the one who "invented" the "pyramids". I guess you don't know ancient egyptian history.

As for your link...interesting...their largest pyramid is apparently only 60 feet tall, granted long, but still...very short.

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posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 05:17 PM
The pyramid-shape that is common concept from cultures all around the world, likely stems partly (if not mostly) from religion. The Pyramids of Egypt were designed to represent the "Primal Mound" that comes from their own Creation stories from their religion. The Aztec & Inca pyramids also stem from a fairly similar Creation story...

It's not that the Pyramid *specifically* is a common thread...It's merely one piece of the puzzle that links to the common origins of Human Beings as they multiplied & traveled across the world during pre-historic times. By the time these different "tribes" settled & founded the beginnings of their own cultures, they probably still retained the "old stories" that they told to each other from *before* they started to migrate further & further from each other.

The *differences* that arise from the different cultures may be a result of the differences that were worked in, throughout succeeding generations & the geological seperation involved...And the differences of the local environmental conditions that they had to face when beginning to settle.

The old myths are probably based from those "old stories" that I mentioned, are perhaps recountings of their historical events...Which have been garbled/mistranslated/etc throughout time. Before the invention of Writing, those Oral Tradition stories change through time & the passing of generations.

The termonology & connotation that they used in their languages way back then has changed during the history of the languages themselves...Which is further garbled when translating from one language to another.

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 05:33 PM
I'm sorry... I still just can't swollow that a slow development of 2 million years led to a leap in civiliztion roughly 8,000 years ago that still yet slowly developed untill it made a giant leap in technology in just the past 80 years alone... There is absolutley no logic to it.

This means for the past 1,999,920 years, we've been sitting with our thumbs up our butts... Where do you see the logic in that? It just makes no sense whatsoever...

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 05:38 PM
That is because you are not including the PROPER factors when discussing such an event.

Particularly the factor of transportation, in order to have a technological explosion you need to have VERY good transportation of the 17th to 18th centuries it was by ship, in the 19th centuries, it was by steam, in the 20th century it was by radio and now it is by computers. It took 80 years to go from planes to the moon, but it took 400 years to go from the buggy to the car.

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posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 05:56 PM
So it took man 1,992,000 years to figure out how to build a simple civilization? A simple social group that can even achieve a simple civilization. It must have been such a hard, laborious task to get that far in so little time...

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 06:11 PM
Yes exactly, it wasn't until the ice age forced man to adapt, that he truly did.

Don't you see you think we had 1.9 million years to figure all this out, when in reality we only had about 20,000 years.

When the ice age happend man needed to begin wearing clothes, which meant he needed tools to make those clothes, more advanced than a rock to kill the animals...and things went from there.

Once man learned to adapt he went south and that is where "civilization" began, even though there is now evidence that the ability for that civilization, originated in the northern climes.

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posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 07:49 PM
There was no true need for us to adapt. We could've easily just migrated like all the other animals. All you see around you, there is no need for it, yet it exists. By your guy's reasoning, for the last 1,920,000, we were nothing more than upright animals. It was the last 8,000 that really matters. Animals migrate when it get's cold, they don't make clothes from other animals. What was it that made us even decide to make clothes? Not because we're human, we're just another form of monkey. I'm sure if the need arose for chimps, they could become like us one day, yet coexisting side by side, with the destruction of thier habitats, they still refuse to adapt by our standards... They are capable of invention, comunication and abstract thought. So why is it they haven't advanced?

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 08:54 PM
No there was a need to adapt, look at the dinosaurs man...their climate fit well with them and then it SUDDENLY changed and they all died out....with us our climate agreed with us...then it changed, but not as drastically as it did with dinosaurs...and we consequently adapted because of it.

In fact Dinosaurs are an EXCELLENT example of just how slow advancement can get, it took about 300 million years for dinosaurs to become as smart as chimpanzees...they did it, but then got whiped only took us 2 million years to become as smart as we are now....that is considerably fast.

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posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 09:05 PM
And how did our climate change drasticly enough to 'force' us to stay where we were and adapt?

We have no proof as to the level of inteligence the dinosaurs had. We also have no proof that ALL the dinosaurs became extinct. There are myths held by some people near jungles (can't remember the names), they were shown pictures of dinosaurs and identified them as being the things they saw. I'll do a search on google for you. There are still sightings even today of dinosaurs. A pterodactyl was recently spotted in alaska. Or something similar to it. Scientist do think it's possible that some dinosaurs may not have died out and could still exist in remote locations throught the world, some atleast...

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