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70% of U.S. smokers want to quit! Let's just kill this airbourne disease & outlaw smoking for good.

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posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
I'm not trying to hijack the topic though...

Even if you were, you would have been beaten to it.

Not that that's a bad thing, I particularly like the way
the threads going now.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 08:27 PM

It makes absolutely no sense to force your body to go through that and put a manmade limit on your age. Specially, when we are living in a time of increased knowledge, great scientific breakthroughs in anti-aging, and body enhancements.

We shouldn't have to make so many smoking bans. Smokers should be considerate to others and only smoke in private places. And that doesn't mean smoking at entrances of public places where people have to pass through!"

Yes it does. People do many harmful things other than smoking that is just as rediculous as smoking.

Fast food should be outlawed before smoking. There is more obesity in America than smoking problems. Abortion should be outlawed, it not only kills what is living inside you, it can harm or even kill the mother. Alcohol should be illegal before smoking, take in the accounts of deaths, rapes, and domestic issues that come from alcohol.

Making everything illegal is not always the answer.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Spiderj
For someone who claims to be so insightful and evolved your quite quick to point fingers at who are the trouble makers in society.

And of course proving your enlightenment by proclaiming that basically if it were to come to a vote smokers would did you read my earlier post about the california initiative?

Which reminds oh wise one, still waiting for your response to this:


Yes I'm smoking as I type this.

I'm very insightful. I'm just looking out for humans' best interests. Part of the aliens' agenda envolves the majority of the population to be reduced by somewhere between 75% to 90%. The government sprays artificial clouds called "lay lines" in the air all over the country for weather munipulation and to protect us from the very dangerous solar rays and activity they they know was supposed to come are way. The government has traveled through time and has communicated with alien beings and most definitely know things about the future that was supposed to be but still can be changed. I believe smoking is one of the many problems that has been dropped on us so things will line up for a new leader of a new world order to be able to blow peoples minds away with answers to every problem. It all ties into the alien agenda(the aliens' religious creation and religious schedule).

Of course, people would vote to not to increase taxes on the death sticks. Increasing taxes isn't the answer. The answer is banning smoking from public places.

As far as the response to that video on the other thread, so what? The video may have been no older than 1966. It may even be a fake. That doesn't mean there isn't any underground bases. You don't actually think that we don't have any underground bases with all the reasons that we should have underground bases. I even remember when the government explained how we have an underground base for the White House and Congress in case of a Nuclear attack. Here is even the drill that they use to dig underground facilities:

[edit on 28-11-2006 by realanswers]

[edit on 28-11-2006 by realanswers]

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 08:37 PM
Smoking has played an important role in evolution going back much farther than previously suspected. I've done some research and found smoking made it possible for humans to rise to prominence on this planet.

I think it would be only fair if it brings us down. Give those reptilians another shot at it.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Musky
Smoking has played an important role in evolution going back much farther than previously suspected. I've done some research and found smoking made it possible for humans to rise to prominence on this planet.

I think it would be only fair if it brings us down. Give those reptilians another shot at it.

Of course, the dinosaurs didn't smoke, but they did live very long due to the greater amount of oxygen content in the atmosphere before the Biblical flood that did happen. The earth was much smaller in diameter and had a much larger atmosphere with more oxygen.
Read and learn about the proven effects when increasing oxygen levels from the genious Dr. Carl Baugh:
It even reduces the toxicity in the poison of snakes!

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 09:04 PM
Outlaw cigarettes and you have to outlaw cars, too. I hate breathing all that exhaust. It's killing us, and everyone who drives one is a muderer. That'll happen.

As far as future generations, I subscribe to the "Cockroach Theory". The more you spray roaches with poison, the more resistant to said poisons their offspring are. Applying this theory to humans, if I smoke, drink, and spend lots of time in traffic, future generations will be more resistant to the toxins and pollution that we spew out in ever-increasing amounts.

I smoke so my great-grandchildren may live breating toxic air.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 09:12 PM
After reading through this thread I have a couple points I want to bring up.

1. Is smoking is good or bad to ones own body? - I don't care. If I work myself to the bone at my job and want to light up when I get home thats my business! Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do with my body.

2.I don't want to breath your second hand smoke! - Good then don't. If I am standing at the entrance of a building and you walk by, you are only going to be near the smoke for about 2 seconds. Is that long enough to give you cancer? I'll agree there are some places where due to the closeness of people (say a small lobby) smoking should not be allowed. But to contend that you have a problem walking down the street next to a guy smoking is ridiculous.

3. It's a conspiracy from the aliens! (don't know if that guy was being serious) - Well that's swell but some of us live in the here and now. I am not going to surrender my rights just because you are on a crusade to save humanity. If you want to help people go feed the hungry, house the poor, or stop the genocide thats happening around the world. Leave me out of it.

To close, Bill Hicks said it best....
"Guess what, If I don't smoke there's gonna be secondary bullets coming your way, cause I'm that tense."

I won't tell you what to do, you don't tell me. OK

N. Fiend

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by realanswers
I'm very insightful. I'm just looking out for humans' best interests. Part of the aliens' agenda envolves the majority of the population to be reduced by somewhere between 75% to 90%. The government sprays artificial clouds called "lay lines" in the air all over the country for weather munipulation and to protect us from the very dangerous solar rays and activity they they know was supposed to come are way. The government has traveled through time and has communicated with alien beings and most definitely know things about the future that was supposed to be but still can be changed. I believe smoking is one of the many problems that has been dropped on us so things will line up for a new leader of a new world order to be able to blow peoples minds away with answers to every problem. It all ties into the alien agenda(the aliens' religious creation and religious schedule).

Of course, people would vote to not to increase taxes on the death sticks. Increasing taxes isn't the answer. The answer is banning smoking from public places.

As far as the response to that video on the other thread, so what? The video may have been no older than 1966. It may even be a fake. That doesn't mean there isn't any underground bases. You don't actually think that we don't have any underground bases with all the reasons that we should have underground bases. I even remember when the government explained how we have an underground base for the White House and Congress in case of a Nuclear attack. Here is even the drill that they use to dig underground facilities:

[edit on 28-11-2006 by realanswers]

[edit on 28-11-2006 by realanswers]

okay first off the lines that people say are being sprayed by airplanes are called chemtrails not ley lines, ley lines are supposedly energy lines that run through the earth and converge at certain points like Sedona or Mt. Shasta.

The thing that protects us from solar radiation is called the ozone layer which is why so many people are worried about it decreasing.

The government has traveled through time? Do you have any source other than youtube to back this up? No Titor doesn't count as proof either.

There is no underground base beneath the white house, there is a bunker. As far as under ground bases, yes I am aware that we have them. I am even very aware that the government usually doesn't have our best interests at heart but aliens feeding on humans under arculeta mesa...don't think so.

I would love to be proven wrong, but it's going to take more than a youtube video or old textbook photo to believe that.

And of course after promoting a video as authentic without evidently doing a lick of reseach into it's authenticity you accuse me of not taking time to read the page and study the film.

Then of course after I debunk the film that was claimed to be over sixty years old, your answer is "so what it may be from 1966" when the mans own web page claimed it was from the forties?

In what world is this open minded?

Now of course you could have addressed this in the proper thread but you didn't...lazy.

and since you are the one who stated this:

Originally posted by realanswers
The person was exploring hard to find rare stories and real footage to make DOCUMENTARIES! Reading it from start to finish is apparently what you have NOT done.
Many people, even in this forum, don't collect the rare bits and pieces of the truth like a detective. They limit themselves to only believe if they stumbled upon one place with a shopping cart full of evidence. In a world where "the powers that be"
(Aliens/God and the government) have agendas that involve the masses being deceived and covering up the truth(and their agendas), it is totally ILLOGICAL and foolish to expect that. We must not dismiss, but collect.
Those people don't even have access to more or less even know a good fraction of whats really going on. You're too busy dismissing without spending much time collecting. Collecting doesn't mean just getting the information that comes your way, it means actually searching, reading, and studing hard while keeping up to date with new findings.

[edit on 27-11-2006 by realanswers]

IN this thread:

Which of course shows that you did believe it was true documentary enlightened person knows when to admit they were wrong and usually will apologise for copping such an unwaranted condescending attitude.

But now you change your story to fit your mythology...for a person seeking realanswers you seem to be spending a lot of time in your own fantasy world.

Youre our hope for a better tomorrow? You are the seeker of knowledge the person who looks for true answers?

Physician heal thy self.

Sorry mods for dragging this thread so far off topic, but had realanswers responded in the appropriate thread I would have responded there, but he didn't.

Again my apologies, back on topic...And in this thread you have accused smokers of being of criminal character while back handedly threatening smokers with physical violence.

So you're going to save us unless we don't want to be saved in which case what? We get beaten or killed oh let me guess reeducation camps...that sounds open minded.


posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 03:32 PM
WTF is wrong with some people? Outlaw ALL SMOKING? Have you gone flipping insane? First off, if you don't like ciggs...don't smoke. don't wanna be around it? then walk away when someone is smoking.

Smokers nowadays are educated enough to know the dangers associated with tobbacco use. But tobbacco is no different than anything else in's gotta be used moderatley. And that doesn't mean a pack a week people....moderate smoking is 2 to 3 packs A YEAR and no smoking cigars, blacks, or anything else that has tobbacco in it.

2 or 3 packs a year is nothing the body can't handle. just like alchohol, fast food, and virtually every thing else in haev to be very critical about not smoking to much.

I say instead of outcasting everyone who smokes, and trying to get it banned. we spend more money and research into making safer, and less addictive ciggarettes.

See that's the problem with this country, if we dont' like something or don't trust it, we ban it. People are always gonna wanna somke, for whatever, they shouldn't be treated as less than humans (which is something 90% of all you non- smokers are guilty of)

Research safer tobbacco products, and go after the REAL problem wich is CANCER. Make safer ciggarettes, and a cure for cancer..thanks how we help the smoking death problem...not by banning ciggs all together.

anway...any time something is illegal, people will use it more so banning ciggs doe nothing anyway. come on weed is supposed to be illegal, but you don't see that stopping people from easily buying it and using it, do you?

didn't work for alchohol either.......

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 03:37 PM
I'd stop smoking cancer sticks if I could (legally) light up a blunt instead.

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 04:13 PM
"SpiderJ", you were right about the proper name being called chemtrails, but that's what they are spraying. It's composed of super high amounts of chemicals like ethylene dibromide (EDB) (an extremely toxic component).
Chemtrails are used by the government for weather munipulation, high-tech military communications(Mind control over the masses?), and the most evil reason being population control which I'm not 100% sure if this is really one of the intentions, but if they know that people are getting very sick from it then it might as well be labeled as one of their intentions.

I would like to see smoking being banned from PUBLIC PLACES. Private places are a whole new debate.

[edit on 29-11-2006 by realanswers]

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 04:50 PM
Expanding government power into outlawing personal habits never works. People didn't stop drinking in prohabition. They won't stop smoking if it is illegal. All you would do is grow the black market. Cigarettes will flow across the border with no problem. And when a smoker from abroad comes to the land of the free what are they to think. An American security guard takes their smokes when they step off the plane? Making government bigger is never a wise solution.

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 05:51 PM
The cigarette filter was called "Super Stop". You can read about them here:

Or, you can quit smoking by reducing nicotine one step at a time through these filters:

The One Step At A Time system consists of four filters, each to be used 7 to 14 days.
· The first filter eliminates up to 25% of nicotine and tars.
· The second up to 50%.
· The third up to 70%.
· By the fourth filter you will be eliminating up to 90% of the nicotine and tars.

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 07:31 PM

You know what I would like to see banned ? Let me tell you. I want to see idiots bordering on PS spouting mindless unsubstantiated drivel about feckin aliens, ley lines, chem trails, crying statues, ghosts etc. You see, just as you are somehow 'offended' by walking through a doorway where someone is enjoying a smoke, I am equally, if not more offended by people spouting crap that retards human progress by generations. However, luckily for you and me we live in a free country where you can spout drivel and I can suck smoke. See my point ?


posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 07:57 PM
Kruel if you lived in LA then we'd have lots in common, we'd probably hang out, and it's sorta legal here. Ya gotta see one of the "pharmacies" here one day it's the shiznit!! Some even deliver. Make a phone call and 20 min later knock knock some vato handing off 'legal' medicine at your apartment doorstep!

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 11:27 PM
OK, let's look at this. ATS' T&C says:

"2e.) Illegal Activity: Discussion of any illegal activities such as drug use, drug paraphernalia, hacking, etc. are strictly forbidden."

So let's drop this and get back to the topic. We wouldn't want to anger the PTS God.

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 12:01 AM
umm realanswers, how is smoking shortening my life. My Great grandfather smoked nonfilters and self rolled from the time he was 15 or so until the day he died at the ripe old age of 101. What did he die from you may ask? Not from old age or smoking. His careworker ran a red light taking him to the doctor for a checkup and was tboned in the passenger door by a pickup truck where he was sitting. Fast food, toxic industrial fumes and a whole multitude of other things are shortening humans lives a helluva lot faster than smoking. How about we outlaw cars or teen driving. That seems to kill whole families at once. Your rant has no footing to stand on. If you dont like my smoke, go stand somewhere else. Speaking of which thats where this should be, in the rant section IMO.

I think Wupy's explanation holds 10x more water than yours.

My 2cents on this matter

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 12:45 PM
Smoking causes genetic mutations.
Secondhand smoke(criminal assault) causes the same destruction!

Here is information on this evil and sickening effect on the poor babies:

Physical damage on health continues:

Nearly 5 MILLION people have died prematurely due to the foolish smoking in the year 2000!:

Governments' agenda for population control?
Maybe this is one of the reasons why the aliens rather eat children(non-smokers).
Maybe the generations to come(children) will someday look back at this and learn not to ever follow those grownups' road to deevolution and human extinction ever again. WHAT FOOLISHNESS!

[edit on 30-11-2006 by realanswers]

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 01:12 PM
Smoke? damn right I do, and I pay good money to enjoy my tobacco habit and am well aware of the dare you passive-smoking free-loaders complain when you're getting my tobacco smoke for free...if you're inhaling a percentage of the cigarettes I pay for, then cough-up (either physically or metaphorically...your choice) and make a contribution toward what you're getting for nothing....

What? you're a non-smoker but you drive? How bout you take your stinking polluting pedestrian-mowing motor-car outta my face and outta my cycle-lane. I don't want to be made to suck on your exhaust fumes against my choice...until you can reciprocate by passive-driving then shut the hell up with your anti-tobacco whining

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 03:52 PM
Mrwupy, quite correct re your comments on airborne radiation.

Real, Its a persons choice what they do with their body and members have already stated that there are choices with regard to inhaling second hand smoke. As yet there is no real proof that secondary smoke is a health risk. The fact of it is that once you start banning anything you are on the slippery slope, what do you ban next, guns, cars, electrical goods they all kill people but I've not heard of anyone wanting to ban them. We fill our bodies with prescibed drugs like their sweets and more suffer and die with these legal drugs so do we ban them as well.
If we banned everthing that caused death or harm we would end up living in a nice stone room.

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