posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 10:42 PM
I think its absurd to ban smoking. People have a right to do to their bodies what they wish. And that's not even counting the economic destruction
that a smoking ban would cause. It's bad enough that people can't even smoke in a bar or restaurant in my home state anymore.
Now before anyone attacks me, let me tell you this. I'm 25 years old. I've been smoking pretty regularly since I graduated high school at age 18.
I was up to about a pack a day. About two weeks ago, one side of my throat started to swell up. It looked and felt like I had a small tumor growing
there. It hurt when I touched it, it even hurt when I inhaled.
Finally I went to an Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor. My sister works for a really good one- people actually come all the way to see him in New Jersey
from as far away as Europe and all over the United States. So to make this already long story short, they had to stick a camera up both my nostrils
and down my throat. Thankfully, it wasn't cancer. I just had some swollen glands due in part to bad luck, but mostly from smoking. So I went on a
bunch of meds and now I'm better.
But it was a close enough call, in addition to the lecture I got from the doctor, to make me quit.
Anyway, that was the last day I smoked. It was the day before Thanksgiving. I'm now on the nicotine patch and I'm doing pretty well. The first
day was kinda rough, but it's been much better since. Admittedly, I've been chewing a lot of gum and sucking on a lot of candy to substitute for my
oral fixation with cigs.
I encourage everyone to stop wasting money and stop shortening their lives. Dying from lung cancer and emphazyma is HELL. It's like drowning,
except over a long period of time and in terrible pain. If you can't do it for yourself, then do it for your loved ones.
That being said, you can't force anyone to quit. They have to WANT to quit or else they'll never succeed. If we force people to give up cigarettes
and ban smoking, then what's next? Should we ban people from eating fattening foods and candy and fast foods? It's arguable that they're doing
just as much damage to their bodies by eating junk and not exercising. Their health problems cause our economy billions of dollars each year.
For all the people on here who are against big government and "Big Brother", I'm surprised to see so many people supporting a ban on smoking. I
think its really hypocritical of some. Thanks, and God Bless!