posted on Nov, 23 2003 @ 06:22 PM
Originally posted by wwviews
Supposedly they've seized explicit letters and poems that Jacko wrote to the kid.
Heres the link
Still I see nothing that would indicate that he is guilty. That the police leak about their evidence like this with obvious malicious intent, like the
"now we'll finally get him" attitude one can read from this story, is compelling. I think more and more that this case will never be treated in
fairness, but is just another of those American dramas like the OJ and Clinton trials. Shame it is! The guy pleads his innocence, then he is innocent
until the oposite has been prooven. This is how our system works. Until we have something better, this is what we have. And we don't want to return
to public stoning and mobs of people wanting bread and circus, now do we? Let the law do it's job.
In the article above the letters and poems were caracterised as love letters from Michael to the kid. I mean, he's a pop singer and one of sorts and
the language he use in his songs, as in all other pop songs, are often love related, flowing over with metaphors for love and friendship. I know,
I've been listening to them alot.