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Anyone think women are taking over?

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posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 06:08 PM
You know the secret to seducing women that all the jerks and alpha males have figured out. Women don't actually like having to control their men or to be the one in charge. Here me out before you cut me off with some crazy feminist rant.

Women like to feel incontrol on the surface level, but want the protection and safety that the man brings. Women go gaga over a guy who will take them to their favorite place, but also knows when to put the foot down and keep her in her place once they start playing their womanly games. I know it sounds crazy but it's the psycological mechanism operating behind female seduction.

THey like to be spoiled a bit and then get a resolute NO when they try going to far. It's all some stupid test to them, but they will respect you for standing up for yourself and want to get in your pants. Women choose what guys they are going to sleep with by following this equation. They choose complete pushovers for marraige cause again that works best in their biological interest, she will still cheat on poindexter moneybags for the alpha male who gives her attention but on his terms.

So women aren't really in control. It's all a biological game. Infact neither sex is in control really.

Orangetom-you make some great points.

Strangely all the women I know who are financialy powerful (7 figure plus, boss) are more man like then women like. My boss is phsyically pretty hot, but she is respected for her mind, and she also doesn't have too many female friends through choice. She thinks they are all lame and small minded and squabeling. She respects men more suprisingly, and the female friends that she does have that are sucessfull too are good looking but feel that they have more in common even emotionally with men.

Now if women want to rule the world and dominate all men by prancing around in some hot leather outfit and a whip then I'm all for that. Come women and dominate me. JK

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 06:08 PM
friggen double posts

[edit on 13-12-2006 by BASSPLYR]

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 02:58 PM
Good post and good points on your part too. Unfortunately I must make haste off to work. 12 hour shifts for a while now. I just noticed your response on this thread but must shove off in haste. I will reply and add to your post when more time allowes.

Take care and thanks,

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 03:45 PM
Orangetom I always look forward to your posts. I wish I had more naval material to discuss but I'm still digesting alot of what was discused regarding it from earlier corespondances.

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 03:31 PM
Good points you have here of which I have had many confirmed ..not by men per se but by professional women.
As a professional woman has told me..she has far more problems of a petty undiciplined nature with the women working for her than the men. The men she can handle quickly but the women ..they can be something entirely different. In her office enviornment the women who use the social roles and entitlement mentality will stand out quickly and she will cut them off or get rid of them. She has learned that this type of woman will bring much more baggage than benifit in a work enviornment.

Yes you are correct ..most women not in a working enviornment dont want men for whom they have to be in charge. THey dont want men for whom they must carry the burden or have to teach them so. THey want their men ready made..not a project. In this manner they want a man they can respect...and they are quite correct. Or as NJE777 appropriately states..some subatance between his legs.

A man for which a woman can constantly get to jump through her hoops is not a man she will respect. THey will use them for her purposes but not one she finds attractive on a personal level. Nor a man who is constantly and obviously trying out for her approval trying out for the baseball team. "Try outs."

That is one of the things I find so disgusting about many of these dating type programs or games on the boob tube. Try outs!! THank God for a remote controller.

Women who are financially powerful..or self sufficient are like many men...the option they often lack is a partner who fulfills a sense of Peace and order in their lives. Stability..not financially but personally. Peace...not Piece. So many are stuck in the rut with Piece...and no Peace in thier lives.

It is a type of biological game..but one which is often undefined ..especially by males who never develope the communication skills or networks as do so many women. Women in positions of authority often like many men find themselves isolated from many other women and men by the "lonelyness and responsibilty of command" and all the baggage which goes with this responsibility. It can be a huge change switching back and forth to the command/responsibility structure and then back to the social structure for which so many women think is normal.
They find themselves having to think and be responsible like men. Many do not like it or take to it verses the "options" of what is taken for granted by many women practicing female socialization skills to make it through lifes hurdles. This is a huge quantum leap in responsibility for many women. I can admire a woman who can make his leap responsibly and then switch back when needed to female socialization skills..and then back to responsibility.
This is why many women who learn what this responsibility a gut level dont have much use or respect for other women. They now know the difference. This is not a concept you will find spoken about by the femminist movements. And certainly not for the education of the men. This is the ..lack of female friends by choice...of which you spoke.
They tend to outgrow much of that ...what I call.."Girl Stuff" or that "Girl religion" which is so pevalent among many. I salute the women who have learned this lesson.

NO I dont think many women like to be in this position when they are not working. They dont like the constant stress of which this type of occupational thinking requires...they prefer rest from this. Rest is another word for Peace. Men too like Rest from this when they are not working. It is just that in the social dont get as much of this rest the way it works out. No one thinks about rescueing them or flashdancing them from thier problems as is often built into the social roles. This too is not a thing spoken about in describing social roles.

Yes they like to be spoiled at times problem here..I just dont look foreward to it as a career opportunity..spoiling. It too is not restful or Peaceful. Yes that is what the social roles often degenerate into. It is a method of many women to weed out the weak males. I dont blame them for this. Im just not intrested in this process by many of them. Neither are they are not about to clue you into the facts of this. Like I said before ..women as a whole do not train a man the way they want just to lose them to the next woman. They tend not to invest in this manner. It is up to the male to pull his head out of his backside...a tall order for many males.

As to the social expectations...that is another topic and one we perhapsed will go into next.

Gotta shove off now..12 hours again tonight. Will be glad for the weekend to come around. Perhapsed I can enjoy some real Peace this weekend.

As to women in hot leather outfits...well....thats not really me. I expect more from a woman than this....much more.

After all..."Im worth it ..the other guys aren't." LOL LOL LOL!!


posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 10:21 AM
Digging this out of the trenches, but dang it.. I just hafta say that I think I've learned more about being female from you men than I ever did from other females!

originally posted by BassplyrWomen like to feel incontrol on the surface level, but want the protection and safety that the man brings. Women go gaga over a guy who will take them to their favorite place, but also knows when to put the foot down and keep her in her place once they start playing their womanly games. I know it sounds crazy but it's the psycological mechanism operating behind female seduction. that what it is?

Hrm. What womanly games do we play?

(that sounds so weird, I know.. I'm a chick who isn't really a 'chicky chick' so I honestly have no clue. IF I play the games, it's an unconscious thing. Thus, I wish to make myself consciously aware of them...)


..most women not in a working enviornment dont want men for whom they have to be in charge. THey dont want men for whom they must carry the burden or have to teach them so. THey want their men ready made..not a project. In this manner they want a man they can respect...and they are quite correct. Or as NJE777 appropriately states..some subatance between his legs.

I'd open this statement up more... It's not just in the work environment, but in general. If I'm going to be the one doing _all_ the work, why not just do it completely alone?

I have no problems carrying a burden of responsibility... so long as the burden on him is equal. I'm perfectly content being a 'housewife'... so long as he is capable, nay, WILLING to do other things that are necessary for the house.

Work place or home, the burdens must be equally (and actually) carried. Otherwise, what's the point?

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 02:37 AM
I'd open this statement up more... It's not just in the work environment, but in general. If I'm going to be the one doing _all_ the work, why not just do it completely alone?

I have no problems carrying a burden of responsibility... so long as the burden on him is equal. I'm perfectly content being a 'housewife'... so long as he is capable, nay, WILLING to do other things that are necessary for the house.

Work place or home, the burdens must be equally (and actually) carried. Otherwise, what's the point?

It has been awhile since I have even checked up on the Relationship board here on BTS. I was surprised to see your post here on this thread.

I should tell you that I dont believe in the concept of equality per se.

I dont believe at all in the concept of 50/50%. I think it is stupid.

I believe in 100/100% as equality.

I agree with you ..if I am going to be doing all the work why not do it alone. Well said.

As to the games mentioned by BASSPLAYR. THere are women out there of all ages who play them when the opportunity is needed. For some it is a lifestlye. This is how they survive.

However is not incumbent on the woman to make this plain. It is up to the males to grow up and pull thier heads out of their sport minded, oil shortage, ignorance in order to change the dimensions in which thier gray matter processes information. A very tall order for many men I must admit.

As I stated in the survival post on womens surviavl....I require a woman to look at me and see what is really missing from my life if she wants to stay round. How to fulfill that missing part as a career opportunity. Not just what she can get for her and her kids...if she has them. Just like my friend across the river.

And with that I am up in the middle of the night washing clothes...standing the night watch.


posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 12:58 PM

believe me you play those games. They are biologically hardwired into the brain. You are not aware of it but I bet plenty of men have observed it. Need not be from a sexual standpoint either.

Woman do all sorts of unconcious stuff to figure out whom they are attracted to as a mate. Men are supposed to, but not so much in america anymore, pass these basic tests so that they can be concidered for selection.

Women are doing what they are supposed to be doing, unfortunantly a lot of men have forgotten their rolls. Forgotten how to be men. Imagine how much better your life would be if there were real men around, like most of the men were real men and not some wimpy, lost excuse for a man. Wimpy mentally, not physically I'm saying. Men with integrity, confidence (I know the ladies like that), some perspective, perhaps a direction in life, and have the composure to still find humore in things. Doesn't sound bad for a boyfriend. Now look out the window and count how many men you know that are like that anymore. I bet you could count them all on one hand.

Some women get hung up on some parts of the game of selection and do end up as gold diggers. These ladies don't have the confidence to carry themselves, and will never live full lives, or be a woman that will get true respect from a man.

Fortunantly a good deal of women are learning how to care for themselves, partly because there are more woment out there as roll models for self sufficiency, and because of the lack of decent men around for women to pair with so that they can fall back on more traditional rolls, and I don't mean being in the kitchen, I mean acting as the nurturing patient side of humanity that heals, gives life, and brings tranquility.

But don't be coy with me and pretend that women don't have little tests and games that they play with men. I know what you're up to and what you're really like. Besides isn't that all that stuff called flirting and seduction anyways?

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 01:15 AM
a man is the head but the woman is the neck and she can turn the head anyway she wants

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 06:12 AM
stop this madness people for god sake

woman are like now the strong side
and we the guiz are more shy then them
gotta stop this):

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 04:25 AM
You're all insane. Women aren't more capable than men. Just look at almost every record that's ever been set. The majority of them are set by men, whether it be the richest, the strongest, the fastest, the smartest, the tallest, the best cooks, military figures, presidents, etc.

No, I don't think men are better or more capable on the whole, but I just had the reverse the sexism that was taking place in this thread. Men and women both have to do their things. Without either one, the world would be a much darker place. To me, we're both equally important, but in different ways. Yeah, there's been a little too much backlash from the blatantly male-dominated society of our past, and it does seem like certain things are trying to tip the scale the other way, but that doesn't make it so. On TV shows and in the media, men are portrayed badly, but that doesn't mean that "they" are "taking over."

And to the women who say that they "let men think that they're in control." All I can say is hey, whatever helps you sleep at night...

Balance! We need balance!

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:29 PM
Nature abhors a vaccuum. If men have abdicated their role as leaders, preferring rather the lazy route of irresponsibility, then women will step in (and have) to assume the open position of authority.
It's a sad commentary on our social structure that men want all the perks that go with being "in charge" but none of the responsibilities. Manly virtues: valor, righteousness, honesty, etc. have become bywords of derision among men.
As a single mom, I find myself in the position of having to be both the mother and the father, teaching my son how to be a man. Daddy is teaching him video games, comic book characters, dungeons and dragons, and the best deal on toys at Wal-Mart. I'm left trying to teach him how to deal with the bully on the school bus, what to do when his classmates make fun of him, etc. I also teach him archery, gun safety, survival tips (and thinking). All this in addition to being the nurturing, healing, calming influence in his life. Women were not meant to be both mother and father. Neither were men.
Men have a hard enough job/role in the world without women berating, belittling them for trying to fulfill their function but men have defaulted their position of manliness and have no one but themselves to blame.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by whitewave
Men have a hard enough job/role in the world without women berating, belittling them for trying to fulfill their function but men have defaulted their position of manliness and have no one but themselves to blame.

I think women need to stop going for stupid men. That's the issue here. There are plenty kind, hard working, honest men who would give up the world for their wives. You know what those men are? Single. And most of the time, their wife has their kids and half of their stuff. I've personally known women who almost seem like they seek out weak and immature men. Maybe it makes them feel better about themselves - it reinforces the ideal they got from somewhere that men are lazy, stupid or both, so they purposely find men like this and proceed to complain about them and all men. Society won't allow men to be men anymore, because it's now deemed sexist.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 04:56 PM
yea i just wanna hit my head in the wall girls always get jurks for boyfriends when there are so many rich,and nice lokin, hard working guiz who will do everything for theyr girl,and threat her liek a goddess,but noo she would still fall for some hunk that will dump her at the second week and broke her heart...and u know what a girl answered when i asked her why she continues to date jerks that dump her and treat her bad?"i know but im just like that" they just preffer guiz with confidence.fine by me go get that hot pozer that only talks allot...girls like are all gonna end in misery...
as for takign over....girls just got more confident,theyr not more strong...but man they started hitting harder then beffore

as confident and self centered they are..girls liek that aint going nowhere couse u cant just talk...u gotta do stuff....
woman cant control the world couse they hate each other

see two girls that are long time friends and one finds a boyfriends the other is gonna stole it just couse she wants to besides that she dont know if things are going to work out or is she really liking him...
now im not seing all girls are like that....i know some girls that are very good people,and we boys also have our bad stuff...and i dont wanna sound sexist but well just needed to lay of some steam

but someone on the forum was right....what girls want in a boy?they can tell u all day they want dude who listenes to them,makes them laught and all that BULL****...the dude sayd it right they lie.....they dont have the guts to say things like we do...that were sexualy atracted,as they are and they coment us more then even we do....ALL TRUE
kudos to u amigo

[edit on 1/4/07 by Unisol]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 05:32 PM
Being a very respected women, i do not think that we are taking over. In many ways i think we can succeed, but i think we are equal.
Even though it is cool when guys respect us! I feel like in many casses we do take over. but what about these wemen who
bow down to the husbands and treet them like kings! Some times i hink women came be slaves more than rulers! That is a really underthough post! U just mad it to my foe list. Not like u care.To tell u the truth i just wanted to put someone in there!

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 05:40 PM
no me?im sorry didnt want to sound like that its just that most of the girls i know are a nice guy and i treat everyone good...bad thing is not all people are good....

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 05:43 PM
no for reall sorry its just that when ur surrounded by bad people u start to think all are the same..i didnt come to be foe
i just wanna be friendly and talk about new planes and some interesting stuff so please exept my apology^^

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 07:29 PM
Ruuuuuuunnnnnnn!!! jk
she will get u

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 11:59 PM
Well said ...again. Well said!! I agree and have said so many times..

"What a dumb bunch of men out here." I agree men have no one to blame but themselves.

Is that what your ex teaches your games?? Good grief. Dont misunderstand me here. I am not against games but games are just games. They are not quite the real world. Sooner or later game time is over just like soon enough school is out. The real world can be a rough tough place.
A thinking parent teaches their childre to "Survive" by a process of both work and thinking and the morals that naturally extend from these talents/labors.
To "survive" not just play or play games.

By the way..Whitewave, A thinking and properly brought up child learns by process of time that this is in fact a parent loving them. By love I mean teaching them to survive for the day when the parent is no longer around to pick them up and wipe their noses for them. This is the face of true love for your child. Not just teaching them to play.

I salute you for this. It can be very diffucult at times but it is true love.
I liken it to a shepard tending to thier flock. It is a huge responsibility.

I know so many young and middle aged adults who are still out here playing. They dont have a pot to P----- in or a window to throw it out but they can play all week and on the weekend. I call them "high maintenance." Some of them have children of their own and are still playing and their children often pay the price for this. I dont agree with this lifestyle.

I am not at all intrested in a woman treating me like a king. That is useless to me. I can do that for myself. Women like this are as dumb as a man treating a woman like a queen. Talk about stupid.

I am looking for a woman who can treat me like a man. Not a king. A useful, smart, savy, intelligent woman looks at me and discerns what is missing from my life and weighs whether she can provide this for me as a career opportunity...with or without children. This to me is a woman who understands the concept of commitment. A dumb useless woman looks at me and what I own and figures out what she can get for herself and her kids..not what she needs to bring me. This type only understands the appearence of commitment. Understand the difference???
Which type do you think dominates the landscape out here among the wildlife??

However I will qualify this requirement by saying that it is clear to me that most men are way to stupid to think this through for themselves.
They would rather settle for sex and beauty than real potential from a woman.
'As Whitewave clearly states and I have clearly done this to themselves. This is how women are taking the natural stupidness of the male. Throw in some beauty and some sex and the average male is good for another 100,000 miles. Astonishing!!

I dont waste my time treating a woman like a goddess..or a queen for that matter. No intrest in it. That is to me just a "high maintenance woman"
Very overated. I dont live in fantasy land or cater to it. I treat a woman like a woman unless she shows me different.
See my post above to Foxyla dy. Same applys both ways...this is equality.

One more thing for both you and Foxyla dy...I am talking about women here...not girls. I do know some 40 and 50 year olde girls. They think and value just like pubescent girls. Its pitiful. Same thing I am refering to when I speak of men..not boys or guys. I know 40 and 50 year olde boys too.

I tend to agree with some of the premise in your post but also agree with Whitewave. It is a mans responsibility to be a man..not a womans responsibility. Many men have defaulted this role to the seduction of merchandizing to raise thier children and run thier households. They have defaulted!! A man needs to be smarter than this. Most are not.
The economic affluence of the social structure in which we live makes many a male and female think this struggle to survive different than what it actually is.
Once again ..Whitewave has expressed this concept appropriately but in a different manner than would I but appropriately none the less.

THanks to all for thier posts,

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 02:52 AM
true....i guess i was so sleepy i didnt know what i was typing

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