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Where did the Dulce Story come from?

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posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 09:53 AM
If anyone can find a link to the sci-fi documentary that John Lear mentioned, I'd be really grateful. I've looked on Google Video and YouTube, but there doesn't seem to be anything there right now.


posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
The altercation (it wasn't a battle) occurred in 1979. 44 of our top scientists were killed.

I've never seen a list of these "top scientists"... nor, in fact, any proof that they existed. Nor does there seem to be a record at that time of an unusual number of deaths of military officers (which scientists would be.)

Other sites (including one with a statement by "a Dulce security guard") talk about it as a battle that lasted several days and say that lots of people were killed. Schneider says 66 were killed and does't mention "top scientists."

One thing that the Serpo critiques pointed out is that scientists just don't exist in a vacuum. They publish papers and all that. So it'd be easy to prove this (if it was real) with a list of those names and showing that they all died within the same (say) 1 week period and that they really did hold degrees (checking alumni rolls) and were working on stuff.

Instead we just get "44 top scientists" or whatever. REAL lives are messy. Fiction is neat. In fiction you can just have 44 people die and nobody cares or takes notice. In real life you have survivors and insurance and records and so forth. People have job descriptions and friends and scientists have research and papers.

In fact, the military personnel would have been buried at Arlington or other military cemetaries and there'd be records of their deaths. And there'd be people who remembered them.

The stories are carelessly tidy like that. Like fiction or urban legend (as Wikipedia says). Unlike Area 51, where unexplained deaths (and deaths from chemical pollution) led to a number of lawsuits by survivors and families -- and this at a top security base.

Like I say, it wasn't a battle and there were no troopships. The whole altercation lasted only a few minutes. As far as the whole town missing a huge battle there was no huge battle for them to miss.

Which is contradicted by other sources.

Not to mention the arrival of 300,000 children each year who are being experimented on and killed:

And every one of those sites swears it has the truth.

I am not sure who you are calling a dolt,

The ones who started the story.

As far as showing you where "this stuff took place" I doubt whether we could get a visitor's pass into Dulce. I know I couldn't.

You don't need to. Hop on Google Earth and point out where the road leading to the base is. Or was. Because the desert leaves tracks and they stay for a long time. Schneider and others say there's a nice paved road leading right into it.

Heck, everyone can pinpoint the entrance to Area 51 (which has been known since before the time of Dulce.)

So if you've been there, point out where the entrance is or was. History isn't tidy and you can't just "cover up" a secret base and expect every sheepherder around to keep quiet. Folks around there will know it and will know if it actually ever saw military/heavy truck activity, etc.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Indellkoffer

originally posted by johnlearI am not sure who you are calling a dolt,

posted by indellkofferThe ones who started the story.

That would be me. Thanks for your comments.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 01:42 PM
link is the place for the civil exchange of ideas on "alternative topics". Please refrain from using derogatory terms to describe those whose stories, beliefs or theories you disagree with.

There is absolutely no reason to attach distasteful or negative descriptors to the personalities involved nor is there any point in decrying someone else's beliefs as "stupid". This type of behavior adds nothing to the conversation and serves only to make it appear as though the person who resorts to them lacks a genuine understanding of the topic.

Please review POSTING DECORUM if you have any questions.


posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Indellkoffer

You don't need to. Hop on Google Earth and point out where the road leading to the base is. Or was. Because the desert leaves tracks and they stay for a long time. Schneider and others say there's a nice paved road leading right into it.

Thats a great idea

John Lear: Please point out where this base is or the road leading to it; because I have a hard time believing it exists or ever did at all and would love to look at its location. if you dont want to bother with downloading and installing google earth then just use and click the satellite or hybrid button at the top right

[edit on 21-11-2006 by warpboost]

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 02:04 PM
Originally posted by warpboost

John Lear: Please point out where this base is or the road leading to it; because I have a hard time believing it exists or ever did at all and would love to look at its location. if you dont want to bother with downloading and installing google earth then just use and click the satellite or hybrid button at the top right

Hello Warpboost. I have no idea where any of the entrances are located. I have Google earth and use it all the time. As a matter of interest, go to Pearl and Hermes reef about 100 miles southeast of Midway Island and see if you can figure out why those beautiful reefs should be hidden from view. What is going on there?
I flew over these reefs at relatively low altitude many times during the Viet Nam conflict.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 02:33 PM
you say that we have only seen about half the info on Dulce. do you have the other half not yet seen ?? could you share it ?? could you post those pics you have? (the ufo's at the weapons depot) I am totally hooked by the Dulce facility and all info about it.

Also do you know anything about the U.S. saucer program (i.e. man-made ufo's)

Thanks !!

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Alpha Grey

John, you say that we have only seen about half the info on Dulce. do you have the other half not yet seen ??


could you share it ??

If an when I get the other half I will share.

could you post those pics you have? (the ufo's at the weapons depot)

Yes. Probably this evening.

Also do you know anything about the U.S. saucer program (i.e. man-made ufo's)

Started in 1953. Has been going on for 53 years. Is very advanced. Most of the saucers and triangles people see are ours. A lot of the presentations are just to **** with peoples minds. The Phoenix lights flew in a missing man formation and was obviously a tribute to some fallen comrade or event.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 03:01 PM
ohhhh the midway reefs, that seem interesting

But 1st dulce is like the comon name, you wont find anything in dulce except getting traped
. If you read a few on the subject here on ATS you ll find out its more around south colorado and los alamos i dont know why ppl stick to dulce really, nothing to see there im prety sure.

Then you need some good common sense about all this , did you ever saw the germany documentory about the saucer trap in alscace i think near france a huge underground facility dating from nazi germany. If you have a few knowledge on historic siege battle you will find out several cities had numerous complex undeground system from century before us. Egyptian, roman, greek, even iraqi have or had some, just think about the bunker buster missile, they didnt create this name just to punchline it on fox.

So here we are in around new mexico and prety much covering all the united states, a vast complex underground system, thats no big deal really. What going on there is a mistery and probly should remain a mistery because if i know what going on and if you know whats going on then china know and South korea and you name your enemy nation here______.

[edit on 21-11-2006 by eagle eye]

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 03:04 PM
Thank you very much John !! I knew I could depend on you !!

(mods - please excuse this single post)

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
As far as showing you where "this stuff took place" I doubt whether we could get a visitor's pass into Dulce. I know I couldn't.


How about flight charts of New Mexico? Can you show us a Restricted Area on a flight chart that corrasponds to Dulce?

It's A well know fact of US law that Every Restricted Area MUST be clearly maked as such to be legally enforced. Assuming Dulce is as secret as you claim, surely the area around it is restricted, just as the Area surrounding Groom Lake is restricted. If you look at Any flight chart of Nevada, the Area immedatly surrounding Groom Lake is marked as Restricted! Can you find a map of New Mexico that shows where the Restricted Areas are and show us which one corrasponds to Dulce?


posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

As a matter of interest, go to Pearl and Hermes reef about 100 miles southeast of Midway Island and see if you can figure out why those beautiful reefs should be hidden from view. What is going on there?
I flew over these reefs at relatively low altitude many times during the Viet Nam conflict.

John, After reading your post I looked at the reefs for a while in google earth. I'm not sure what you're getting at when you said see if you can figure out why they should be hidden from view, and whats going on there
I was hoping you could share why they should be hidden, and what you believe is going on there.

This is a screen shot of the area I was looking at.

I notice on Sand Island which is about 100 miles west of Pearl and Hermes there is what appears to be an airfield, and a small harbor. Does this have something to do with what you're talking about? Thanks

Sand Island

[edit on 21-11-2006 by warpboost]

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:08 PM
I particularly find it humorous that people post at this site and believe that the topics we discuss here as in this thread come under any kind of governmental normalcy. I mean in the sense of having to respect any known government agency. If these operations ran by the rules then we would have proof and likely a good amount of it by now and that is exactly why they do not follow the rules: they seek to hide from our view.

Also, so many posts against the idea of Dulce but nobody has clearly said why?

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 08:26 PM
Originally posted by warpboost

John, After reading your post I looked at the reefs for a while in google earth. I'm not sure what you're getting at when you said see if you can figure out why they should be hidden from view, and whats going on there
I was hoping you could share why they should be hidden, and what you believe is going on there.

All I'm asking is why a beautiful atoll way out in the Pacific would be itentionally obscured. What is our government hiding out there?

I notice on Sand Island which is about 100 miles west of Pearl and Hermes there is what appears to be an airfield, and a small harbor. Does this have something to do with what you're talking about? Thanks

No, this doesn't have anything to do with what I am talking about but Sand Island, on which I spent many days during the Viet Nam war while ferrying airplanes to Viet Nam for the USAF under the 4440th (then 1st) Air Delivery Group, Langley, Va. is one of the 2 small islands that make up the Midway Island Group. Eastern is the other. Midway Islands have a long an interesting history having been discovered July 8, 1859 by Capt. N.C. Brooks of the Hawaiian barque Gambia. It was occupied by the Pacfic Mail Steamship Company, used as a cable station which was established there in 1906 and Pan American Airways used it as a refueling stop for its flying boats beginning in 1935. On February 14, 1941 it was made a national defense area by Executive Order of the President. In June, 1942 the Battle of Midway was fought there on Eastern Island. Sand Island was then developed for use by the Navy and during the Viet Nam war was occupied 3,500 people. It was used as an emergency field for both the SR-71, U-2 and other planes. It was a refueling stop for the 4440th Air Delivery Group. Eastern Island became an antenna farm (Loran and others) and its runways were closed. In 1978, the Navy downgraded Midway from a Naval Air Station to Naval Air Facility and personnel began leaving the island. It was designted a National Wildlife Refuge on April 22, 1988 and on September 10, 1993 was transfered to the US Department of Interior. The US Fish and Wildlife Service now manage the Midway Atoll Wildlife Refuge. The last contingent of Navy personnel left Midway on June 30, 1997. My last landing on Midway was in a DC-8 Feb 1, 1994 on my way to Johnston Island. Back on topic.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Ghost01

It's A well know fact of US law that Every Restricted Area MUST be clearly maked as such to be legally enforced. Assuming Dulce is as secret as you claim, surely the area around it is restricted, just as the Area surrounding Groom Lake is restricted.

You are correct Tim. And when I find that Dulce Base they are going to get a good talking to AND I will write my Congressman. Its just a disgrace what the secret government is getting away with these days but this tops it all! Imagine... a joint US/Alien base without proper markings. Its an outrage! Thanks for pointing this out Tim.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 08:45 PM
OK you people who are saying that dulce doesnt exist are ignorant, you probably dont even have the slightest clue of what's really going on out there, and you just think if the story sounds too unbelievable its not true. What makes you think you know everything for all we know it could be true or false, you dont know that for sure, that is why you just leave the idea open as a possibility instead of being close minded. Just use logic.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 08:55 PM
The Dulce base may be near Dulce but it's much too sensitive to have entrances at that location. Those pesky grey dudes have some good technology for building nice tunnels.

Dulce is just one of many facilities and is definitely not the largest. The facility off the coast of Cali is always growing in size. I think they prefer the offshore facilities now as it's much less hassle than having to be around population centers.

As far as the midway islands, it's probably just some more technological remnants of Atlantis. I don't think they'd put underwater bases that close to land.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

All I'm asking is why a beautiful atoll way out in the Pacific would be itentionally obscured. What is our government hiding out there?

Intentionally obscured? I'm not sure that I follow as it doesn't look obscured to me. Are you referring to the 2 square shaped areas that look somewhat blurred?

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 10:03 PM
These dome shaped objects were videotaped rising and descending by Paul Benewitz from the terrace of his home in the Four Hills section of Albuquerque which overlooked the highly restricted area within Kirtland AFB called the Manzano Weapons Storage Area (circa 1987).

Close up of dome shaped object:

On the back of the photo below written and signed by Paul Bennewitz:

U.S. Black Ship Delta-Front View. Maj.-now Col. Edwards escort foreground. Taken with Super 8 movie-copied from previewer with Canon. Propulsion whorls visible. Blue. Picture taken in Coyote Canyon-Manzano-Kirtland Base. (signed) Paul D. Bennewitz:

Closeup of Black Ship:

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 10:08 PM
Originally posted by warpboost

Intentionally obscured? I'm not sure that I follow as it doesn't look obscured to me. Are you referring to the 2 square shaped areas that look somewhat blurred?


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