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US votes rigged as hell, no democracy here!!!

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posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 06:39 PM
Yup, Herlong.

Only one dude? Man, that used to be a happenin' place in the early 80's when I was there. Gosh, I enjoyed the area! Susanville was such a beautiful place, up in the mountains. Eagle Lake was one of my favorite places to go.

There's a hot spring pool off of Hwy 395, on the right, along a dirt road, I believe between Herlon and Doyle. It's next to train tracks. Actually, I believe the tracks were up on an overpass type deal.

Spent many hours in Reno playing blackjack. So much fun.
Gosh, how the times have screamed by!

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 06:42 PM
Yeah...but this wasn't THAT long was only several years ago, there were more there, but he was the only one "stationed" I think the others were civilians helping to move some of the stuff out and dispose of it...not too sure though.

no signature

PS. you be wanting to visit Reno don't try to drive over the pass now
That's where I'm expecting our glacier to be forming in a few days.....OOOHH I HOPE WE GET OUR GLACIER!!!

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
*Standing Ovation*

Wow, B-T, is this really you? Gosh darn, I can't believe it!!

Now that you've stated some particulars that can be discussed, let me ask some questions.

What is the democrats' idea of a tax cut; I never even heard them do anything but scream for no cuts and actually want to raise them. Who proposed the idea?

You're darned right the union works on behalf of the corp. Last year Sikoprsky got an additional 112 million dollars because of the Teamsters lobbying for the building of a few more Blackhawks. I think they're going to be needed, too.

The trickle-down Reagan economic policy created more jobs and, while taxes were cut across the board, revenue went way up because of the increased tax base. Why is it you don't think it'll happen that way again? The shame of it is, again as back then, the benefits will be blown on rebuilding a neutered military and a stupid war (Reagan's was the Cold War, but it took trillions to win even though it was allegedly "cold")

Hey, I am white collar, but grew up with union parents. I also did everything during my school days: a night club bouncer, a kitchen worker, unloaded meat from tractor trailer for a commercial butcher, you name it, some of it was union.
I believe Paul Sarbane gets credit for it. Look up his policies/points on corporate America: a solid fiscal mind for sure.
Trickle down doesn't work, and in this context as an immediate economic stimulus, it's even more horrible. Economic theory is like football game plans: you're down by 30 going into half time, you change your game plan. Applying trickle down is like sticking with the fullback dive off tackle & trying to make up that 30 point hole.
Again, remeber the context: prior to that was some of the worst economic time in our life time, so the 'no where to go but up' numbers growth is attributable to that. The outcome of that crippled tax revenue for government operations gave us billion dollar deficits because of deficit spending, the literal rob peter to pay paul pratice.
To stop the knee jerk reaction to taxes and take it out of politics, is to first recognize that they are necessary. From there we need tax relief, a first step to that is sound fiscal discipline. The Clinton administration applied that to the huge deficit they inherited and turned it to a surplus. Taxes do suck, but think of huge credit card debt ( the deficit) and having to take a PT job to get out of it ( taxes).
The simplest way to understand the diffrent philosophies is this: One tax cut services the top 5% with most of the relief.
The other services the 95% left over. Which is the greater pool of consumers with new found discretionary income to invest, and spend to drive the economy?
Trickle down swears the 5% will have a greater impact with the savings. Truth is, once you attain a certain economic level, you shift from the speculatives to long term investment vehicles.
Another way to look at it: If you are worth $4M, a $250,000 tax break is not going to make you or break you. But if you're making $50K a year, wouldn't taking home more than the $40K after taxes make a big deal?
Neutered Military? That is a fallacy perpetuated by the military/industrial complex to keep the contracts flowing. Why was Rumsfield, after the Joint Chiefs repeatedly said we need a fast response-light military to address todays threats, still pushing for a 120 ton long range heavy artillery pet project of the Carlye Group?
Look, The US is far stronger militarily than it needs to be (more than the next 15 countries put together). As the investor that you appear to be, you should be familiar with the laws of diminishing returns, as well as with the importance of strategic planning and asset management and deployment. Ammassing war toys is as irresponsible as ammassing big boy toys in your garage.

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 06:51 PM
Glacier? What are you talking about? Donner Pass should still be open with no problems, huh?

20 years ago, by the way. You're right. That's not long at all!

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 06:59 PM
Yeah knowing how boring it can be here it probably still is open, but it is above 7000 feet and if the mountain is getting as much snow as we are's got to have a few feet at least, if not as much as 10, and that's only 9/10ths away from beautiful arctic // high alpine weather!!!

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posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 07:10 PM
Oh damn you know a storm is comming when it's been warm all day and it gets cold really fast with a wind that buckles your upstairs floors

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posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 07:58 PM
Well, I'd say!

Gosh, I miss it there!

posted on Nov, 11 2002 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Bout Time

No, but I live amongst them sometimes! I'll explain: my primary residence is 80 mile out of NYC in the Catskills Mt. area of NY. I have 8 acres with a cattle farm to the left, a corn field to the right, and a state conservation area behind me. I have an apartment on the Hudson in NJ, about a five minute ferry ride to Wall St. No Donald Trump digs, just a studio apt. for when needed.
I have broadband at my home office & work from there as much as possible. The only thing I have not seen yet on my property is a bear, everything else is near daily: deer, pheasent, turkey, a coyote once, and two 30 lb turtles that migrate between the two ponds on my property. the biggest thing was getting used to how slowed down people are, and in some areas, the hick red necks I talked about.

Sounds like my kind of place BT. My area epitomizes suburbia: strip mall after strip mall after star bucks, etc, but still close to green space. Funny you haven�t seen a bear in your area, because NY is the only place I have seen a bear outside a zoo � it was swimming across Lake Chautauqua when I was there this past summer. What a site.

posted on Nov, 11 2002 @ 03:09 PM
Well that's what I mean: people only look at NY in one context. There were no bears seen here except one that got treed in the village, go figure!
I did have to berate a couple of Jehovah Wintnesses who had the gaul to ring my door at 9:58 on a Sunday morning. I had half a mind to let my Cane Corso have 'em for lunch! She'd probably just gnawed on a leg or two, got some marrow, and saved the rest for later - she likes to keep in shape!

posted on Nov, 11 2002 @ 04:00 PM
that bankrupt our reserves. Now were faced with that "rainy day" scenario and the money was already spent.

Funny how the Dems get the "tax & spend" label but its the republicans that cause the greatest budget deficit's and can't seem to balance their checkbooks let alone the budget deficit that is destroying our country.

Clinton in his 8 years brought down the federal deficit more and faster than any other administration before or since.

And Bushboy is continuing the very old and very tired Reagan-omics model of give back/tax breaks to the top 2% and watch the money line those rich guys pockets. The only thing "trickling" down are their tears of laughter due to the gullibility of the American public to buy such drivel!!!

You honestly beleive that the tax break was meant for those of us who make an hourly wage, earning less than $25-35k per year? What was your check, $100, $200, $500??? I'd rather see the money where it was, where could do some good.

What little we peons received was a mere pittance compared to the rich corporate weenies that demanded this tax cut as part of the provisions for buying & elavating Bushboy to the presidency.

I hope those of you are happy as you watch our young men file off to be killed to seal Bushboys legacy as the son who finished what his daddy was to chicken# to finish.

posted on Nov, 11 2002 @ 06:54 PM
Amazing! Because on my planet, the recession began before Clinton actually left office (steraling things as he left pizza boxes and graffiti behind) and was officially called for what it was a couple months later.
On this same planet that we call earth, many of us know about the book-cooking and numbers manipulating that went on to make the 8 years look as good as possible for Gore's run for the office.

posted on Nov, 11 2002 @ 09:23 PM
Yeah I have to agree with TC about that....just as the elections were getting going, even before...those money talk shows were debating whether or not we were going to actually REACH the point where we could call the economic decline a ressession...the news was trying to shrug it off...that kind of stuff...but any blind rabbit could see the economic problems occuring before Bush even won the primaries.

And as soon as bush won, I was watching the after election interviews...all the dumb democrats were immediately saying stuff that would point the finger to BUSH and not to Clinton, whom really deserves it in the most.

I say in the most, because we were long over do for a ressession might have not been the fault of any administration.

no signature

posted on Nov, 12 2002 @ 08:53 AM
Thomas, talk not of ANYTHING dealing with the economy, you really are way out in left field. You mentioning that you're from another planet on the topic is a GREAT starting point, keep up the therapy.

Another load of crap-repeat-the-lie-so-it-becomes-true: at a cost of $75K, Bob Barr, that White Supremecist-Clinton-impeachment-lapdog-who-was-married-three-times-while-in-office-twice-to-his-mistresses, made the Congressional General Accounting Office ( GAO) look into the transitions 'conspiracy'. You know what they found? Not a DAMN THING OUT OF LINE besides regular wear & tear! In fact, the cost of the Bush to Clinton clean up and transition was MORE COSTLY than the Clinton to Bush clean up transition.

I know the Rabid Right Wing crew here is going to give you Amen's and high fives for regurgitating this consistent stream of nonsense, but please, get your head out of Rush Limbaugh's keester already, this crap is way too tired to keep subjecting the boards to!

posted on Nov, 12 2002 @ 02:11 PM
Oh, there you go again, setting a bad example for the young and impressionable kids on the board. Can't you discuss without insulting and offending. Attack the person and ignore the topic.
Interersting, you seem to want to slap conservatives with Rush, but I doubt you'd last 2 minutes in a mental boxing match with him.

posted on Nov, 12 2002 @ 02:39 PM
Just so you know BT,I have never listen to Rush.So stop saying we all do.I love how you assume you know everthing about all of us.

posted on Nov, 12 2002 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Oh, there you go again, setting a bad example for the young and impressionable kids on the board. Can't you discuss without insulting and offending. Attack the person and ignore the topic.
Interersting, you seem to want to slap conservatives with Rush, but I doubt you'd last 2 minutes in a mental boxing match with him.

Hey Thomas, are you sharing an ID with the Mrs.? I mean we have already established a jovial back and forth style where no offense is taken & none given. If so, and I don't know who is driving the avatar, I'll keep it kosher. But you tell me, ok?
I WISH I could get a one on one with Rush, or Coulter or Feinman, or Thomas....any of them. I negotiate for a living and have to range from the Phd types to the Wall St. boiler room types....they'd have no chance! He won't have screeners to let in the most retarded callers or the ability to cut off the call.....behind the green curtain for the Emerald Wizard, huh?

Nyeff: Rush, as I use his reference, is ubiquitous. Feel free to insert NewsMax, Free republic, etc.

And I feel a bit dismayed that you guys assume you're in a fight and yet complain about getting popped in the mouth!?!

I know being American and taking the positions I do on Clinton and Bush among Bob, thomas, Nyeff et al, is not in the numbers majority on ATS, but that doesn't mean I won't return in kind what I get, ok?

posted on Nov, 13 2002 @ 05:57 AM
You miss the point, B-T. You personify the liberals tactic of attcking the messenger when the message is a little slippery. I'm not feeling hurt, just feining it. Relax, I feel we're a couple friends jousting, alright.

And, as far as a one-on-one with Ann Coulter; if I weren't married, I have to say I'm up for that, too! Good-looking, highly intelligent and funny? Who wouldn't want a one-on-one?

posted on Nov, 13 2002 @ 08:39 AM
I completely feel that's projection, Thomas. It's the Right Wings standard operating practice to practice the politics of personal destruction, often as a substitute FOR a message. Just slime their opponent straight out of the gate.

You made me lose a pefectly good ham& cheese when you started on the Ann-the-Man Coulter thing!

Watch the movie 'The Crying Game' - she has to be a MAN, that Adam's Apple is HUGE!

posted on Jan, 8 2003 @ 04:08 PM
Just stumbled on this discussion. I just need to say this:

The top percent of the USA are the ones who employ the rest of us and/or ones who invest in the corporations that employ the rest of us. Hit my employers with higher taxes and watch me loose my job. Give them insentive to keep me and maybe hire more people, and watch unemployment drop, income from taxes rise, consumer spending and saving (yes both) increase, and have a happy (or at least happier) nation.

posted on Jan, 8 2003 @ 04:48 PM
If you would care to have the employers sign something say they wouls pass the savings on, rather than turn it into more profit for them, then I might think about it. But until that day, NO WAY, Im tired of trusting wolfs in sheeps clothing.

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