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Give it a Bash, the new Look

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posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 12:39 PM

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 01:27 PM
I think the new look is generally getting a "thumbs down" from the majority of the ATs users. I can't even read the "thread tag" I posted here that said "we can not see a thing" down at the bottom.

I think ATS should make it so that you can pick your own color options for your own screens. I can't even see all of My signature, which would be several website addresses. I can see 2 of them, but not the other 2, which is why I deliberately posted them there, so others can read them.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
I can't even see all of My signature, which would be several website addresses. I can see 2 of them, but not the other 2, which is why I deliberately posted them there, so others can read them.

Regarding the signature "issue":
Avatar & Signature Guidelines

A maximum of five lines of text, with any graphic image counting as one line ...

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
I think the new look is generally getting a "thumbs down" from the majority of the ATs users. I can't even read the "thread tag" I posted here that said "we can not see a thing" down at the bottom.

First, the change (as has been stated) will be happening over a period of time. Having heard that, is it reasonable to judge a painting after a couple brush strokes?

You could wait for more before making judgement. Rome was not built in a day.

I can't even see all of My signature, which would be several website addresses. I can see 2 of them, but not the other 2, which is why I deliberately posted them there, so others can read them.

Ummm, the signature rules have never changed...
A maximum of five lines of text, with any graphic image counting as one line (only one image is allowed).

You have like 7 or so lines in yours. I have been here a few years and I've never see more then 5 lines displayed no matter what design the site has had.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 01:36 PM
Personally, I like the change. There are a few minimal things here and there but who are we to nitpick with free membership and all. I would however, suggest that the design team put the "newest posts" section with BTS snd PTS content back in the home/ start-up page. It was much more user friendly having it there "refreshing" every 5 minutes. It's just an opinion though.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 01:44 PM
You know, ZZZ...(falling asleep here) I agree to not judge a masterpiece before it's finished...but most artists, at least if they're any good, don't show their artwork to the world until it's complete.

As for My signature, yes I realize it is more than 5 lines...but the 1st 4 have always showed, and that was what I was referring to. I now only see 2 out of the 4 that used to show. I changed it now so it only shows the websites I wanted visible.

Yup, you may think I sound like I'm upset, but wouldn't you be if what you worked for, for so long looked like crap because of someone else's tinkering? I never liked the original color scheme to begin with but then again I just dealt with it. I actually like the new color scheme, but not at the cost of losing out on things, like being able to see the Page numbers so I can read all of the posts on a thread if I so choose to. Criticisms are just that, criticisms. I think people giving their opinions about something is the best way to get feedback, either positive or negative feedback makes you realize where you've made errors or how you can adjust something so you can try to appease the majority, of which I am a part of here at ATS.

Then again, I know a thing or two about forums and editing since I began My own forum to help people help themselves...nothing to do with conpiracies. Keep your eggs in seperate baskets and all.

[edit on 6-12-2006 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
I for one love the new look. For me it makes surfing the site EASIER, not more challenging.

I have no complaints.

Then don't post in this thread. It is for people who do have complaints.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 01:47 PM
Double post

[edit on 6-12-2006 by enjoies05]

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 02:09 PM
the fade thing is slowing me down because it makes me proccess the fade and wonder itf its my eyes that are blurred

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 02:11 PM
u guys owe me $1200.00 no tax for my monitor that u made me bash in thanks

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by dunkindonuts
u guys owe me $1200.00 no tax for my monitor that u made me bash in thanks

Smash your own stuff, and blame someone else. It's the way of the world!

No wonder there are so many lawyers.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 02:30 PM

Will the "recent posts" screen on ATS show the "recent posts" that are on BTS also? I visit both and it was great to have the complete list of postings on ATS for convenience.


posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 02:47 PM
I keep going away and comin back hoping that the layout will revert to how it previously was..

The current layout is quite repellant although for new members venturing to the site it may appear somewhat stylish and "underground".. that is until it changes again..

To be honest, it (personally) makes reading a thread effort as opposed to a pleasure.

I think it may have been time wasted but then again it was done with best intentions for marketing the site and no a person who visits ATS can complain about efforts to improve the site layout.

Is this change in relation to the lack of new interesting and diverse topics that has been experienced for around the last 12months?
(*note lack not total loss)

I can only assume that the need to "sex up" is to help provide a new angle for an alternative audience to provide a contribution.

(however, if it ain't broke then don't try to fix it..)

shilling tossed into the tankard!

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 02:53 PM

I fail to see what is so hard to read about this?

If it is the threads themselves that are difficult to read, we have a choice in what color scheme we wish to view.

[edit on 6-12-2006 by chissler]

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 03:03 PM
My advice to everyone is get a Mac. On my new Dell 17" flat screen in the office the new graphics theme looks OK, but on my 5 yr old 15" Apple flat screen at home it's a-freakin'-mazing. I don't know if it's the drivers, the OS, or the hardware but there is a huge difference.

There are some color/contrast issues but I notice they are changing frequently. Lets give it time.

[edit on 12/6/2006 by darkbluesky]

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 03:05 PM
Color shows up a lot better...and yet the dark gray on black is too dull and difficult to make out.(i.e. the ATS Gear, Blogs bar at the very top, and the Quote function). Ads stand out more, but that helps me to block them out since they are made for white backgrounds. The ATS tool bar needs to be lightened up a blends in despite the icons.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 04:55 PM
I hate the retort that anyone who complains about the new design is only afraid of change. That's not what this is about at all. I don't think people here are afraid of change they just don't like bad and ugly changes. I understand that many mods want to defend the site, I'm sure they had ideas about the design and know the Mods who designed the site, but IMO the site does look really bad right now. Whoever designed it needed to read some books on web design concepts and theories as well as basic color psychology. There is nothing wrong with doing a site in dark colors if it is done correctly, however it not done well at this point. Check out this guys site and his work for ideas on color use with dark backgrounds:

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 05:02 PM
It's nice to see that Admin is showing their concern about the immediate issues we have expressed in this thread. Thank you again for that consideration. I too miss the Most Recent Posts segment on the main page.

For some people a good rant is cathartic. Sorry to those who had to bear the brunt of it, but I also believe that problems do need to be addressed, or at the very least noted, in a timely manner. And I understand about the 'work in progress', it can be grueling tidying up all the bits and pieces.

But I'm not convinced that it is really the majority who are displeased with change. Everyone here is pretty much smart enough to realize that changes come for the better and is what progress is all about. When it's for the better.

To those bringing about the changes, maybe some polls could be run when the tweaking is over?

Asty, I doubt that I have any higher powers than you, but that was sweet of you to ask. We should let this be a lesson to us that CMS (computer monitor syndrome) is no joke, eh?

On second thought, do you do cupboards?

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 05:08 PM

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 05:09 PM
I have one tiny, teeny, small, insignificant complaint...

I really wish it filled my screen and I did not have the 20% or so empty gray on the right side of my screen..


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