taken over this board!!
So the dems are now the real problem?
Funny, how everyone forgets the 12 years of recession and inflation that coincided with the Reagan & Bush-daddy 3 term fiasco!!
Lets see here:
> The largest budget deficit EVER, IN THE HISTORY OF THE US of A!!!
> The highest unemployment rate during a 3 term run by one party.
> The largest disparity EVER between the haves (Republican glad-handers) and the have-nots (the average American who makes less than $25000 per year
and has no health care or retirement fund thanks to the Republican business owners who SCREAM "Buy American", yet outsource their entire businesses
to Malaysia, China, and Taiwan).
The Illuminati are bringing their final phase into fruition, creating the new thirdworld version of the US of A. Once their vision is fully in
> your union will no longer exist, driven to extinction due to a lack of any real jobs.
> your American dream will need to be exported to some foriegn country to find a job close to the one you may have now or you'll have to settle for
the choice of that tele-marketing job or flipping burgers at McOstrichburgers.
> your parents will be herded into a retirement goulag where they will be forced to work until they drop and die, essentially saving the state the
extra 20 to 30 years of monetary support.
So y'all just yuck it up at the expense of any true democracy, and in a few years we'll see where your redneck rightwing
philosophies have taken us as a people.
I saw someone mention a need for others to take economics courses at your local CC but I would suggest taking some history courses as well, since our
current administration appears to have been sleeping (or snorting coke?) while this class was in session.
It's sounds old and cliche bit it is all too true: "Those who fail to learn the failings of others historically, are doomed to repeat their
So go right ahead you rightwingers, blunder forth blindly and do whatever ole dumbass er.. uh... Dubbya tells you too.
Once again we're led to the dumbing down of America and in this instance its the idiot in the Whitehouse who is the worst offender.
But keep this in mind for the next presidential election;
the number of registered democrats in the USA is nearly 10 times those registered as republicans.
All the dems need is a real candidate that presents an alternative to this centrist psuedo-conservative drivel that has been our "choices" since
Bill left.
Another quip comes to mind as well, "be careful what you wish for"!