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Anyone think women are taking over?

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posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 09:45 PM
I think they are, and I think us men better come to realize and accept it. They are dominating school and I believe will soon hold the majority of top positions in buisness. Does anyone agree with me?

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 09:53 PM
My Fiancee is an AVID FEMINIST.

Please don't let her see this post.

As it is, I think she owns me.


posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 10:00 PM
What do ya mean taking over?

We have always had the control....we just gave you guys permission to think otherwise!!

In Peace Always

[edit on 15-11-2006 by resistancia]

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 02:05 AM

That makes sense....although now our permission to think otherwise is being thrown out the window!

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 06:02 PM
Equality is only right, but feminism is a load of bull#. If feminists had it there way we'd be licking there asses all day, thanking them for bringing us into this hell called the world. Women suck... hick

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by byhiniur
Equality is only right, but feminism is a load of bull#. If feminists had it there way we'd be licking there asses all day, thanking them for bringing us into this hell called the world. Women suck... hick

I dont necessarily agree with this. I think men stopped being men a long time ago. They like many women have become excellent consumers. They can no longer defend a mans position. THey no longer know enough or can think far enough.

And resintancia has a point. Certain male values have been by subtilty substituted with female values and expectations and males are dumb enough to think this is normal. No wonder a male can no longer defend a male position. With this non thinking the dummy can even be correct in his positoin and lose. Amazing.
This substitution without even being aware of it is how you get defaulted over automatically with a position or posture which is not even yours. This is also a definition of the body politic. Think this through carefully.

The women are not winning by their effort per se...they are winning by the natural stupidity and ignorance of the male. The women will take it anyway they can get it but it works better if the male remains dumb and defaults.
Today this is the standard fingerprint of how all "minoritys and victims" defaulting the system based on the ignorance of those they intend to allow them to play through. YOU will see this over and over and over.
This is also why they must use the courts. The courts are a automatic default against the public will.

Unrealized...tell me you are kidding about this!!??

By the way...Ashnoth...the females are dominating school...because the system is set up this way....for this purpose.
What is happening when school is out ..not in school. School is a cloistered enviornment and does not represent the real world outside. The military is very much like school..a cloistered enviornment...where what is actually happening can be hidden from the publics eyes. Schools and colleges same thing.


posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:45 AM
I wish I could edit my last post... some of it is stupid... my distrust of feminism is grounded in the way they seem to seek positive discrimination towards the female gender. Personally, I'd be happier with a good female PM than a rubbish male one.

Orangetom... some of what you say seems very insightful, but I don't see how the courts are an automatic default against the public will. The courts enforce public will sometimes by not punishing people for what they see as injust laws.

Schools are set up towards teaching to a female brain, thats why girls get better grades, although I think I'm right in saying that boys are continiuing to improve in the 'gender/grade war'.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 11:20 AM
Good question you have here about the courts and not one in which the average male or even the average female is wont to think through.

THe courts are a extension of the body politic and designed to reinforce this status...of the body politic.

Take the abortion issue. From the body politic and the courts this is a issue designed to bring in the womens vote at election time. It is a psychological pay off for votes.
THe Christian people are so dumb they constantly harp on the life issues. The politicians and courts dont care ..they are intrested in the votes for the benifit of the body politic and the biggest group of controllable, predictable, mallliable, gauranteed voters are women.
Women control where the moneys are spent in this country...they dont earn most of the money ..they just control where and how the moneys are spent. This means that the women are the deciding force in this country economically..which also means politically. Understand?? This is alot of political power. So their vote is the vote which counts in many of the election cycles ..especially the national elections. Watch carefully the news reports or the polls...the major question is always what are the women thinking and doing in this election. Not the men.

Hence politically an issue must go through to gaurantee the womens votes..this issue must be a common emotional issue with which most women will identify...sexuality. Hence birth control and abortion. This must be gauranteed to go through. The main avenue for this kind of issue to go through is not the legislatures but the courts. Understand now??

Remember what I said...women control where and how the moneys are spent ..not the men. The men only earn the moneys often at great risk to themselves and their lives. The men are second class citizens with their own earnings. I call this phenomonon "male disposability and expendability."
Yet women are the "victims " here?? Only public education can stupid a people down so far as to miss this angle. For public education you can substituted the words "television education."

But women are doing everything the men are doing and doing a better job of it...Right??

Or are they?? Will they become second class citizens in the manner men have historically done for thier familys?? Will women assume the roles of taking care of men in the manner men have done historically for women? I dont see this happening. Do you?

This is the angle which is never mentioned in these kinds of favor of more "female victimization."

The sad truth about it is that most men are way to dumb to think it through.
Why should they ...they have sports gods and Hooters to keep them fulfilled in their lives.

Sometimes there is nothing dumber to me than the average American Male. And many of the women know this. They are just not telling. Why would they when a entire system has been cultivated and created to allow them to play through??

This is what I mean when I say the average male is some kind of dumb.

The political and economic force in this country is women..not men. Men merely work and take risks with their lives to make it happen by default. Understand now?? THe investment is in male stupidity..hence the turn about even in public female dominance. Who finances public school cirriculum?? The body politic..understand now...they will not teach anything which will not benifit the body politic or put light on what they are doing or planning. The investment in public education is in ignorance..male and female favor of the body politic.

Remember something about is the ultimate femminine occupation. You can take credit for what you dont do and transfer blame to others for failures while not being seen. Politics is a tool by which you can hijack so much of a country by default. And the courts are often an extension of the body politic. Think this through carefully. Remember too the media is in on this phonyness as they shill for thier respective political partys. The media too are obviously an extension of the body politic....just like the courts. Remember this.


posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 11:28 AM
We must eradicate every woman so that future generations will know the freedom of not having them!!!!

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 01:07 PM
If they are taking over its probably more by clever design than it is anything else. I think though that there are some things that women are better at doing than men are, like organizing and planning. Unless of course your talking about a hunting or fishing trip or golfing or whatever it is a fellow might like to do. And not all women are like that but some just have knack for getting things done and wasting little time doing it. They can get it done while a man is dreading doing it.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:13 PM
We have had what men want and need since Adam and Eve. We arent 'taking over'... this isnt anything new hun.

We have always 'ran the show'. Mens egos just allow us to let men feel otherwise, as not to affect its fragile nature.

'P' = Power. Hard lesson to learn though, ouch!

Its been like that since Mary Magdeline and it will never change. If it did, we would revolve back to cave man and woman.

We, as woman, understand the immense power our Mother Earth and Father God blessed us with. We know our worth and wont tolerate being told otherwise any longer. We are now at one with it and stand up proud for it.

Its the fellas that just now noticing. I bet it makes life for men hell... us chicks with brains.

Sure angers some of them. Shew, my goodness.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:43 PM
Are we talking about relationships, schools, or business? What exactly are women taking over? If they are, I sure don't see it.

Since this is the relationship forum, I'll run with that. I think that if a woman is taking over a relationship in which you are involved, then that is a personal occurance and her behavior is not necessarily representative of all women. Much bitterness and resentment can be the result of overgeneralizations.

I had a dog that once bit me. If I decided that all dogs were capable only of aggression and nothing else, then I would set myself up to consistantly see signs of aggression in every dog. I could mistake running for chasing, playing for biting, and attentiveness for stalking. I could then deprive myself of good relationships with kind dogs and at the same time I could blame all my problems on that evil, plotting, aggressive race of animals.

That just isn't healthy.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Little One
We have had what men want and need since Adam and Eve. We arent 'taking over'... this isnt anything new hun.

Little lost me here??

Please elaborate on this.


posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by Burnt Offering
If they are taking over its probably more by clever design than it is anything else. I think though that there are some things that women are better at doing than men are, like organizing and planning. Unless of course your talking about a hunting or fishing trip or golfing or whatever it is a fellow might like to do. And not all women are like that but some just have knack for getting things done and wasting little time doing it. They can get it done while a man is dreading doing it.

I dont know if I agree with this all that much. Yes some men and women are more adept at certain tasks than others. I do know women who can do many of the difficult tasks that men do. Most of them it takes them a bit longer but they can most certainly do them. I can respect this kind of woman.

On the other hand I dont have much use for a man for whom when you put the sports page or the swimsuit edition in front of them the brainwave activity flatlines. I know many of them like this. Same with putting a television in front of them. Its like a fingerprint with predictable results.

I remember a absurdity which I was priveleged to watch one day. A friend of mine from work..I stopped by his house and he and another friend were working on his car. It began raining rather heavily. They quickly put up the tools and parts and went inside. He drew beer from a special keg he kept in a modified refrigerator with a tap mounted through the door. Low and behold the keg was empty. So my friend quickly removed the keg, put it in the back of his truck and ran down to the store and got another one to put in his fridge. I was left digesting what I had just witnessed with a big question mark of confusion floating over my head. Cant work on the car in the rain but can definitely go out in the rain and get another keg. To me this didnt make good nonsense.

I do agree it is more by cleaver design. Like I said the American male can be pretty dumb about many things.


posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by resistancia
What do ya mean taking over?

We have always had the control....we just gave you guys permission to think otherwise!!

or did the smart guys see you coming and prepare an environment where you could think you always had the control, and also believe you gave us permission to think otherwise?

Either way, you are right.

Women rule the world, because women have authority in the future. and what is in the future? future technologies, i'm sure.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 09:35 PM
The only way one may be dominated is to submit.

So, the question then becomes: have you submitted?

Equality is the best option. Maybe it seems that we're are 'taking over' because we're pushing for equality.

The society is highly patriarchal. Has been, and hopefully it'll be equal, for every person no matter their skin color, heritage, genitalia, or whatever category popular thought wants to shove individuals into.

We're all humans in the end.

Thus, we should all be treated humanely.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 09:45 PM
If women are taking over I'm all for it, as long as they are scantily clad while doing so.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
If women are taking over I'm all for it, as long as they are scantily clad while doing so.

True, but keep in mind there are some that should keep the layers on!! (men and women)

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Diseria

The society is highly patriarchal. Has been, and hopefully it'll be equal, for every person no matter their skin color, heritage, genitalia, or whatever category popular thought wants to shove individuals into.


Tell me you are joking about this. It doesnt make good nonsense to someone who can think things through further than the Gods of Hooters and Sports.

YOu know I was in the "Orange Place " earlier this week Home Depot. While in a couple of asiles looking up some plumbing I watched several couples doing thier shopping. In most cases the men were taking directions from the woman with whom they were accompanied. This does not look like a patriarical society. I looks like the men listen to thier women and take directions. Since most of the women were not paying for the purchases I can further conclude that the woman and her opinions in most cases was the deciding factor. Not the men...the men are only dumb enough to earn the money. Looked to me like the women determined how it was spent. This too does not look like a patriarical society.

The intresting thing on a personal level is that the woman I am seeing.....when she is accompanying me to this store...unless I am buying something for her and her comfort levels/home...and paying for it..she is not intrested in accompanying me to this store.. Does this sound like a Partriarical system. Or does it sound like a difference in commitment levels. Does it sound like commitment phobia?? How can this be?? Only males can be commitment phobes?? Does it sound like equality?? HOw long do you think it took me to figure this out??

When I begin to see women paying for and supporting men as men have traditionally supported women I will consider the equality angle.
What I see women claiming as a patriarical society is a unequal social role attempting to pass itself off a Victimization when it is no such thing.

When as a man you pull your head out of your backside and learn to look at the social roles and expectations...belief systems you see that no equality is taking place. What is also not taking place is the patricarical society since the men are taking so much direction from thier women in how the moneys are spent..not the other way around.
As stated in a previous post...when you see a seven to one disparity in floor space directed to womens products than mens products have to ask yourself who is buying all this stuff to support such a variety of womens merchandize. Women dont earn as much as men ....correct??? Someone is earning the money and then turning it over to someones discretion to spend...obviously. This is not is inequality happening to the male.
What a dummy the male is. He is paying for his own inequality.
Do you honestly think in a partriarcal society or a matriarcal society women will be dumb enough to pay for thier own inequality?? Women are far smarter than this...not the men. I mean to tell you ..there is nothing dumber than the average male. Most of them cannot think past Hooters or the LA Lakers in this arena.

The patriacal society is such a easy dogma to foist off on a ignorant male looking for female approval ratings..that it blocks out all other thinking and consideration.
Yet when you go around most towns and citys..if you can think at all you see anything but that taking place. The women are directing the men in most of the purchases...especially big ticket items. This is Matriarical ..not Patriarical.
Only the male can be this naturally dumb..not the female. They know better.


posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 05:39 PM
My fiancee still hasn't seen this thread.

I'm safe.

Oh no! I hear her coming!!

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