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Originally posted by magestica
I mean it! You hit the nail on the head with everything you've stated. We basically entrap our own selves in a delusional/judgmental world with no reasoning behind it.
We are sending people to heaven or hell by the choices they make in life. Our rights are being taken by eachother and we don't even realize it(sometimes) We have created our own hell for eachother right here on earth. And I'm well aware that one such person or even thousands can never bring the world to acknowledge this..and I'm far from the point of my own life to be great enough to not judge, but it does not mean that I'm not working on it for myself. This is the whole reason I've come to ATS, why I post my sometimes pathetic water-like emotional feelings about life, so I can make my world and those involved in my world way of thoughts just like the ones you've left here in this post. There is not a single thing wrong with changing oneself, to better oneself..noone ever said we HAD to hate and suffer if the writing is on the wall to distinguish it from our own life(s).
Change isn't always about only being able to better the entire planet, change can be within one person and give light to one more, it's a chain that was broken along time ago, but we are the links that can bring it together..and that's my philosophy which i'm totally prepared to defend.
Thanks alot mOjOm
[Edited on 11/20/03 by magestica]
Originally posted by magestica
Originally posted by jozuph
so where do u put your believes then ? Whats worse or better bout people judging others in the name of god or the bible..? Who are u to judge, what do some here dont follow, god or the bible, what wrong with eithr of em ?what makes u better then people who put there fiath in the bilble ? That sounds very very sad...why dont u put the fiath in yourself, whats wrong with your OWN judgement ? Dont u trust yourself ? we dont posses the power but do posses the abillity ? Doesnt sound like a clean rhyme to me..where should your faith be then ?
I'll go down the list and try to answer the best I can.
1)I put my belief in the Supreme Being.
2)There is nothing better about judging people in the name of 'God' that's not our area of life(IMO) What's worse is we are NOT God, why judge His people as though we are?
3)I never have said anywhere here that I judge anyone by way of their beliefs. Where did you dig this question from?
4)Again..I never said I was better or worse, I admitted to also being judgmental myself. Are you still following me here??
5)I have every bit of faith in myself..I just don't judge people AS God does!? Where are you finding this sad?
6) No we DON'T possess the *power*. Can YOU send someone to heaven or hell upon judging them? Yes we do possess the ability, we judge..all the time, but with what right? What right do you or I have to judge the person next to us because he/she is colored, can't speak english, worships Buddah, does not believe in Jesus, is also gay and mentally handicapped/physically handicapped? All these things and more, we judge and this is normal human nature, but to judge the above description of a person according to the 'laws' of God, is not right..sorry, it's not.
7)Again, my faith is in #1 above, my faith is in you, in me and all people..but what does 'faith' have to do with my concerns?
jozeph, I have no idea how you came to all these conclusions through my Topic/comments. I'm glad you asked though, now you have no conclusions to build upon. Talk about judging someone, poorly. You did by way of jumping to all your conclusions about me. This post is not about me being a better person then anyone else, it's about trying to understand how and why some individuals judge me, judge you and others for their choices and then base their choices on whether or not they have rights to heaven, or should be condemed to hell..Do you understand what I'm saying now?
Originally posted by magestica
There is nothing wrong with asking questions here..don't ever be afraid to ask, eventually the right person will come along and acknowledge your questions as legit and answer to the best 'they' know from their life and trials and such And thus eventually you may get the answer(s) you are seeking.
You want to know *why* I believe in a Supreme Being? Because I just do, it comes from somewhere unknown within me, that feels righter then anything else, a place where I feel 'God' without religion, without church, without the bible. There once was a thread here some time ago asking "How would you/we believe if we were chimps"? This goes much deeper then the question conveys, if we were infact without documentation such as the holy scripture and such, where would we be then, who/what would we worship?
The church of God resides inside of all of us, some open and attend, some peer through the doors and listen over the years and some are maybe afraid to open the door and maybe shut the door or never open it. But believe me, God is there. No book, no other person, no religion can ever possess what lives inside of us all from the beginning..
This is how I came to know 'God' and you know what, if I'm wrong and if people want to think I've lost total perspective, let them..Let 'God' be my judge in the end, I have that much faith that I'm willing to place everything I believe in Him and Him alone.
What were your other questions? Open yourself up here, this is why we all come here
[Edited on 11/20/03 by magestica]
Originally posted by riffraffalunas
As Always, being fashionably late...
#1...i'm not going to be caught-up in the Paralaysis of Analysis debacle. which the!
>>an infinity of correspondences
Originally posted by mutehalo
well from a biblical perspective it says not to judge or you will be judged yourself (then again theres another verse that says its ok to judge, go figure).
from a non biblical and my own personal perspective i believe that only god has the right to judge other people, if he even does judge at all. from numerous near death experiences i've read, the only person who truley judges us is our own personal selves.
Originally posted by jozuph
So in your first sentence u actually state that the bible contradicts itself what makes it a load of bollocks. Was GOD not capable to write a good book ? How can he then be capable to judge us..