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The whole Planet X theory

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posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 04:46 AM
Im sure this is a repost, but I really didnt want to search for it. I recently read something awhile ago about Planet X also known as Marduk or Nibiru, having some close connection to the ancient Sumerian race. I dont remember the exact details, but they go something like this. Some ancient alien civilization visited earth ages ago, and they were lizardman-like in nature. They became the gods of the Sumerians. One thing I found interesting in the chapter of that book was apparently the Sumerians created giant stone slabs, which appeared to be runways, or launchpads. They used stone blocks so huge that they would have been impossible to move by any human means. This part is probably far fetched as well, but it also said that this super race genetically engineered human beings, giving reasons why there is a tail like appendige when we are a fetus but not quite like their image. I wish I could remember the book this came from, so I could reference this. If anyone has any ideas or comments, please let me know.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 04:50 AM
LMAO sorry this has nothing to do with the post

but I loooooooove your AVATAR!!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
LMAO sorry this has nothing to do with the post

but I loooooooove your AVATAR!!!!!!!

I second that CPYK! that's the first thing I thought when I opened the page.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 10:12 AM
Planet X other topic

Nibiru (PlanetX) is just a metaphor for the "tenth moon" of the Dogontribe... it is just the ships in which the Gods traveled....

Nibiru is also directly related to Sirius, just like all other religions. Because the Gods of the Sumeriers did also come from Sirius. But because they say that Nibiru will return (every 3,500 years) it is not Sirius itself but the transportation vehicle of the Gods... which come from Sirius.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 10:13 AM
Ps. the super engineered human race about which you are talking about... probably the same race as the giants of which is spoken in the Bible which build the Refaim.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
LMAO sorry this has nothing to do with the post

but I loooooooove your AVATAR!!!!!!!

Thanks =) I like it too, heh heh. I read somewhere also, last night actually, that Nibiru was suppost to return sometime within the next few years? Or did I read that wrong.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
Ps. the super engineered human race about which you are talking about... probably the same race as the giants of which is spoken in the Bible which build the Refaim.

Weren't they called the Nephilim in the bible? I'll have to dig out the Book of Enoch to look up to be sure. Could possibly be talking about the same race.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 10:56 PM
planet x = darkstar comes around about every 3600 years or so maybe?

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 10:58 PM
Anyone who has read "Mostly Harmless" knows for sure that the tenth planet is indeed named Rupert.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by kaoszero
Weren't they called the Nephilim in the bible? I'll have to dig out the Book of Enoch to look up to be sure. Could possibly be talking about the same race.


Nibiru was home to a race of war-prone hominids referred to in ancient texts by either their earlier Sumerian name of Anunnaki or their later Hebrew name of Nefilim (the word Nefilim is mentioned repeatedly in the Bible). The Anunnaki are described as handsome, well developed human look-a-likes who are physically larger than humans; averaging 10-15 feet tall.

The Sumerians say it were the creatures from the 12th planet...

Ps. I can say to you all directly that the 12th planet is the metaphor for a spaceship, no doubt about that one. And it went from Sirius to the sun.

For anybody who is going to say that it must be a planet because of the vulcanic eruptions, plagues etc. which the Zeta's predicted...

Think about the plagues in Egypt, they were also made by the Gods not by a planet, the planet is just like the tenth moon of the Dogontribe, the spaceship.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 07:55 AM
Planet X has been debunked unto death. Check the FSME library for links.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
[ Nibiru was home to a race of war-prone hominids referred to in ancient texts by either their earlier Sumerian name of Anunnaki or their later Hebrew name of Nefilim (the word Nefilim is mentioned repeatedly in the Bible). The Anunnaki are described as handsome, well developed human look-a-likes who are physically larger than humans; averaging 10-15 feet tall.

The Sumerians say it were the creatures from the 12th planet...

Check your astronomy facts again. The Sumerians did not know about 12 planets (our solar system has only 10, in any case) -- they knew and named Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. They didn't know about Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto or anything beyond Uranus' orbit because those move so slowly that even if you could (somehow) see them, you would think they were stars. You wouldn't know that they moved across the sky -- the first sign that something is a planet.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 07:59 AM
Isnt there a theory that the ninth planet Pluto isn't even a true planet. Meaning that the 10th planet would have to be the ninth planet??? Thats deep.........

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 08:01 AM
Byrd, that's bullshyte.
Only if you are going to hold on to the idea of late spring or early summer 2003 as the planet is coming...

problem is that it's in accordance with the Mayans 2012 and that it isn't a real planet.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 08:06 AM

Check your astronomy facts again. The Sumerians did not know about 12 planets (our solar system has only 10, in any case) -- they knew and named Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. They didn't know about Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto or anything beyond Uranus' orbit because those move so slowly that even if you could (somehow) see them, you would think they were stars. You wouldn't know that they moved across the sky -- the first sign that something is a planet.

Byrd, please men, what are you talking about

Perhaps I know enough about this subject to know that they really did knew about those planets?

Our solar system got 9 planets in any case

Why are you going to say that they didn't knew about those planets while they did? Just because you can't see them, while they say that the Gods said it to them?

Sumerians knew about genetics
Any idea that the Sumerians knew about three parents and that clay is very important to life?

I think some-one does just follows his ideas without knowing of what he is talking about.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
Byrd, please men, what are you talking about

Perhaps I know enough about this subject to know that they really did knew about those planets?

In that case, go off to one of the Sumerian dictionaries and please show me the names of the "12 planets." There's a number of Sumerian dictionaries on the web, and they do have the names of the planets (in Sumerian) listed in them.

I'll be delighted to change my mind when you show me the dictionary entry that means "Pluto" in Sumerian.

Any idea that the Sumerians knew about three parents and that clay is very important to life?

So show me the science tablets that show the Sumerians knew what sperm and eggs were in the first place and were capable of technology that could manipulate cells. Show me the remains of the tools and the civilizations that were capable of producing this.

I think some-one does just follows his ideas without knowing of what he is talking about.

I think the same thing... but I suspect we're not talking about the same people.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 08:48 AM
Byrd if you have read about it you knew that the Gods were able of doing those kind of things, not the Sumerians themselves.

You then also see that it is written in those books of thousands of years old.

The Sumerians knew that those planets were in our solar system, therefore they also said that the 12th planet didn't.

I am not going to bet like you do, but I think some people also know on who the bet would be.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
Byrd if you have read about it you knew that the Gods were able of doing those kind of things, not the Sumerians themselves.

And I've read all the things that Coyote did and all the things that the Norse gods did and all the other gods. If they were all true, then all those gods would be tripping over each other constantly and interfering with each other -- and tales of that conflict (with specific entities named) would be all over ancient religious texts.

The Sumerians knew that those planets were in our solar system, therefore they also said that the 12th planet didn't.

Go to the dictionaries. Give us a link to the names of the planets that say "the Sumerians said this was a planet."

I am not going to bet like you do, but I think some people also know on who the bet would be.

Show us the words for those planet names. Then we'll talk about the acts of the gods.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 09:47 AM

If you really have looked at all those Gods, you would have seen that they were all the same... that they weren't different... just different names.

The Sumerians do say it's a planet, but it's a spaceship, just like the Dogon said the tenth moon was the spaceship. And yes they knew that our solar system had 9 planets, that you can also see just by looking at the fact that the specifically say that the 12th planet isn't from our solar system...

To support this thesis, the author describes the astronomical knowledge of the ancient Greeks, who came more than 3,000 years after the Sumerians. It is historical fact that the Greeks not only understood that the Earth was a sphere, but had calculated its size to amazing accuracy.

Sacret texts

According to Sitchin's theory, the Nefilim were engaged in mining operations on the Earth. To support this, he presents evidence of mining activity in Africa (through carbon-14 dating) 100,000 years ago.

Mining of the Gods in the Bible

Sitchin describes numerous cylinder seals showing what he interprets to be schematic diagrams of the solar system.

Perhaps those people back then really know a bit more then we think they knew....

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
According to Sitchin's theory, the Nefilim were engaged in mining operations on the Earth. To support this, he presents evidence of mining activity in Africa (through carbon-14 dating) 100,000 years ago.

Sorry Leen... C14 fact alert...

Carbon-14 dating is a way of determining the age of certain archeological artifacts of a biological origin up to about 50,000 years old. It is used in dating things such as bone, cloth, wood and plant fibers that were created in the relatively recent past by human activities.

Zach Sitchin wants people to read his book. I love the theory but it's just that...a theory.

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