posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 01:51 AM
The Godz
Witchfinder General
A word about Black Sabbath:
I have worn out the vinyl on their works. But I have to say, their playing is often somewhat lacking. Ozzy's vocals were sometimes a minus. Not to
mention Ronnie J.D. The dude from DP did a pretty good job with the vocals, but the lyrics, while certainly smoother than ozzies, still were wide of
the mark.
Ozzy, man; c'mon. "fairies wear boots, yeah ya gotta believe me?" C'mon man. That's just gay. (not that there's anything wrong with
The best albums are the ones where the guitar is up front, and the vocals are backing the guitar work: Volume 4 is probably the best, followed
by Technical Ecstasy or Master of reality.
AC/DC, no one's mentioned them. They had some metal moments (which mostly died with Bonn Scott.)
Heck, even ZZ TOP crosses over into metal on many occasions. The first tempo change in "La Grange" is metal, regardless of speed." Same with the
riffs on "Just Got Paid today." Now, I'll be the first to admit that songs like "Groovy Little Hippie Pad" instantly disqualify them. . .
Maybe Judas Priest. Stuff like "United," "Nother Thing Coming," "Livin' after midnight" or "Electric Eye" are pretty much timeless.
Yeah. I vote priest.