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O'Hare Airport UFO Sighting -- UPDATE: Photos & Analysis

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posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 07:48 PM
And just because Mr. Hilkovitch broke the story doesn't mean he's the only person getting information or out hunting for it. I'm inclined to believe, though, that the employees were silenced by ORD, airline or FAA authorities, though... then again, I would probably have been told that, anyway, if the person was trying to sell information or photos.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 07:56 PM
sergejsh, if I could shade that a bit differently and slightly change the overall color (and remove the seam --- I didn't see any seams), that would be really close, including the slant. And it did seem darker gray, when viewed from more of an underside position --- not as though it was made from two different metals or materials, but as though it was fairly reflective. It did appear to be rotating counterclockwise. But it was proportionately thicker than a Frisbee, and the edges were more rounded.

air5five's Brazilian photos are very close... again, I'm not sure the Brazilian object isn't a bit too much of a mirrored surface, but in trying to imagine it in the light/cloud conditions here on 7 Nov., and with any rotational "fuzziness," it may look softer. Also from my perspective, the bottom of what I saw looked a bit more rounded, although that really could be a difference in perspective --- it seemed that, because of the O'Hare object's angle as it hovered, that I was seeing more of its bottom than I saw from the road on my way into the airport.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 07:59 PM
Cybernative, employees being silenced by the airport/airline/FAA authorities surely would match up with what I've been told by pilots. Even my father, who was a career naval officer (carrier command staff), spoke about the similar silencing of Navy pilots in his experience.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:15 PM
Hi Eyewitness,
This is my first post on ATS but i have been following this thread since it began.
I have 2 questions and a comment i wonder if you might respond to.

Question 1. You mentioned that you were affiliated in some way with broadcast media in Chicago at one time. Do you have any insight as to weather the mainstream media in Chi- town is still following and investigating this incident?
Question2. What is you view of the Peter Davenport ( comment about the witness he spoke with saying the pic 1 (as i see it refered to here) has nothing to do with the actual sighting?
.....and a comment. You mentioned you make the drive from Gary to Ohare several times a month and avoid an ex chicagoan i have to know if you are a glutton for punishment or what??

[edit on 29-1-2007 by TheShadow]

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:17 PM
I am still curious as to why no one has reported here (or elsewhere) that they are ACTIVELY trying to reach these employees, much less ask them for their story. Eyewitness, do you know of anyone in the news/media community (other than the Trib columnist) who is actually calling O'Hare or doing legwork for this? I work too much to get up to O'Hare with any regularity (I'm in the southern burbs) but on my day off tomorrow I'd like to get up there and see what I can stir up. I'll probably get detained or kicked out of the airport haha. I'll report back to this thread if I find anything out.

Is this just a case of everyone assuming that someone else is doing the work, or is everyone just working undercover? You have people researching Area 51 and Dulce every day on this board and yet no one on here, much less in the public eye, is really doing anything as far as trying to contact witnesses. If they can't or refuse to talk, so be it. But it seems like people here are content to analyze those photos ... which is the same amount of evidence we've had for every single UFO story on this board. Eyewitness was ever so gracious to bump up the ante a bit. So c'mon people, let's go for the jackpot.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:26 PM
Hey, TheShadow... I wasn't in the Chicago media market, I was back east (am midAtlantic by birth and temperament, lol, not much midwestern in nature), so I don't have the connections here... don't really back there, either, as it's been a number of years since I was in that business (got disgusted, became a chef and restaurant owner). I haven't heard any of Peter Davenport's information... but I can imagine that the object may have appeared in different ways, according to the viewer's angle. From underneath or at a sharper angle to it, it may have appeared much more disklike. From a good sideview, though, it looked more like a very even oval. There may even have been a softening effect due to distance, especially if there was a rapid wobble, even a small one, due to rotation. I didn't notice any wobble (I did get a strong sense that it was rotating counterclockwise), but if it were a small, swift wobble I may not have been able to see it.

Give me Indianapolis Blvd. and Lake Shore Drive over I-80 anytime!!

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:31 PM
Fiverz, not sure I can afford bail money for you, but I'll send you some good food while you're in the Big House, lol.

And no, I have no idea if anyone else is working on this locally. I do think you folks are doing a great job of searching other, even foreign (maybe even especially foreign) UFO and just plain photo-sharing sites --- it's really possible that photos may turn up overseas, given that I was at the international terminal, so foreign photo-sharing sites just may have the scoop.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:37 PM
I took a brief look just now at the other ATS thread Quasar linked (I think the link was on page 78 of this thread), concerning Fox's recent coverage and solicitation of emails from witnesses... while I didn't know about Fox's "interest," I would have figured them to do exactly what they did, which is cover the "flakier" side of it. Worth taking a look at the thread, in case you missed Quasar's post...

Heck, sorry, I posted the link to air5five's Brazilian UFO photo, sorry... but you might want to check out Quasar's link.

[edit on 29-1-2007 by Eyewitness]

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Fiverz
I am still curious as to why no one has reported here (or elsewhere) that they are ACTIVELY trying to reach these employees, much less ask them for their story. Eyewitness, do you know of anyone in the news/media community (other than the Trib columnist) who is actually calling O'Hare or doing legwork for this? I work too much to get up to O'Hare with any regularity (I'm in the southern burbs) but on my day off tomorrow I'd like to get up there and see what I can stir up. I'll probably get detained or kicked out of the airport haha. I'll report back to this thread if I find anything out.

Is this just a case of everyone assuming that someone else is doing the work, or is everyone just working undercover? You have people researching Area 51 and Dulce every day on this board and yet no one on here, much less in the public eye, is really doing anything as far as trying to contact witnesses. If they can't or refuse to talk, so be it. But it seems like people here are content to analyze those photos ... which is the same amount of evidence we've had for every single UFO story on this board. Eyewitness was ever so gracious to bump up the ante a bit. So c'mon people, let's go for the jackpot.

Actually, Peter Davenport has been working
dilligently on this event from the getgo when it showed up at
NUFORC. Martin Shough, Don Ledger, and other investigators are working on all aspects of the investigation. FOIA requests have been
issued, witnesses have been interviewed, etc. "A report will be forthcoming.", said Don Ledger.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:41 PM
HectorRmz, that's good news... although most people will probably never hear about the report, since most reporters don't cover such things, especially when reports are from UFO reporting centers rather than, say, universities or the government.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by HectorRmz
Actually, Peter Davenport has been working
dilligently on this event from the getgo when it showed up at
NUFORC. Martin Shough, Don Ledger, and other investigators are working on all aspects of the investigation. FOIA requests have been
issued, witnesses have been interviewed, etc. "A report will be forthcoming.", said Don Ledger.

I forgot about Mr. Davenport. But do you have a source for the other people? Or is it people you know personally?

And to Eyewitness ... if you could score me some good beef stew when I'm the slammer, that would be great

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:45 PM
I have a question... since you folk are from all over the world (and the US, as well), can you tell us if the O'Hare sighting received any attention in your regional media? Did you only find out about via sites such as this, or did it actually manage to get reported in your area/country?

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Eyewitness
Hey, TheShadow... I wasn't in the Chicago media market, I was back east

Sorry I somehow assumed you meant Chicago area market....and we all know why we shouldnt assume.

I know you have been slammed with questions here....and appreciate your candor in answering. If i may ask one more question...... and sorry if it has been asked before....but about how many people did you see taking pictures of this thing?

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:48 PM
Forget Jane Doe, Fiverz... tomorrow I'm Dinty Moore!

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:53 PM
I first saw the story linked on Drudge, but it then got into the newswires and was circulated in many newspapers across the country.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 09:05 PM
Sorry for the delay, TheShadow, I got caught up in cyberdialuphelllimbo.

For obvious reasons, I wasn't looking so much at the area around me. But one gentleman who we had pointed out the object to, who stood in the little group with us, had a digital camera and was taking quite a few photos. I did also notice others using either digital cams or cellphones. A number of people didn't even see it, or saw it only when they looked to see what people around them were staring and pointing at. But I'd say that at the least a dozen people fairly near me took photos of one sort or another. And while we mostly don't tend to look at the sky when we're indoors, this would have been visible to people in a number of concourses and terminal areas, so here's a question for the camera-literate...

When I fly, I've always packed my nondigital SLR and film in my checked luggage, to avoid clouding or other damage from the X-ray machines at security. Would owners of digital cameras likely do the same, or would there be no risk to memory cards and onboard-memory components?

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Fiverz

Originally posted by HectorRmz
Actually, Peter Davenport has been working
dilligently on this event from the getgo when it showed up at
NUFORC. Martin Shough, Don Ledger, and other investigators are working on all aspects of the investigation. FOIA requests have been
issued, witnesses have been interviewed, etc. "A report will be forthcoming.", said Don Ledger.

I forgot about Mr. Davenport. But do you have a source for the other people? Or is it people you know personally?

And to Eyewitness ... if you could score me some good beef stew when I'm the slammer, that would be great

Actually, that info came straight from them via an email subscription list.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 09:12 PM
Here in San Diego I saw it on a few t.v. stations on a couple of different days. Also a few friends from Japan emailed me saying it was on t.v. there too.

[edit on 29-1-2007 by Ace_SD]

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 09:15 PM
Ace_SD, that's pretty heartening to know... at least people from overseas who may have been flying out stand a chance of hearing that others saw it, that it has gotten media and research attention, and may at the very least upload their photos somewhere.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 09:28 PM
Does any one know, or know some one who would know, what commercial airport (ANY large comercial aiport would do, but ORD-specifically would be Ideal) policy and procedures are regarding unauthorized intrusions of the airport's restricted airspace?

Are there special procedures regarding airspace intrusions by aircraft either unable, or unwilling, to respond to ATC ID "squawk" requests?

I'm not asking for anything that might be considered "Not for Public Release" on post-9/11 security grounds; just information on what kind of response a typical airport would initiate if, say a private helicopter flew into the airspace and hovered over one of the runways for 15 minutes, without identifying itself or responding to hails.

I would not expect Eyewitness to be in a position to answer this question; But then Eyewitness has given us so much already, I'm almost relieved not to burden her with at least this small inquiry!

Truth to tell, Eyewitness should figure prominently in any history of the event, should this turn out to be recognized as Humanity's "First Official Contact". I nominate Eyewitness as "Ambassador-delagate to the Stars"!

What I'd like to establish here, is, what kind of response such an intrusion would invoke at a typical airport; if the intruder in question were of obvious terrestrial origin.

If we can establish who, at a typical airport would respond to such an act, we could then get an idea of who we might seek to interview at ORD. Additionally, we might just get a sense If and How THIS incident was handled by the folks in charge at O'Hare.

And That night lead us to some nuch more interesting avenues of investigation.

Sometimes you have to dig a bit for the story.

Sometimes the people with the most interesting stories to tell, don't really know just how interesting their stories are!

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