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Love is the Ticket

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posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 01:15 PM
Dude, that's where your entire philosophy is generated from, "Silent Hill”, I knew it was something like that. You then went on the internet and padded it, then came here to spew this crap!

I can see you've really gained a following of impressionable youngsters that are eating this ridiculous stuff up.

I will not continue to post here due to the fact that it will bump you to the top every time but I can see that love is the last thing on your mind.

By the way, the empty cross symbolizes that Christ lives.

I'll pray for you and all that are being drawn into your novelty of hatred.

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by jbondo
By the way, the empty cross symbolizes that Christ lives.

It's fairly telling when you rant through a whole post and then at the end you reveal why you are really upset. Hey, didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Besides, since you obviously don't believe what I am writing here, why do you need to post an empty post with no argument and no data?

Anyway, I appreciate your prayers. I'll try to do better on my end.

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 03:40 PM

Ancient Pueblo People or Ancestral Puebloans are preferred terms for the cultural group of people often known as Anasazi, the ancestors of the modern Pueblo peoples. The ancestral Puebloans were a prehistoric Native American culture centered around the present-day Four Corners area of the Southwest United States. Archaeologists still debate when a distinct culture emerged, but the current consensus, based on terminology defined by the Pecos Classification, suggests their emergence around 1200 B.C., the Basketmaker II Era.

Originally, Moses and Gathelos dispatched four boats from Amarna. One was lost at sea. The other three made it to America. One landed in Quebec, the other landed near the Gulf of Mexico and eventually migrated to Pueblo. This Pueblo Group from Amarna became the Anasazi indians. Native peoples all around there will tell you that the Anasazi were light-skinned and were not native peoples of the American First Nations. They were from the sea. In fact, they were: Egyptian, Greek, African (black) and Irish (white).

After the Pueblo Group landed and established the Basketmaker II period, their leader went evil, and began to sacrifice (again) to the volcano gods of sacrifice. Unfortunately they succeeded well in this, and a "gateway" was opened. A gateway to "Hell", or what would more correctly be called "A fourth-density STS planet of non-human makeup". They dug deep into and under the mesas and sacrificed children, as always happens when evil takes root and starts to seek evil acts.

And guess what? Deep under Chaco and the Pueblo area, this gate still exists and evil flows through it. The US military has a base down there and a paranormal team which works with this evil. It's always been on a need-to-know basis, but frankly, I think you all need to know.

The Anasazi died out because they brought great evil into the world, and upon themselves.

Early Basketmaker II Era
1200 BC to AD 50

Early Anasazi camped in the open or lived in caves seasonally. During this period, they began to cultivate gardens of maize (flint corn in particular) and squash, but no beans. They used manos and metates to grind corn, made baskets, but had no pottery.

Nomadic evidence is the only thing here prior to 1200 bc. After that there is a spontaneous rise of agriculture and cave dwellings.

This group brought the pithouse with them, not seen or used by nomads in America.

Pithouses were very common structures in the American Southwest during the early and middle periods of the Anasazi, Mogollon and Hohokam cultures, and were also found in cultures extending north and west of the Colorado plateau. The emergence of the pithouse marks the transition between a nomadic hunting-and-gathering livelihood and a settled agricultural way of life which also relied on wild plants and animals for food. Pithouse structures were probably the forerunners of the kivas built later in the Pueblo periods, and share many characteristics with them.

Anyway, I am posting all this to further the cause of free will. You see there is a horrible movie, based on (yes, another video game) called "Alone in the Dark". In this movie is much truth. The indians in the movie are actually the Anastazi. The location of the "Hell" as seen in the movie, is actually the Pueblos near Chaco. This gate still exists and all "Hell" is being held back at these gates.

Yes this movie sucks and yes it's painful to watch, but the underpinnings of the script are rooted in truth. Also, please understand that these are movies based off of video games. Video games are more evolved entertainment (participatory, multi-threaded) to television (sedentary, transmission-only) and they have to be dumbed down a lot, to retain the core idea. The core of this movie, describes a true situation which exists today.

Video games are the new television. People rarely recognize information shifts, but believe me, truth is much more palatable in a video game (or a poorly made movie) because it respects free will i.e. it's easy for people to disbelieve the truths presented. Free will of the individual is held very highly by the good side, whereas evil will rarely mention it, instead seeking to impose their own will.

[edit on 10-12-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 04:25 PM
Lot of interesting content here so I am now going to drop some questions to you SmallPeeps.

1. If Lincoln was a reincarnation of Jesus, then how the heck did he manage to become president? I've seen a lot of conspiracy videos that indicate that George Washington was a member of the illuminati. Yes, thats correct. There are videos that show him sitting down with his right arm raised analagous to one of the illuminati dark lords. I dont remember the name of this dark lord but the way Washington and this dark lord are positioned is the same along with their associated gestures. The overall point I am trying to make is that if our govt. was controlled by the illuminati from the time of Washington, then why would they ever allow any non-illuminati person to grace the status of president?

2. According to you, you like to live by love. Have you ever had a situation where someone who is not familiar with ascension and love concepts try to offend you? Did you sympathetic nervous system ever go off in an uncontrollable way in response to being offended?

3. You say that a few of your family members have experienced telepathy? Can you describe what telepathy feels like? Have you or your family mastered it yet?

4. I hope I dont offend you with what I describe next but its more of a question for me to understand from your perspective so here it goes: I am intrigued by the ideas of telepathy. With that said, I have also been studying a condition that is well known to many here known as Schizophrenia. Now I am not accusing you of schizophrenia but I was wondering if you can tell me if any of these symptoms can apply to telepathy based people:

Symptoms of schizophrenia:
Delusions of persecution - belief that others are plotting against you
Delusion of grandeur - Belief that person is extremely powerful, wealthy, and important
RANDOM voices in head
VISUAL hallucinations

Here are other additional symptoms:
GREATLY reduction in emotional response or complete lack of emotion.
Speech is slow and monotonous lacking normal vocal inflections or greatly reduced production of speech.
Avolition - inability to initiate or persist in even simple forms of goal-directed behaviros such as dressing, bathing, or engaging in social activities.

I only bring up these symptoms to try and understand whether schizophrenia is telepathy or whether these two conditions are completely different?

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by crijack
1. If Lincoln was a reincarnation of Jesus, then how the heck did he manage to become president?

why would they ever allow any non-illuminati person to grace the status of president?

This is a complex subject and I don't want to spend too much time on it. Really I am saying this kind of unprovable stuff to balance the whole message, either you believe or you don't. I am not in contact with anybody who can verify anything about Abraham Lincoln, so let's clear that up first.

But to answer your question, I am not surprised to know this information because Abe is an enigma. Now, many people will never accept the idea that Jesus could live lives as he wished and come to Earth and do as he wished, so right here, I am losing a lot of people, and gladly so.

The answer is, nobody can prevent the Amarna family (including Moses' son Jesus) from doing what they wish. Their purposes are noble, good and will result in a paradise Earth. Also, I have asked about some past presidents, Reagan, Carter, and was told that both of them were good men. I don't know who or what the Illuminati is, but I am sure that Bill Hicks was right when he said that the first thing the president gets shown after he wins the presidency, is a clear film of the JFK killing from a different angle. Then a guy with a cigar says, "Any questions?" ...Point is, some good men have been president. Ike was another. So was Ho Chi Minh, for that matter.

2. According to you, you like to live by love. Have you ever had a situation where someone who is not familiar with ascension and love concepts try to offend you? Did you sympathetic nervous system ever go off in an uncontrollable way in response to being offended?

Ha ha no. It's difficult to push me off-center by even direct insults and rudeness. Well, I wouldn't say NEVER, but it's very unlikely. I personally work at being patient, and most people do not ever hear words from my mouth which would make them uncomfortable or uneasy. Essentially, I am able to hypnotise people imperceptably just by talking to them. It's a skill anybody can learn. Just work at making people feel good and conflict will generally not happen much in your life, or so I have found.

3. You say that a few of your family members have experienced telepathy? Can you describe what telepathy feels like? Have you or your family mastered it yet?

I am sometimes able to read the mental pictures of my girlfriend and loved ones. I just turn my thoughts to theirs and will get a picture, say "banana split" and I'll say that and will be told that's what someone was thinking of. It's something which gets better with practice. I will be posting more on this subject soon, and if you want a headstart, go buy a book called "The Tutanhkamun Prophecies". ...or watch this space.

tell me if any of these symptoms can apply to telepathy based people:

Telepathy based people? Please explain this term.

I only bring up these symptoms to try and understand whether schizophrenia is telepathy or whether these two conditions are completely different?

I would say that it is not possible to tell. Surely schizo people will hear voices and perhaps they might attribute these to persons around them.

None of these symptoms apply to me, although I must attack some of these symptoms, in particular the "thinking others are out to get you" ...Fact of the matter is this: Everyone is out to get you. Lots of people are being controlled by their friends saying "Hey, come on now, we're your friends!" ...I have seen this happen, particularly within religious cults that are closed to outsiders. I'd like to know more about your experiences with schizoid folks and specifically, if someone said they could see the pictures in another person's head, how would you determine that they were not schizo?

Good questions! Happy to continue the dialogue.

[edit on 11-12-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 08:25 PM
I also have a few more additional questions as well as commentary to your previous remarks:

1. Do you need "love" in order to get telepathy?

2. How exactly do you increase your vibrations?

3. Are you familiar with a movie called "The Secret"?? Tell me if you agree with it or not? The basic idea is you create your reality through thoughts. Overall, I think it tries to promote you to be a peaceful, loving, and happy human being. Here is a preview

4. A time traveler that calls himself Emit Rekkert once came to another forum He talked alot about different changes in the future. But one quick preview that he gave us was that we would have a civil war in 2007 in the US. Can you confirm this from what you know?

I would say that it is not possible to tell. Surely schizo people will hear voices and perhaps they might attribute these to persons around them.

These voices dont come from others around them, according to them. They usually come from god, angels, or are internal that can torment them or be friendly to them. Sometimes they dont go away and other times they do. The voices usually call these people and these people can answer or choose to ignore them. I was mainly trying to compare schizophrenia and telepathy, thinking that they were the same. But obviously I was wrong in that regard.

None of these symptoms apply to me, although I must attack some of these symptoms, in particular the "thinking others are out to get you" ...Fact of the matter is this: Everyone is out to get you. Lots of people are being controlled by their friends saying "Hey, come on now, we're your friends!"

Fair enough. A lot of these schizos think that someone is out to get them (Govt) even though they have not contributed anything important that would warrent someone taking an active interest in their demise. I believe their paranoia is the result from excessive neurotransmitters in the brain that put them in that type of mode. I also believe that this disease is genetic in nature along with other environmental and internal factors that contribute. Is there anything that people can do to avoid diseases alltogether?

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by crijack
1. Do you need "love" in order to get telepathy?

Well yes and no. Evil persons who are telepaths, are able to shield themselves from the telepathic detection of good telepaths. One of the perceived drawbacks of goodness is its trusting nature. Evil's nature is deception and both good and evil telepaths work all around you, controlling society. Yes, love is the key to doing it, or gaining the ability. Love for others (good path), or love for yourself and seeing others as worthless (evil path).

Ask yourself: Why do I want a power? What would I do with it? How might my wish be granted and then used against me, as seen in every folk tale about such things?

2. How exactly do you increase your vibrations?

I don't spend a lot of time looking into anyone's mind. One's own mind should be enough. Yet I am sure I will have to practice this. I am somewhat resistant to any of this.

I am told that it's like weightlifting. If you pick up a heavy weight, and do it till it hurts, you'll build muscle. Same here.

3. Are you familiar with a movie called "The Secret"?? Tell me if you agree with it or not? The basic idea is you create your reality through thoughts. Overall, I think it tries to promote you to be a peaceful, loving, and happy human being. Here is a preview

The information is true to the extent of my understanding. Your emotions affect your reality. It's mostly in your voice and body language. I think I was distracted while watching it.

4. A time traveler that calls himself Emit Rekkert once came to another forum He talked alot about different changes in the future. But one quick preview that he gave us was that we would have a civil war in 2007 in the US. Can you confirm this from what you know?

Well, I have posted to the effect that yes I do believe there will be civil war or what have you. Not really interested in saying any more on that topic. Other posts contain my political views. Conflict in America is inevitable given the paradigmatic gap between leadership and led. I have made these views known elsewhere on ATS. No need to repeat myself.

These voices dont come from others around them, according to them. They usually come from god, angels, or are internal that can torment them or be friendly to them. Sometimes they dont go away and other times they do. The voices usually call these people and these people can answer or choose to ignore them

Obviously I am not sitting at my computer hearing voices, but if someone believes that I am fine with it. No, there is always someone else nearby to confirm what is happening. It is not something I do by myself when I get information from this channel. Furthermore, the emotional experience I described in my initial post, was witnessed by another person. But would it help to have them become a member of ATS? Nah.

I was mainly trying to compare schizophrenia and telepathy, thinking that they were the same. But obviously I was wrong in that regard.

Not wholly wrong. I have a friend who is a native american. He says when he sleeps in his bed, he can hear the thoughts of everyone in his apartment building. He can hear when the girl upstairs is thinking of her boyfriend, when the kids down the hall are getting beaten, etc. Now he also suffers from MPD/DID meaning he has more than one personality. So what can my response be when he tells me that he hears what people think or gets mental communication from people he sees on the street? Naturally we must all meet such persons for ourselves and decide for ourselves.

Just curious, have you ever been in a Lakota sweat lodge?

Fair enough. A lot of these schizos think that someone is out to get them (Govt) even though they have not contributed anything important that would warrent someone taking an active interest in their demise. I believe their paranoia is the result from excessive neurotransmitters in the brain that put them in that type of mode.

I have to wonder about your use of the term "these schizos" which indicates a polarization of us versus them. Yes, the brain can do some funny stuff when the chemicals are not right.

I also believe that this disease is genetic in nature along with other environmental and internal factors that contribute. Is there anything that people can do to avoid diseases alltogether?

Search for posts by ATS member soficrow. She has written extensively about mad cow disease. Other than that, the best thing you can do is cultivate love in your heart.

[edit on 11-12-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 11:40 AM

Just curious, have you ever been in a Lakota sweat lodge?

Naw never heard of it. What is it?

I have to wonder about your use of the term "these schizos" which indicates a polarization of us versus them. Yes, the brain can do some funny stuff when the chemicals are not right.

Yea your right. I did rashly polarize the groups. I gota work on being more centered.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 11:43 AM
I also want to add...

You say we should cultivate pure love for us, family and strangers. But if you love the strangers around you, how will you react when you hear about them suffering? That would bring stress and pain to you. How do you reconcile two such issues? I think thats one reason why a large % of humanity doesnt love strangers because we will get hurt when they get hurt.

[edit on 12-12-2006 by crijack]

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by crijack

Just curious, have you ever been in a Lakota sweat lodge?

Naw never heard of it. What is it?

The Lakota people are native Americans generally located in the Eastern US, but the Lakota mythology is one of peace and the rituals are practiced by all tribes nationwide. In fact, although a lot of historians talk about Lakota indians, there is a larger participation in the Lakota rituals by natives all across the US territories as these rituals are generally known as the way of peace and also are Lakota songs sung by other tribes.

I mention this because I'm going to talk more about the Lakota way later. I just wanted to see if you've ever been in a sweat lodge. It's a very interesting experience.

I also want to add...

You say we should cultivate pure love for us, family and strangers. But if you love the strangers around you, how will you react when you hear about them suffering? That would bring stress and pain to you. How do you reconcile two such issues? I think thats one reason why a large % of humanity doesnt love strangers because we will get hurt when they get hurt.

Now, I didn't say "strangers", I said "fellowman". Obviously if we come to know some one, they are no longer a stranger, but they aren't family, so they are our "neighbor" or "fellowman".

The RA material refers to "selves" and "otherselves" when talking about us and people around us. Your question seems to be, "Isn't it painful when otherselves suffer?" ...The answer of course is yes. When we love someone we take a risk of seeing them suffer or even losing them outright. That is the risk of love, but it is always worth it. What parent when they look at their tiny baby, doesn't have nightmares about the child suffering some hurt or trial? This is the nature of humans. We are aware of other people's emotions, unless we actively shut them out. Shutting them out isn't the answer. Coming to terms with human emotions, and the flesh which activates them, is.

[edit on 13-12-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

The Lakota people are native Americans generally located in the Eastern US, but the Lakota mythology is one of peace and the rituals are practiced by all tribes nationwide. In fact, although a lot of historians talk about Lakota indians, there is a larger participation in the Lakota rituals by natives all across the US territories as these rituals are generally known as the way of peace and also are Lakota songs sung by other tribes.

I mention this because I'm going to talk more about the Lakota way later. I just wanted to see if you've ever been in a sweat lodge. It's a very interesting experience.

Smallpeeps, not sure if i understand this cause there seems to be a big element of making matters more complicated than it really needs to be. How does this ritual differ from any other "ritual" involving meditation and healing?


posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 04:35 AM
smallpeeps you mention the ra material, kinda funny considering that my friend just told me about that 2 days ago and I'm going to read it soon. He was referred to it by his gf's father who I also know, and he apparently has been abducted before and can leave his body at will. I want to have a sit down with him soon. I will fill you in on any interesting comments that he makes and post anything of interest.

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by tomra
Smallpeeps, not sure if i understand this cause there seems to be a big element of making matters more complicated than it really needs to be. How does this ritual differ from any other "ritual" involving meditation and healing?

Excellent observation tomra.

There is nothing at all wrong with ritual. In fact, such regular repetition of action is beneficial to the human mind. We ritually clean our bodies in a ritual way, we ritually towel our bodies in the same pattern. All of this serves to remind us that there is a meaning to our actions. So many rituals involve "purification" or cleansing, don't they?

The content and intent of the ritual is what matters. I have described and shown evil rituals. These would be rituals which serve violate the personal ethics in each human heart present. Alone, these people would not murder a child (whom they may see as causing temptation, i.e. 'demonic'), but in a group, they are able to divide the guilt into small, digestible portions and this allows them to commit an organized evil, thinking that they are 'cleansing' themselves and their group.

Now I will talk about rituals with good intent, also designed to cleanse.

If you talk to any Lakota spiritual leader they will tell you about a woman called White Buffalo Calf Woman. Long ago, or so it is said, two Sioux indian brothers encountered the most beautiful woman they'd ever seen. An indian squaw beautiful like none other.

One brother looked at her as property, and he said to his brother, "She is beautiful. Let's go take her." And he walked off toward the woman. The other brother stayed where he was, not acting rashly. He watched as his brother went to the woman and placed his arm around her. A cloud of smoke enveloped them and when it subsided, the woman stood alone with the man's bones next to her.

The remaining scout was frightened, and began to draw his bow, but the woman beckoned him forward, telling him that no harm would come to him.

As the woman was fluent in Lakota, the young man decided she was one of his tribe, and came forward. When he arrived, she pointed to a spot on the ground where the other scout's bare bones lay. She explained that the Crazy Buffalo had compelled the man to desire her, and she had annihilated him.

White Buffalo Calf Woman instructed the brave to return to his tribe and prepare for her reception where she would instruct them. Wikipedia continues:

The woman's name was Ptesan­Wi which translated White Buffalo Calf Woman. She taught the Lakotas many sacred rituals and gave them the chununpa or sacred pipe which is the holiest of all worship symbols. After teaching the people and giving them her gifts, PtesanWi left them promising to return.

Later, the story became attributed to the goddess Wohpe, also know as Whope, or Wope.

When Roman Catholic missionaries first came among the Lakota, their stories of the Virgin Mary and Jesus became associated with the legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman. The syncretic practice of identifying Mary with PtesanWi and Jesus with the chununpa continues among Lakota Christians to this day.

Read more about the Lakota dieties here. Did you notice the indian name of White Buffalo Calf Woman? It's "Ptesan-Wi". Now let's read a little more about Wi and who he is:

In Lakota mythology, Wi is one of the most supreme gods. He is a solar deity, and is associated with the American Bison. He is the father of Whope.

Anyway, although I have discussed only one of the Seven Sacred Rituals given by Ptesan-Wi, namely, the sweat lodge, there are others and they are all designed to enrich the human spirit, and therefore the human itself.

Now I am going to tell you something which has never been said anywhere.

I mentioned Sitamun before, and here is her scultpture, sculpted from stone by her father, Moses. In fact, Sitamun is just a nickname and her given name was Setepenre so I labelled this sculpture wrong, as it technically is not the historical Sitamun's actual face.

In fact, Sitamun was Solomon's daughter. But this woman was reborn as Akenaten and Nefertiti's final child, the baby, Setepenre. The face seen here, is that girl.

This same girl, was part of the Pueblo Group which was dispatched from Amarna as mentioned. She left her beloved father, mother and sisters, and sailed to America. Upon her arrival, she married a native and had a daughter. This daughter, was White Buffalo Calf Woman.

The whole of the Lakota religion, has its origins in Amarna egypt. Whope (White Buffalo Calf Woman), is and was, the daughter of Moses. Once this truth is researched and known, there will be a transformation in America.

[edit on 14-12-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by bluesteel
smallpeeps you mention the ra material, kinda funny considering that my friend just told me about that 2 days ago and I'm going to read it soon. He was referred to it by his gf's father who I also know, and he apparently has been abducted before and can leave his body at will. I want to have a sit down with him soon. I will fill you in on any interesting comments that he makes and post anything of interest.

Yes, the RA material is quite a piece of work. One could spend a long time reading it.

It's interesting that you mention your friend's-girlfriends-grandpa being able to project himself out of his body (astral travel?) and also his having been abducted. I am told that nobody of Earthly birth can avoid being abducted. We are all abducted at the whim of whomever watches us. Abductions for some are painful (actually I think most are painful) but a lot of them are not remembered or not realized by the person (like me I guess). Our souls are valued, as are our experiences. This is different from getting an 'alien implant' which is the same as selling your soul, or so I am told.

BTW bluesteel, I wanted to tell you that I asked again about Bono, and had gotten it wrong. He's a good person, as is all of the band U2. Some artists have sold their souls and others have not. I'm not going to comment on this but wanted to clarify regarding Bono, cause I've always liked him and had misunderstood the answer. That 9/11 thing at the Super Bowl was awesome. Anyway, just wanted to clear that up.

[edit on 15-12-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 04:54 AM
smallpeeps, I believe it was iron septor who asked about bono, but yes its good that you clarified that because I wondered about him after he was brought up. As for the man I know, my friend said that when he got abducted, they were benevolent beings. And he was on a table of some sort. Also he mentioned that they did some strange procedure on him, but it felt like a cool sensation and he didn't feel pain. They also communicated with him in his mind thru thought. Hopefully I get the chance to see him personally and talk about certain things. From what my friend has told me, he can keep you captivated for hours. And if it wasn't for this man who told this to my friend. I coudn't have conversations with my friend about this stuff without being made front of. Now he is like many who believe and are searching for truth and love.

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by bluesteel
smallpeeps, I believe it was iron septor who asked about bono, but yes its good that you clarified that because I wondered about him after he was brought up.

Yeah, it was Iron_Scepter. U2 are not bad guys and have not sold their souls for success. I think I had confused "BONO" with "YOKO" who has sold her soul. This fact surprises no one of course.

As for the man I know, my friend said that when he got abducted, they were benevolent beings. And he was on a table of some sort. Also he mentioned that they did some strange procedure on him, but it felt like a cool sensation and he didn't feel pain. They also communicated with him in his mind thru thought.

I am a bit shaken to think that I have been abducted. But then I realize that we are like babies compared to them. Still, I have asked, "Some people do not sell their souls and yet they still do experience pain when they are abducted. Why is this?" and I was not allowed to know. So this does bother me, namely, why do some people who have not bound themselves to evil, suffer during their abduction?

The truth of the matter, based on what I have read so far, is that alien abduction is painful for most people. The gummint has alien tech and they harrass people with it but I don't know much about how or why. I do know that people who keep their hearts pure and who do not make deals for power, are generally not able to be harrassed but this area remains clouded to me. I really don't care about aliens anyway because being human is fascination enough.

posted on Dec, 16 2006 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

I am a bit shaken to think that I have been abducted. But then I realize that we are like babies compared to them. Still, I have asked, "Some people do not sell their souls and yet they still do experience pain when they are abducted. Why is this?" and I was not allowed to know. So this does bother me, namely, why do some people who have not bound themselves to evil, suffer during their abduction?

The truth of the matter, based on what I have read so far, is that alien abduction is painful for most people. The gummint has alien tech and they harrass people with it but I don't know much about how or why. I do know that people who keep their hearts pure and who do not make deals for power, are generally not able to be harrassed but this area remains clouded to me. I really don't care about aliens anyway because being human is fascination enough.

I have no recollection of beeing abducted either and i hope i never will. I�m you think your sources ment that "everyone ARE beeing abducted" or "everyone CAN be abducted"?

As far as the pain goes...sometimes it�s very painful going to the doctor too. I�ve had surgery once and it was not a very nice experience although the end result was good, they fixed something that needed to be fixed. Going to the dentist scare the crap out of me too although i do know it�s a very good thing. If i didn�t know it would be a very traumatic experience.

Somehow it feels like that even the RA material as comprehensive as it appears only covers small bits and pieces of the entire picture. Most of it is not relevant for our lives anyway. Taking care of fellow man is

posted on Dec, 16 2006 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by tomra
I have no recollection of beeing abducted either and i hope i never will. I�m you think your sources ment that "everyone ARE beeing abducted" or "everyone CAN be abducted"?

Both. We can be, and we are. I don't know how or why. I simply asked and the answer was yes. I remember nothing and seem to be special in some way in this regard. I saw that movie "Fire in the Sky" and was freaked out by that. If that were me, climbing inside the ship and putting my hand in goo, I'd be pretty down on the whole idea of aliens. As it stands right now, I personally see the majority of all alien interaction as evil and harmful to the recipient. I am in no way saying that ET are our friends. I am saying that Moses and his family are friends of humanity (revealed to me as originally of the annunaki race prior to their incarnation cycle), but I don't know about anybody else.

Somehow it feels like that even the RA material as comprehensive as it appears only covers small bits and pieces of the entire picture. Most of it is not relevant for our lives anyway. Taking care of fellow man is

No document can contain the whole of a multidimensional universe explained, but yes, I do hear you. There's not too much advice along any lines which might violate free will. Every choice which a person makes must be motivated by their volitional will, and so free will must always be preserved. I am certain this rule is paramount with any forces of good, spacebound or otherwise. Call it the prime directive or what have you. I am comfortable that we can hold aliens to it, and if they violate free will, there will be penalties for them in some way.

Anyway, The RA material explains something about who we are. In the final analysis, our relationship to "otherselves" is the most important thing.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 09:04 AM
Not much has changed, still on course.

It is amazing how stable ATS has been in these years.

I have learned a lot. This thread is true but as you can see, it is meant to rest until conjured up from the depths. But a friend of mine told me to drop a quarter into the old ATS machine for retro kicks.

So yeah, what more is there to say? Love is the ticket, maybe we get a bungee-cord up to a spaceship or to heaven, when the SHTF, but if not, then just go with it. No fear.

If anyone has any questions for me, ask away.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 09:45 AM
Cool reading, but I got a few problems with some of it.

1. 51% of my time showing love to others? My plan in what might be the very last years we live on this planet, is trying to hand out as much love as I can, I'm not gonna try "filling a quota". I believe that trying our very best is the the only thing we can do, and being sincere about it is the only real love. I will not be able to use 51% of my life loving everybody, and I know this with myself. Therefor, I don't see where I can go wrong with trying my best.

2. I am in no need of being picked up by a space ship anyway, I am grateful for the life I have been allowed to experience. If our mother deems it fit to rid us from her skin, that is the way it must be.

3. You kind off contradict yourself, making me question your motives for writing this. You write "oooh what pain is in store for those who live selfish and harmful lives" and then go on to say that creatures will bite peoples heads off...I'm not trying to be funny here, but I would deem myself lucky if I got to die instantaneous in a situation like this.

Anyway, your message is simple and true in every way; Love people, spread love, and love yourself. It's just that I believe sincere love is the only answer anyway, and it has no number or quota.

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