posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 01:15 AM
The East-West contrast is sometimes criticized as relativistic. I will agree that the progressive and democratic political groups in this country
should be against islam having so much influence in the innerworkings of the GOP's of Arab countries.
It does puzzle me how religion and GOP are linked in different societies. It is understandable how most political figures in this country will not
want to jump to criticize Isalm's role in the Middle east crisis. This however should not be an excuse to fail to hold this so called religious
leaders accountable, or to call them to be part of the solution.
I will tell you what to me sadly the so called West has not forgatten, The idea that anything but democracy is less than acceptable.
For some countries dictatorship is the way to go.
I know this sounds horrible. Democracy requires lots of personal responabilities that may be to much for certains populations, not to mention external
influences prsioning or disturbing the democratic process.
To say that we will help Iraq to become a sustainable young democracy, and look the other way when Darfur is still on fire.
I dont know but it sounds to me that this hole problem with Islam, Arabs or a clash of cultures is overrated. I think at the end of the day the only
reason why this War is beign fought is because of the oil and the agregated value of the dollar from oil sales.