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Democrats control Congress and they want the Draft.

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posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Why is this title misleading?

Lets look at it again.

Democrats control Congress....Totally true.

and they want the Draft...Rangel is a Democrat, and he is sponsoring the Bill. The last time this was voted on it was defeated 402-2. The only two representatives to vote for it was Democrats. This is also a true statement.

HoorahUSMC states that Rangel wants the Draft reinstated to keep Republicans from invading more countries. Well that is a Clintonian statement if I ever heard one. His real goal is to weaken the military. Which is what a Draft would do.

No, Rangel wants the Draft to keep republicans from starting more wars since it would risk their children being sent. You imply the entire Democratic Party is supporting this, so again, it would be like me making a topic called "All Republicans Rape Children." WHen it is only Foley, and Brent Schepp, and Randall Casseday, and Lou Beres, and Larry Dale Floyd, and Mark Pazuhanich, and Bobby Stumbo, and Tom Randall, and Armando Tebano, and John Collins, and Philip Giordano, and Tom Adams, and John Gosek, and David Swartz, and Edison Misla Aldarondo, and John R. Curtain, and Howard Scott Heldreth, and Dennis L. Rader, and Nicholas Morency, and Tom Shortridge, and Strom Thurmond , and Mike Hintz, Peter Dibble, and about 50-100 more. That's just on the list I found when googling Republican Child Molestors.

So, unless you want to admit All Republicans Rape Children, this title is misleading because it is one person. Also, he did this in 2003, while a Republican did it in 2004. Where's your "Every Republican in America Wants the Draft."? WHat? You Never made it even though a Republican tried to get the Draft in 2004? Hmmm, could it be... You're a republican and anything that makes them look bad doesn't exist? Sad, where's Reagan when you need him? Oh, six feet under turning over in his grave as his party is corrupted by people like you.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 12:58 PM
"The Democrats" do not want a draft. Charley Rangel wants a draft. It's his own pet idea: he's a true believer in it. He's been pushing it for years. He's been getting nowhere for years.

The volunteer military has been highly beneficial for the motivation and professionalism of our armed forces, and the parties both know that a draft would be political poison.

Infact, in October 2004 the Republicans tried to make Rangel stand up and be counted on the eve of an election by using a rarely invoked rule to pull the bill out of committee and bring it to an up or down vote on the floor of the House. HR 163 was defeated 402-2. Even Rangel, who introduced the dang thing, voted against it.

I think the Republicans would try to help him get it out of committee againt his time and try to make it pass the house just so they could fillibuster it in the senate (because as long as they can block cloture it will look for a time as if Republicans are stopping the Democrats from passing a draft, even though the 10-20% of us who pay attention will know that the Democrats would have killed it in the house and are about to kill it in the senate), but if the Pelosi can exercise ANY party discipline at all she won't let this bill get out of committee if she's smart.

The funny thing is that if anyone actually wants a draft, it's probably the right wing of the Republican party, but they seem to know better- or at least their leadership does.

I would however say that there is maybe a 1 in 10,000 chance that a small draft to the reserves might get passed by factions of each party working in cooperation, because recruitment and retention are becoming problems.

I think the draft is a really really bad idea, but if we're going to do it, Rangel's idea of intentionally drafting from the upper class doesn't become a good idea until a lot of other problems are solved, and some of these are problems that probably can't be solved unfortunately. How are you supposed to justify drafting the people who can afford a decent education and leaving people who have no greater ambition than to flip burgers? Going to the mall the year after you graduate highschool is like going to a class reunion- it's quite sad. You'll see a dozen people or more who you knew who didn't go anywhere or do anything, just got 7 dollar an hour jobs, moved in their their girlfriend, and rented an almost habitable studio on the side of town that you sometimes forget exists.

If John and Jane think that life after highschool means getting promoted to shift leader at Arbys and spending all their time off making out and smoking pot like they were still in school, maybe the pair of them need to go load cargo planes for a couple of years until they find their life's ambition.

Meanwhile if Tom and Sally get accepted to decent schools and want to be registered nurses, I just don't see making them put that on the back burner and enter the IED lottery when this country is hard pressed for nurses- especially if the only rationale is that John and Jane are low income; they wouldn't be low income if they aspired to more than shiftleader at Arbys, would they?

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 01:03 PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A reinstatement of the military draft, being pushed by a senior Democrat, will not be slated for consideration in the House of Representatives, the chamber's newly elected top leaders said on Monday.

Hopefully they stick to their word, not just use this as a smoke screen to draw everyone's attention away from the issue. But then again, the Dems want to be re-elected in 08... so why ruin their chances, right?

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 01:27 PM
Seriously, what is wrong with you people!?! If the logic you are using dictates all dems want a draft because one of them does, then by that same logic all reps are page hungry sodomites on crystal meth.

This is nothing but ignorance and I really though better from this group. It appears to be a mistake on my part. Try to do more then mindlessly fit a slot.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Jonna
Seriously, what is wrong with you people!?! If the logic you are using dictates all dems want a draft because one of them does, then by that same logic all reps are page hungry sodomites on crystal meth.

This is nothing but ignorance and I really though better from this group. It appears to be a mistake on my part. Try to do more then mindlessly fit a slot.

Exactly what I said, and why I started a new topic that isn't a LIE and blatant BS like this one.

Unless I am allowed to make a topic called "Every Republican Since the Dawn of Man Rapes Children." Just because a very small portion of the GOP does it then he should not be allowed to make this topic.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 05:15 PM
I bet they staged a false-flag operation about Iran the day before the vote on the draft... and it passes. We'll see. Learn what civil disobeiance is... you'll need it.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Jonna
Seriously, what is wrong with you people!?! If the logic you are using dictates all dems want a draft because one of them does, then by that same logic all reps are page hungry sodomites on crystal meth.

This is nothing but ignorance and I really though better from this group. It appears to be a mistake on my part. Try to do more then mindlessly fit a slot.

Originally posted by HoorahUSMC
Exactly what I said, and why I started a new topic that isn't a LIE and blatant BS like this one.

Unless I am allowed to make a topic called "Every Republican Since the Dawn of Man Rapes Children." Just because a very small portion of the GOP does it then he should not be allowed to make this topic.

Unfortunately there are many democrats and republicans as well that would support the draft. I don't have any current numbers to back that up, but I have heard the support many times throughout the past.

Through this post, no one has argued the point that just because one says they want it, they all want it. The topic depicts the idea of the major push being placed by dems through the current election cycle.

Notice my last post, showing the head of dems saying their not going to push it, or even allow it to the table. Nice cover to back away from something they started themselves.

As far as this topic/thread being filled with BS or lies? I think the only bs or lies would be coming from those trying to appease everyone with disinformation.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 03:09 PM
So dumb.
As if rich/powerful people's kids won't end up in the coast guard if there was a draft.
A draft just makes for a lower quality army. As far as I know the majority of the army is middle class white people.

AS for the its not fair because poor kids join for an opportunity. What are you talking about thats called the barter system. You get schooling food shelter pay and some other good stuff for 4 active years and 4 unactive years. Its called a choice. They made it. Rich poor white black. I would have joined too if all I had to do was collect.

Should we not send police in to crime ridden areas also because I mean the cops only joined for the opportunities, but here we are putting them at risk too.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 08:12 AM
a draft is a good idea. People dont take the idea of war seriously until they realize they might actually be sent there. If the country needs our help and they institute a draft why dont you people just suck it up and go over there. In most countries you are required to do atleast 2 years of military service so people here are spoiled when it comes to active duty.

I would go to iraq in a draft situation and I wouldnt even complain, I would go there to set a bettter impression than most soldiers are currently doing. Dont get me wrong.. I dont WANT to go, but I would, and I suggest everyone else prepare themselves mentaly by not fighting the idea.

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