There are laws in Europe that send you to jail for attempting to discuss alternative holocaust theories. While i certainly do not support neo-nazi's
or other nutz, i think these laws are stupid...
For instance, lets say you discover real evidence that it was not 6 million jews killed, but only 5 million... It doesnt matter how good your evidence
is, you go to jail...
However, lets say somebody wants to up the number to 12 million, anyone that tries to question the evidence could be sent to jail... This is a direct
violation of the scientific method.
I certainly believe the holocaust happened, however i do not think we know all the details. It wasnt just jews killed, there were christians and
gypsies and homos and POW's and many political dissident were killed as well... Whenever i mention that i had non-jewish relatives that died in the
holocaust, people accuse me of being anti-semitic.
The holocaust was used as a major catalyst for the formation of Isreal, is it not possible that facts were skewed to achieve this purpose? Especially
if you look at the fact that the holocaust is taught in schools as mainly jewish genocide, and all the other attrocities against other groups are
essentially ignored.
History is written by the winners, is it not possible that some of these atrocities were exhagerated for propaganda purposes?
I have somewhat different views on the holocaust. I am open to hearing other theories. I personally think that Hitler threw any political opponent
into the camps, whether they were jewish or not. I think the main purpose of the camps, other than removing political opposition, was slave labor. I
do not think the main purpose of these camps was mass extermination. I do believe the holocaust happened and i certainly believe hitler was a scum
bag, but i think there is a lot of propaganda and misinformation surrounding the event that is impossible to discuss under the current european
I do not believe the jews were any more the target of hitler than any other religion. The Gestapo threw all sorts of people in there. The way the SS
worked was strictly on propaganda, if you've ever seen the movie "A Scanner Darkly" you will understand what i mean.
The SS put fake news stories out every day about how powerful and all knowing they were, "Big Brother is always watching you, so you better behave!"
They put out fake stories about big arrests of political dissidents. The affect of this was to turn all citizens into spies. People turned in their
friends and families as political dissidents. Eventually it got to the point that if you weren't turning somebody in every week, you would be rounded
up yourself.
There were no trials, no evidence, nothing. There was no way for innocent people to protest. People from all religions and walks of life were rounded
up and forced to work themselves to death.
A few months ago, a european author wrote a book questioning some of the events surrounding the holocaust. He was put in jail, even though
the main
premise of his book was essentially true. His book is based around the fact that the gas chamber at Aushwitz is not the original gas chamber. The
Aushwitz musuem director now even admits the current one is a fake.
The musuem had always maintained that this gas chamber was the original and that it had been built by the nazis. They said this again and again.
However, even a cursory examination of the gas chamber shows glaring flaws. For instance, the chimney is an obvious fake. It is not connected to the
furnaces or even to the building. Another problem is that the gas chamber is not air tight, this would kill everybody within 100 yards while it was in
operation. Also, the gas chamber does not show up on the plans or MAPS of the original camp from the germans. I dont know if any of you have ever
worked with Germans, but they are so anal retentive and detail oriented that to think they would leave something like that out, especially if it is
supposedly the main purpose of the camp, is retarded. The
ONLY gas chamber that does show up on the original plans is a delousing chamber used
to spray clothes for lice. The original can still be found at the camp. It is not possible for this one to be used to kill human beings.
Another problem is fuel consumption for the furnaces. You need lots and lots and lots of fuel for like 12 hours to burn a body... Just ask any
crematorium about how the recent spike in energy prices has effected their business... And, if you'll recall the Battle of the Buldge was all about
getting petroleum. The germans did not have enough petroleum to waste it on burning bodies.
The Aushwitz musuem was forced to admit that the gas chamber and chimney was built after WW2 by the soviets. But they maintain it was built with
original materials and according to the original plans, which they still cannot produce.....
museum director admits on tape that current gas chamber is fake, no evidence exists of "original". The guy that made this video
is jewish.
Aushwitz musuem site admits gas chamber was "re-built" Picture shown is at an angle which prevents you from seeing that the chimney is NOT connected
to anything. Altough, if you look carefully you can tell the chimney is three feet away from the building...
I think there is plenty of reason to investigate what really happened during the holocaust. Especially now that it has been proven that we have been
lied to. I personally believe that all sorts of innocent people suffered. I think most people died from over work and disease, not gas chambers. The
germans needed slave labor. The germans could not waste energy burning bodies.
I think the Jewish genocide angle was propagated for political purposes. However, i am of course open to other ideas. I dont like hitler, i dont like
nazis, i am not anti-semitic. My only interest is in researching history and seeing through political propaganda.