posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 11:57 PM
Originally posted by omega1
What is the Gauss Gun???
Who what when where how
Anybody have any info or pics
It's been stated before, but a gauss gun and a rail gun are essentially the same thing. Both use electromagnetic energy to propell an object into a
ballistic trajectory. The theory has been around as long as we've made electromagnets.
The term Gauss comes from a german mathematician Johann Gauss who used math to determine the existence of celestial bodies by the deflection caused on
other celestial bodies, hence proving gravitation pull of planets.
Rail guns get their name from the actual system of rails with electromagnets set in stages along the length of the rails.
As superior powerplants come online you'll see more of this technology as a way of boosting things into orbit or onto an unsuspecting neighbor, or to
shoot things down.
Man portable versions are some time away. (the portable power source dicotomy)