posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 12:42 AM
Originally posted by Diseria
The society is highly patriarchal. Has been, and hopefully it'll be equal, for every person no matter their skin color, heritage, genitalia, or
whatever category popular thought wants to shove individuals into.
Tell me you are joking about this. It doesnt make good nonsense to someone who can think things through further than the Gods of Hooters and
YOu know I was in the "Orange Place " earlier this week Home Depot. While in a couple of asiles looking up some plumbing I watched several couples
doing thier shopping. In most cases the men were taking directions from the woman with whom they were accompanied. This does not look like a
patriarical society. I looks like the men listen to thier women and take directions. Since most of the women were not paying for the purchases I can
further conclude that the woman and her opinions in most cases was the deciding factor. Not the men...the men are only dumb enough to earn the money.
Looked to me like the women determined how it was spent. This too does not look like a patriarical society.
The intresting thing on a personal level is that the woman I am seeing.....when she is accompanying me to this store...unless I am buying something
for her and her comfort levels/home...and paying for it..she is not intrested in accompanying me to this store.. Does this sound like a Partriarical
system. Or does it sound like a difference in commitment levels. Does it sound like commitment phobia?? How can this be?? Only males can be commitment
phobes?? Does it sound like equality?? HOw long do you think it took me to figure this out??
When I begin to see women paying for and supporting men as men have traditionally supported women I will consider the equality angle.
What I see women claiming as a patriarical society is a unequal social role attempting to pass itself off a Victimization when it is no such
When as a man you pull your head out of your backside and learn to look at the social roles and expectations...belief systems you see that no equality
is taking place. What is also not taking place is the patricarical society since the men are taking so much direction from thier women in how the
moneys are spent..not the other way around.
As stated in a previous post...when you see a seven to one disparity in floor space directed to womens products than mens products have to
ask yourself who is buying all this stuff to support such a variety of womens merchandize. Women dont earn as much as men ....correct??? Someone is
earning the money and then turning it over to someones discretion to spend...obviously. This is not is inequality happening to the
What a dummy the male is. He is paying for his own inequality.
Do you honestly think in a partriarcal society or a matriarcal society women will be dumb enough to pay for thier own inequality?? Women are far
smarter than this...not the men. I mean to tell you ..there is nothing dumber than the average male. Most of them cannot think past Hooters or the LA
Lakers in this arena.
The patriacal society is such a easy dogma to foist off on a ignorant male looking for female approval ratings..that it blocks out all other thinking
and consideration.
Yet when you go around most towns and citys..if you can think at all you see anything but that taking place. The women are directing the men in most
of the purchases...especially big ticket items. This is Matriarical ..not Patriarical.
Only the male can be this naturally dumb..not the female. They know better.