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Originally posted by squidbones
Originally posted by Brand403
This is soley speculation.
Wouldn't it be possible to have the thermite charges set in the fireproofing (which would hide it) and have select charges set off electronically? Say the guy on the button waited untill the planes hit and distinguished which floors were hit untill he/she hits which floors to implode. Multiple videos shows only the floors below the plane crash collapsed first. I say thermite because it is an old technlogy and could have been instaled at time of build, just charges not ignighters. I mean it could have been lasers for all I know.
Why would the explosave be built in to the buildng at the time of construction? They weren't planning the attack that far in the future. Besides most of the fire proofing was blown off by the impact.
Originally posted by CameronFox
NIST although a government agency, had around over 200 investigators working on the collapse. Of the over 200, 125 were leading experts from the private sector and academia.
As I have stated in previous posts, not ONE credible Engineer has come forward publicly to discredit the NIST investigation. If you do some research, you will find that all of the Engineers that DO comment on the NIST report, all agree with its findings.
This thermite and thermate hypothisis is unfounded. There is ZERO evidence that there was thermite or thermate invloved. (Yes I know NIST didn't test the beams.)
This is a picture of some of the beams that were examined.
Again... How long must we sing this song? The evidence does NOT support a controlled demolition. Was NIST perfect? NO...but thats does not however mean that there is evidence that supports CD. CD theory is 100% speculation with 0% proof.
Yeah, let us all believe the government "recruits" on this one. Listen, this is one of the single largest cover-ups in recorded history. The government has their tentacles spread me. So the NIST didn't test the beams, and you can say for a fact that there wasn't thermite involved. What about fused elements of molten steel and concrete? Guess, some jet fuel or just plain ole intense sheetrock fire caused that...hmmmm.
Just look at this site for about 10 minutes........
Maybe, since you know for sure that this is the same old song, you care to answer a few questions?
1. What about the pre-collapse, sub-basement explosions (sub-structure)?
2. " " " pre-collapse, interior blasts (precise cutting of core colums)?
3. " " " pre-collapse, ground level explosions (basement/lower supports)?
4. What about the top level collapse (cracking at the top/sinking in middle)?
5. What about the mid-collapse squibs blowing up all the way down as the tower is falling, in perfect tandem?
6. What about the time delayed pile (exoskeleton/pulverization)?
Originally posted by CameronFox
b. "the room they were working in began to fill with a white smoke. “We smelled kerosene,” Mike recalled, “I was thinking maybe a car fire was upstairs”...These are quotes from Mike Pecoraro. The man who claimed to have heard the explosions. This quote is often left out of the 911 Truth websites. Obviously that’s not conclusive proof, but leaving certain parts of conversations could sometimes completely alter a conversation.
5. Squibs? I though everyone agreed on this?
a. A squib is an explosive charge. If you care to look at ANY website that shows the collapse of the WTC, you will see the so called "sqibs". An explosive charge starts of with a blast...then disipates. The "sqibs" you see in ALL the videos show an INCREASE of power as the collapse gets closer to the floor that has the "squib". The most logical explination I feel is a buildup of pressure caused by the compression of air between the floors.
Originally posted by CameronFox
Please tell me WHY the so called squibs increase in intensity as the collapse gets closer? (WTC 1, 2) And since thermite does not Explode...You would have to admit to a more conventional explosive.
Do you realize how many TONS of explosives will have been needed??
When was the power down at WTC 7? When Controlled demolition Inc took down the Hudson tower, they had a HUGE crew doing weeks worth of work?
Originally posted by CameronFox
And yes you WOULD have to plant tons of explosives.
I THINK if they were planning this, it would be in poor judgement to assume where, and how much damage the plane would do when striking the WTC.
You would still need the canisters to hold all the materials all over the columns, how many columns? How much Thermate? How much thermite. Literally thousands of pounds.
Originally posted by squidbones
I was just watching that second video link and noticed the "squibs" start going off wel after the building starts to come down. Now it is quite difficult to figure out why they woukld set of explosaves after the building is coming down.