posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 05:15 AM
sp00n1 your post really surprises me, to say the least. You speak as if you had personal experience of dead bodies, crematoria and human remains.
However, these are the official facts:
The Allgemeine-SS dealt mainly with police and 'racial' matters. It also had it’s own branch of the Totenkopfverbande who administered all death
and concentration camps.
1. The Nazi Concentration Camp
From the outset, the Nazi Racial machine built concentration camps in Germany shortly after Hitler came to power and Dachau, established in 1933,
became the model on which all camps were built.
These camps were designed to take enemies of the state, common crminals or sexual deviants[rapists and child molesters]. Camps were built at
Oranienberg [Berlin], Dachau [Munich], Esterwegen [Hamburg] and Lichtenburg [Lower-Saxony].
By 1939, the Nazi political machine had established a further 5 main concentration camps at Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Flossenbuerg,
Bergen-Belsen and Ravensbruck.
As the war progressed, in order to facilitate the imprionment of enemies of the state, the Nazis built new camps at Gusen [1939], Natzweiler
[1940], Auschwitz [1940], Gross-Rosen [1940], Stutthof [1942] and
Majdanek [1943].
2. The Nazi Death Camps
Chelmno near Warthegau [occupied Poland] was open by December 1941, where mostly German jews and Romany Gypsies were gassed in mobile vans;
Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka opened in 1942, where Jews were systematically gassed to death with carbon monoxide from diesel engines, in
specially made chambers;
Auschwitz-Birkenau, was open by 1943. Jews from all over occupied Europe were gassed in four main gas chambers, with Zyklon 'B';
Majdanek, was another concentration camp turned death camp. Up to 200,000 Jews, Russian and Polish POWs and civilians were killed there by gas,
shootings, hangings and brutal beatings and torture.
3. The Allgemeine-SS and commercial enterprise
From early on, the Nazi death machine made use of all the parts of the human body, even after death;
The Allgemeine-SS made big businesses and profits by exploiting their captives for Teeth [gold and silver], hair [wigs], flesh [plastic surgery],
blood [transfusions], bones and ashes [fertilizer] and from 1941, captives were used as forced labour to make up shortfalls in German industry.
In many cases, captives were literally worked to death! Sometimes, profitability was so good, that local SS commanders made commercial
contracts with big business such as the infamous I.G Farben synthetic rubber plant at Auschwitz - established in 1942;
Mauthausen sub camp Wiener-Neudorf provided forced labour for a local aircraft factory; At Sosnowitz - a sub camp pf Auschwitz, prisoners were forced
to mine coal in appalling conditions whilst rockets and their warheads were built and assembled at Dora-Mittelbau, another sub camp.
4. Removing the evidence
There is little doubt that from 1942 onwards, the Nazi extermination machine began to find ways of destroying the evidence of it's mass murder.
For example at Chelmno, the bodies were buried in mass graves which were then camouflaged with bushes and trees; At Sobibor, bodies were buried in
massed graves and simply covered with turf; Treblinka however was so efficient at killing people that the mass graves quickly filled up. The camp
commandant ordered the Sonderkommando to dig up the bodies and burn them in specially prepared burning trenches - the resulting ash being sold
commercially as fertiliser.
As the Russians slowly advanced through occupied Poland and moved towards the camps the Nazi, fearful that their secrets would be exposed, started a
mass exodus from the camps.
These were to be later known as the Death Marches and hundreds of thousands of prisoners died from starvation, exhaustion, illness and of
course the Allgemeine-SS guards simply shot those who fell behind or could not keep up.
[edit on 4-1-2007 by fritz]