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FBI to release video from DoubleTree Hotel that will show plane hitting the Pentagon

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posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by DickBinBush

Originally posted by Valhall

A jack load of eye witnesses.

This is conclusive evidence?


Were not talking about the eye color of a rapist, or what type of shoes a murderer was wearing. These details would be vague and open to fallibility.

But when were talking about an airplane, slamming into the pentagon, with a jack load of witnesses, their accounts are not useless.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 01:02 PM
I have to say that I’m with WolfofWar on this one.
I have had doubts about the missile thing for some time now, and I think that this one will show a plane. It’s unfortunate that so many of us have bought into the missile theory, because I can see this providing a convenient dismissal point for the entire 911 conspiracy.
DickBinBush, you ask why so long for the tapes to come out? Simple. Give enough time for your co-intelpro agents to spread the missile theory, promote loosechange among the community, and wait until it’s in the mainstream. Then once you got people hooked. Release the video and presto, instant de-bunk of the entire kit and caboodle.

I’m glad that Alex Jones hasn’t touched it in his video’s, and I’m sad that the most popular 911 truth video has been loosechange. I hope this will not set us back too much, but I fear this will hurt.

However Wolf, I cannot see this having any bearing on the election if it comes out after it. This is a pure disinfo project.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 01:24 PM
Thats true Halfofone, but I have a feeling it WILL be coming out monday. But if it doesn't, then obviously it was all about disinfo.

But my moneys on Monday morning, with a press release. A full 24 hours before elections allows people to sleep on it, and NOT forget it.

Its sortof like during a court case, you rarely want the prosecutors words to be the last in the jurys minds before they adjurn (sp?) because then theyre sleeping on it, and remembering it more then the rest.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
You know what why don't all you CTers and 911 lie seekers go join al quaeda and be extremists. You are just as useless and dangerous to america as the real terrorists in my opinion.

Didn't anyone see during the 5 year aniversary, the memorial service held for children of a school that were killed on one of the planes? They were on a feild trip, when their plane was hijacked and crashed. Yes i'm sure that little boy's parents agreed to let the government slaughter their child, to further advance the NWO, start WW3 and go steal all the middle easterners oil. right? give me a [snip] break.

CTers do not live in reality. They want for an insane (and impossible) theory to be true so bad, that they will deny any rational thought, or any evidence that does not fit their agenda. You know what this tape wont even make a difference. It's not even good enough for you guys that they gov realeased the tape at all, CTers will complain that the images have been doctored and have their minds made up that "the tape is completley fake and disinfo" before they even see it. Then once the tape is released they will be like "this is not conclusive and further prooves that 9/11 was an inside job".

These reality deniers truley make me sick to my stomach.

"You know what why don't all you CTers and 911 lie seekers go join al quaeda and be extremists. You are just as useless and dangerous to america as the real terrorists in my opinion."

If you look closely,you would see this administration is more closely like the terroists than any CTer.his administration has gotten 3.000 + troops killed,based on a lie,This administration is also responsible for HR6166(allowing torture and watering down Hapious Corpses).Its also responsible for allowing NSA tapping.Bush once said the "terrorists" wanted to change thee way our country is,and ruin freedom.But its Bush and company that is doing more of that than any terroist could have dreamed.There are many questions about 9/11,and people have the right to question said event.But you can continue to spout off Fox news retric if you perfer,afterall that what makes this country so great,freedom to disagree,well at least till the administartion says otherwise.Cters arent a threat,only those who threaten to ignore the constitution and butcher the Bill of Rights are threats to this nation.

[edit on 4-11-2006 by Black_Fox]

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 02:37 PM
At the least the Twin Tower conspiracy stuff has some interesting angles that can be discussed. The "no plane hit the pentagon" is a flat out joke of a theory. If you believe that, your have crossed the line from "conspiracy theorist" to "hate-filled, paranoid cynic".

If you don't think they could not have doctored a tape an had it released within 24 hours of the event if it was fake, you are sorely uninformed. It doesn't take 5 years to doctor a grainy tape (if that is your belief).

And the only "October Surprizes" have come from democrats (see Foley) and of course, Kerry shooting of at the mouth, but that wasn't planned. He's just a spineless, left-wing, douchebag that has trouble hiding his true beliefs.

And from the poster above:

Bush once said the "terroists" wanted to change thee way our country is,and ruin freedom.But its Bush and company that is doing more of that than any terroist could have dreamed

Ahh, the old cliche' right from the liberal Democrat talking points memo.

Give me an precise example of something you can't do now because of your personal loss of freedom. Explain the negative ramification on your life.

Maybe you can't safely call your Al Quaeda friends overseas. You may not like that personally, but the rest of us real Americans are quite fine with it.

[edit on 4-11-2006 by Apoc]

[edit on 4-11-2006 by Apoc]

[edit on 4-11-2006 by Apoc]

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 02:47 PM
Why should you doubt about the FBI when it was the FBI that never linked Osama Bin Laden and his followers directly to the 9/11 attacks?
They needed to see and check evidence before linking the perpetrators. If the FBI wanted to be part of the conspiracy to blame Al Qaeda for 9/11, they would have include Osama Bin Laden to the 9/11 attacks immediately. Not like the FBI to say we don't have enough evidence to link Al Qaeda.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 02:53 PM
if the government wanted to do some thing awful, they could have just detonated a small nuke somewhere leaving little evidence, why go through all of this mess just by killing a couple soldiers would have been enough for the american people to go and strike iraq. im a firm believer in the official story it might have some flaws but they'r human too. what they did was improbable not impossible, there's alot of eye witnesses
that saw a plane and no witness that saw a missle or alian or ups plane with no windows.

and please watch the video first, before saying is doctored

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 02:54 PM
if the government wanted to do some thing awful, they could have just detonated a small nuke somewhere leaving little evidence, why go through all of this mess just by killing a couple soldiers would have been enough for the american people to go and strike iraq. im a firm believer in the official story it might have some flaws but they'r human too. what they did was improbable not impossible, there's alot of eye witnesses
that saw a plane and no witness that saw a missle or alian or ups plane with no windows.

and please watch the video first, before saying is doctored

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by DickBinBush

Originally posted by LeftBehind

Why is it that people don't believe in a plane because there is "not enought" evidence, yet believe in "something else" for which there is no evidence?

There were no missile or hologram parts found at all, and there was much more than one peice of debris found.

While there may not be "enough" evidence of a plane crashing there for some people, that is the only thing that there is any evidence of.

Why the double standard of evidence?

No evidence? The very fact that the government isn't telling us everything is enough evidence. But then, the light poles, lack of debris, the hole, none of it makes sense. That's not enough for even speculation?

And, I checked out that site, nice pictures. I noticed that they have on there the one piece of debris I referred to in my original post and a plane rim that could have easily been planted in the construction area of the Pentagon that got hit. It's awesome how they show both of those things about four times each, just using different angles. Is that your supporting evidence? It's pretty weak if that's all.

do you really believe what your saying, what makes you think that a jet engine can be so easily moved like that you have to be kidding me. there was debris the pentagon was a highly strong enginered structure, aluminum crashig at over 400mph
am guessing alot of it would desintigrate, and about the poles and the hole how many experiments have been run with low flting 747's poles and walls, for you to base your lack of evidence on?

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by pmexplorer
I believe what will happen is that they will release another very short film which may be of low quality which will show a plane of some sort striking the pentagon, even though I'm firmly planted in the 'no 757' thanks to what I've researched through ats and some well put points by the likes of John Lear, I think for them to bury the whole conspiracy theory surrounding the pentagon crash, it will have to be proven from this footage that is in fact Flight 77 and not any other aircraft or 'type of'. Therefore if they are to bury the CT I expect we will be able to clearly distinguish every part of Flight 77 including engines, wings and of course windows.

Does anyone think the media will pick up on what has been raised in this thread already, the fact that they have had this 'proof' for over five years and have only decided to release the footage now?

and what else people from inside the plane waiving too. these arent the best cameras around for fast moving objects, and about the footage they realeasing it now because theres alot of people asking for it, but remenber that 2, 3 years ago there wasent alot of people claiming such things.

very, very sorry about my grammar and spelling.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
They're campaign that they seeded throughout the internet with the "no plane hit the pentagon" disinfo is about to come to a close. People bought it hook line and sinker, sucked up every word the cointelpro agents said, and now the rugs going to be permenantly swept up underneath all conspiracy theoriests permenantly discrediting them and ANY theory they have.

Bravo NSA, bravo.
Hey, that was my theory. It makes anyone who questions the government look like a nutter. That was the only reason I could think of for them not releasing the tapes in the 1st place.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Grailkeeper
I'm still unclear as to why it has taken this long to release it to the public.

What was their official story for the 'no release' on this film from the start?
It wasnt released due to "national security" which of course is just a blanket term used whenever they dont have a real reason.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 04:01 PM
Alex Jones has mantained since the video that was released this past summer after

judicial watch filed the freedom of information request and the video showed basically

nothing that the govt would release another video at some critical junture showing a

plane hitting the pentagon. And this would be used to discredit the whole 9-11 truth

movement. If it happens on monday the reasons will be to obvious, after monday it will

be used to try and crush the 9-11 truth movement. As a few on this thread have pointed

out this issue has always been a distraction to keep us from finding out the real truth.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by etshrtslr
Or will it be an edited version with a plane added?

It's been 5 years in the hands of people with access to the best editing equipment in existance.

The video will either be inconclusive (like the pentagon security cam footage) or, if it has been edited there will likely be no way to tell.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 05:20 PM
Where are the pieces of the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon? It doesn't take 5 years to release the evidence, unless you are ruining a coverup. What was in the box that was covered up by the blue tarp that the servicemen carried out on their shoulders?
It is customary when investigating a crime to look at who benefits from its commission. I heard that the piece of the Pentagon that was destroyed had the offices of the accountants that were looking for the missing documentation on what happened to 2.3 Trillion dollars of armed forces money.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 06:48 PM
The blue thing they carried out on their shoulders was a portable decomanitaion tent that didn't get used and they wanted it out of the way. I know it couldn't have been because???????


posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 07:01 PM
Are you sure? I coulda sworn it was a topsecret missle engine left behind that weighed 3 tons and those 8 fellas carried it over their shoulders.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by chissler
Were not talking about the eye color of a rapist, or what type of shoes a murderer was wearing. These details would be vague and open to fallibility.

But when were talking about an airplane, slamming into the pentagon, with a jack load of witnesses, their accounts are not useless.

And as I asked on this site dozens of times already.. where are the witnesses? If the White House wants to be relected then why don't they hold a teleconference and put up some witnesses to lie to the cameras for all our benefit? At least then we get to see who these people are.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 07:18 PM

What in sam hill are you talking about? The eye witnesses were commuters on the highway. Their testimonies can be easily found every where on the internet, in news articles, in reports. Giminy christmas.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 07:28 PM
I would be interested to know what Jack Tripper thinks about the release of this video. I believe he almost picked up the september wats award for the following research

[edit on 4-11-2006 by pmexplorer]

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