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Love is the Ticket

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posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 01:27 PM
Well, I can't figure out a good way to post this, so I am going to simply say it.

First off, anybody who knows me here knows I'm consistent at least. I promise you 100% that what I am saying here is true to the best of my knowledge. So yeah, well, you can search for my posts (or click on my name) and see what I've written in almost two years on ATS. My bio and a few other posts get pretty personal so I've got no problem sharing the events of my life. I do this because it might help others. Generally I was raised as a JW but figured out that church is evil and left at age 23 or so. I am now 33 years old. Oh, and I guess it won't hurt if I tell you my real name, Joshua.

Anyway about four months ago, I began to have communication with the other side. I am referring to the world of the dead or whatever you want to call it. I cannot describe the method used. I now know a few key people are watching me very closely and in fact, I am walking a tightrope by writing this here. I do not wish to open any doors for evil by giving out data that is specific or which violates free will.

My opinions and beliefs have changed utterly and profoundly due to my contact. In particular, when I was recently in communication with a powerful spirit from the past, I said to her, "You know, I bet that one of the best feelings God gets to feel, is the feeling of relief and healing when a hurt entity is healed." ...One month after this I was allowed to "heal" a damaged soul and promote this soul to a more heavenly place (don't ask how) and IMMEDIATELY I was overwhlemed with the most pleasurable and powerful emotional rush I have ever felt. Tears welled in my eyes and I felt gratitude and love for God like I have never felt. It wasn't healing for myself I was weeping for, but rather the person/soul who I healed. I could not have stopped the tears and didn't want to. After about sixty seconds of this wave moving through me, I felt satisfied and content like never before. Later, my otherworldly ladyfriend referred to this experience which I had felt as "the emotional release of the healed soul". I had asked to feel it, and my wish had been granted. At this point, I knew there was no going back.

I now know some truth of our situation on Earth here and I am going to share it here for discussion in this thread. I know this will affect my credibility on ATS somewhat but I see people like sleeper (his story is true and this was confirmed by my 'friends' in the afterlife) and John Lear place themselves on the line, then so must I.

I am utterly serious about this post, its content, and the things I am saying here. There is a battle against evil and good being fought and it is about to be kicked into high gear. I hope you will look in your hearts and meditate on my words here to see if they are true.

I am going to start with a couple very simple truths, many of which I never would have believed, but which I can no longer deny. I know know the following facts to be true:

1: The rapture is real.

I know, I can't believe it either, but what's going to happen (less than ten years?) is that ET sightings and phenomena will increase substantially, and then some folks will be magicked up onto spaceships. I know it sounds nuts and I am still resistant to this idea of getting miracled up onto a ship while I am forced to watch the mayhem below, but now I know this is my destiny (unless I screw up royally). I asked, "Will we be able to help those 'left behind'?" and the answer was yes. I asked "Will we be able to descend back to Earth and the answer was "It is not permitted" at least until the final show is over. This idea still makes me sick. Don't ask me to answer questions about dispensationalism because I am still learning about this. I hate the idea of a rapture but I have to get used to it.

2: You must immediately begin showing love to others to get a ticket up.

Simply put, you must spend 51% or more of your time showing direct and selfless love to others if you want a ticket off the planet. You cannot do this in a half-hearted way. It was shown to me that roughly 90% of the people on Earth will be "left behind" and that means lots and lots of Christians. One out of ten. This means that whatever those people are doing is not motivated by love, and they will not escape. Belief in Jesus won't help because during the rapture, Christ will return (the sexless power-hungry fake-Christ of the church) and will fight on the side of the believers. In fact, both the Christ who fights and the evil he fights are all manufactured to produce full emotional response in humans. This Christ who comes will also raise people from the dead so as to fully appear to be who he claims to be. If you believed in Christ but get left behind when people start disappearing, you weren't really living in Christ's example of love. You'll also be wrong to believe in the Christ who shows up and starts fighting evil because he's not the real one and his actions are part of the pagentry. It's ironically funny that the Christians get to suffer so much in this scenario but they are the ones claiming to show love but actually failing massively at that so the punishment will fit. The real Jesus comes down after the battle is over and those left behind are dead and gone to other rebirths in other places. Earth will then be transformed gloriously into a paradise world as has always been planned.

3: You DO NOT want to be down here when it happens.

Frankly, I get sick when I ask questions about this but suffice to say that it will be the most horrific event imaginable. Essentially the ET personages who control Earth are harvesting us either towards love for self or love for others. If we refuse to show love (most of us are selfish) then we will get the opposite, which is isolation (and pain). And oooh what pain is in store for those who live selfish and harmful lives. Literally there will be fifteen foot tall "Battlefield Earth" type creatures walking around and biting people's heads off. It shouldn't surprise you that there are also ETs who feed off pain and these beings are getting out their seat cushions and binoculars for the final meatgrinder.

...So now that I have lost half of the people who thought I was sane, I will end this post. And yes I'll be happy to add to it if anyone has questions. No, I will not describe the methods used. Most of the numbers above come from The RA Material published by L/L Research and available for download at this link:

The point is this: You must urgently and immediately commence loving behavior with those around you. You must show unconditional love for people you interact with and it must be free from hidden motives for self. If you do not have a ticket up, this is the only way to get one.

[edit on 15-11-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 01:47 PM
I think that we should show love towards all regardless of what is going to happen. I also believe that telling people that love is the way to salvation in such a manner as you did will bring some people to try it only because they are selfish and don't want to be stuck here. Me on the other hand, I've been telling people that love is the way, and I do love. ( I just thought I would come back and make it clear that I am not calling you selfish or saying that you don't love. I was referring to those that would do it only to save themselves)

I'm also not concerned about what happens to me, I want to help Earth. If I'm here for it then I'm still going to do what I have planned now, if I'm not then I'll figure out something then. I don't care what happens to my body, I'm not going to just let somebody destroy it, but preserving it's existence isn't my top priority. So I guess you can tell whatever or whoever you've been talking to, that as long as they are true beings of love and light I'm on their side. I am here for a reason, one that has not played out yet, and hopefully it will set the people free.

Peace and love,


[edit on 15/11/2006 by 7Pan7cho7]

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 01:56 PM
Hi there...

very interesting read... I actually enjoyed it.... it was a nice spin on the "Rapture" as the bible states it will happen.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 02:11 PM
I for some reason feel the same way.
I never stop loving even after being beat down by everyday life.
I feel it's against my grain and therfore I cannot hate.
I cannot lie, I cannot cheat or anything that is against good for some reason.
I'm not a church person, I beleive in a greater being though.
Be it God or otherwise.
I always have ever since childhood.
Whether or not I get a ticket, does not matter.
I would rather see the safety of others first. (Maybe my mission in this life)
I would gladly give up my ticket to save others.
Thanks for the post.

[edit on 15-11-2006 by Diego]

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7
I think that we should show love towards all regardless of what is going to happen. I also believe that telling people that love is the way to salvation in such a manner as you did will bring some people to try it only because they are selfish and don't want to be stuck here.

Hopefully people dont need to be told to be selfless and love each other, i'm sure peoples love for each other and selflessness comes as a natural thing, other than a cheap attempt to move on to better.

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7
I'm also not concerned about what happens to me, I want to help Earth. If I'm here for it then I'm still going to do what I have planned now, if I'm not then I'll figure out something then.

There arent alot of people like you. (That I know.) That seem really passionate about doing good, not caring about the result to yourself.

[edit on 11/14/06 by thixotrophy]

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 02:26 PM
smallpeeps, thanks, interesting read! Surely you understand that the message you bring, if true, cannot be told?! Love_ish behavior is not a button you push, it comes from evolvement and "soul maturing", so forth it´s actually kinda pointless to

Still interesting read and although i get the gist of it i´m not too sure about the "battlefield earth" scenario although if they planned to make a sequel i truly believe it would bring havoc to the world

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
The point is this: You must urgently and immediately commence loving behavior with those around you. You must show unconditional love for people you interact with and it must be free from hidden motives for self.

What does unconditional Love actually mean?
How do we do this?
How long would it take?
How long do we have?
Are there conditions?
Is it open to all? any exclusions?
Can you give any examples of unconditional love, perhaps from your own experience? or whatever you can.

I ask because as you point out, many already think they are doing this and they are not. I thought I was pretty clean of spirit. I have been shown that I am not but I have a "knowing" of some things that are very sudden and very strange in terms of how powerful the feeling and knowledge is and the immediate impact. Your story interests me.

I hate how everyone bandies around this word "Love" like we all know what it is. I may join you in looking insane or stupid here, but I haven't got a clue what it means to love unconditionally, only what it feels like and it isn't a feeling that comes around that often. I am working on it but every other human I meet or talk to seems to know who or what God is, what Love is and I'm not buying any of it. I think people are fooling themselves, I have been for a loooooong time. I'm tired of sleeping.

[edit on 15/11/06 by Prote]

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 02:32 PM
And if that's the criterion, I think 90% is way too conservative. Maybe 99.999% would be closer. I mean, we're talking love, right? You think 10% of the planet can muster up Christ-like unselfish STO love for everyone they encounter?
It's a good day for me if I'm not having to suppress an urge to strangle 75% of the people I encounter.

I'm not going to call anyone crazy. I don't have the credentials to make that call. But here's my .02 (and I could be very wrong): Whenever anyone has a fantastic relevatory story, but can't divulge details because of veiled threats they may be under, or promises to the source to not divulge too much, or they're being watched, or whatever - I can't give it much credence. I just can't. Extraordinary claims and all...I'm sure you understand. But it was interesting and I appreciate your sharing.

I mean, I don't intentionally hurt anyone, or cause any grief intentionally. But love? Sorry, my capacity for love is reserved for a very select few. Guess I'll be left behind.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 02:36 PM
Infinite Love is the only truth, everything else is illusion, as David Icke so eloquently put it.

Love permates All There Is, and once a mind is evolved enough, they will see just how without Love, nothing would exist. Love is the ticket, but once you understand this, you wont have to love out of will love to love.

Love and Fear are opposites. If you love because you fear the consequences of not loving, that is not Love. That is FEAR. Love does not fear, love loves. You are right though, LOVE IS THE TICKET. THE TICKET TO A BETTER WORLD.

And, of course, it isnt "I love you if what you are is acceptable to me", love is loving those you supposedly "hate", love is giving up your life to save another, love does not get jealous, it does not possess, and it certainly doesnt seek to seeks to set free.

When you can feel the pain of others as if it was your self, that my friends is LOVE.

When you can feel the happiness of others as if it was your self, that is LOVE.

When you understand that Love is Creator God in manifest, and that without the Love of the Creator there could be no existence, then you will truly understand what LOVE is.

Namaste Adonai, my friends. Peace be upon you.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 02:46 PM
OK John Lennon, lets think realistically shall we? You will never have a Utopian love society as long as there are many different countries competing against each other. The 1st thing the world needs is one world united... imagine no borders. The next thing you gotta do is get rid of religion. Once that is achieved then we can start talking about contact.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 03:02 PM
I agree with Techsnow, love can't be
pasted into a religeous belief and be
used as a passport.

Dump borders, religeon, race and
sexes, then we may have a chance.

I also agree with Diego, I'm the same
sort of person.
So it looks like me and you in the trenches

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 03:18 PM
Why does it matter if there are borders, religion? You see what you choose to see. If you choose to see borders, then there will be borders no matter what. You can take away every country there is, but sooner or later people will be from the Americas, or from the big Island, or the East. We choose borders, we choose to see division, there are no borders, there is no religion. It's only what we perceive is there.

If you truly wish to rid the world of borders and religion, you must first stop thinking in terms of mine and theirs, and begin thinking in terms of ours. I see all people as being from Earth, and everything that is in existence was/is created from the same love that we see all around us everyday but choose to ignore.

Stop looking for borders and there shall be none.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 03:23 PM
My sentiments exactly.

Originally posted by LightWorker13
Infinite Love is the only truth, everything else is illusion, as David Icke so eloquently put it.

Love permates All There Is, and once a mind is evolved enough, they will see just how without Love, nothing would exist. Love is the ticket, but once you understand this, you wont have to love out of will love to love.

Love and Fear are opposites. If you love because you fear the consequences of not loving, that is not Love. That is FEAR. Love does not fear, love loves. You are right though, LOVE IS THE TICKET. THE TICKET TO A BETTER WORLD.

And, of course, it isnt "I love you if what you are is acceptable to me", love is loving those you supposedly "hate", love is giving up your life to save another, love does not get jealous, it does not possess, and it certainly doesnt seek to seeks to set free.

When you can feel the pain of others as if it was your self, that my friends is LOVE.

When you can feel the happiness of others as if it was your self, that is LOVE.

When you understand that Love is Creator God in manifest, and that without the Love of the Creator there could be no existence, then you will truly understand what LOVE is.

Namaste Adonai, my friends. Peace be upon you.

No doubt about it.

Originally posted by IronMan
I agree with Techsnow, love can't be
pasted into a religeous belief and be
used as a passport.

Dump borders, religeon, race and
sexes, then we may have a chance.

I also agree with Diego, I'm the same
sort of person.
So it looks like me and you in the trenches

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7
Why does it matter if there are borders, religion? You see what you choose to see. If you choose to see borders, then there will be borders no matter what. You can take away every country there is, but sooner or later people will be from the Americas, or from the big Island, or the East. We choose borders, we choose to see division, there are no borders, there is no religion. It's only what we perceive is there.

If you truly wish to rid the world of borders and religion, you must first stop thinking in terms of mine and theirs, and begin thinking in terms of ours. I see all people as being from Earth, and everything that is in existence was/is created from the same love that we see all around us everyday but choose to ignore.

Stop looking for borders and there shall be none.

Because as long as there are borders and different countries, the countries leaders will be competing against each other and the countries will never be equal, isn't it obvious?

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 03:41 PM
I would encourage everyone to read the Ra Material or the Law of One even if you dont agree with what smallpeeps posted. Its a long book but its well worth the effort.

Its in the library section to the left.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 03:44 PM
Yep, again Techsnow's correct.

I agree that we perceive borders in our mind,
but it seems that the 'powers-that-be' perceive
them with agreater will.
No amount of hoping will change their minds.

If what's said by smallpeeps is true, then we're
gonna have to look at the bigger picture of do we
embrace spiritual love and forsake this planet or
fight for it.
The dilemma is that if you truly love your fellow
beings, are you gonna sit there and let them be
dragged through hell and back.
Remember, some of these may be your parents,
wives/husbands and kids.
How much do we love?

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Techsnow

Because as long as there are borders and different countries, the countries leaders will be competing against each other and the countries will never be equal, isn't it obvious?

Why should they be in control of us? Why do they speak for us? Are we not living here as well? This isn't about leaders, not about countries, or even religions. This is about something greater than all of that. Countries are unequal because the majority that makes up this Earth allows a small group to control them. The leaders are where they are because of us, and regardless of what some may think we have the power to make this world what we want it. We can only do that once we stop seeing borders and religion, and start seeing humans. Learn love, then equality will follow.

Why do we think like this? Why do people see borders? When will we finally wake up to the truth? I am sick and tired of the "elite" saying what is best for us, only we know what is best for us as humans. Once we learn love and forget fear, there will be no need for us to even think about "borders", "barriers", or any type of division. This is about Humans, not countries, not religions, but something that has survived through the rise and fall of many "countries" and "religions".

I used to think that it would be impossible to do what I want to do with this place. Now I know that it's only a matter of time before people wake up and see the light. All of this because of love. Just to inform anybody who doesn't already know, I don't have a religion, unless you want to consider love a religion.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 04:19 PM
Heh 7pan7cho7, I totally agree with you
on this man, but it may take something like
a rapture to put us on the right rails (it just
seems a little extreme nuh?!)

Of course, smallpeeps refers to a lot of
Christians being left behind... what if you're
not Christian? (another border).

It maybe that one day another race may come
to rape the planet, it maybe that another race
will see the what may occur and try to get some
"select' away.

Well... I've always tried to see the best in people,
I've always believed that nobody should be left behind.
I love my family and friends and I'm attempt to be
kind at every turn.
AND if it comes to it, I believe my love would demand
that I stay and fight. It may just be human aspirations,
but it's the way I'm built.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 05:52 PM
I doubt this communication because I find it too simple, too ego based. It talks of fighting and biting heads and mean aliens. These are appeals to the same innate genetic programming that appeals to our need to fear, kill, and hate. These are the survival of the fittest skills that made us what we are today. We don't kill and not love because we want to, but because it is part of what kept us alive. There is no spiritual message doesn't rise above this world, it mearly replicates it.

A 51% quota? If you were a sexually abused child or a soldier forced into the horrors of war, do you think they have the psychological tools to trust and love freely? People can fake love so easily that you may not even know that underneath is a 51% hater that needed help.

The "other side" needs to do a better job of teaching spiritual love...I have read more convincing reasons to love from Buhddists and Beatles. Love or I bite your head off?

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 06:26 PM
My thoughts are this. If and i say IF this is true then why the hell would a race of Aliens so destined to promote LOVE then decide to kill off almost every person on the planet. Do you not think they would try to educate them in Love first. I mean hell if i was one of the people saved i would sure be questioning those aliens when they started zapping away my fellow race. Infact it would probably make me fear them more. What would they do then? Kill me for fearing them. So really i would be in a no win situation aswell as every other person on board one of those craft.

You see there is a much easier way for them to accomplish LOVE and that would be to come on down here to earth after hiding away behind those clouds for so many years, Remove every goverment from power and set in place a united nations of peace loving citizens. hell im sure if they could promise that then they would definitely win any international elections.

However if what you say is to be correct then i think id rather stay and fight the green men off. They too me would seem like false prophets and id rather stay here on earth right behind Christ and fight away these monsters

Also if the part about Christ is true then at last we have some proof of a god and in that i suppose we could gurantee that either upon a spaceship or here on earth one day sooner or later we will all be going to a place full of love and peace anyway.

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