posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 07:48 PM
So the original question was whether the Fuelless Engine plans were any good...I bought the plans as stupid / brave as it was. And after reading the
plans over all I can say is that they are very unprofessional. Here are some examples of sentences (seriously, no edits):
"Capacitors also store and collect free energy between it's plates in the form of r...? energy."
Three errors. First, it's = its, grammar error. Secondly, capacitors DO NOT employ free energy by any means, they're flaunting the words like
starving african kids for bull# donation companies. Thirdly, I couldn't find that second last word in the dictionary anywhere.
"The air space in figure 2 can be considered the die electric, as it is called."
No, it's called a dielectric, continue.
"Nikola Tesla discovered what he called radiant energy in the early 1900's, It seems electrons can not work without this so called radiant energy.
radiant energy and electrons work together as one, but are also separate from each other."
Scoobada-bee-bop, RADIANT ENERGY!!! Holy cow, that's a first for me.
At first when I saw these plans I was so excited about the prospect of possibly saving the world that I lost hindsight. Call me an electrical engineer
with the dreams of a child I suppose. Anyway, bottom line is I'm not saying free energy is impossible, but I will say that most concepts of
thermodynamics would have to be re-written if something was successfully constructed. So far these plans do not appear to be the solution, and once I
generate the capital to test the technology maybe I'll come back here and share it. That will be a couple months away at least I'd say.
Oh and other than the 'radiant energy' commentary, which isn't mentioned again after that, they try to explain how the motor's back EMF will
produce more output than what's put in when the power supply is periodically disconnected from the armature (stator) coils with commutator
brushes...smells like # to me.
Best of luck to the free energy researchers, peace!